def __init__(self, model): model.eval() self.model = model self.correct = 0 class Stat: def __init__(self, d, dnm): self.domain = d = dnm self.width = 0 self.max_eps = 0 = 0 self.proved = 0 self.time = 0 = [ Stat(h.parseValues(domains,d), h.catStrs(d)) for d in args.test_domain ]
nets += [(net, net_create)] print("Name: ", net_create.__name__) print("Number of Neurons (relus): ", net.neuronCount()) print("Number of Parameters: ", sum([h.product(s.size()) for s in net.parameters()])) print("Depth (relu layers): ", net.depth()) print() net.showNet() print() if args.domain == []: models = [createModel(net, goals.Box(args.width), "Box") for net in nets] else: models = h.flat([[ createModel(net, h.parseValues(d, goals, scheduling), h.catStrs(d)) for net in nets ] for d in args.domain]) patience = 30 last_best_origin = 0 best_origin = 1e10 last_best = 0 best = 1e10 decay = True with h.mopen(args.dont_write, os.path.join(out_dir, "log.txt"), "w") as f: startTime = timer() for epoch in range(1, args.epochs + 1): if f is not None: f.flush() if (epoch - 1) % args.test_freq == 0 and (epoch > 1
m = getattr(models,n) net_create = (lambda m: lambda: buildNet(m))(m) # why doesn't python do scoping right? This is a thunk. It is bad. net_create.__name__ = n net = buildNet(m) net.__name__ = n nets += [ (net, net_create) ] print("Name: ", net_create.__name__) print("Number of Neurons (relus): ", net.neuronCount()) print("Number of Parameters: ", sum([h.product(s.size()) for s in net.parameters()])) print() if args.domain == []: models = [ createModel(net, domains.Box(args.width), "Box") for net in nets] else: models = h.flat([[createModel(net, h.parseValues(domains,d), h.catStrs(d)) for net in nets] for d in args.domain]) with h.mopen(args.dont_write, os.path.join(out_dir, "log.txt"), "w") as f: startTime = timer() for epoch in range(1, args.epochs + 1): if (epoch - 1) % args.test_freq == 0: with Timer("test before epoch "+str(epoch),"sample", 10000): test(models, epoch, f) h.printBoth("Elapsed-Time: {:.2f}s\n".format(timer() - startTime), f = f) if args.epochs <= args.test_freq: break with Timer("train","sample", 60000): train(epoch, models)