Beispiel #1
def cleanup(ver_list, ver_descr, dry_run, runuser, ver_keep, cleanall,
    """Clean Content Views"""

    # Set the task name to be displayed in the task monitoring stage
    task_name = "Cleanup content views"

    # Now we have all the info needed, we can actually trigger the cleanup.
    task_list = []
    ref_list = {}

    # Catch scenario that no CV versions are found matching cleanup criteria
    if not ver_list:
        msg = "No content view versions found matching cleanup criteria"
        helpers.log_msg(msg, 'ERROR')

    for cvid in ver_list.keys():
        msg = "Cleaning content view '" + str(ver_descr[cvid]) + "'"
        helpers.log_msg(msg, 'INFO')
        print helpers.HEADER + msg + helpers.ENDC

        # Check if there is a publish/promote already running on this content view
        locked = helpers.check_running_publish(ver_list[cvid], ver_descr[cvid])
        if locked:

        # For the given content view we need to find the orphaned versions
        cvinfo = get_content_view_info(cvid)

        # Find the oldest published version
        version_list = []
        orphan_versions = []
        orphan_dict = {}
        all_versions = []
        ccv_versions = []
        for version in cvinfo['versions']:

            # Check if the version is part of a published view.
            # This is not returned in cvinfo, and we need to see if we are part of a CCV
            version_in_use, version_in_ccv = check_version_views(version['id'])

            # Build a list of ALL version numbers
            # Add any version numbers that are part of a CCV to a list
            if version_in_ccv:
            if not version['environment_ids']:
                # These are the versions that don't belong to an environment (i.e. orphans)
                # We also cross-check for versions that may be in a CCV here.
                # We add the version name and id into a dictionary so we can delete by id.
                if not version_in_use:
                    orphan_dict[version['version']] = version['id']
                msg = "Found version " + str(version['version'])
                helpers.log_msg(msg, 'DEBUG')
                # Add the version id to a list

        # Find the oldest 'in use' version id
        if not version_list:
            msg = "No oldest in-use version found"
            lastver = min(version_list)
            msg = "Oldest in-use version is " + str(lastver)
        helpers.log_msg(msg, 'DEBUG')

        # Find the oldest 'NOT in use' version id
        if not orphan_versions:
            msg = "No oldest NOT-in-use version found"
            msg = "Oldest NOT-in-use version is " + str(min(orphan_versions))
        helpers.log_msg(msg, 'DEBUG')

        # Find the element position in the all_versions list of the oldest in-use version
        # e.g. vers 102.0 is oldest in-use and is element [5] in the all_versions list
        list_position = [i for i, x in enumerate(all_versions) if x == lastver]
        # Remove the number of views to keep from the element position of the oldest in-use
        # e.g. keep=2 results in an adjusted list element position [3]
        num_to_delete = list_position[0] - int(ver_keep[cvid])
        # Delete from position [0] to the first 'keep' position
        # e.g. first keep element is [3] so list of elements [0, 1, 2] is created
        list_pos_to_delete = [i for i in range(num_to_delete)]

        # Find versions to delete (based on keep parameter)
        # Make sure the version list is in order

        if cleanall:
            # Remove all orphaned versions
            todelete = orphan_versions
        elif ignorefirstpromoted:
            # Remove the last 'keep' elements from the orphans list (from PR #26)
            todelete = orphan_versions[:(len(orphan_versions) -
            todelete = []
            # Remove the element numbers for deletion from the list all versions
            for i in sorted(list_pos_to_delete, reverse=True):

        msg = "Versions to remove: " + str(todelete)
        helpers.log_msg(msg, 'DEBUG')

        for version in all_versions:
            if not locked:
                if version in todelete:
                    msg = "Orphan view version " + str(version) + " found in '" +\
                        str(ver_descr[cvid]) + "'"
                    helpers.log_msg(msg, 'DEBUG')

                    # Lookup the version_id from our orphan_dict
                    delete_id = orphan_dict.get(str(version))

                    msg = "Removing version " + str(version)
                    helpers.log_msg(msg, 'INFO')
                    print helpers.HEADER + msg + helpers.ENDC
                    if version in ccv_versions:
                        msg = "Skipping delete of version " + str(
                            version) + " (member of a CCV)"
                    elif version in orphan_versions:
                        msg = "Skipping delete of version " + str(
                            version) + " (due to keep value)"
                        msg = "Skipping delete of version " + str(
                            version) + " (in use)"
                    helpers.log_msg(msg, 'INFO')
                    print msg
                msg = "Version " + str(version) + " is locked"
                helpers.log_msg(msg, 'WARNING')

            # Delete the view version from the content view
            if not dry_run and not locked:
                    task_id = helpers.put_json(
                        helpers.KATELLO_API + "content_views/" + str(cvid) +
                            "id": cvid,
                            "content_view_version_ids": delete_id

                    # Wait for the task to complete
                    helpers.wait_for_task(task_id, 'clean')

                    # Check if the deletion completed successfully
                    tinfo = helpers.get_task_status(task_id)
                    if tinfo['state'] != 'running' and tinfo[
                            'result'] == 'success':
                        msg = "Removal of content view version OK"
                        helpers.log_msg(msg, 'INFO')
                        print helpers.GREEN + "OK" + helpers.ENDC
                        msg = "Failed"
                        helpers.log_msg(msg, 'ERROR')

                except Warning:
                    msg = "Failed to initiate removal"
                    helpers.log_msg(msg, 'WARNING')

                except KeyError:
                    msg = "Failed to initiate removal (KeyError)"
                    helpers.log_msg(msg, 'WARNING')

    # Exit in the case of a dry-run
    if dry_run:
        msg = "Dry run - not actually performing removal"
        helpers.log_msg(msg, 'WARNING')
Beispiel #2
def cleanup(ver_list, ver_descr, dry_run, runuser, ver_keep, cleanall, ignorefirstpromoted):
    """Clean Content Views"""

    # Set the task name to be displayed in the task monitoring stage
    task_name = "Cleanup content views"

    # Now we have all the info needed, we can actually trigger the cleanup.
    task_list = []
    ref_list = {}

    # Catch scenario that no CV versions are found matching cleanup criteria
    if not ver_list:
        msg = "No content view versions found matching cleanup criteria"
        helpers.log_msg(msg, 'ERROR')

    for cvid in sorted(ver_list.keys(),reverse=True):
        # Check if there is a publish/promote already running on this content view
        locked = helpers.check_running_publish(ver_list[cvid], ver_descr[cvid])

        msg = "Cleaning content view '" + str(ver_descr[cvid]) + "'" 
        helpers.log_msg(msg, 'INFO')
        print helpers.HEADER + msg + helpers.ENDC

        # For the given content view we need to find the orphaned versions
        cvinfo = get_content_view_info(cvid)

        # Find the oldest published version
        version_list = []
        version_list_all = []
        for version in cvinfo['versions']:
            if not version['environment_ids']:
                msg = "Found version " + str(version['version'])
                helpers.log_msg(msg, 'DEBUG')
                # Add the version id to a list

        # Find the oldest 'in use' version id
        if not version_list:
            msg = "No oldest in-use version found"
            lastver = min(version_list)
            msg = "Oldest in-use version is " + str(lastver)
        helpers.log_msg(msg, 'DEBUG')

        # Find the oldest 'NOT in use' version id
        if not version_list_all:
            msg = "No oldest NOT-in-use version found"
            msg = "Oldest NOT-in-use version is " + str(min(version_list_all))
        helpers.log_msg(msg, 'DEBUG')

        # Find version to delete (based on keep parameter) if --ignorefirstpromoted
        todelete = version_list_all[:(len(version_list_all) - int(ver_keep[cvid]))]
        msg = "Versions to remove if --ignorefirstpromoted: " + str(todelete)
        helpers.log_msg(msg, 'DEBUG')

        for version in cvinfo['versions']:
            # Get composite content views for version
            cvv = get_content_view_version(version['id'])
            # Find versions that are not in any environment and not in any composite content view
            if not version['environment_ids'] and not cvv['composite_content_view_ids']:
                if not locked:
                    msg = "Orphan view version " + str(version['version']) + " found in '" +\
                        str(ver_descr[cvid]) + "'"
                    helpers.log_msg(msg, 'DEBUG')

                    if ignorefirstpromoted:
                        if cleanall:
                            msg = "Removing version " + str(version['version'])
                            helpers.log_msg(msg, 'INFO')
                            print helpers.HEADER + msg + helpers.ENDC
                            if float(version['version']) in todelete:
                                # If ignorefirstpromoted delete CV
                                msg = "Removing version " + str(version['version'])
                                helpers.log_msg(msg, 'INFO')
                                print helpers.HEADER + msg + helpers.ENDC
                                msg = "Skipping delete of version " + str(version['version']) + " due to --keep value"
                                helpers.log_msg(msg, 'INFO')
                                print msg
                        if float(version['version']) > float(lastver):
                            # If we have chosen to remove all orphans
                            if cleanall:
                                msg = "Removing version " + str(version['version'])
                                helpers.log_msg(msg, 'INFO')
                                print helpers.HEADER + msg + helpers.ENDC
                                msg = "Skipping delete of version " + str(version['version'])
                                helpers.log_msg(msg, 'INFO')
                                print msg
                            if float(version['version']) < (lastver - float(ver_keep[cvid])):
                                msg = "Removing version " + str(version['version'])
                                helpers.log_msg(msg, 'INFO')
                                print helpers.HEADER + msg + helpers.ENDC
                                msg = "Skipping delete of version " + str(version['version']) + " due to --keep value"
                                helpers.log_msg(msg, 'INFO')
                                print msg

                # Delete the view version from the content view
                if not dry_run and not locked:
                        task = helpers.put_json(
                            helpers.KATELLO_API + "content_views/" + str(cvid) + "/remove/",
                                    "id": cvid,
                                    "content_view_version_ids": version['id']

                        if id in task:
                            task_id = task['id']

                            # Wait for the task to complete
                            # Check if the deletion completed successfully
                            tinfo = helpers.get_task_status(task_id)
                            if tinfo['state'] != 'running' and tinfo['result'] == 'success':
                                msg = "Removal of content view version OK"
                                helpers.log_msg(msg, 'INFO')
                                print helpers.GREEN + "OK" + helpers.ENDC
                                msg = "Failed"
                                helpers.log_msg(msg, 'ERROR')
                            msg = "Can't remove content view " + str(cvid)
                            helpers.log_msg(msg, 'INFO')
                            print helpers.HEADER + msg + helpers.ENDC

                    except Warning:
                        msg = "Failed to initiate removal"
                        helpers.log_msg(msg, 'WARNING')

    # Exit in the case of a dry-run
    if dry_run:
        msg = "Dry run - not actually performing removal"
        helpers.log_msg(msg, 'WARNING')
Beispiel #3
def sync_content(org_id, imported_repos):
    Synchronize the repositories
    Triggers a sync of all repositories belonging to the configured sync plan
    repos_to_sync = []
    delete_override = False

    # Get a listing of repositories in this Satellite
    enabled_repos = helpers.get_p_json(
        helpers.KATELLO_API + "/repositories/", \
                    "organization_id": org_id,
                    "per_page": '1000',

    # Loop through each repo to be imported/synced
    for repo in imported_repos:
        do_import = False
        for repo_result in enabled_repos['results']:
            if repo in repo_result['label']:
                # Ensure we have an exact match on the repo label
                if repo == repo_result['label']:
                    do_import = True

                    # Ensure Mirror-on-sync flag is set to FALSE to make sure incremental
                    # import does not (cannot) delete existing packages.
                    msg = "Setting mirror-on-sync=false for repo id " + str(
                    helpers.log_msg(msg, 'DEBUG')
                        helpers.KATELLO_API + "/repositories/" + str(repo_result['id']), \
                                    "mirror_on_sync": False

        if do_import:
            msg = "Repo " + repo + " found in Satellite"
            helpers.log_msg(msg, 'DEBUG')
            msg = "Repo " + repo + " is not enabled in Satellite"
            # If the repo is not enabled, don't delete the input files.
            # This gives the admin a chance to manually enable the repo and re-import
            delete_override = True
            helpers.log_msg(msg, 'WARNING')
            # TODO: We could go on here and try to enable the Red Hat repo .....

    # If we get to here and nothing was added to repos_to_sync we will abort the import.
    # This will probably occur on the initial import - nothing will be enabled in Satellite.
    # Also if there are no updates during incremental sync.
    if not repos_to_sync:
        msg = "No updates in imported content - skipping sync"
        helpers.log_msg(msg, 'WARNING')
        msg = "Repo ids to sync: " + str(repos_to_sync)
        helpers.log_msg(msg, 'DEBUG')

        msg = "Syncing repositories"
        helpers.log_msg(msg, 'INFO')
        print msg

        # Break repos_to_sync into groups of n
        repochunks = [
            repos_to_sync[i:i + helpers.SYNCBATCH]
            for i in range(0, len(repos_to_sync), helpers.SYNCBATCH)

        # Loop through the smaller batches of repos and sync them
        for chunk in repochunks:
            chunksize = len(chunk)
            msg = "Syncing repo batch " + str(chunk)
            helpers.log_msg(msg, 'DEBUG')
            task_id = helpers.post_json(
                helpers.KATELLO_API + "repositories/bulk/sync", \
                            "ids": chunk,
            msg = "Repo sync task id = " + task_id
            helpers.log_msg(msg, 'DEBUG')

            # Now we need to wait for the sync to complete
            helpers.wait_for_task(task_id, 'sync')

            tinfo = helpers.get_task_status(task_id)
            if tinfo['state'] != 'running' and tinfo['result'] == 'success':
                msg = "Batch of " + str(chunksize) + " repos complete"
                helpers.log_msg(msg, 'INFO')
                print helpers.GREEN + msg + helpers.ENDC
                msg = "Batch sync has errors"
                helpers.log_msg(msg, 'WARNING')

        return delete_override
def cleanup(ver_list, ver_descr, dry_run, runuser, ver_keep, cleanall, ignorefirstpromoted):
    """Clean Content Views"""

    # Set the task name to be displayed in the task monitoring stage
    task_name = "Cleanup content views"

    # Now we have all the info needed, we can actually trigger the cleanup.
    task_list = []
    ref_list = {}

    # Catch scenario that no CV versions are found matching cleanup criteria
    if not ver_list:
        msg = "No content view versions found matching cleanup criteria"
        helpers.log_msg(msg, 'ERROR')

    for cvid in ver_list.keys():
        msg = "Cleaning content view '" + str(ver_descr[cvid]) + "'"
        helpers.log_msg(msg, 'INFO')
        print helpers.HEADER + msg + helpers.ENDC

        # Check if there is a publish/promote already running on this content view
        locked = helpers.check_running_publish(ver_list[cvid], ver_descr[cvid])
        if locked:

        # For the given content view we need to find the orphaned versions
        cvinfo = get_content_view_info(cvid)

        # Find the oldest published version
        version_list = []
        orphan_versions = []
        orphan_dict = {}
        all_versions = []
        ccv_versions = []
        for version in cvinfo['versions']:

            # Check if the version is part of a published view.
            # This is not returned in cvinfo, and we need to see if we are part of a CCV
            version_in_use, version_in_ccv = check_version_views(version['id'])

            # Build a list of ALL version numbers
            # Add any version numbers that are part of a CCV to a list
            if version_in_ccv:
            if not version['environment_ids']:
                # These are the versions that don't belong to an environment (i.e. orphans)
                # We also cross-check for versions that may be in a CCV here.
                # We add the version name and id into a dictionary so we can delete by id.
                if not version_in_use:
                    orphan_dict[version['version']] = version['id']
                msg = "Found version " + str(version['version'])
                helpers.log_msg(msg, 'DEBUG')
                # Add the version id to a list

        # Find the oldest 'in use' version id
        if not version_list:
            msg = "No oldest in-use version found"
            lastver = min(version_list)
            msg = "Oldest in-use version is " + str(lastver)
        helpers.log_msg(msg, 'DEBUG')

        # Find the oldest 'NOT in use' version id
        if not orphan_versions:
            msg = "No oldest NOT-in-use version found"
            msg = "Oldest NOT-in-use version is " + str(min(orphan_versions))
        helpers.log_msg(msg, 'DEBUG')

        # Find the element position in the all_versions list of the oldest in-use version
        # e.g. vers 102.0 is oldest in-use and is element [5] in the all_versions list
        list_position = [i for i,x in enumerate(all_versions) if x == lastver]
        # Remove the number of views to keep from the element position of the oldest in-use
        # e.g. keep=2 results in an adjusted list element position [3]
        num_to_delete = list_position[0] - int(ver_keep[cvid])
        # Delete from position [0] to the first 'keep' position
        # e.g. first keep element is [3] so list of elements [0, 1, 2] is created
        list_pos_to_delete = [i for i in range(num_to_delete)]

        # Find versions to delete (based on keep parameter)
        # Make sure the version list is in order

        if cleanall:
            # Remove all orphaned versions
            todelete = orphan_versions
        elif ignorefirstpromoted:
            # Remove the last 'keep' elements from the orphans list (from PR #26)
            todelete = orphan_versions[:(len(orphan_versions) - int(ver_keep[cvid]))]
            todelete = []
            # Remove the element numbers for deletion from the list all versions
            for i in sorted(list_pos_to_delete, reverse=True):

        msg = "Versions to remove: " + str(todelete)
        helpers.log_msg(msg, 'DEBUG')

        for version in all_versions:
            if not locked:
                if version in todelete:
                    msg = "Orphan view version " + str(version) + " found in '" +\
                        str(ver_descr[cvid]) + "'"
                    helpers.log_msg(msg, 'DEBUG')

                    # Lookup the version_id from our orphan_dict
                    delete_id = orphan_dict.get(str(version))

                    msg = "Removing version " + str(version)
                    helpers.log_msg(msg, 'INFO')
                    print helpers.HEADER + msg + helpers.ENDC
                    if version in ccv_versions:
                        msg = "Skipping delete of version " + str(version) + " (member of a CCV)"
                    elif version in orphan_versions:
                        msg = "Skipping delete of version " + str(version) + " (due to keep value)"
                        msg = "Skipping delete of version " + str(version) + " (in use)"
                    helpers.log_msg(msg, 'INFO')
                    print msg
                msg = "Version " + str(version) + " is locked"
                helpers.log_msg(msg, 'WARNING')

            # Delete the view version from the content view
            if not dry_run and not locked:
                    task_id = helpers.put_json(
                        helpers.KATELLO_API + "content_views/" + str(cvid) + "/remove/",
                                "id": cvid,
                                "content_view_version_ids": delete_id

                    # Wait for the task to complete

                    # Check if the deletion completed successfully
                    tinfo = helpers.get_task_status(task_id)
                    if tinfo['state'] != 'running' and tinfo['result'] == 'success':
                        msg = "Removal of content view version OK"
                        helpers.log_msg(msg, 'INFO')
                        print helpers.GREEN + "OK" + helpers.ENDC
                        msg = "Failed"
                        helpers.log_msg(msg, 'ERROR')

                except Warning:
                    msg = "Failed to initiate removal"
                    helpers.log_msg(msg, 'WARNING')

                except KeyError:
                    msg = "Failed to initiate removal (KeyError)"
                    helpers.log_msg(msg, 'WARNING')

    # Exit in the case of a dry-run
    if dry_run:
        msg = "Dry run - not actually performing removal"
        helpers.log_msg(msg, 'WARNING')
Beispiel #5
def sync_content(org_id, imported_repos):
    Synchronize the repositories
    Triggers a sync of all repositories belonging to the configured sync plan
    repos_to_sync = []
    delete_override = False

    # Get a listing of repositories in this Satellite
    enabled_repos = helpers.get_p_json(
        helpers.KATELLO_API + "/repositories/", \
                    "organization_id": org_id,
                    "per_page": '1000',

    # Loop through each repo to be imported/synced
    for repo in imported_repos:
        do_import = False
        for repo_result in enabled_repos['results']:
            if repo in repo_result['label']:
                do_import = True

                # Ensure Mirror-on-sync flag is set to FALSE to make sure incremental
                # import does not (cannot) delete existing packages.
                msg = "Setting mirror-on-sync=false for repo id " + str(repo_result['id'])
                helpers.log_msg(msg, 'DEBUG')
                    helpers.KATELLO_API + "/repositories/" + str(repo_result['id']), \
                                "mirror_on_sync": False

        if do_import:
            msg = "Repo " + repo + " found in Satellite"
            helpers.log_msg(msg, 'DEBUG')
            msg = "Repo " + repo + " is not enabled in Satellite"
            # If the repo is not enabled, don't delete the input files.
            # This gives the admin a chance to manually enable the repo and re-import
            delete_override = True
            helpers.log_msg(msg, 'WARNING')
            # TODO: We could go on here and try to enable the Red Hat repo .....

    # If we get to here and nothing was added to repos_to_sync we will abort the import.
    # This will probably occur on the initial import - nothing will be enabled in Satellite.
    # Also if there are no updates during incremental sync.
    if not repos_to_sync:
        msg = "No updates in imported content - skipping sync"
        helpers.log_msg(msg, 'WARNING')
        msg = "Repo ids to sync: " + str(repos_to_sync)
        helpers.log_msg(msg, 'DEBUG')

        msg = "Syncing repositories"
        helpers.log_msg(msg, 'INFO')
        print msg

        # Break repos_to_sync into groups of n 
        repochunks = [ repos_to_sync[i:i+helpers.SYNCBATCH] for i in range(0, len(repos_to_sync), helpers.SYNCBATCH) ]

        # Loop through the smaller batches of repos and sync them
        for chunk in repochunks:
            chunksize = len(chunk)
            msg = "Syncing repo batch " + str(chunk)
            helpers.log_msg(msg, 'DEBUG')
            task_id = helpers.post_json(
                helpers.KATELLO_API + "repositories/bulk/sync", \
                            "ids": chunk,
            msg = "Repo sync task id = " + task_id
            helpers.log_msg(msg, 'DEBUG')

            # Now we need to wait for the sync to complete
            helpers.wait_for_task(task_id, 'sync')

            tinfo = helpers.get_task_status(task_id)
            if tinfo['state'] != 'running' and tinfo['result'] == 'success':
                msg = "Batch of " + str(chunksize) + " repos complete"
                helpers.log_msg(msg, 'INFO')
                print helpers.GREEN + msg + helpers.ENDC
                msg = "Batch sync has errors"
                helpers.log_msg(msg, 'WARNING')

        return delete_override