def updateGalaxyDashboard(self, player, civilization, universe_key, x, y):
			universe = db.get(universe_key)
			galaxy = universe.getGalaxyWithXY(x, y)
			navmap = helpers.drawNavMap(galaxy = galaxy, player = player, civilization = civilization)
			zoombar = '%s » ' %
			return navmap + zoombar
		except Exception, e:
			import traceback
	def updateSectorDashboard(self, player, civilization, galaxy_key, x, y):
			galaxy = db.get(galaxy_key)
			sector = galaxy.getSectorWithXY(x, y)
			navmap = helpers.drawNavMap(sector = sector, player = player, civilization = civilization)
			zoombar = '%s &raquo; <a onclick="processGalaxyDashboard(\'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\')">[ zoom out ]</a>' % (, galaxy.universe.key(), galaxy.x, galaxy.y)
			return navmap + zoombar
		except Exception, e:
			import traceback
	def updateSystemDashboard(self, player, civilization, sector_key, x, y):
			sector = db.get(sector_key)
			system = sector.getSystemWithXY(x, y)
			navmap = helpers.drawNavMap(system = system, player = player, civilization = civilization)
			zoombar = '%s &raquo; <a onclick="processSectorDashboard(\'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\')">[ zoom out ]</a>' % (, sector.galaxy.key(), sector.x, sector.y)
			return navmap + zoombar
		except Exception, e:
			import traceback
	def updatePlanetDashboard(self, player, civilization, system_key, x, y):
			system = db.get(system_key)
			planet = system.getPlanetWithXY(x, y)
			navmap = helpers.drawNavMap(planet = planet, player = player, civilization = civilization)
			zoombar = '%s &raquo; <a onclick="processSystemDashboard(\'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\')">[ zoom out ]</a>' % (, planet.system.sector.key(), planet.system.x, planet.system.y)
			return navmap + zoombar
		except Exception, e:
			import traceback
Beispiel #5
def draw(player, civilization, planet):
	navmap = helpers.drawNavMap(planet = planet, player = player, civilization = civilization)
	zoombar = '%s &raquo; <a onclick="processSystemDashboard(\'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\')">[ zoom out ]</a>' % (, planet.system.sector.key(), planet.system.x, planet.system.y)
	sidebar = buildDashboardSidebar(player, civilization)
	bottombar = buildBottombar(player, civilization)
	dialogs = ''
	#dialogs += """
	#<div id="welcome_dialog" class="dialog" title="Welcome to Oktober5"><p>I, %s, solomnly swear that I will have fun.</p></div>
	#""" % (, planet.system.key(), planet.x, planet.y)

	return navmap, zoombar, sidebar, bottombar, dialogs
	def updateDashboard(self, player, civilization):
		planet = (db.get(civilization.hives[0])).planet
		navmap = helpers.drawNavMap(planet = planet, player = player, civilization = civilization)
		zoombar = '%s &raquo; <a onclick="processSystemDashboard(\'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\')">[ zoom out ]</a>' % (, planet.system.sector.key(), planet.system.x, planet.system.y)
		return navmap + zoombar