Beispiel #1
def test_operation(accounts, token, vault, strategy, strategist, amount, user, user2, want_pool, chain, gov, vsp):
    one_day = 86400
    # Deposit to the vault
    token.approve(vault.address, amount, {"from": user})
    vault.deposit(amount, {"from": user})
    assert token.balanceOf(vault.address) >= amount
    vaultData(vault, token)
    stratData(strategy, token, want_pool, vsp)

    # harvest 1: funds to strat
    strategy.harvest({"from": strategist})
    vaultData(vault, token)
    stratData(strategy, token, want_pool, vsp)
    assert strategy.estimatedTotalAssets()+1 >= amount
    # Harvest 2: Allow rewards to be earned
    print("\n**Harvest 2**")
    strategy.harvest({"from": strategist})
    vaultData(vault, token)
    stratData(strategy, token, want_pool, vsp)

    print("\nEst APR: ", "{:.2%}".format(
            ((vault.totalAssets() - amount) * 365) / (amount)
    print('loss protection:', strategy.lossProtectionBalance()/1e18)
    print('pps:', vault.pricePerShare()/1e18)

    # Harvest 3
    print("\n**Harvest 3**")
    strategy.harvest({"from": strategist})
    vaultData(vault, token)
    stratData(strategy, token, want_pool, vsp)
    print('loss protection:', strategy.lossProtectionBalance()/1e18)
    print('pps:', vault.pricePerShare()/1e18)

    # Harvest 4
    print("\n**Harvest 4**")
    strategy.harvest({"from": strategist})
    vaultData(vault, token)
    stratData(strategy, token, want_pool, vsp)
    print('loss protection:', strategy.lossProtectionBalance()/1e18)
    print('pps:', vault.pricePerShare()/1e18)
    assert False
Beispiel #2
def test_profitable_harvest(accounts, token, vault, strategy, strategist,
                            amount, user, chain, vVSP, vETH, vsp):
    print("CHAIN TIME", chain.time())
    print("SYSTEM TIME", time.time())
    one_day = 86400
    # Deposit to the vault
    token.approve(vault.address, amount, {"from": user})
    vault.deposit(amount, {"from": user})
    assert token.balanceOf(vault.address) == amount
    vaultData(vault, token)
    stratData(strategy, token, vETH, vVSP, vsp)

    # harvest 1
    strategy.harvest({"from": strategist})
    vaultData(vault, token)
    stratData(strategy, token, vETH, vVSP, vsp)
    assert strategy.estimatedTotalAssets(
    ) + 1 >= amount  # Won't match because we must account for withdraw fees

    # Harvest 2: Allow rewards to be earned
    strategy.harvest({"from": strategist})
    vaultData(vault, token)
    stratData(strategy, token, vETH, vVSP, vsp)

    print("\nEst APR: ", "{:.2%}".format(
        ((vault.totalAssets() - amount) * 365) / (amount)))
    strategy.harvest({"from": strategist})
    assert strategy.estimatedTotalAssets() + 1 > amount
Beispiel #3
def test_operation(accounts, token, vault, strategy, strategist, amount, user,
                   vETH, chain, gov, vVSP, vsp):
    one_day = 86400
    # Deposit to the vault
    token.approve(vault.address, amount, {"from": user})
    vault.deposit(amount, {"from": user})
    assert token.balanceOf(vault.address) == amount
    vaultData(vault, token)
    stratData(strategy, token, vETH, vVSP, vsp)

    # harvest 1
    strategy.harvest({"from": strategist})
    vaultData(vault, token)
    stratData(strategy, token, vETH, vVSP, vsp)
    assert strategy.estimatedTotalAssets(
    ) + 1e3 >= amount  # Won't match because we must account for withdraw fees

    # tend()
    # strategy.tend({"from": strategist})

    # Harvest 2: Allow rewards to be earned
    print("\n**Harvest 2**")
    strategy.harvest({"from": strategist})
    vaultData(vault, token)
    stratData(strategy, token, vETH, vVSP, vsp)

    print("\nEst APR: ", "{:.2%}".format(
        ((vault.totalAssets() - amount) * 365) / (amount)))

    # Harvest 3
    print("\n**Harvest 3**")
    # vVSP.rebalance({"from": strategist}) # must be called from pool... this is hard to test.
    # strategy.toggleHarvestVvsp({"from":strategist}) # Dump VSP tokens this time
    strategy.harvest({"from": strategist})
    vaultData(vault, token)
    stratData(strategy, token, vETH, vVSP, vsp)

    # Current contract has rewards emissions ending on Mar 19, so we shouldnt project too far
        "\nEst APR: ", "{:.2%}".format(
            ((vault.totalAssets() - amount) * 365 / 2) / (amount)))

    # Harvest 4
    print("\n**Harvest 4**")
    # vVSP.rebalance({"from": strategist}) # must be called from pool... this is hard to test.
                                strategist})  # Dump VSP tokens this time
    strategy.harvest({"from": strategist})
    vaultData(vault, token)
    stratData(strategy, token, vETH, vVSP, vsp)

    # Current contract has rewards emissions ending on Mar 19, so we shouldnt project too far
        "\nEst APR: ", "{:.2%}".format(
            ((vault.totalAssets() - amount) * 365 / 3) / (amount)))

    # Harves 5
    print("\n**Harvest 5**")
    chain.sleep(3600)  # wait six hours for a profitable withdraw
        vault.balanceOf(user), user, 61,
        {"from": user})  # Need more loss protect to handle 0.6% withdraw fee
    vaultData(vault, token)
    stratData(strategy, token, vETH, vVSP, vsp)

    assert token.balanceOf(
    ) > amount * 0.994 * .78  # Ensure profit was made after withdraw fee
    assert vault.balanceOf(vault.rewards()) > 0  # Check mgmt fee
    assert vault.balanceOf(strategy) > 0  # Check perf fee
def test_operation(StrategyVesper, accounts, token, vault, live_strategy, strategy, uni_router, sushi_router, strategist, amount, user, pool_rewards, user2, vToken, want_pool, chain, gov, vsp):
    one_day = 86400
    #live_strategy.harvest({"from": gov}) # Do this just bc this strategy needs to empty its funds
    # Deposit to the vault
    token.approve(vault.address, amount, {"from": user})
    vault.deposit(amount, {"from": user})
    assert token.balanceOf(vault.address) >= amount
    vaultData(vault, token)
    stratData(strategy, token, vToken, vsp)

    # harvest 1: funds from vault -> strat
    strategy.harvest({"from": strategist})
    vaultData(vault, token)
    stratData(strategy, token, vToken, vsp)
    assert strategy.estimatedTotalAssets()+1 >= 0
    # Harvest 2: Allow rewards to be earned
    print("\n**Harvest 2: check for profits**")
    before_balance = strategy.estimatedTotalAssets() + token.balanceOf(vault)
    strategy.harvest({"from": strategist})
    chain.sleep(3600 * 6) # Unlock profits
    print("Loss Protection Balance:", strategy.lossProtectionBalance())
    assert token.balanceOf(strategy) == strategy.lossProtectionBalance()
    after_balance = strategy.estimatedTotalAssets() + token.balanceOf(vault)
    print("before_balance:", before_balance)
    print("after_balance:", after_balance)
    assert after_balance > before_balance

    # Harvest 3
    print("\n**Check Profitable Withdraw**")
    strategy.harvest({"from": strategist})
    chain.sleep(3600) # wait six hours for a profitable withdraw
    # Let's put our strategy to front of the queue so that we can test impact by withdraws
    vault.withdraw(vault.balanceOf(user),user,61,{"from": user}) # Need more loss protect to handle 0.6% withdraw fee
    assert token.balanceOf(strategy) == strategy.lossProtectionBalance()
    print("deposit amount:", amount)
    print("withdrawn amount:", token.balanceOf(user))
    after_withdraw_fee = amount * 0.94
    print("after_withdraw_fee:", after_withdraw_fee)
    # We want to calculate against the post fee amount because depending
    # On when test is run, rewards contract may have limited emissions
    assert token.balanceOf(user) > after_withdraw_fee

    # Check DEX toggle
    originalDex = strategy.activeDex()
    strategy.toggleActiveDex({"from": gov})
    newDex = strategy.activeDex()
    assert originalDex != newDex
    strategy.toggleActiveDex({"from": gov})

    # Update debt ratio
    print("\n**Check Debt Ratio Change**")
    before_balance = strategy.estimatedTotalAssets()
    vault.updateStrategyDebtRatio(strategy.address, 50, {"from": gov}) # 5%
    strategy.harvest({"from": strategist})
    # ^ Anytime we reduce debtRatio then harvest, we suffer _loss 
    # because of withdrawFee. Here the debtRatio actually goes below target
    # because of penalty on loss
    after_balance = strategy.estimatedTotalAssets()
    print("before_balance:", before_balance)
    print("after_balance:", strategy.estimatedTotalAssets())
    assert before_balance > after_balance
    stratData(strategy, token, vToken, vsp)

    # Set funds to 0
    print("\nTokens before:", token.balanceOf(strategy)/1e8)
    vault.updateStrategyDebtRatio(strategy, 0, {"from": gov})
    strategy.harvest({"from": strategist})
    vaultData(vault, token)
    stratData(strategy, token, vToken, vsp)
    assert strategy.estimatedTotalAssets() < 1e12 # allow for some dust
    vault.updateStrategyDebtRatio(strategy, 1_000, {"from": gov})
    strategy.harvest({"from": strategist})
    est_assets_before = strategy.estimatedTotalAssets()
    vaultData(vault, token)
    stratData(strategy, token, vToken, vsp)
    print("\nTest Migrate:")
    # migrate to a new strategy
    new_strategy = strategist.deploy(
        5_000, # 50% percent keep,
        "Vesper LINK"
    new_est_assets_before = new_strategy.estimatedTotalAssets()
    vault.migrateStrategy(strategy, new_strategy.address, {"from": gov})
    assert new_est_assets_before < new_strategy.estimatedTotalAssets() # New strat should have more assets
    assert strategy.estimatedTotalAssets() < est_assets_before # Old strat should have less assetes
    # set emergency and exit
    new_strategy.harvest({"from": strategist})
def test_operation(accounts, token, vault, live_strategy, strategy, strategist,
                   amount, user, user2, want_pool, chain, gov, vsp):
    one_day = 86400

    # Deposit to the vault
    token.approve(vault.address, amount, {"from": user})
    vault.deposit(amount, {"from": user})
    assert token.balanceOf(vault.address) >= amount
    vaultData(vault, token)
    stratData(strategy, token, want_pool, vsp)

    # harvest 1: funds from vault -> strat
         gov})  # Do this just bc this strategy needs to empty its funds
    strategy.harvest({"from": strategist})
    vaultData(vault, token)
    stratData(strategy, token, want_pool, vsp)
    assert strategy.estimatedTotalAssets() + 1 >= 0

    # Harvest 2: Allow rewards to be earned
    print("\n**Harvest 2: check for profits**")
    before_balance = strategy.estimatedTotalAssets()
    after_rewards = strategy.estimatedTotalAssets()

        "\nEst APR: ", "{:.2%}".format(
            ((after_rewards - before_balance) * 365) / (before_balance)))
    assert before_balance < after_rewards
    strategy.harvest({"from": strategist})
    chain.sleep(3600 * 6)  # Unlock profits
    after_balance = strategy.estimatedTotalAssets()
    after_withdraw_fee = before_balance * 0.94
    print("before_balance:", before_balance)
    print("after_balance:", after_balance)
    assert after_balance > before_balance * 0.94
    # Harvest 3
    print("\n**Check Profitable Withdraw**")
    chain.sleep(3600)  # wait six hours for a profitable withdraw
    strategy.harvest({"from": strategist})
        vault.balanceOf(user), user, 61,
        {"from": user})  # Need more loss protect to handle 0.6% withdraw fee
    print("deposit amount:", amount)
    print("withdrawn amount:", token.balanceOf(user))
    after_withdraw_fee = amount * 0.94
    print("after_withdraw_fee:", after_withdraw_fee)
    # We want to calculate against the post fee amount because depending
    # On when test is run, rewards contract may have limited emissions
    assert token.balanceOf(user) > after_withdraw_fee

    # Check DEX toggle
    originalDex = strategy.activeDex()
    strategy.toggleActiveDex({"from": gov})
    newDex = strategy.activeDex()
    assert originalDex != newDex
    strategy.toggleActiveDex({"from": gov})

    # Update debt ratio
    print("\n**Check Debt Ratio Change**")
    before_balance = strategy.estimatedTotalAssets()
    vault.updateStrategyDebtRatio(strategy.address, 10, {"from": gov})  # 1%
    strategy.harvest({"from": strategist})
    print("before_balance:", before_balance)
    print("after_balance:", strategy.estimatedTotalAssets())
    assert before_balance > strategy.estimatedTotalAssets()
    stratData(strategy, token, want_pool, vsp)

    # Set funds to 0
    print("\nTokens before:", token.balanceOf(strategy) / 1e6)
    vault.updateStrategyDebtRatio(strategy, 0, {"from": gov})
    strategy.harvest({"from": strategist})
    vaultData(vault, token)
    stratData(strategy, token, want_pool, vsp)
    assert strategy.estimatedTotalAssets() < 1e12  # allow for some dust

    # set emergency and exit
    vault.updateStrategyDebtRatio(strategy, 1_000, {"from": gov})
    strategy.harvest({"from": strategist})
    strategy.harvest({"from": strategist})
def test_operation(accounts, token, vault, strategy, strategist, amount, user, user2, want_pool, chain, gov, vsp):
    one_day = 86400
    # Deposit to the vault
    token.approve(vault, amount, {"from": user})
    vault.deposit(amount, {"from": user})
    assert token.balanceOf(vault.address) >= amount
    vaultData(vault, token)
    stratData(strategy, token, want_pool, vsp)
    assert token.balanceOf(strategy) == strategy.lossProtectionBalance()

    # harvest 1: funds to strat
    print("\n**Harvest 1**")
    strategy.harvest({"from": strategist})
    vaultData(vault, token)
    stratData(strategy, token, want_pool, vsp)
    print("Loss Protection Balance:", strategy.lossProtectionBalance())
    assert strategy.estimatedTotalAssets()+1 >= amount
    assert token.balanceOf(strategy) == strategy.lossProtectionBalance()
    # Harvest 2: Allow rewards to be earned
    print("\n**Harvest 2**")
    strategy.harvest({"from": strategist})
    vaultData(vault, token)
    stratData(strategy, token, want_pool, vsp)
    print("Loss Protection Balance:", strategy.lossProtectionBalance())
    print("\nEst APR: ", "{:.2%}".format(
            ((vault.totalAssets() - amount) * 365) / (amount)
    assert token.balanceOf(strategy) == strategy.lossProtectionBalance()

    # Harvest 3
    print("\n**Harvest 3**")
    strategy.harvest({"from": strategist})
    vaultData(vault, token)
    stratData(strategy, token, want_pool, vsp)
    print("Loss Protection Balance:", strategy.lossProtectionBalance())
    # Current contract has rewards emissions ending on Mar 19, so we shouldnt project too far
    print("\nEst APR: ", "{:.2%}".format(
            ((vault.totalAssets() - amount) * 365/2) / (amount)
    assert token.balanceOf(strategy) == strategy.lossProtectionBalance()

    print("\n**Check Debt Ratio Change**")
    before_balance = strategy.estimatedTotalAssets()
    vault.updateStrategyDebtRatio(strategy.address, 500, {"from": gov}) # 5%
    strategy.harvest({"from": strategist})
    # ^ Anytime we reduce debtRatio then harvest, we suffer _loss 
    # because of withdrawFee. Here the debtRatio actually goes below target
    # because of penalty on loss
    after_balance = strategy.estimatedTotalAssets()
    print("before_balance:", before_balance)
    print("after_balance:", strategy.estimatedTotalAssets())
    assert token.balanceOf(strategy) == strategy.lossProtectionBalance()
    assert before_balance > after_balance
    stratData(strategy, token, want_pool, vsp)

    vault.updateStrategyDebtRatio(strategy.address, 10_000, {"from": gov})
    strategy.harvest({"from": strategist})
    strategy.harvest({"from": strategist})
    strategy.harvest({"from": strategist}) # All funds to strat
    before = strategy.lossProtectionBalance()
    vault.withdraw(vault.balanceOf(user)/100_000,user,61,{"from": user})
    # Test that user withdraw pulls partially from loss protection
    assert token.balanceOf(strategy) == strategy.lossProtectionBalance()
    assert strategy.lossProtectionBalance() < before

    # Start clean since the debtRatio change test kills our pps
    assert False
    tx = vault.withdraw(1e6,user,61,{"from": user}) 
    tx = vault.withdraw(1e8,user,61,{"from": user})    
    strategy.harvest({"from": strategist})

    # Harvest 4
    print("\n**Harvest 4**")
    strategy.harvest({"from": strategist})
    vaultData(vault, token)
    stratData(strategy, token, want_pool, vsp)
    print("Loss Protection Balance:", strategy.lossProtectionBalance())

    # Harvest 5
    print("\n**Harvest 5**")
    chain.sleep(3600) # wait six hours for a profitable withdraw
    vault.withdraw(vault.balanceOf(user),user,61,{"from": user}) # Need more loss protect to handle 0.6% withdraw fee
    print("After Withdraw - Loss Protection Balance:", strategy.lossProtectionBalance())
    vaultData(vault, token)
    stratData(strategy, token, want_pool, vsp)
    assert token.balanceOf(user) > amount * 0.994 * .78 # Ensure profit was made after withdraw fee
    assert vault.balanceOf(vault.rewards()) > 0 # Check mgmt fee
    assert vault.balanceOf(strategy) > 0 # Check perf fee