Beispiel #1
    def metric_summaries(self, x, y, g, y_hat, args, name=None):
        # from Eigen et. al 2014
        ns = 'metrics' if name is None else 'metrics_' + name
        with tf.variable_scope(ns):
            g = g / 10.0
            y = y / 10.0
            y_hat = y_hat / 10.0

            # standard pixel-wise difference metrics
            abs_rel_diff = tf.reduce_mean(tf.abs(y - y_hat)/y_hat, name='abs_rel_diff')
            squared_rel_diff = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(y - y_hat)/y_hat)
            linear_rmse = hem.rmse(y, y_hat, name='linear_rmse')
            log_rmse = hem.rmse(tf.log(y + 1e-8), tf.log(y_hat + 1e-8), name='log_rmse')
            tf.summary.scalar('abs_rel_diff', abs_rel_diff)
            tf.summary.scalar('squared_rel_diff', squared_rel_diff)
            tf.summary.scalar('linear_rmse', linear_rmse)
            tf.summary.scalar('log_rmse', log_rmse)

            # scale-invariant rmse
            d = tf.log(y + 1e-8) - tf.log(y_hat + 1e-8)
            n = tf.cast(tf.size(d), tf.float32) # tf.size() = 430592
            scale_invariant_log_rmse = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(d)) - (tf.reduce_sum(d) ** 2)/(n**2)
            tf.summary.scalar('scale_invariant_log_rmse', scale_invariant_log_rmse)

            # threshold metrics
            delta = tf.maximum(y/y_hat, y_hat/y)
            t1, t1_op = tf.metrics.percentage_below(delta, 1.25,    name='threshold1')
            t2, t2_op = tf.metrics.percentage_below(delta, 1.25**2, name='threshold2')
            t3, t3_op = tf.metrics.percentage_below(delta, 1.25**3, name='threshold3')
            tf.summary.scalar('threshold1', t1_op)
            tf.summary.scalar('threshold2', t2_op)
            tf.summary.scalar('threshold3', t3_op)
Beispiel #2
 def loss(self, x, y, y_hat, args, reuse=False):
     with tf.variable_scope('loss'):
         y_bar = tf.reduce_mean(y, axis=[2, 3], keep_dims=True)
         y = y / 10.0
         y_hat = y_hat / 10.0
         y_bar = y_bar / 10.0
         l = hem.rmse(y, y_hat)
         if not reuse:
             hem.add_to_collection('losses', [l])
     return l
Beispiel #3
def losses(x, g, d_fake, d_real, args, reuse=False):
    """Add loss nodes to the graph depending on the model type.

    This implements an Improved Wasserstein loss with an additional
    reconstruction loss term in the generator.

        x: Tensor, the real (input) images.
        g: Tensor, the fake images (i.e. the output from the generator)
        d_fake: Tensor, the discriminator using the fake images.
        d_real: Tensor, the discriminator using the real images.
        args: Argparse struct.
        reuse: Boolean, whether to reuse the variables in this scope.

        g_loss: Op, the loss op for the generator.
        d_loss: Op, the loss op for the discriminator.

    # generator loss
    _, x_depth = _split(x)
    _, g_depth = _split(g)
    if not reuse:
        hem.histograms(('loss_x_depth', x_depth), ('loss_g_depth', g_depth))
    # rescaled to [0, 1]
    x_depth = (x_depth + 1.0) / 2.0
    g_depth = (g_depth + 1.0) / 2.0

    if not reuse:
        hem.histograms(('loss_x_depth_rescaled', x_depth),
                       ('loss_g_depth_rescaled', g_depth))

    l_term = 1.0
    rmse_loss = hem.rmse(x_depth, g_depth, name='rmse')
    g_loss = tf.identity(-tf.reduce_mean(d_fake) + l_term * rmse_loss,

    # discriminator loss
    l_term = 10.0
    with tf.variable_scope('discriminator'):
        gp = tf.identity(_gradient_penalty(x, g, args), 'grad_penalty')
    d_gan_loss = tf.identity(tf.reduce_mean(d_fake) - tf.reduce_mean(d_real),
    d_grad_penalty_loss = tf.identity(l_term * gp, name='d_loss2')
    d_loss = tf.identity(d_gan_loss + d_grad_penalty_loss, name='d_loss')

    # track losses in collection node
    if not reuse:
        for l in [g_loss, d_loss, rmse_loss, d_gan_loss, d_grad_penalty_loss]:
            tf.add_to_collection('losses', l)

    return g_loss, d_loss
Beispiel #4
    def loss(d_real,
        """Adds loss nodes to the graph.

            d_real: Tensor, the discriminator's output with a real batch.
            d_fake: Tensor, the discriminator's output with a fake batch.
            g: Tensor, the generator's output.
            x_depth: Tensor, the real depth maps.
            reuse: Bool, whether to add the loss nodes to the loss collection
                   for later summary collection. Should only be True once.

            Tensors, the losses for the generator and discriminator, respectively.
        def xentropy(logits, labels):
            return tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits,

        with tf.variable_scope('loss'):
            g = hem.rescale(g, (-1, 1), (0, 1))
            x_depth = hem.rescale(x_depth, (-1, 1), (0, 1))
            # losses
            with tf.variable_scope('generator'):
                g_fake = tf.reduce_mean(xentropy(d_fake_logits,
            with tf.variable_scope('discriminator'):
                d_real = tf.reduce_mean(xentropy(d_real_logits,
                d_fake = tf.reduce_mean(xentropy(d_fake_logits,
                d_total = tf.identity(d_real + d_fake, name='total')
            rmse_loss = hem.rmse(x_depth, g)
            l1_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.abs(x_depth - g), name='l1')

        # only add these to the collection once
        if not reuse:
                [g_fake, d_real, d_fake, d_total, rmse_loss, l1_loss])
        return g_fake, d_total
Beispiel #5
def metrics(x, y, g, y_hat):
    g = g / 10.0
    y = y / 10.0
    y_hat = y_hat / 10.0
    linear_rmse = hem.rmse(y, y_hat)
    log_rmse = hem.rmse(tf.log(y + 1e-8), tf.log(y_hat + 1e-8))
    abs_rel_diff = tf.reduce_mean(tf.abs(y - y_hat) / y_hat)
    squared_rel_diff = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(y - y_hat) / y_hat)
    d = tf.log(y + 1e-8) - tf.log(y_hat + 1e-8)
    n = tf.cast(tf.size(d), tf.float32)  # tf.size() = 430592
    scale_invariant_log_rmse = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(d)) - (tf.reduce_sum(d) ** 2) / (n ** 2)
    delta = tf.maximum(y / y_hat, y_hat / y)
    t1, t1_op = tf.metrics.percentage_below(delta, 1.25, name='threshold1')
    t2, t2_op = tf.metrics.percentage_below(delta, 1.25 ** 2, name='threshold2')
    t3, t3_op = tf.metrics.percentage_below(delta, 1.25 ** 3, name='threshold3')
    all_metrics = {'linear_rmse': linear_rmse,
                   'log_rmse': log_rmse,
                   'abs_rel_diff': abs_rel_diff,
                   'squared_rel_diff': squared_rel_diff,
                   'scale_invariant_log_rmse': scale_invariant_log_rmse,
                   't1': t1_op,
                   't2': t2_op,
                   't3': t3_op}
    return all_metrics
Beispiel #6
    def loss(d_real, d_real_logits, d_fake, d_fake_logits, x, g, x_depth, q, args, reuse=False):
        def xentropy(logits, labels):
            return tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits, labels=labels)

        with tf.variable_scope('loss'):
            g = hem.rescale(g, (-1, 1), (0, 1))
            x_depth = hem.rescale(x_depth, (-1, 1), (0, 1))
            rmse_loss = hem.rmse(x_depth, g)
            l1_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.abs(x_depth - g), name='l1')

            # losses
            with tf.variable_scope('generator'):
                g_fake = tf.reduce_mean(xentropy(d_fake_logits, tf.ones_like(d_fake)), name='g_fake')
                # if args.g_sparsity:
                #     layers = tf.get_collection('conv_layers')
                #     for l in layers:
                #         if 'e5' in
                #             sparsity_term = tf.nn.zero_fraction(l, name='sparsity_term')
                #     lambda_term = 1.0
                #     if args.g_rmse:
                #         g_total = tf.identity(g_fake - lambda_term * sparsity_term + rmse_loss, name='g_total')
                #     else:
                #         g_total = tf.identity(g_fake - lambda_term * sparsity_term, name='g_total')
                # elif args.g_rmse:
                #     g_total = tf.identity(g_fake + rmse_loss, name='g_total')

            with tf.variable_scope('discriminator'):
                d_real = tf.reduce_mean(xentropy(d_real_logits, tf.ones_like(d_real)), name='d_real')
                d_fake = tf.reduce_mean(xentropy(d_fake_logits, tf.zeros_like(d_fake)), name='d_fake')
                d_total = tf.identity(d_real + d_fake, name='d_total')
            # only add these to the collection once
            if not reuse:
                hem.add_to_collection('losses', [g_fake, d_real, d_fake, d_total, rmse_loss, l1_loss])
                # if args.g_sparsity:
                #     hem.add_to_collection('losses', [g_total, sparsity_term])
                # elif args.g_rmse:
                #     hem.add_to_collection('losses', [g_total])
        # if args.g_sparsity or args.g_rmse:
        #     return g_total, d_total
        # else:
        return g_fake, d_total
Beispiel #7
 def test_rmse(self):
     with self.test_session() as sess:
         x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (1, 64, 64, 3))
         x_hat = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (1, 64, 64, 3))
         x_data = np.ones((1, 64, 64, 3))
         l = hem.rmse(x, x_hat)
         # 1 - 1 = 0
         x_hat_data_ones = np.ones((1, 64, 64, 3))
         results =,
                                x: x_data,
                                x_hat: x_hat_data_ones
         self.assertAllClose(results, 0)
         # 1 - 0 = 1
         x_hat_data_zeros = np.zeros((1, 64, 64, 3))
         results =,
                                x: x_data,
                                x_hat: x_hat_data_zeros
         self.assertAllClose(results, 1)
         # -1 - 1 = 2
         x_data = np.ones((1, 64, 64, 3)) * -1
         results =,
                                x: x_data,
                                x_hat: x_hat_data_ones
         self.assertAllClose(results, 2)
         # 1 - -1 = 2
         results =,
                                x: x_hat_data_ones,
                                x_hat: x_data
         self.assertAllClose(results, 2)