Beispiel #1
 def test_save_and_load_Astropy_model(self):
     save_model(self.model, 'bubu_model.p')
     b, kind, _ = load_model('bubu_model.p')
     assert kind == 'Astropy'
     assert isinstance(b, Model)
     assert np.all(self.model.parameters == b.parameters)
     assert np.all(self.model.bounds == b.bounds)
     assert np.all(self.model.fixed == b.fixed)
Beispiel #2
 def test_save_and_load_callable_model(self):
     constraints0 = {'bounds': ()}
     save_model(_dummy, 'bubu_callable.p', constraints=constraints0)
     b, kind, constraints = load_model('bubu_callable.p')
     assert kind == 'callable'
     assert callable(b)
     assert np.all(_dummy.__code__.co_argcount == b.__code__.co_argcount)
     assert np.all(_dummy.__defaults__ == b.__defaults__)
     assert np.all(constraints == constraints0)
Beispiel #3
    def test_load_python_model_Astropy(self):
        modelstring = '''
from astropy.modeling import models
model = models.Const1D()
        print(modelstring, file=open('', 'w'))
        b, kind, constraints = load_model('')
        assert isinstance(b, Model)
        assert kind == 'Astropy'
        assert b.amplitude == 1
Beispiel #4
    def test_load_python_model_callable(self):
        modelstring = '''
def model(x, a=2, b=4):
    return x * a + b

constraints = {'fixed': {'a': True}}
        print(modelstring, file=open('', 'w'))
        b, kind, constraints = load_model('')
        assert kind == 'callable'
        assert callable(b)
        assert b.__code__.co_argcount == 3
        assert b.__defaults__[0] == 2
        assert b.__defaults__[1] == 4
        assert np.all(constraints == {'fixed': {'a': True}})
Beispiel #5
 def test_load_model_input_invalid_file_format(self):
     with open('bubu.txt', 'w') as fobj:
         print(1, file=fobj)
     with pytest.raises(TypeError) as record:
         b, kind, _ = load_model('bubu.txt')
     assert 'Unknown file type' in str(record.value)
Beispiel #6
 def test_load_model_input_file_doesnt_exist(self):
     with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError) as record:
         b, kind, _ = load_model('dfasjkdaslfj')
     assert 'Model file not found' in str(record.value)
Beispiel #7
 def test_load_model_input_not_string(self):
     '''Input is not a string'''
     with pytest.raises(TypeError) as record:
         b, kind, _ = load_model(1)
     assert 'modelstring has to be an existing file name' \
            in str(record.value)