Beispiel #1
def rpi_cam_plate(thick=5):
    "plate for raspberry pi camera, with camera at [0,0,0], facing down"
    rpi_holes_x_2 = 21 / 2
    rpi_holes_y = 12.5

    rpi_border = 2
    rpi_ysize = 23.86
    rpi_ytop = 14.5
    rpi_xsize = 25

    gap_xsize = 11.5  # width for offset camera connector
    gap_ysize = 20

    plate_ycenter = rpi_ytop - rpi_ysize / 2
    rpi_plate = rounded_plate((rpi_xsize, rpi_ysize, thick), rpi_border)
    rpi_plate = translate([0, plate_ycenter, thick / 2])(
        rpi_plate)  # one pair of holes (and camera) are at y=0
    rpi_plate -= translate((0, plate_ycenter, thick / 2))(rounded_plate(
        (gap_xsize, gap_ysize, 2 * thick), 1))

    for x in [rpi_holes_x_2, -rpi_holes_x_2]:
        for y in [0, rpi_holes_y]:
            hole = translate([x, y, 0])(sunk_hole())
            rpi_plate -= hole
    return rpi_plate
def crane_45deg_mirror():
    """Mount for 45deg movable mirror"""
    screw_dist_from_center = 30/2/2**.5  # Four holes on circle d=30
    mirror_plate_wh = 30
    thick = 10
    mirror_offset = 35  # TODO: calc
    dist_to_cam = 300

    mirror_angle_deg = -numpy.rad2deg(numpy.arctan(mirror_offset/dist_to_cam))/2

    plate = rounded_plate((40, 40, thick), 2)
    plate -= rounded_plate((30, 30, 2*thick), 2)

    mirror_plate_blank = rounded_plate((mirror_plate_wh, mirror_plate_wh, thick), 2)
    mirror_plate_blank += hole()(cylinder(d=20, h=2*thick, center=True))

    mirror_plate_threads = mirror_plate_blank
    for (x,y) in itertools.product((1, -1), (1,-1)):
        thread = hole()(rotate((0, 180, 0))(sunk_hole()))  # from above into z=0
        mirror_plate_threads += translate((x*screw_dist_from_center, y*screw_dist_from_center, thick/2))(thread)

    mirror_plate_threads = rotate((0, mirror_angle_deg, 0))(mirror_plate_threads)
    mirror_plate_threads = translate((0, 0, 40*numpy.tan(numpy.deg2rad(-mirror_angle_deg))))(mirror_plate_threads)

    plate += translate((mirror_offset, 0, 0))(mirror_plate_blank)
    plate += translate((mirror_offset, 0, 0))(mirror_plate_threads)

    plate += base()

    return plate
Beispiel #3
def cage_side_stabilizer():
    """stabilizer for both sides of new HolMOS-Cage"""

    sep_z = 100
    sep_x = base.rods30_diag_third_rod

    strut_width = 10
    strut_thick = 3

    diagonal = (sep_x**2 + sep_z**2)**.5

    strut_angle_deg = numpy.rad2deg(numpy.arctan(sep_x / sep_z))  # angle < 45°

    diag_strut = rounded_plate(
        (strut_width, diagonal + strut_width, strut_thick), strut_width / 2)

    cross = rotate((0, 0, -strut_angle_deg))(diag_strut)
    cross += rotate((0, 0, strut_angle_deg))(diag_strut)

    cross = translate((0, 0, -strut_thick / 2))(cross)  # to z=0...-thick,

    mount_strut = cube((sep_x, strut_width, strut_thick), center=True)
    mount_strut = translate(
        (0, 0, -strut_thick / 2))(mount_strut)  # to z=0...-thick,
    mount_strut += rotate((-90, 0, 0))(translate((0, 20, 0))(base.base_rods30(
        rod_sep=sep_x)))  # from optical-axis coords to our coords.
    cross += translate((0, sep_z / 2, 0))(mount_strut)
    cross += translate((0, -sep_z / 2, 0))(mount_strut)

    return cross
Beispiel #4
def objective_mount():
    """mount for microscope objective"""

    mount = rounded_plate([40, 40, 10], r=5)
    mount -= owis_holes(True)
    mount -= cylinder(d=20, center=True, h=11)

    return mount
def crane_mirror(assemble=True, mirror_offset_x=25, crane_only=False):
    """Mount for 45deg movable mirror
    assemble=True: put things where they're supposed to go
    assemble=False: put things on printer bed"""
    thick = 10
    dist_to_cam = 200

    arm_width = 5.5
    mirror_z = 17

    rod_thick = 6
    rod_to_mirror = 2*arm_width

    deflection_angle_rad = numpy.pi/2+numpy.arctan(mirror_offset_x/dist_to_cam)
    mirror_angle_rad = deflection_angle_rad/2

    rod_z = mirror_z - rod_to_mirror*numpy.cos(mirror_angle_rad)   # z-height of rod for y-rotation
    rod_x = mirror_offset_x + rod_to_mirror*numpy.sin(mirror_angle_rad)

    plate = rounded_plate((40, 40, thick), 2)
    plate -= translate((10,0,0))(rounded_plate((50, 30, 2*thick), 2))

    arm_length = rod_x-20
    clip_arm = cube((arm_length+arm_width, thick, arm_width), center=True)  # thick <-> width because rotated x<->z
    clip_arm = rotate((90, 0, 0))(clip_arm)
    clip_arm = translate((arm_length/2+20, 20-arm_width/2, 0))(clip_arm)
    clip_arm += translate((rod_x, 20-arm_width/2, rod_z))(rotate((-90, 0, 0))(single_rod_clamp(arm_width)))

    plate += clip_arm
    plate += mirror((0, 1, 0))(clip_arm)

    if not crane_only:
        mirror_intermediate = crane_mirror_intermediate(rod_thick, arm_width, rod_to_mirror, assemble)

        if assemble:
            plate += translate((rod_x, 0, rod_z))(
                rotate((0, -numpy.rad2deg(mirror_angle_rad), 0))(mirror_intermediate)
            plate += translate((mirror_offset_x + 30, 0, -thick/2+rod_thick/2))(mirror_intermediate)

    plate += base()
    if assemble:
        plate = rotate((0, 180, 0))(plate)
    return plate
Beispiel #6
def strut_with_holes(hole_dist, strut_thick, strut_width, hole_diam=2):
    """flat strut with two holes at y=+-hole_dist"""
    diag_strut = rounded_plate(
        (strut_width, hole_dist + strut_width, strut_thick), strut_width / 2)
    for y in (hole_dist / 2, -hole_dist / 2):
        thread = sunk_hole(length=50, r=hole_diam / 2)
        thread = hole()(thread)
        diag_strut += translate((0, y, -strut_thick / 2))(thread)
    return diag_strut
Beispiel #7
def single_rod_clamp(z_length=10, tightness=__rods30_tightness):
    """single clamp to attach to a z-tube.
    The tube is at xy = (0,5), so that this clamp attaches to things at y=0...height
    :param tightness: diameter reduction of clamp. larger values give tighter fit."""

    diam_hole = 6 - tightness
    clamp_diff = .5  # how much smaller is the clamp, i.e. how far does it need to bend?

    mount_height = 10  # height (y) of mount

    block = rounded_plate((2 * diam_hole, mount_height, z_length), r=2)

    block += hole()(cylinder(d=diam_hole, h=1.1 * z_length, center=True))
    block += hole()(translate((-clamp_diff / 2, -3, 0))(cube(
        (diam_hole - clamp_diff, 6, 1.1 * z_length),
        center=True)))  # "tunnel" for rod to slide into clip

    return block()
Beispiel #8
def rpi_cam_mount(assemble=False):
    # 2016-11-30: printed; works. but: needs 4 spacers to keep the smd components on the back of the camera from touching the plate.
    rpi_thick = 3

    strut_y_end = 14.5
    struts_x = [-7.5, 7.5]
    strut_thick = 3

    base_thick = 5

    # base_plate = translate([0, -20+base_thick/2, 0])(cube([40, base_thick, 10], center=True))
    base_plate = translate([0, -20 + base_thick / 2,
                            0])(rotate([90, 0,
                                        0])(rounded_plate([30, 10, base_thick],
    base_plate += base()

    plate = translate([0, 0, -5])(rpi_cam_plate(rpi_thick))

    for strut_x in struts_x:
        strut = translate([strut_x, -(20 - strut_y_end) / 2,
                           0])(cube([strut_thick, 20 + strut_y_end, 10],
        cyl = rotate([0, 90, 0])(cylinder(
            r=10, h=50, center=True))  # cylinder along x-axis, in origin
        cyl = scale([1, (strut_y_end + 20 - base_thick) / 10,
                     1])(cyl)  # z=10, y = strut height
        cyl = translate([0, -20 + base_thick,
                         -5])(cyl)  # axis into front top edge of base plate
        strut *= cyl
        plate += strut

    mount = base_plate + plate

    return mount
Beispiel #9
def round_mount_light(inner_diam=17.9,
    mount for cylinder centered on optical axis (z). If opening_angle is None, clamping tabs are added.
    defaults: mount for Kosmos objective
    :param inner_diam: usually diameter of thing to be mounted
    :param ring_thick: thickness of ring determines stiffness
    :param opening_angle: ring is opened from -angle to +angle
    :param stop_inner_diam: if not None, a smaller second cylinder acts as a stop, i.e. for a lens.
    :return: Scad object
    base_thick = 5
    connector_w = 3
    z_thick = 10  # thickness/z-length of entire assembly
    z_think_inner = 2

    do_clamp = False
    if opening_angle is None:
        do_clamp = True
        opening_angle = numpy.arcsin(ring_thick / inner_diam)
        opening_angle = numpy.rad2deg(opening_angle)

    base_plate = translate([0, -20 + base_thick / 2,
                            0])(rotate([90, 0,
                                        0])(rounded_plate([30, 10, base_thick],
    base_plate += translate(
        (0, 0, (clip_length - 10) / 2))(base(z_length=clip_length))

    outer_diam = inner_diam + 2 * ring_thick
    ring = cyl_arc(r=outer_diam / 2,
                   a0=90 + opening_angle,
                   a1=90 - opening_angle)
    ring = translate((0, 0, (cyl_length - z_thick) / 2))(ring)
    if stop_inner_diam is None:
        ring -= cylinder(d=inner_diam, h=2 * cyl_length, center=True)
        ring -= cylinder(d=stop_inner_diam, h=2 * cyl_length, center=True)
        ring -= translate((0, 0, z_think_inner))(cylinder(d=inner_diam,

    if do_clamp:  # clamps with holes extending towards +y
        hex_diam = 5.5  # M3 nut
        clamp_extension = hex_diam + 2
        hole_diam = 3.5
        clamp_length = ring_thick + clamp_extension
        single_clamp = rounded_plate((clamp_length, z_thick, ring_thick), True)
        through_nut_hole = cylinder(d=hole_diam, h=2 * ring_thick, center=True)
        through_nut_hole += translate(
            (0, 0, ring_thick / 2))(hexagon(hex_diam, ring_thick / 3))
        single_clamp -= translate([ring_thick / 2, 0, 0])(through_nut_hole)
        ring += translate([ring_thick, inner_diam / 2 + clamp_length / 2,
                           0])(rotate([90, 0, 90])(single_clamp))
        ring += translate([-ring_thick, inner_diam / 2 + clamp_length / 2,
                           0])(rotate([-90, 0, 90])(single_clamp))

    connector_h = (40 - inner_diam) / 2
    connector_yc = inner_diam / 2 + connector_h / 2
    connector = translate([5, -connector_yc,
                           0])(cube([connector_w, connector_h, z_thick],
    connector += translate([-5, -connector_yc,
                            0])(cube([connector_w, connector_h, z_thick],

    label = "d = {:.1f}".format(inner_diam)
    info_text = linear_extrude(height=.5, center=True)(text(
        font="Liberation Mono:style=Bold"))

    base_plate += translate(
        (0, -(20 - base_thick / 2), z_thick / 2))(info_text)

    mount = base_plate + ring + connector

    if assemble:
        mount = rotate((0, 180, 0))(mount)

    return mount