Beispiel #1
def NRM_dir_stat(sc):
    Function to calculate the NRM direction statistics, DANG, free floating direction and NRMdev.

    input: Mdec_free,Minc_free, x, y, z, Yint
    output: DANG, NRMdev, dir_vec_free

    # input:    directional_statistics/ mean_dir_stat[Mdec_free,Minc_free, x, y, z]
    #           arai_statistics/        intercept_stats[Yint]
    # output:   directional_statistics/ NRM_dir_stat[DANG, NRMdev, dir_vec_free]
    x = sc["directional_statistics"]["mean_dir_stat"]["x"]
    y = sc["directional_statistics"]["mean_dir_stat"]["y"]
    z = sc["directional_statistics"]["mean_dir_stat"]["z"]
    Mdec_free = sc["directional_statistics"]["mean_dir_stat"]["Mdec_free"]
    Minc_free = sc["directional_statistics"]["mean_dir_stat"]["Minc_free"]
    Yint = sc["arai_statistics"]["intercept_stats"]["Yint"]

    mean_x = sum(x) / len(x)
    mean_y = sum(y) / len(y)
    mean_z = sum(z) / len(z)

    center_of_mass = [mean_x, mean_y, mean_z]

    # calculate DANG & NRMdev
    dir_vec_free = helpers.dir2cart(Mdec_free, Minc_free, 1)

    DANG = helpers.get_angle_diff(dir_vec_free, center_of_mass)

    NRMdev = ((math.sin(math.radians(DANG)) * helpers.norm(center_of_mass)) / abs(Yint)) * 100

    sc["directional_statistics"]["NRM_dir_stat"]["dir_vec_free"] = dir_vec_free
    sc["directional_statistics"]["NRM_dir_stat"]["DANG"] = DANG
    sc["directional_statistics"]["NRM_dir_stat"]["NRMdev"] = NRMdev
    return sc
Beispiel #2
def theta_stat(sc):
    Function to calculate the theta statistic, the angle between the applied field direction and the ChRM direction of the NRM

    input: free floating direction of best-fit selection (dir_vec_free), and the applied field direction vector (field_dir_vec)
    output: the angle between the two (theta)

    # input:    directional_statistics/ NRM_dir_stat[dir_vec_free]
    #           preprocessed/           field_basics[field_dir_vec]
    # output:   directional_statistics/ theta_stat[theta]
    dir_vec_free = sc["directional_statistics"]["NRM_dir_stat"]["dir_vec_free"]
    field_dir_vec = sc["preprocessed"]["field_basics"]["field_dir_vec"]

    theta = helpers.get_angle_diff(dir_vec_free, field_dir_vec)

    sc["directional_statistics"]["theta_stat"]["theta"] = theta
    return sc
Beispiel #3
def gamma_stat(sc):
    Function to calculate the gamma statistic, The angle between the pTRM acquired at the last step used for the best-fit segment and the applied field direction (BLab)

    input: pTRM vector (ptrm), and the applied field direction vector (field_dir_vec)
    output: paleointensity estimate (B_anc)
    # input:    preprocessed/           basics[ptrm]
    #                                   field_basics[field_dir_vec]
    # output:   directional_statistics/ gamma_stat[gamma]
    ptrm = sc["preprocessed"]["basics"]["ptrm"]
    field_dir_vec = sc["preprocessed"]["field_basics"]["field_dir_vec"]

    ptrm_last_step = []
    ptrm_last_step = [ptrm[len(ptrm) - 1]["x"], ptrm[len(ptrm) - 1]["y"], ptrm[len(ptrm) - 1]["z"]]

    gamma = helpers.get_angle_diff(ptrm_last_step, field_dir_vec)

    sc["directional_statistics"]["gamma_stat"]["gamma"] = gamma
    return sc
Beispiel #4
def alpha_stat(sc):
    Function to calculate the alpha statistic, the angular difference between the anchored and free-floating best-fit directions

    input: free floating direction vector (dir_vec_free), and the anchored direction (Mdec_anc, Minc_anc)
    output: alpha

    # input:    directional_statistics/ mean_dir_stat[Mdec_anc, Minc_anc]
    #                                   NRM_dir_stat[dir_vec_free]
    # output:   directional_statistics/ alpha_stat[alpha]
    Mdec_anc = sc["directional_statistics"]["mean_dir_stat"]["Mdec_anc"]
    Minc_anc = sc["directional_statistics"]["mean_dir_stat"]["Minc_anc"]
    dir_vec_free = sc["directional_statistics"]["NRM_dir_stat"]["dir_vec_free"]

    dir_vec_anc = []
    dir_vec_anc = helpers.dir2cart(Mdec_anc, Minc_anc, 1)

    alpha = helpers.get_angle_diff(dir_vec_free, dir_vec_anc)

    sc["directional_statistics"]["alpha_stat"]["alpha"] = alpha
    return sc
Beispiel #5
errorCode = 0
while (errorCode == 0):

    errorCode, euler_angles = vrep.simxGetObjectOrientation(
    errorCode, robo_pos = vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(
    angle_a = np.deg2rad * path_array[10, 5]
    angle_b = euler_angles[2]
    print("angles: {},{}, diff: {}, robo_pos: {}".format(
        angle_a, angle_b, helpers.get_angle_diff(angle_a, angle_b), 0))
    # print(euler_angles)
    dist, i = helpers.get_dist_to_path(robo_pos, path_array[:, :3])
    print("dist_to_path: {}, closest_path_point: {}".format(dist, i))

path = pandas.read_csv('./path1.csv', ',')
path_array = path.as_matrix()
path_array = path_array[:, :6]
    def _self_observe(self):
        global VEHICLE_NAME
        X_AXIS_POS = 0
        Y_AXIS_POS = 1
        Z_AXIS_POS = 2
        X_AXIS_ANGLE = 3
        Y_AXIS_ANGLE = 4
        Z_AXIS_ANGLE = 5

        # observe
        self.car_pos = np.array(
        car_angle =[2]
        # print('Car_angle: {}'.format(car_angle))

        end_pos = np.array(self.end_point.get_position())

        self.dist_to_target = np.linalg.norm(end_pos - self.car_pos)

        self.cross_track_err, closest_point_index = helpers.get_dist_to_path(
            self.car_pos, self.path[:, :3])

        self.path_progress = float(closest_point_index) / self.n_path_elements[

        # print("path pos: ")
        # print(self.path[closest_point_index,:3])

        # Give crosstrack error the right sign, pos if right, neg if left
        vector_path_to_car = np.array(self.car_pos) - np.array(
            self.path[closest_point_index, :3])

        if closest_point_index == 0:
            vector_path_direction = np.array(self.path[closest_point_index + 1, :3]) - \
                                    np.array(self.path[closest_point_index, :3])
            vector_path_direction = np.array(self.path[closest_point_index, :3]) - \
                                    np.array(self.path[closest_point_index - 1, :3])
        cross_prod = np.cross(vector_path_direction, vector_path_to_car)
        if cross_prod[2] > 0:
            self.cross_track_err *= -1

        # angle difference between path direction and car
        path_angle = helpers.vectorAngle(vector_path_direction[:2])
        self.diff_angle = helpers.get_angle_diff(np.deg2rad(path_angle),
        # print("car angle: {}, path angle: {}, diff angle: {}".format(car_angle,
        #                                                              np.deg2rad(path_angle), self.diff_angle))
        if VEHICLE_NAME == "Pioneer_p3dx":
            _, r_wheel_vel = self.r_wheel.get_velocity()
            r_wheel_vel = r_wheel_vel[2]
            _, l_wheel_vel = self.l_wheel.get_velocity()
            l_wheel_vel = l_wheel_vel[2]

            self.observation = np.array([
                self.cross_track_err, self.diff_angle, r_wheel_vel, l_wheel_vel

        elif VEHICLE_NAME == "Manta#0":
            car_vel, car_ang_vel =
            car_vel = car_vel[0]
            car_ang_vel = car_ang_vel[2]
            cross_track_vel = np.sin(self.diff_angle) * abs(car_vel)

            # print("VELOCITIES: car_vel: {}, vector_path_to_car: {}, cross_track_vel: {}".format(car_vel,
            #                                                                                  vector_path_to_car,
            #                                                                                  cross_track_vel))

            steering_angle = self.steering.get_joint_angle()
            steering_angle = steering_angle  # around the z-axis

            self.observation = np.array([
                self.cross_track_err, cross_track_vel, self.diff_angle,
Beispiel #7
def Tail_check_dtstar_stat(sc):
    Function to calculate the extent of a pTRM tail after correction for angular dependence (Leonhardt et al., 2004a; 2004b).

    input: y_tail_check, y_temp_tail_check, y_nrm, y_nrm_all, x_temp_all, y_temp_all, NRM_vec_select, NRM_vec_all, xy_temp, field_dir_vec, Yint, Xint, b_slope
    output: dt_star
    # input:    preprocessed/       checks[y_tail_check, y_temp_tail_check]
    #                               basics[y_nrm, y_nrm_all, x_temp_all, y_temp_all, NRM_vec_select, NRM_vec_all, xy_temp]
    #                               field_basics[field_dir_vec]
    #           arai_statistics/    intercept_stats[Yint, Xint]
    #                               PI_est[b_slope]
    # output:   check_statistics/   Tail_check_stat[dt_star]
    tail_check_vec = sc["preprocessed"]["checks"]["tail_check_vec"]
    y_temp_tail_check = sc["preprocessed"]["checks"]["y_temp_tail_check"]
    y_nrm = sc["preprocessed"]["basics"]["y_nrm"]
    y_nrm_all = sc["preprocessed"]["basics"]["y_nrm_all"]
    x_temp_all = sc["preprocessed"]["basics"]["x_temp_all"]
    y_temp_all = sc["preprocessed"]["basics"]["y_temp_all"]
    xy_temp = sc["preprocessed"]["basics"]["xy_temp"]
    NRM_vec_select = sc["preprocessed"]["basics"]["NRM_vec_select"]
    NRM_vec_all = sc["preprocessed"]["basics"]["NRM_vec_all"]
    field_dir_vec = sc["preprocessed"]["field_basics"]["field_dir_vec"]
    b_slope = sc["arai_statistics"]["PI_est"]["b_slope"]
    Yint = sc["arai_statistics"]["intercept_stats"]["Yint"]
    Xint = sc["arai_statistics"]["intercept_stats"]["Xint"]

    dt_star = []
    t_star = []

    if len(y_temp_tail_check
           ) != 0:  # then you have at least one tailcheck, do calculations
        # make an index matrix for the steps that step tail = step nrm_all
        ind = []
        for i in range(len(y_temp_tail_check)):  # number of tail checks
            for j in range(len(y_temp_all)):  # loop over all NRM steps
                if y_temp_tail_check[i] == y_temp_all[
                        j]:  # if step of tail check equals step op NRM, write index to "ind" this is used below

        # do calculations per tail check step
        for i in range(len(y_temp_tail_check)):
            MDx = tail_check_vec[i][0]
            MDy = tail_check_vec[i][1]
            MDz = tail_check_vec[i][2]

            Nx = NRM_vec_all[ind[i]][
                0]  # take the NRM vector with same step as tail_check
            Ny = NRM_vec_all[ind[i]][1]
            Nz = NRM_vec_all[ind[i]][2]

            a = helpers.list_div_num(NRM_vec_all[ind[i]], y_nrm_all[
                ind[i]])  # divide the NRM list by the corresponding moment
            theta_dt = helpers.get_angle_diff(
                a, field_dir_vec
            )  # get angle between nomalized NRM vector and field direction

            # calculate dH and dZ and inc_diff
            # according to orientation of Blab
            if abs(field_dir_vec[0] /
                   helpers.norm(field_dir_vec)) == 1:  # then allong x
                dH = math.sqrt(Ny**2 + Nz**2) - math.sqrt(MDy**2 + MDz**2)
                dZ = Nx - MDx
                Dec_F, Inc_F, R_F = helpers.cart2dir(field_dir_vec[0],
                Dec_N, Inc_N, R_N = helpers.cart2dir(Nx, Ny, Nz)
                inc_diff = Inc_F - Inc_N
            elif abs(field_dir_vec[1] /
                     helpers.norm(field_dir_vec)) == 1:  # then allong y
                dH = math.sqrt(Nx**2 + Nz**2) - math.sqrt(MDx**2 + MDz**2)
                dZ = Ny - MDy
                Dec_F, Inc_F, R_F = helpers.cart2dir(field_dir_vec[0],
                Dec_N, Inc_N, R_N = helpers.cart2dir(Nx, Ny, Nz)
                inc_diff = Inc_F - Inc_N
            elif abs(field_dir_vec[2] /
                     helpers.norm(field_dir_vec)) == 1:  # then allong z
                dH = math.sqrt(Nx**2 + Ny**2) - math.sqrt(MDx**2 + MDy**2)
                dZ = Nz - MDz
                Dec_F, Inc_F, R_F = helpers.cart2dir(field_dir_vec[0],
                Dec_N, Inc_N, R_N = helpers.cart2dir(Nx, Ny, Nz)
                inc_diff = Inc_F - Inc_N
            else:  # labfiels is not along any of the principal axis, do not calulate dt*
                dH = 9999

            if dH != 9999:  # if it is, the labfield is not allong pinciple axix and no calculations are there

                B = dH / math.tan(theta_dt)

                Lim_upp = 2968  # rad *1000 -> 2.968 rad = 170 degrees
                Lim_low = 175  # rad *1000 -> 0.175 rad = 10 degrees

                # check if data is within limits
                # floor rounds to the nearest small integer
                if (math.floor(theta_dt * 1000)) < Lim_upp and (math.floor(
                        theta_dt * 1000)) > Lim_low:
                    if inc_diff > 0:
                            (-dZ + B) * abs(b_slope) * 100 / abs(Yint))
                            (dZ - B) * abs(b_slope) * 100 / abs(Yint))
                if (math.floor(theta_dt * 1000)) < Lim_low:
                if (math.floor(theta_dt * 1000)) > Lim_upp:
                    t_star.append(-dZ * 100 / (abs(Yint) + abs(Xint)))

        if max(t_star) > 0:
            dt_star = max(t_star)
            dt_star = 0

    sc["check_statistics"]["Tail_check_stat"]["dt_star"] = dt_star
    return sc