Beispiel #1
def message_sendlater(token, channel_id, message, time_sent):
    # Error handling for long messages, non-existent channels, invalid time
    # and user not part of channel
    if len(message) > 1000:
        raise InputError("Message is too long")

    if not channel_exists(channel_id):
        raise InputError("Channel cannot be found")

    now =
    if time_sent < datetime.timestamp(now):
        raise InputError("Requested time to send message has already passed")

    if not user_in_channel(get_u_id(token), channel_id):
        raise AccessError("User is not part of the requested channel")

    m_id = 1
    # Calculating message_id
    for channel in channels:
        for message in channel['messages']:
            m_id = m_id + 1

    # Calculating time difference and
    delay = time_sent - datetime.timestamp(now)

    # Starting timer to execute sending the message
    t = Timer(delay,
              args=[get_u_id(token), m_id, message, time_sent, channel_id])

    return {'message_id': m_id}
Beispiel #2
def channel_removeowner(token, channel_id, u_id):
    removes owner from channel
    if not channel_exists(channel_id):
        raise InputError('Invalid channel_id')
    if not user_in_channel(get_u_id(token), channel_id):
        raise AccessError('User not associated with channel')
    if not user_is_owner(u_id, channel_id) and not user_is_creator(
            u_id, channel_id):
        raise InputError('User is not owner')
    if user_in_channel(get_u_id(token), channel_id) is not None:
        for channel in channels:
            if channel['channel_id'] == channel_id:
    return {}
Beispiel #3
def channel_leave(token, channel_id):
    removes user from channel
    authorised_u_id = get_u_id(token)
    channels = getChannelData()

    #raises error is channel does not exist
    if not channel_exists(channel_id):
        raise InputError('Invalid channel')

    #raises error is user is not a member of the channel
    if not user_in_channel(authorised_u_id, channel_id):
        raise AccessError('User not a member of channel')

    #removing member from channel
    for channel in channels:
        if channel['channel_id'] == channel_id:
            print("Channel_before:\n", channel['members'])
            for owner in channel['owners']:
                if owner['u_id'] == authorised_u_id:
            for member in channel['members']:
                if member['u_id'] == authorised_u_id:
                    print("Channels_after:\n", channel['members'])
    return {}
Beispiel #4
def channel_addowner(token, channel_id, u_id):
    adds owner to channel
    if not channel_exists(channel_id):
        raise InputError('Invalid channel_id')
    if not user_in_channel(get_u_id(token), channel_id):
        raise AccessError('User not associated with channel')
    if user_is_owner(u_id, channel_id) or user_is_creator(u_id, channel_id):
        raise InputError('User is already owner')

    if user_in_channel(get_u_id(token), channel_id) is not None:
        for channel in channels:
            if channel['channel_id'] == channel_id:

    return {}
Beispiel #5
def message_unreact(token, message_id, react_id):
    Removes a 'react' to a certain message within a channel the authorised user
    has joined
    channel_id = 0
    the_message = {}
    react_found = False
    # Raising error if message not found
    if not message_exists(message_id):
        raise InputError("Message cannot be found in any channel")

    # Obtaining channel id as well as the message dictionary
    for channel in channels:
        for message in channel['messages']:
            if message['message_id'] == message_id:
                channel_id = channel['channel_id']
                the_message = message

    # Getting user_id, and seeing if the user is a member of the channel
    the_user = get_u_id(token)
    if not user_in_channel(the_user, channel_id):
        raise InputError("User is not a member of the message's channel")

    # Error returned if react_id is invalid
    if react_id != 1:
        raise InputError("React_id is not valid")

    for react in the_message['reacts']:
        if react_id == react['react_id']:
            react_found = True
    # Error is returned if no reacts of the specified react_id is found in msg
    if react_found == False:
        raise InputError("Message does not contain a react of that react_id")

    # Find react_id and remove user from the users who have used that react
    for channel in channels:
        if channel['channel_id'] == channel_id:
            for message in channel['messages']:
                if message['message_id'] == message_id:
                    for react in message['reacts']:
                        if react['react_id'] == react_id:
                            # If there are no more users who have used the react
                            # remove it completely from the message
                            if len(react['u_ids']) == 0:


    return {}
Beispiel #6
def channel_messages(token, channel_id, start):
    returns messages in channel with given index
    channel_id = int(channel_id)
    start = int(start)
    #raises error if channel does not exits
    if not channel_exists(channel_id):
        raise InputError('Invalid channel')

    #raises error is user is not in channel
    if not user_in_channel(get_u_id(token), channel_id):
        raise AccessError('User is not in channel')

#appends the messages in given channel to new list
    all_messages = []
    for channel in channels:
        if channel['channel_id'] == channel_id:
            all_messages = channel['messages']

    #sorts list accoring to time returning lasest message first in the list
    all_messages = sorted(all_messages,
                          key=lambda k: k['time_created'],

    total_messages = len(all_messages)

    #raises error if start index is greating than the amount of messages in the channel
    if start > (total_messages - 1) and total_messages != 0:
        raise InputError('Invalid start value')

    end = start + 50
    current_message = start

    #appending all the messages from the channel to a new list starting from the start index given
    channel_msg = []
    while current_message < end:
        if current_message == total_messages:
            end = -1
        current_message += 1

    #returning messages dictionary for channel
    return {
        'messages': channel_msg,
        'start': start,
        'end': end,
Beispiel #7
def channels_list(token):
    Lists all current channels user is apart of
    u_id = get_u_id(token)
    user_channels = []
    for channel in channels:
        if user_in_channel(u_id, channel['channel_id']):
            channel = {
                'channel_id': channel['channel_id'],
                'name': channel['name']
    # return user_channels
    return {"channels": user_channels}
Beispiel #8
def message_send(token, channel_id, message):
    Function sends message to channel
    channel_id = int(channel_id)

    #check message length
    if len(message) > 1000:
        raise InputError("Message too long")
    #check user send message is in the channel
    if not user_in_channel(get_u_id(token), channel_id):
        raise AccessError("User not in channel")

    #creating timestamp for message
    now =
    timestamp = datetime.timestamp(now)

    m_id = len(messages) + 1

    #creating new message dictionary
    new_message = {
        'message_id': m_id,
        'u_id': get_u_id(token),
        'creator': get_u_id(token),
        'message': message,
        'time_created': timestamp,
        'is_pinned': False,
        'reacts': []
    #adding message_id to list

    #appending new message to message list in channel dictionary
    for channel in channels:
        if channel['channel_id'] == channel_id:

    return {
        'message_id': m_id,
Beispiel #9
def message_unpin(token, message_id):
    Given a message within a channel, remove its mark as unpinned
    u_id = get_u_id(token)

    channel_id = find_channel(message_id)
    message = find_message(channel_id, message_id)

    m_id = message_exists(message_id)
    auth_user = user_in_channel(u_id, channel_id)

    # Input errors for invalid / already unpinned messages
    if not m_id:
        raise InputError("Invalid message ID")
    if not message['is_pinned']:
        raise InputError("Message is already unpinned")
    # Access error for non-owners / unauthorised users
    if not auth_user:
        raise AccessError("User is not a member of the channel")

    message['is_pinned'] = False

    return {}
Beispiel #10
def message_pin(token, message_id):
    Given a message within a channel, mark it as "pinned" to be given special display treatment by the frontend
    u_id = get_u_id(token)

    channel_id = find_channel(message_id)
    message = find_message(channel_id, message_id)

    m_id = message_exists(message_id)
    auth_user = user_in_channel(u_id, channel_id)

    # Input errors for invalid / already pinned messages
    if not m_id:
        raise InputError("Invalid message ID")
    if message['is_pinned']:
        raise InputError("Message is already pinned")
    # Access error for non-owners / unauthorised users
    if not auth_user:
        raise AccessError("User is not a member of the channel")

    message['is_pinned'] = True

    return {}
Beispiel #11
def message_react(token, message_id, react_id):
    Adds a 'react' to a certain message within a channel the authorised user
    has joined
    channel_id = 0
    the_message = {}
    react_exists = False
    # Raising error if message not found
    if not message_exists(message_id):
        raise InputError("Message cannot be found in any channel")

    # Obtaining channel id as well as the message dictionary
    for channel in channels:
        for message in channel['messages']:
            if message['message_id'] == message_id:
                channel_id = channel['channel_id']
                the_message = message

    # Getting user_id, and seeing if the user is a member of the channel
    the_user = get_u_id(token)
    if not user_in_channel(the_user, channel_id):
        raise InputError("User is not a member of the message's channel")

    # Error returned if react_id is invalid
    if react_id != 1:
        raise InputError("React_id is not valid")

    message_reacts = the_message['reacts']
    reacted_users = []

    for react in message_reacts:
        if react['react_id'] == react_id:
            reacted_users = react['u_ids']

    # Error returned if user has already used the react for the message
    for user in reacted_users:
        if user == the_user:
            raise InputError(
                "User has already used this react for this message")

    # Find the react in channel message and add in the user to people who've reacted
    for channel in channels:
        if channel['channel_id'] == channel_id:
            for message in channel['messages']:
                if message['message_id'] == message_id:
                    for react in message['reacts']:
                        if react['react_id'] == react_id:
                            react_exists = True
                    # If react doesn't yet exist for that message add it in
                    if not react_exists:
                        new_react = {
                            'react_id': react_id,
                            'u_ids': [the_user],
                            'is_this_user_reacted': True

    return {}