def iter_over_output(self, tol=.05):
     e = 1
     out_prior = ss_output_flexible(self.params)
     while e > tol:
         res_dict = self()
         out = res_dict['rigid_out']
         e = np.abs(out_prior - out)
         print('The new error is {}'.format(e))
         out_prior = out
         self.terminating_e = e
 def iter_over_output(self, tol=.05):
     e = 1
     out_prior = ss_output_flexible(self.params)
     while e > tol:
         res_dict = self()
         out = res_dict['rigid_out']
         e = np.abs(out_prior - out)
         print('The new error is {}'.format(e))
         out_prior = out
         self.terminating_e = e
def run_one(params, res_dict=None):
    Once you have the parameters, this function completes one loop to get
    a dictionary of results.

    For the first loop leave res_dict as None.
    pi = params['pi'][0]
    # lambda_ = params['lambda_'][0]

    w_grid = params['w_grid'][0]
    z_grid = params['z_grid'][0]

    if res_dict:
        print("Reusing res_dict.")
        v = res_dict['Tv']
        out = res_dict['rigid_out']
        v = Interp(w_grid, -w_grid + 27.3, kind='linear')
        out = ss_output_flexible(params)  # ss output w/ flexible wages
    # Get close with linear first.  Then do a few cubic to finish up
    Tv, ws, rest = iter_bellman(v,
    Tvc = Interp(Tv.X, Tv.Y, kind='cubic')
    Tv, ws, rest = iter_bellman(Tvc,
    res_dict = {'Tv': Tv, 'ws': ws, 'rest': rest}
    flex_ws = Interp(z_grid, ss_wage_flexible(params, shock=z_grid))
    pths, shks = sample_path(ws, params, nseries=1000, nperiods=30)
    pth, shocks = pths[28], shks[28]  # a period in steady state
    g = ecdf(np.sort(pth))
    shocks = np.sort(shocks)
    rigid_out = get_rigid_output(ws, params, flex_ws, g)
    res_dict['gp'] = g
    res_dict['rigid_out'] = rigid_out
    return res_dict
def run_one(params, res_dict=None):
    Once you have the parameters, this function completes one loop to get
    a dictionary of results.

    For the first loop leave res_dict as None.
    pi = params['pi'][0]
    # lambda_ = params['lambda_'][0]

    w_grid = params['w_grid'][0]
    z_grid = params['z_grid'][0]

    if res_dict:
        print("Reusing res_dict.")
        v = res_dict['Tv']
        out = res_dict['rigid_out']
        v = Interp(w_grid, -w_grid + 27.3, kind='linear')
        out = ss_output_flexible(params)  # ss output w/ flexible wages
    # Get close with linear first.  Then do a few cubic to finish up
    Tv, ws, rest = iter_bellman(v, tol=0.005, strict=False, log=False,
                                params=params, pi=pi, aggL=out, kind='linear')
    Tvc = Interp(Tv.X, Tv.Y, kind='cubic')
    Tv, ws, rest = iter_bellman(Tvc, tol=0.005, strict=False, log=False,
                                params=params, pi=pi, aggL=out)
    res_dict = {'Tv': Tv, 'ws': ws, 'rest': rest}
    flex_ws = Interp(z_grid, ss_wage_flexible(params, shock=z_grid))
    pths, shks = sample_path(ws, params, nseries=1000, nperiods=30)
    pth, shocks = pths[28], shks[28]  # a period in steady state
    g = ecdf(np.sort(pth))
    shocks = np.sort(shocks)
    rigid_out = get_rigid_output(ws, params, flex_ws, g)
    res_dict['gp'] = g
    res_dict['rigid_out'] = rigid_out
    return res_dict
Beispiel #5
def bellman(w, params, u_fn=u_, lambda_=None, z_grid=None, pi=None,
            kind=None, w_grid=None, aggL=None):
    Differs from bellman by optimizing for *each* shock, rather than
    for the mean.  I think this is right since the agent observes Z_{it}
    *before* choosing w_{it}.

    Operate on the bellman equation. Returns the value function
    (interpolated linearly) at each point in grid.


    w : callable value function (probably instance of LinInterp from last iter)
    u_fn : The period utility function to be maximized. Omega in DH`2013
    grid : Domain of w.  This is the real wage today at start of today.
    lambda : float. Degree of wage rigidity. 0 = flexible, 1 = fully rigid
    shock : array. Draws from a lognormal distribution.
    pi : steady-state (for now) inflation level.  Will be changed.
    kind : type of interpolation.  Defualt taken from w.
        Overridden if not None. str or int.  See scipy.interpolate.interp1d


    Tv : The next iteration of the value function v. Instance of LinInterp.
    wage_schedule : LinInterp. Wage as function of shock.
    vals : everything else. temporary. [(wage, shock, free_w*, res_w*)]
        This will be grid X shocks X 5
    A note on `shock`:  Why am I taking draws from a distribution?
    I optimize at each draw, and then take the mean over those.  But
    wouldn't it be better to take a uniform sample over the *support*
    of the distribution, and then weight the resulting utilities by
    the *pdf at that point*?  This branch (`rethink_distribution`) attempts
    to implement this alternative strategy.

    if lambda_ is None:
        lambda_ = params['lambda_'][0]
    if pi is None:
        pi = params['pi'][0]
    ln_dist = params['full_ln_dist'][0]

    if aggL is None:
        aggL = ss_output_flexible(params)
    # Need if since it's checking using or checks truth of array so any/all
    if w_grid is None:
        w_grid = params['w_grid'][0]

    if z_grid is None:
        z_grid = params['z_grid'][0]

    kind = kind or w.kind
    vals = np.zeros((len(w_grid), len(z_grid), 5))
    vals = opt_loop(vals, w_grid, z_grid, w, pi, lambda_, aggL)

    vals = pd.Panel(vals, items=w_grid, major_axis=z_grid,
                    minor_axis=['wage', 'z_grid', 'value', 'm1', 'm2']) = 'w_grid' = 'z_grid'
    weights = pd.Series(ln_dist.pdf(vals.major_axis.values.astype('float64')),
    weights /= weights.sum()

    weighted_values = vals.apply(lambda x: x * weights).sum(axis='major').ix['value']
    Tv = Interp(w_grid, weighted_values.values, kind=kind)
    # Wage(z_grid).  Doesn't matter which row for free case.
    wage_schedule = Interp(z_grid, vals.iloc[0]['m1'].values, kind=kind)
    return Tv, wage_schedule, vals