def book_details(book_id):
    """Display a single book's details and its review page"""

    user_review = None

    # Get Book Details:
    book = db.execute("SELECT * FROM books WHERE id=:id", {
        "id": book_id

    # If book is not in database, return to homepage with apology:
    if not book:
        flash("Sorry, this book ID does not exist in the READ-RATE database!")
        return redirect("/")

    book = add_star_img(book)

    # Get All Reviews and reviewer details for the Book:
    reviews = db.execute(
        "SELECT, users.username, reviews.text,, reviews.rating FROM users INNER JOIN reviews ON WHERE reviews.book_id=:book_id ORDER BY DESC",
            "book_id": book_id

    reviews = add_star_img(reviews)
    reviews = form_time(reviews)
    # GoodReads API no longer available - Now switched to scraping the Goodreads website
    # Get Additional Reviews and ratings from GoodReads API:
      gr_res = requests.get("", params={"key": os.getenv("API_KEY"), "isbns": book[0][1]}).json()['books'][0]
    except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
      flash("Error with GoodReads API!")
      return redirect("/")

    good_reads = (gr_res['average_rating'], gr_res['work_ratings_count'])
    print(book, book[0][1], type(book[0][1]))
    # Scrape GoodReads website for additional reviews/ratings:
    good_reads = get_rating(book[0][1])

    # If a user is logged in, check if they have left their own review:
    if session.get("user_id"):
        user_review = db.execute(
            "SELECT id, user_id, text, date, rating FROM reviews WHERE user_id=:user_id AND book_id=:book_id",
                "user_id": session["user_id"],
                "book_id": book_id

        user_review = add_star_img(user_review)
        user_review = form_time(user_review)

    return render_template("book_details.html",
def search():
    """ Get results for a title, author or ISBN search """

    # Get input from search bar
    search_type = request.form.get("search-type")
    search = request.form.get("search-text")
    search_text = '%' + search + '%'

    # If a search parameter is missing, render homepage with an apology
    if not search_type or not search_text:
            'Please select search type and enter a search value to search for books!'
        return redirect("/")

    # Otherwise check the search term and generate a query result:
    author = None
    title_isbn = None

    if search_type == 'author':
        author = []
        # Get 10 authors:
        author_names = db.execute(
            "SELECT author FROM books WHERE author ILIKE :search_text GROUP BY author LIMIT 10",
                "search_text": search_text

        # For each author in list, get 6 books:
        for name in author_names:
            author_books = db.execute(
                "SELECT * FROM books WHERE author = :author LIMIT 6", {
                    "author": name[0]

            author_books = add_star_img(author_books)


        # Get similar books by isbn or book title
        title_isbn = db.execute(
            f"SELECT * FROM books WHERE {search_type} ILIKE :search_text LIMIT 30",
                "search_text": search_text

        title_isbn = add_star_img(title_isbn)

    return render_template("/search_results.html",
def user_details(user_id):
    """Display all the reviews written by a single user"""

    # Get the username of the user:
    username = db.execute("SELECT username FROM users WHERE id=:user_id", {
        "user_id": user_id

    # If username does not exist return to homepage with apology:
    if not username:
        flash("Sorry but this user does not exist!")
        return redirect("/")

    # Get all reviews by the user reviewer details for the Book:
    reviews = db.execute(
        "SELECT users.username,, books.isbn,, books.title,, reviews.text, reviews.rating FROM users INNER JOIN reviews ON INNER JOIN books ON reviews.book_id = WHERE ORDER BY DESC",
            "user_id": user_id

    reviews = add_star_img(reviews)
    reviews = form_time(reviews)

    return render_template("user_details.html",
def recommended():
    """ Gets some simple book recommendations for a user based on their reviews """

    # If user not logged in return to home page:
    if session.get("user_id") == None:
        flash("You must be logged in to get book recommendations!")
        return redirect("/")

    author_rec = None
    books_rec = None

    # Pick a book that the user has reviewed 4-5 stars, and if the author has some other books, recommend up to 6 of them to the user:

    author_rec = db.execute(
        "SELECT * FROM books WHERE author IN (SELECT FROM books INNER JOIN reviews ON WHERE reviews.user_id=:user_id AND reviews.rating >= 4 ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1) AND id NOT IN (SELECT book_id FROM reviews WHERE user_id=:user_id) ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 6",
            "user_id": session["user_id"]

    author_rec = add_star_img(author_rec)

    # Pick a book that the user has reviewed highly, find users that also reviewed this book highly, and find other books they enjoyed:
    hr_book = db.execute(
        "SELECT, books.title, FROM books INNER JOIN reviews ON WHERE reviews.user_id=:user_id AND reviews.rating >= 4 ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1",
            "user_id": session["user_id"]

    if hr_book:
        books_rec = db.execute(
            "SELECT * FROM books WHERE id IN (SELECT book_id FROM reviews WHERE user_id IN (SELECT user_id FROM reviews WHERE book_id=:book_id AND rating >=4 AND user_id!=:user_id) AND book_id!=:book_id GROUP BY book_id ORDER BY AVG(rating) DESC LIMIT 6)",
                "book_id": hr_book[0],
                "user_id": session["user_id"]

        books_rec = add_star_img(books_rec)

    return render_template("recommended.html",
def index():
    """ Home Page of the Application """

    # Top Rated Books - select 6 highest rated books:
    top = db.execute(
        "SELECT * FROM books WHERE average_rating >= 4.5 ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 6"

    top = add_star_img(top)

    # Lucky Dip Section - select 6 random books:
    lucky = db.execute(
        "SELECT * FROM books ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 6").fetchall()

    lucky = add_star_img(lucky)

    # Author Explore Section - select up to 6 books from an author:
    author = db.execute(
        "SELECT * FROM books WHERE author in (SELECT author FROM books GROUP BY author ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1) LIMIT 6"

    author = add_star_img(author)

    return render_template("home.html", top=top, lucky=lucky, author=author)
def author_details(name):
    """Display all books by a given author"""

    # Author Explore Section - select up to 4 books from an author:
    author = db.execute("SELECT * FROM books WHERE author=:author", {
        "author": name

    # If author does not exist then return home with apology:
    if not author:
            "Sorry but that author could not be found in the READ-RATE database!"
        return redirect("/")

    author = add_star_img(author)

    return render_template("author_details.html", author=author, lucky=author)