Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, **info):
        """Create a new `CloseApproach`.

        :param info: A dictionary of excess keyword arguments supplied to the
        # onto attributes named `_designation`, `time`, `distance`,
        # and `velocity`.
        # You should coerce these values to their appropriate data type
        # and handle any edge cases.
        # The `cd_to_datetime` function will be useful.

        # parse the keyword parameters
        for key, value in info.items():
            # assign the designation parameter
            if key.lower() == 'des':
                # check the value of the parameter to avoid
                # an inappropriate value
                    # if the type of value is not string
                    self._designation = str(value)
                except ValueError:
                    # print the text message
                    print(f'The type of {key} is not string')

            # assign the time parameter
            elif key.lower() == 'cd':
                # check the value of the parameter to avoid
                # an inappropriate value
                    # if the type of value is not string
                    self.time = str(value)
                    self.time = cd_to_datetime(self.time)
                except ValueError:
                    # print the text message
                    print(f'The type of {key} is not string')

            # assign the distance parameter
            elif key.lower() == 'dist':
                # check the value of the parameter to avoid
                # an inappropriate value
                    # if the type of value is not float
                    self.distance = float(value)
                except ValueError:
                    # print the text message
                    print(f'The type of {key} is not float')

            # assign the velocity parameter
            elif key.lower() == 'v_rel':
                # check the value of the parameter to avoid
                # an inappropriate value
                    # if the type of value is not float
                    self.velocity = float(value)
                except ValueError:
                    # print the text message
                    print(f'The type of {key} is not float')

        self.neo = self._designation
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, **info):
        """Create a new `CloseApproach`.

        :param info: A dictionary of excess keyword arguments supplied to the constructor.
        # Assign information from the arguments passed to the constructor
        # onto attributes named `_designation`, `time`, `distance`, and `velocity`.
        if 'des' in info and info['des']:
            self._designation = info['des']
            raise KeyError('The unique designation for CA is missing.')
        if 'cd' in info and info['cd']:
            self.time = cd_to_datetime(info['cd'])
            self.time = None
        if 'dist' in info and info['dist']:
            self.distance = float(info['dist'])
            self.distance = 0.0
        if 'v_rel' in info and info['v_rel']:
            self.velocity = float(info['v_rel'])
            self.velocity = 0.0

        # Create an attribute for the referenced NEO, originally None.
        self.neo = None
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, **info):
        """Create a new `CloseApproach`.

        :param info: A dictionary of excess keyword arguments supplied to the constructor.

        # onto attributes named `_designation`, `time`, `distance`, and `velocity`.
        # You should coerce these values to their appropriate data type and handle any edge cases.
        # The `cd_to_datetime` function will be useful.
        for key, value in info.items():
            if key.lower() == 'des':
                    self.designation = str(value)
                except ValueError:
                    print(f'The {key} is not type of string')
            elif key.lower() == 'cd':
                    self.time = self.time = cd_to_datetime(str(value))
                except ValueError:
                    print('f{key} is not type time')

            elif key.lower() == 'dist':
                    self.distance = float(value)
                except ValueError:
                    print(f'The type of {key} is not float')
            elif key.lower() == 'v_rel':
                    self.velocity = float(value)
                except ValueError:
                    # print the text message
                    print(f'The type of {key} is not float')

        # Create an attribute for the referenced NEO, originally None.
        self.neo = None
Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self,
        """Create a new `CloseApproach`.

        :param info: A dictionary of excess keyword arguments supplied to the constructor.
        # onto attributes named `_designation`, `time`, `distance`, and `velocity`.
        # You should coerce these values to their appropriate data type and handle any edge cases.
        # The `cd_to_datetime` function will be useful.
        # self._designation = info.get('designation', '')
        # self.time = info.get('time', None)
        # if self.time:
        #     self.time = cd_to_datetime(self.time)
        # self.distance = float(info.get('distance', 0.0))
        # self.velocity = float(info.get('velocity', 0.0))
        self._designation = designation
        self.time = cd_to_datetime(time)
        self.distance = distance
        self.velocity = velocity

        # Create an attribute for the referenced NEO, originally None.
        self.neo = None
    def __init__(self, **info):
        """Create a new `CloseApproach`.

        :param info: A dictionary of excess keyword arguments supplied to the
            self.designation = str(info['des'])
        except KeyError:
            self.designation = None

            self.time = cd_to_datetime(info['cd'])
        except KeyError:
            self.time = None

            self.velocity = float(info['v_rel'])  # validating/setting valocity
        except KeyError:
            self.velocity = float('nan')
        except ValueError:
            self.distance = float('nan')

            self.distance = float(info['dist'])  # validating/setting distance
        except KeyError:
            self.distance = float('nan')
        except ValueError:
            self.distance = float('nan')

        # Create an attribute for the referenced NEO, originally None.
        self.neo = None
Beispiel #6
    def __init__(self, designation, time, distance, velocity):
        """Create a new `CloseApproach`.

        :param designation: The primary designation of the close approach's NEO
        :type designation: str
        :param time: The UTC date and time at which the NEO passes closest to Earth in YYYY-bb-DD hh:mm format
        :type time: str
        :param distance: The nominal approach distance of the NEO to Earth at the closes point in astronomical units
        :type distance: str
        :param velocity: The velocity of the NEO relative to Earth at the closes point in kilometers per second
        :type velocity: str
        self._designation = designation
        self.time = cd_to_datetime(time)
            self.distance = float(distance)
        except ValueError:
            self.distance = float('nan')
            self.velocity = float(velocity)
        except ValueError:
            self.velocity = float('nan')

        # Create an attribute for the referenced NEO, originally None.
        self.neo = None
Beispiel #7
    def __init__(self, **info):
        #"""Create a new `CloseApproach`.

        #:param info: A dictionary of excess keyword arguments supplied to the constructor.
        # TODO: Assign information from the arguments passed to the constructor
        # onto attributes named `_designation`, `time`, `distance`, and `velocity`.
        # You should coerce these values to their appropriate data type and handle any edge cases.
        # The `cd_to_datetime` function will be useful.
            self._designation = str(info.get("designation") or "")
            self._designation = ''
            self.time = cd_to_datetime(info.get("time"))
            self.time = None  # TODO: Use the cd_to_datetime function for this attribute.
            self.distance = float(info.get("distance") or "")
            self.distance = 0.0
            self.velocity = float(info.get("velocity") or "")
            self.velocity = 0.0

        # Create an attribute for the referenced NEO, originally None.
            self.neo = info.get("neos")
            self.neo = None
    def __init__(self, **info):
        """Create a new `CloseApproach`.

        :param info: A dictionary of excess keyword arguments supplied
        to the constructor.
            self._designation = info.get("des", None)
        except ValueError:
            print("The designation value is falsy")
            self.time = cd_to_datetime(info.get("cd", None))
        except ValueError:
            print("The time value is falsy")
            self.distance = info.get("dist", float("nan"))
            self.distance = float(self.distance)
        except ValueError:
            print("The distance value is falsy")
            self.velocity = info.get("v_rel", float("nan"))
            self.velocity = float(self.velocity)
        except ValueError:
            print("The velocity value is falsy")
        # Create an attribute for the referenced NEO, originally None.
            self.neo = info.get("neo", None)
        except ValueError:
            print("The neo value is falsy")
Beispiel #9
    def __init__(self, **info):
        """Create a new `CloseApproach`.

        :param info: A dictionary of excess keyword arguments supplied to the constructor.
        self._designation = info['designation']
        self.time = cd_to_datetime(info['time'])
        self.distance = info['distance']
        self.velocity = info['velocity']
        self.neo = None
    def __init__(self, designation='', time=None, distance=0.0, velocity=0.0):
        """Create a new `CloseApproach`.

        :param info: A dictionary of excess keyword arguments supplied to the constructor.
        self._designation = designation
        self.time = cd_to_datetime(time)
        self.distance = distance
        self.velocity = velocity
        self.neo = None
Beispiel #11
    def __init__(self, **info):
        """Create a new `CloseApproach`.

        :param info: A dictionary of excess keyword arguments supplied to
        the constructor.
        self._designation = info["designation"]
        self.time = cd_to_datetime(info["time"])
        self.distance = float(info.get("distance", "nan"))
        self.velocity = float(info["velocity"])
        self.neo = None
Beispiel #12
    def __init__(self, **info):
        """Create a new `CloseApproach`.

        :param info: A dictionary of excess keyword arguments supplied to the constructor.
        self._designation = info['des']
        self.time = cd_to_datetime(info['cd'])
        self.distance = float(info['dist'])
        self.velocity = float(info['v_rel'])

        # Create an attribute for the referenced NEO, originally None.
        self.neo = None
    def __init__(self, **info):
        """Create a new `CloseApproach`.

        :param info: A dictionary of excess keyword arguments supplied to the constructor.
        self._designation = (str(info['designation'])
                             if info['designation'] else '')
        self.time = (cd_to_datetime(info['time']) if info['time'] else None)
        self.distance = (float(info['distance'])
                         if info['distance'] else float('nan'))
        self.velocity = (float(info['velocity'])
                         if info['velocity'] else float('nan'))
        self.neo = None
Beispiel #14
    def __init__(self, **info):
        """Create a new `CloseApproach`.

        :param info: A dictionary of excess keyword arguments supplied
        to the constructor.
        self._designation = info.get('designation', '')
        self.time = cd_to_datetime(info.get('time', None))
        self.distance = info.get('distance', 0.0)
        self.velocity = info.get('velocity', 0.0)

        # Create an attribute for the referenced NEO, originally None.
        self.neo = None
Beispiel #15
    def __init__(self, **info):
        """Create a new `CloseApproach`.

        :param info: A dictionary of excess keyword arguments supplied to the
        self._designation = info.get('designation', '')
        self.time = cd_to_datetime(info.get('time'))
        self.distance = (lambda x: 0.0 if x == '' else
                         float(x))(info.get('distance', 0.0))
        self.velocity = (lambda x: 0.0 if x == '' else
                         float(x))(info.get('velocity', 0.0))
        self.neo = info.get('neo', None)
Beispiel #16
    def __init__(self, **info):
        """Create a new `CloseApproach`.

        :param info: A dictionary of excess keyword arguments supplied to the
        self._designation = str(info.get('_designation', None))
        self.time = cd_to_datetime(info.get('time', None))
            self.distance = float(info.get('distance', None))
            self.velocity = float(info.get('velocity', None))
        except ValueError as err:
            print(f"{err} diameter and/or velocity should numbers")
        self.neo = None
    def __init__(self, info):
        """Create Close Approach Attribute."""
        for key, value in info.items():
            if key == 'cd':
                self.time = cd_to_datetime(value)
            elif key == 'dist':
                self.distance = float(value)
            elif key == 'v_rel':
                self.velocity = float(value)
            elif key == 'des':
                self._designation = value

        self.neo = None
    def __init__(self, *, des, cd, dist, v_rel, **info):
        """Create a new `CloseApproach`.
        :param des: A designation for the Object
        :param cd: Time of close-approach
        :param dist: Nominal approach distance
        :param v_rel: Velocity relative to the approach body at close approach (km/s)
        :param info: A dictionary of excess keyword arguments supplied to the constructor.
        self._designation = des
        self.time = cd_to_datetime(cd)
        self.distance = float(dist)
        self.velocity = float(v_rel)

        # Create an attribute for the referenced NEO, originally None.
        self.neo = None
    def __init__(self, **info):
        """Create a new `CloseApproach`.

        :param info: A dictionary of excess keyword arguments supplied to the constructor.
        # onto attributes named `_designation`, `time`, `distance`, and `velocity`.
        # You should coerce these values to their appropriate data type and handle any edge cases.
        # The `cd_to_datetime` function will be useful.
        self._designation = info['designation']
        self.time = cd_to_datetime(info['time'])
        self.distance = float(info['distance'])
        self.velocity = float(info['velocity'])

        # Create an attribute for the referenced NEO, originally None.
        self.neo = None
Beispiel #20
    def __init__(self, time, distance, velocity, designation=''):
        """Create a new `CloseApproach`.

        :param time: The date and time, in UTC, at which the NEO passes closest to Earth.
        :param distance: The nominal approach distance, in astronomical units, of the NEO to Earth at the closest point.
        :param velocity: The velocity, in kilometers per second, of the NEO relative to Earth at the closest point.
        :param designation: Referenced NEO

        self._designation = designation
        self.time = cd_to_datetime(time)
        self.distance = distance
        self.velocity = velocity

        # Create an attribute for the referenced NEO, originally None.
        self.neo = None
Beispiel #21
    def __init__(self,
        """Create a new `CloseApproach`.

        :param info: A dictionary of excess keyword arguments supplied to the
        self._designation = designation
        self.time = cd_to_datetime(time)
        self.distance = distance
        self.velocity = velocity

        # Create an attribute for the referenced NEO, originally None.
        self.neo = None
Beispiel #22
    def __init__(self, _designation, time, distance, velocity, neo=None):
        """Create a new `CloseApproach`.

        :param _designation: The primary designation of the NEO associated
        with this close-approach.
        :param time: Time of close-approach
        :param distance: Nominal approach distance
        :param velocity: Velocity relative to the approach body at
        close approach (km/s)
        :param neo: The NEO object associated with this close-approach
        self._designation = _designation
        self.time = cd_to_datetime(time)
        self.distance = float(distance)
        self.velocity = float(velocity)

        # Create an attribute for the referenced NEO, originally None.
        self.neo = neo
Beispiel #23
 def __init__(self, designation, time, distance, velocity, neo=None):
     self._designation = designation
     if type(time) == str:
         self.time = cd_to_datetime(time)
     if type(distance) == float:
         self.distance = distance
         self.distance = float(distance)
     if type(velocity) == float:
         self.velocity = velocity
         self.velocity = float(velocity)
     if neo:
         self.neo = neo
         self.neo = None
Beispiel #24
    def __init__(self, des, close_approach_time, dist_au, velocity, **info):
        """Create a new `CloseApproach`.

        :param des: primary designation of the asteroid or comet (e.g., 443, 2000 SG344)
        :param close_approach_time: time of close-approach
        :param info: A dictionary of excess keyword arguments supplied to the constructor.
        # onto attributes named `_designation`, `time`, `distance`, and `velocity`.
        # You should coerce these values to their appropriate data type and handle any edge cases.
        # The `cd_to_datetime` function will be useful.
        self._designation = des
        self.time = helpers.cd_to_datetime(
        )  # Use the cd_to_datetime function for this attribute.
        self.distance = float(dist_au)
        self.velocity = float(velocity)

        # Create an attribute for the referenced NEO, originally None.
        self.neo: NearEarthObject = None
Beispiel #25
    def __init__(self,
        """Create a new `CloseApproach`.

        :param info: 
        required unique designation (str), can be passed from the neo type'
        required date (str);
        optional: distance (float), velocity (bool), neo (neo).

        self._designation = des
        self.time = cd_to_datetime(time)
        self.distance = distance
        self.velocity = velocity
        self.neo = neo
Beispiel #26
    def __init__(
        neo: NearEarthObject = None,
        """Create a new `CloseApproach`.

        :param neo: A Near earth object.
        :param time: Time of close approach in NASA-formatted calendar date/time format.
        :param distance: Approach distance in astronomical units.
        :param velocity: relative approach velocity in kilometers per second
        self._designation = designation
        self.time = cd_to_datetime(time) if time else None
        self.distance = float(distance) if distance else float("nan")
        self.velocity = float(velocity) if velocity else float("nan")
        self.neo = neo
    def __init__(self,
                 designation: str = '',
                 time: str = '',
                 distance: float = 0.0,
                 velocity: float = 0.0,
                 neo: NearEarthObject = None):
        """Create a new `CloseApproach`.

        :param info: A dictionary of excess keyword arguments supplied to the constructor.
        # TODO: Assign information from the arguments passed to the constructor
        # onto attributes named `_designation`, `time`, `distance`, and `velocity`.
        # You should coerce these values to their appropriate data type and handle any edge cases.
        # The `cd_to_datetime` function will be useful.
        self._designation = str(designation)
        self.time: datetime.datetime = cd_to_datetime(time)
        self.distance = float(distance)
        self.velocity = float(velocity)

        # Create an attribute for the referenced NEO, originally None.
        self.neo = neo
Beispiel #28
    def __init__(self, **info):
        """Create a new `CloseApproach`.

        :param info: A dictionary of excess keyword arguments supplied to the
        self._designation = info['_designation']
        self.time = cd_to_datetime(info['time'])
            self.distance = float(info['distance'])
            if self.distance < 0:
                raise ValueError("Sorry, no numbers below zero")
        except ValueError as er:
            self.velocity = float(info['velocity'])
            if self.velocity < 0:
                raise ValueError("Sorry, no numbers below zero")
        except ValueError as er:
        self.neo = None
    def __init__(self, designation, time, distance, velocity, **info):
        """Create a new `CloseApproach`.

        :param designation: (str) unique id of NEO
        :param time: (UTC date and time) closest approach to earth in format %Y-%b-%d %H:%M
        :param distance: (float) closest distance to earth
        :param velocity: (float) in km/s when passing earth
        :param neo: A NEO object
        :param info: A dictionary of excess keyword arguments supplied to the constructor.
        self._designation = str(designation)

        self.time = cd_to_datetime(time)

            self.distance = float(distance)
        except ValueError:
            self.distance = float("nan")
        self.velocity = float(velocity)

        # Create an attribute for the referenced NEO, originally None.
        self.neo = None
Beispiel #30
 def __init__(self, time, distance, velocity, designation):
     self.time = cd_to_datetime(time)
     self._designation = designation
     self.distance = distance
     self.velocity = velocity
     self.neo = None