print('scrn = ',scrn, ' from dialog box')
        fullscrn = infoFirst['Fullscreen (timing errors if not)']
        refreshRate = infoFirst['Screen refresh rate']

        #monitor parameters
        widthPix = 1280 #1440  #monitor width in pixels
        heightPix =1024  #900 #monitor height in pixels
        monitorwidth = 40.5 #28.5 #monitor width in centimeters
        viewdist = 55.; #cm
        pixelperdegree = widthPix/ (atan(monitorwidth/viewdist) /np.pi*180)
        bgColor = [-1,-1,-1] #black background
        monitorname = 'testMonitor' # 'mitsubishi' #in psychopy Monitors Center

        mon = monitors.Monitor(monitorname,width=monitorwidth, distance=viewdist)#fetch the most recent calib for this monitor
        mon.setSizePix( (widthPix,heightPix) )
        myWin = openMyStimWindow(mon,widthPix,heightPix,bgColor,allowGUI,units,fullscrn,scrn,waitBlank)

        trialsPerCondition = 2 #default value

        refreshMsg2 = ''
        if not checkRefreshEtc:
            refreshMsg1 = 'REFRESH RATE WAS NOT CHECKED'
            refreshRateWrong = False
        else: #checkRefreshEtc
            runInfo =
                    win=myWin,    ## a psychopy.visual.Window() instance; None = default temp window used; False = no win, no win.flips()
                    refreshTest='grating', ## None, True, or 'grating' (eye-candy to avoid a blank screen)
                    verbose=True, ## True means report on everything
                    userProcsDetailed=True  ## if verbose and userProcsDetailed, return (command, process-ID) of the user's processes
bgColor = [-1,-1,-1] #black background
monitorname = 'testMonitor' # 'mitsubishi' #in psychopy Monitors Center
if exportImages:
    fullscr=0; scrn=0
    widthPix = 600; heightPix = 450
    monitorwidth = 25.0
if demo:    
    scrn=0; fullscr=0
    widthPix = 800; heightPix = 600
    allowGUI = True
    monitorwidth = 23#18.0

mon = monitors.Monitor(monitorname,width=monitorwidth, distance=viewdist)#fetch the most recent calib for this monitor
mon.setSizePix( (widthPix,heightPix) )
myWin = openMyStimWindow(mon,widthPix,heightPix,bgColor,allowGUI,units,fullscr,scrn,waitBlank)
myMouse = event.Mouse(visible = 'true',win=myWin)

trialsPerCondition = 8 #default value

refreshMsg2 = ''
if not checkRefreshEtc:
    refreshRateWrong = False
else: #checkRefreshEtc
    runInfo =
            # if you specify author and version here, it overrides the automatic detection of __author__ and __version__ in your script
            #author='<your name goes here, plus whatever you like, e.g., your lab or contact info>',
            #version="<your experiment version info>",
            win=myWin,    ## a psychopy.visual.Window() instance; None = default temp window used; False = no win, no win.flips()