Beispiel #1
#!/usr/bin/env python3

from os import symlink,environ, system
from sys import argv,exit,platform
from helpers.runSusTests import runSusTests, ignorePerformanceTests, getInputsDir
from helpers.modUPS import modUPS

the_dir = "%s/%s" % ( getInputsDir(),"ARCHES" )

BrownSoot_spectral_orthog_ups  = modUPS( the_dir, "Coal/" , ["<addOrthogonalDirs> true </addOrthogonalDirs>"])

#  Test syntax: ( "folder name", "input file", # processors, "OS", ["flags1","flag2"])
#  OS:  Linux, Darwin, or ALL
#  flags:
#       gpu:                    - run test if machine is gpu enabled
#       no_uda_comparison:      - skip the uda comparisons
#       no_memoryTest:          - skip all memory checks
#       no_restart:             - skip the restart tests
#       no_dbg:                 - skip all debug compilation tests
#       no_opt:                 - skip all optimized compilation tests
#       no_cuda:                - skip test if this is a cuda enable build
#       do_performance_test:    - Run the performance test, log and plot simulation runtime.
#                                 (You cannot perform uda comparsions with this flag set)
#       doesTestRun:            - Checks if a test successfully runs
#       abs_tolerance=[double]  - absolute tolerance used in comparisons
#       rel_tolerance=[double]  - relative tolerance used in comparisons
Beispiel #2
#!/usr/bin/env python3

from sys import argv, exit
from os import environ, system
from helpers.runSusTests_git import runSusTests, ignorePerformanceTests, getInputsDir
from helpers.modUPS import modUPS, modUPS2
#  Modify the input files

the_dir = "%s/%s" % (getInputsDir(), "ICE")

riemann_1L_ups    = modUPS( the_dir,                       \
                             "" ,            \
                             ["<maxTime>            0.0001      </maxTime>", \
                              "<outputInterval> 0.000025 </outputInterval>"])

advectAMR_perf_ups = modUPS2( the_dir, \
                               "", \
                               [("delete", "/Uintah_specification/DataAnalysis")] )

riemann_AMR_3L_ups = modUPS( the_dir,                       \
                             "" ,            \
                             ["<maxTime>            0.0001      </maxTime>", \
                              "<outputInterval> 0.000025 </outputInterval>"])

hotBlob_AMR_3L_ups = modUPS( the_dir,                       \
                             "",             \
                             ["<max_levels>3</max_levels>", \
Beispiel #3
#!/usr/bin/env python
from sys import argv, exit
from os import environ
from helpers.runSusTests import runSusTests, inputs_root, generatingGoldStandards
from helpers.modUPS import modUPS

the_dir = generatingGoldStandards()

if the_dir == "" :
  the_dir = "%s/Wasatch" % inputs_root()
else :
  the_dir = the_dir + "/Wasatch"

liddrivencavity3DRe1000rk3_ups = modUPS( the_dir, \
                                       "", \
                                       ["<TimeIntegrator> RK3SSP </TimeIntegrator>", \

#  Test syntax: ( "folder name", "input file", # processors, "OS", ["flags1","flag2"])
#  flags: 
#       gpu:                    - run test if machine is gpu enabled
#       no_uda_comparison:      - skip the uda comparisons
#       no_memoryTest:          - skip all memory checks
#       no_restart:             - skip the restart tests
#       no_dbg:                 - skip all debug compilation tests
#       no_opt:                 - skip all optimized compilation tests
#       do_performance_test:    - Run the performance test, log and plot simulation runtime.
#                                 (You cannot perform uda comparsions with this flag set)
#       doesTestRun:            - Checks if a test successfully runs
#       abs_tolerance=[double]  - absolute tolerance used in comparisons
Beispiel #4
from os import environ, system
from helpers.runSusTests import runSusTests, ignorePerformanceTests, getInputsDir
from helpers.modUPS import modUPS,modUPS2

from os import system

the_dir = "%s/%s" % ( getInputsDir(),"Examples" )

# convert RMCRT:double -> RMCRT:float
system("cd %s ; ./RMCRT_doubleToFloat"   % the_dir )
system("cd %s ; ./RMCRT_doubleToFloat"      % the_dir )
system("cd %s ; ./RMCRT_doubleToFloat"  % the_dir )

# Modify base files
RMCRT_isoScat_LHC_ups = modUPS( the_dir, \
                               "", \

# Modify base files
RMCRT_1L_perf_GPU_ups = modUPS( the_dir, \
                               "", \
                               ["<resolution> [64,64,64]  </resolution>",
                                "<patches>    [2,2,2]     </patches>",
                                "<nDivQRays>  100         </nDivQRays>"
                               ]  )

RMCRT_DO_perf_GPU_ups = modUPS2( the_dir, \
                               "", \
                               [( "update", "/Uintah_specification/Grid/Level/Box[@label=0]/resolution :[32,32,32]" ),
                                ( "update", "/Uintah_specification/Grid/Level/Box[@label=0]/patches    :[2,2,2]"    ),
                                ( "update", "/Uintah_specification/Grid/Level/Box[@label=1]/resolution :[64,64,64]" ),
Beispiel #5
from sys import argv, exit
from os import environ
from helpers.runSusTests import runSusTests, inputs_root, generatingGoldStandards
from helpers.modUPS import modUPS

the_dir = generatingGoldStandards()

if the_dir == "":
    the_dir = "%s/ICE" % inputs_root()
    the_dir = the_dir + "/ICE"

hotBlob_AMR_3L_ups = modUPS( the_dir,                       \
                             "",             \
                             ["<max_levels>3</max_levels>", \
                              "<lattice_refinement_ratio> [[5,5,1],[2,2,1]]  </lattice_refinement_ratio>", \

#  Test syntax: ( "folder name", "input file", # processors, "OS",["flags1","flag2"])
#  flags:
#       gpu:                    - run test if machine is gpu enabled
#       no_uda_comparison:      - skip the uda comparisons
#       no_memoryTest:          - skip all memory checks
#       no_restart:             - skip the restart tests
#       no_dbg:                 - skip all debug compilation tests
#       no_opt:                 - skip all optimized compilation tests
#       do_performance_test:    - Run the performance test, log and plot simulation runtime.
#                                 (You cannot perform uda comparsions with this flag set)
#       doesTestRun:            - Checks if a test successfully runs
Beispiel #6
#!/usr/bin/env python3

from sys import argv, exit
from os import environ, system
from helpers.runSusTests import runSusTests, ignorePerformanceTests, getInputsDir
from helpers.modUPS import modUPS, modUPS2

inputs = "%s/%s" % (getInputsDir(), "MPMICE")

advectSlipExchOn_ups = modUPS( inputs, \
                               "", \
                               ["<useSlipCoeffs>  true </useSlipCoeffs>"] )

#  Test syntax: ( "folder name", "input file", # processors, "OS", ["flags1","flag2",...])
#  OS:  Linux, Darwin, or ALL
#  flags:
#       gpu:                        - run test if machine is gpu enabled
#       no_uda_comparison:          - skip the uda comparisons
#       no_memoryTest:              - skip all memory checks
#       no_restart:                 - skip the restart tests
#       no_dbg:                     - skip all debug compilation tests
#       no_opt:                     - skip all optimized compilation tests
#       no_cuda:                    - skip test if this is a cuda enable build
#       do_performance_test:        - Run the performance test, log and plot simulation runtime.
#                                     (You cannot perform uda comparsions with this flag set)
#       doesTestRun:                - Checks if a test successfully runs
#       abs_tolerance=[double]      - absolute tolerance used in comparisons
#       rel_tolerance=[double]      - relative tolerance used in comparisons
Beispiel #7
#!/usr/bin/env python3

from sys import argv, exit
from os import environ, system, path
from subprocess import getoutput
from helpers.runSusTests import runSusTests, ignorePerformanceTests, build_root, getInputsDir
from helpers.modUPS import modUPS

the_dir = "%s/%s" % ( getInputsDir(),"Wasatch" )

bc_gpu_x_ups = modUPS( the_dir, \
                  "", \
bc_gpu_y_ups = modUPS( the_dir, \
                  "", \
bc_gpu_z_ups = modUPS( the_dir, \
                  "", \
bc_gpu_xyz_ups = modUPS( the_dir, \
                  "", \

gpu_compressible_1d_ups = modUPS( the_dir, \
                  "", \

gpu_compressible_2d_ups = modUPS( the_dir, \
                  "", \
                   ["<outputTimestepInterval>1</outputTimestepInterval>", "<patches>[1,1,1]</patches>"])
Beispiel #8
#!/usr/bin/env python

from os import symlink,environ
from sys import argv,exit,platform
from helpers.runSusTests import runSusTests, inputs_root, generatingGoldStandards
from helpers.modUPS import modUPS

the_dir = generatingGoldStandards()

if the_dir == "" :
  the_dir = "%s/ARCHES" % inputs_root()
else :
  the_dir = the_dir + "/ARCHES"

methanePetscRadSolver_ups = modUPS( the_dir,                 \
                            "",    \
                            ["<patches>[2,2,2]</patches>",   \
                             "<LinearSolver type=\"petsc\">"] )
#  Test syntax: ( "folder name", "input file", # processors, "OS", ["flags1","flag2"])
#  flags: 
#       gpu:                    - run test if machine is gpu enabled
#       no_uda_comparison:      - skip the uda comparisons
#       no_memoryTest:          - skip all memory checks
#       no_restart:             - skip the restart tests
#       no_dbg:                 - skip all debug compilation tests
#       no_opt:                 - skip all optimized compilation tests
#       do_performance_test:    - Run the performance test, log and plot simulation runtime.
#                                 (You cannot perform uda comparsions with this flag set)
#       doesTestRun:            - Checks if a test successfully runs
#       abs_tolerance=[double]  - absolute tolerance used in comparisons
Beispiel #9
from sys import argv, exit
from os import environ
from helpers.runSusTests import runSusTests, inputs_root, generatingGoldStandards
from helpers.modUPS import modUPS

the_dir = generatingGoldStandards()

if the_dir == "" :
  the_dir = "%s/ICE" % inputs_root()
else :
  the_dir = the_dir + "/ICE"

hotBlob_AMR_3L_ups = modUPS( the_dir,                       \
                             "",             \
                             ["<max_levels>3</max_levels>", \
                              "<lattice_refinement_ratio> [[5,5,1],[2,2,1]]  </lattice_refinement_ratio>", \

#  Test syntax: ( "folder name", "input file", # processors, "OS",["flags1","flag2"])
#  flags: 
#       gpu:                    - run test if machine is gpu enabled
#       no_uda_comparison:      - skip the uda comparisons
#       no_memoryTest:          - skip all memory checks
#       no_restart:             - skip the restart tests
#       no_dbg:                 - skip all debug compilation tests
#       no_opt:                 - skip all optimized compilation tests
#       do_performance_test:    - Run the performance test, log and plot simulation runtime.
#                                 (You cannot perform uda comparsions with this flag set)
#       doesTestRun:            - Checks if a test successfully runs
Beispiel #10
#!/usr/bin/env python

from sys import argv, exit
from os import environ
from helpers.runSusTests import runSusTests, inputs_root, generatingGoldStandards
from helpers.modUPS import modUPS

the_dir = generatingGoldStandards()

if the_dir == "" :
  the_dir = "%s/ICE" % inputs_root()
else :
  the_dir = the_dir + "/ICE"

riemann_1L_ups    = modUPS( the_dir,                       \
                             "" ,            \
                             ["<maxTime>            0.0001      </maxTime>", \
                              "<outputInterval> 0.000025 </outputInterval>"])

riemann_AMR_3L_ups = modUPS( the_dir,                       \
                             "" ,            \
                             ["<maxTime>            0.0001      </maxTime>", \
                              "<outputInterval> 0.000025 </outputInterval>"])

hotBlob_AMR_3L_ups = modUPS( the_dir,                       \
                             "",             \
                             ["<max_levels>3</max_levels>", \

#  Test syntax: ( "folder name", "input file", # processors, "OS",["flags1","flag2"])
Beispiel #11
  the_dir = the_dir + "/Examples"

# convert RMCRT:double -> RMCRT:float
system("cd %s ; ./RMCRT_doubleToFloat" % the_dir )
system("cd %s ; ./RMCRT_doubleToFloat"      % the_dir )
system("cd %s ; ./RMCRT_doubleToFloat"  % the_dir )

# convert CPU -> GPU tests
system("cd %s ; ./RMCRT_gpuWorkAround"         % the_dir )
system("cd %s ; ./RMCRT_gpuWorkAround "         % the_dir )
system("cd %s ; ./RMCRT_gpuWorkAround" % the_dir )

# Modify base files
RMCRT_isoScat_LHC_ups = modUPS( the_dir, \
                               "", \

#  Test syntax: ( "folder name", "input file", # processors, "OS",["flags1","flag2"])
#  flags:
#       gpu:                    - run test if machine is gpu enabled
#       no_uda_comparison:      - skip the uda comparisons
#       no_memoryTest:          - skip all memory checks
#       no_restart:             - skip the restart tests
#       no_dbg:                 - skip all debug compilation tests
#       no_opt:                 - skip all optimized compilation tests
#       do_performance_test:    - Run the performance test, log and plot simulation runtime.
#                                 (You cannot perform uda comparsions with this flag set)
#       doesTestRun:            - Checks if a test successfully runs
#       abs_tolerance=[double]  - absolute tolerance used in comparisons
Beispiel #12
# liddrivencavity3Dsmagorinskyperf_ups = modUPS( the_dir, \
#                                        "", \
#                                        ["<max_Timesteps> 50 </max_Timesteps>","<resolution>[100,100,100]</resolution>","<patches>[1,1,1]</patches>"])
# liddrivencavity3Dwaleperf_ups = modUPS( the_dir, \
#                                        "", \
#                                        ["<max_Timesteps> 50 </max_Timesteps>","<resolution>[100,100,100]</resolution>","<patches>[1,1,1]</patches>"])
# scalabilitytestperf_ups = modUPS( the_dir, \
#                                   "", \
#                                   ["<max_Timesteps> 1000 </max_Timesteps>"])                                       
turbulenceDir = the_dir + "/turbulence-verification"
print turbulenceDir

decayIsotropicTurbulenceViscous32_ups = modUPS( turbulenceDir, \
                                       "", \
                                       ["<max_Timesteps> 10 </max_Timesteps>","<outputTimestepInterval>1</outputTimestepInterval>",'<checkpoint cycle = "4" interval = "0.001"/>'])

decayIsotropicTurbulenceViscous32rk2_ups = modUPS( turbulenceDir, \
                                       "", \
                                       ["<max_Timesteps> 10 </max_Timesteps>","<outputTimestepInterval>1</outputTimestepInterval>",'<checkpoint cycle = "4" interval = "0.001"/>','<ExplicitIntegrator order="second"/>'])

decayIsotropicTurbulenceViscous32rk3_ups = modUPS( turbulenceDir, \
                                       "", \
                                       ["<max_Timesteps> 10 </max_Timesteps>","<outputTimestepInterval>1</outputTimestepInterval>",'<checkpoint cycle = "4" interval = "0.001"/>','<ExplicitIntegrator order="third"/>'])

decayIsotropicTurbulenceCSmag32_ups = modUPS( turbulenceDir, \
                                       "", \
                                       ["<max_Timesteps> 10 </max_Timesteps>","<outputTimestepInterval>1</outputTimestepInterval>",'<checkpoint cycle = "4" interval = "0.001"/>'])