def dynamics(self, t, state, uOpt, dOpt):

        :param t:
        :param state:
        :param uOpt:
        :param dOpt:
        x1_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x1_dot")
        x2_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x2_dot")
        x3_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x3_dot")
        x4_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x4_dot")
        x5_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x5_dot")

        # state = (state[0]: , state[1], state[2], state[3], state[4]) = (x_rel, y_rel, psi_rel, v_h, v_r)
        # uOpt = (uOpt[0], uOpt[1]) = (beta_r, a_r)
        # dOpt = (dOpt[0], dOpt[1]) = (w_h, a_h)
        x1_dot[0] = (state[4] / self.l_r) * hcl.sin(
            uOpt[0]) * state[1] + state[3] * hcl.cos(
                state[2]) - state[4] * hcl.cos(uOpt[0])
        x2_dot[0] = (-state[4] / self.l_r) * hcl.sin(
            uOpt[0]) * state[0] + state[3] * hcl.sin(
                state[2]) - state[4] * hcl.sin(uOpt[0])
        x3_dot[0] = dOpt[0] - (state[4] / self.l_r) * hcl.sin(uOpt[0])
        x4_dot[0] = dOpt[1]
        x5_dot[0] = uOpt[1]

        return (x1_dot[0], x2_dot[0], x3_dot[0], x4_dot[0], x5_dot[0])
Beispiel #2
    def dynamics(self, t, state, uOpt, dOpt):
        L = hcl.scalar(3.0, "L")  # Car length

        x_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x_dot")
        y_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "y_dot")
        v_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "v_dot")
        theta_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "theta_dot")

        x_dot[0] = state[2] * hcl.cos(state[3]) + dOpt[0]
        y_dot[0] = state[2] * hcl.sin(state[3]) + dOpt[1]
        v_dot[0] = uOpt[0]
        theta_dot[0] = state[2] * (hcl.sin(uOpt[1]) / hcl.cos(uOpt[1])) / L[0]

        return (x_dot[0], y_dot[0], v_dot[0], theta_dot[0])
Beispiel #3
    def dynamics(self, t, state, uOpt, dOpt):
        # wheelbase of Tamiya TT02
        L = hcl.scalar(0.3, "L")

        x_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x_dot")
        y_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "y_dot")
        v_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "v_dot")
        theta_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "theta_dot")

        x_dot[0] = state[2] * hcl.cos(state[3]) + dOpt[0]
        y_dot[0] = state[2] * hcl.sin(state[3]) + dOpt[1]
        v_dot[0] = uOpt[0]
        theta_dot[0] = state[2] * (hcl.sin(uOpt[1]) / hcl.cos(uOpt[1])) / L[0]

        return (x_dot[0], y_dot[0], v_dot[0], theta_dot[0])
Beispiel #4
    def dynamics(self, t, state, uOpt,
                 dOpt):  # Assume order of state is (x_a, z_a, u_r, w_r, x, z)
        # Some constants for convenience
        G1 = hcl.scalar(0, "G1")
        F1 = hcl.scalar(0, "F1")
        sigma = hcl.scalar(0, "sigma")
        Phi_11 = hcl.scalar(0, "Phi_11")
        Phi_12 = hcl.scalar(0, "Phi_12")
        Phi_21 = hcl.scalar(0, "Phi_21")
        Phi_22 = hcl.scalar(0, "Phi_22")

        x1_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x1_dot")
        x2_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x2_dot")
        x3_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x3_dot")
        x4_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x4_dot")
        x5_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x5_dot")
        x6_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x6_dot")

        # Get the values
        G1[0] = self.A * * hcl.exp(-self.k * state[5])
        F1[0] = self.k * G1[0]
        sigma[0] = self.k * state[4] - * (-t[0])

        Phi_11[0] = F1[0] * (-hcl.sin(sigma[0]))
        Phi_12[0] = F1[0] * hcl.cos(sigma[0])
        Phi_21[0] = Phi_12[0]
        Phi_22[0] = -Phi_11[0]

        # Question: What is B matrix
        x1_dot[0] = state[2] + G1[0] * hcl.cos(sigma[0]) + dOpt[0] - uOpt[2]
        x2_dot[0] = state[3] + G1[0] * (-hcl.sin(sigma[0])) + dOpt[1] - uOpt[3]

        x3_dot[0] = (1/(self.m - self.X_udot))*(-Phi_11[0]*(self.b - self.X_udot)* state[2] + (self.b - self.m)*(G1[0] * * hcl.sin(sigma[0])) +\
         Phi_11[0] * (state[2] + G1*hcl.cos(sigma[0])) + Phi_21[0]*(state[3] + G1[0]*(-hcl.sin(sigma[0]))) - (self.X_u + self.X_uu * my_abs(state[2]))*state[2] + \
        self.B[0,0]*uOpt[0] + self.B[0,1]*uOpt[1]) + dOpt[2]

        x4_dot[0] = (1/(self.m - self.Z_wdot))*(-Phi_22*(self.b - self.Z_wdot)*state[3] + \
         (self.b - self.m) * (G1 * * hcl.cos(sigma[0])) + \
         Phi_12[0] * (state[2] + G1 * hcl.cos(sigma[0])) + \
         Phi_22[0] * (state[3] + G1 * (-hcl.sin(sigma[0]))) - \
         (-(self.W - self.Buoy)) - (self.Z_w + self.Z_ww * my_abs(state[3])) * state[3] + \
         self.B[1,0] * uOpt[0] + self.B[1,1] * uOpt[1]) + \

        x5_dot[0] = state[2] + G1[0] * hcl.cos(sigma[0]) + dOpt[0]
        x6_dot[0] = state[3] + G1[0] * (-hcl.sin(sigma[0])) + dOpt[1]
        return (x1_dot[0], x2_dot[0], x3_dot[0], x4_dot[0], x5_dot[0],
def transition(sVals, action, bounds, trans, goal):
    dx = hcl.scalar(0, "dx")
    dy = hcl.scalar(0, "dy")
    mag = hcl.scalar(0, "mag")

    # Check if moving from a goal state
    dx[0] = sVals[0] - goal[0, 0]
    dy[0] = sVals[1] - goal[0, 1]
    mag[0] = hcl.sqrt((dx[0] * dx[0]) + (dy[0] * dy[0]))
    with hcl.if_(
            hcl.and_(mag[0] <= 1.0, sVals[2] <= goal[1, 1],
                     sVals[2] >= goal[1, 0])):
        trans[0, 0] = 0
    # Check if moving from an obstacle
    with hcl.elif_(
            hcl.or_(sVals[0] < bounds[0, 0] + 0.2,
                    sVals[0] > bounds[0, 1] - 0.2)):
        trans[0, 0] = 0
    with hcl.elif_(
            hcl.or_(sVals[1] < bounds[1, 0] + 0.2,
                    sVals[1] > bounds[1, 1] - 0.2)):
        trans[0, 0] = 0
    # Standard move
    with hcl.else_():
        trans[0, 0] = 1.0
        trans[0, 1] = sVals[0] + (0.6 * action[0] * hcl.cos(sVals[2]))
        trans[0, 2] = sVals[1] + (0.6 * action[0] * hcl.sin(sVals[2]))
        trans[0, 3] = sVals[2] + (0.6 * action[1])
        # Adjust for periodic dimension
        with hcl.while_(trans[0, 3] > 3.141592653589793):
            trans[0, 3] -= 6.283185307179586
        with hcl.while_(trans[0, 3] < -3.141592653589793):
            trans[0, 3] += 6.283185307179586
Beispiel #6
    def fft(X_real, X_imag, IndexTable, F_real, F_imag):
        L = X_real.shape[0]
        if np.log2(L) % 1 > 0:
            raise ValueError("Length of input vector (1d tensor) must be power of 2")
        num_stages = int(np.log2(L))

        # bit reverse permutation
        hcl.update(F_real, lambda i: X_real[IndexTable[i]], name='F_real_update')
        hcl.update(F_imag, lambda i: X_imag[IndexTable[i]], name='F_imag_update')

        with hcl.Stage("Out"):
            one = hcl.scalar(1, dtype="int32")
            with hcl.for_(0, num_stages) as stage:
                DFTpts = one[0] << (stage + 1)
                numBF = DFTpts / 2
                e = -2 * np.pi / DFTpts
                a = hcl.scalar(0)
                with hcl.for_(0, numBF) as j:
                    c = hcl.scalar(hcl.cos(a[0]))
                    s = hcl.scalar(hcl.sin(a[0]))
                    a[0] = a[0] + e
                    with hcl.for_(j, L + DFTpts - 1, DFTpts) as i:
                        i_lower = i + numBF
                        temp_r = hcl.scalar(F_real[i_lower] * c - F_imag[i_lower] * s)
                        temp_i = hcl.scalar(F_imag[i_lower] * c + F_real[i_lower] * s)
                        F_real[i_lower] = F_real[i] - temp_r[0]
                        F_imag[i_lower] = F_imag[i] - temp_i[0]
                        F_real[i] = F_real[i] + temp_r[0]
                        F_imag[i] = F_imag[i] + temp_i[0]
Beispiel #7
    def dynamics(self, t, state, uOpt, dOpt):
        x_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x_dot")
        y_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "y_dot")
        theta_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "theta_dot")

        x_dot[0] = -self.speed + self.speed*hcl.cos(state[2]) + uOpt[0]*state[1]
        y_dot[0] = self.speed*hcl.sin(state[2]) - uOpt[0]*state[0]
        theta_dot[0] = dOpt[0] - uOpt[0]

        return (x_dot[0], y_dot[0], theta_dot[0])
Beispiel #8
    def dynamics(self, theta, opt_ctrl):
        x_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x_dot")
        y_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "y_dot")
        theta_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "theta_dot")

        x_dot[0] = self.speed*hcl.cos(theta)
        y_dot[0] = self.speed*hcl.sin(theta)
        theta_dot[0] = opt_ctrl

        return (x_dot[0], y_dot[0], theta_dot[0])
Beispiel #9
    def dynamics(self, t, state, uOpt, dOpt):
        x_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x_dot")
        y_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "y_dot")
        theta_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "theta_dot")

        x_dot[0] = self.speed * hcl.cos(state[2])
        y_dot[0] = self.speed * hcl.sin(state[2])
        theta_dot[0] = uOpt[0]

        return (x_dot[0], y_dot[0], theta_dot[0])
    def dynamics(self, t, state, uOpt, dOpt):

        :param t:
        :param state:
        :param uOpt:
        :param dOpt:
        x1_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x1_dot")
        x2_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x2_dot")
        x3_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x3_dot")
        x4_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x4_dot")

        x1_dot[0] = state[3] * hcl.cos(state[2] + uOpt[0])
        x2_dot[0] = state[3] * hcl.sin(state[2] + uOpt[0])
        x3_dot[0] = (state[3] / self.l_r) * hcl.sin(uOpt[0])
        x4_dot[0] = uOpt[1]

        return (x1_dot[0], x2_dot[0], x3_dot[0], x4_dot[0])
Beispiel #11
    def dynamics(self, t, state, uOpt, dOpt):
        x_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x_dot")
        y_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "y_dot")
        v_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "v_dot")
        theta_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "theta_dot")

        x_dot[0] = state[2] * hcl.cos(state[3]) + dOpt[0]
        y_dot[0] = state[2] * hcl.sin(state[3]) + dOpt[1]
        v_dot[0] = uOpt[0]
        theta_dot[0] = uOpt[1]

        return (x_dot[0], y_dot[0], v_dot[0], theta_dot[0])
Beispiel #12
    def dynamics(self, t, state, uOpt, dOpt):
        x1_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x_1_dot")
        x2_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x_2_dot")
        x3_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x_3_dot")
        x4_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x_4_dot")
        x5_dot = hcl.scalar(0, "x_5_dot")

        x1_dot[0] = -state[3] + state[4] * hcl.cos(
            state[2]) + uOpt[0] * state[1]
        x2_dot[0] = state[4] * hcl.sin(state[2]) - uOpt[0] * state[0]
        x3_dot[0] = dOpt[0] - uOpt[0]
        x4_dot[0] = uOpt[1]
        x5_dot[0] = dOpt[1]

        return (x1_dot[0], x2_dot[0], x3_dot[0], x4_dot[0], x5_dot[0])
Beispiel #13
def HJ_PDE_solver(V_new, V_init, thetas):
    # Calculate spatial derivative based on index and dimension number
    def spatial_derivative(i, j, k, dim):
        left = i * j - k
        right = i * j + k
        return left, right

    # Calculate Hamiltonian for every grid point in V_init
    with hcl.Stage("Hamiltonian"):
        with hcl.for_(1, V_init.shape[0], name="i") as i:
            with hcl.for_(1, V_init.shape[1], name="j") as j:
                with hcl.for_(1, V_init.shape[2], name="k") as k:
                    # Calculate dV_dx
                    dV_dx_L, dV_dx_R = spatial_derivative(i, j, k, 0)
                    dV_dy_L, dV_dy_R = spatial_derivative(i, j, k, 1)
                    dV_dtheta_L, dV_dtheta_R = spatial_derivative(i, j, k, 2)

                    # Calculate average gradient
                    dV_dx_C = (dV_dx_L + dV_dx_R) / 2
                    dV_dy_C = (dV_dy_L + dV_dy_R) / 2
                    dV_dtheta_C = (dV_dtheta_L + dV_dtheta_R) / 2

                    # Get optimal control
                    uOpt = 1

                    # Velocity
                    v = 1

                    # Assume that mode is min
                    with hcl.if_(dV_dtheta_C > 0):
                        uOpt = -uOpt

                    # Calculate dynamics function
                    #V_new[i,j,k] = 1 * cos(thetas[k]) * dV_dx_C +1 * sin(thetas[k]) * dV_dy_C +uOpt * dV_theta_C
                    #angle = hcl.scalar(thetas[k], "angle")
                    V_new[i, j,
                          k] = v * hcl.cos(thetas[k]) * dV_dx_C + v * hcl.sin(
                              thetas[k]) * dV_dy_C + dV_dtheta_C * uOpt
Beispiel #14
def single_fft_hls(X_real, X_imag, F_real=None, F_imag=None, name=None):

    if name is None: name = "hls::fft<config>"
    L = X_real.shape[0]
    assert X_real.shape == X_imag.shape
    assert np.log2(L) % 1 == 0, "length must be power of 2: " + str(L)

    return_tensors = False
    if (F_real is None) and (F_imag is None):
        return_tensors = True
        F_real = hcl.compute((L, ), lambda i: 0, name='F_real')
        F_imag = hcl.compute((L, ), lambda i: 0, name='F_imag')

    # functional behavior
    with hcl.Stage("ExternModule") as Module:
        num_stages = int(np.log2(L))
        bit_width = int(np.log2(L))
        IndexTable = np.zeros((L), dtype='int')
        for i in range(L):
            b = '{:0{width}b}'.format(i, width=bit_width)
            IndexTable[i] = int(b[::-1], 2)

        Table = hcl.copy(IndexTable, "table", dtype=hcl.Int())
        hcl.update(F_real, lambda i: X_real[Table[i]], name='F_real_update')
        hcl.update(F_imag, lambda i: X_imag[Table[i]], name='F_imag_update')

        with hcl.Stage("Out"):
            one = hcl.scalar(1, dtype="int32", name="one")
            with hcl.for_(0, num_stages) as stage:
                DFTpts = one[0] << (stage + 1)
                numBF = DFTpts / 2
                e = -2 * np.pi / DFTpts
                a = hcl.scalar(0, "a")
                with hcl.for_(0, numBF) as j:
                    c = hcl.scalar(hcl.cos(a[0]), name="cos")
                    s = hcl.scalar(hcl.sin(a[0]), name="sin")
                    a[0] = a[0] + e
                    with hcl.for_(j, L + DFTpts - 1, DFTpts) as i:
                        i_lower = i + numBF
                        temp_r = hcl.scalar(
                            F_real[i_lower] * c - F_imag[i_lower] * s,
                        temp_i = hcl.scalar(
                            F_imag[i_lower] * c + F_real[i_lower] * s,
                        F_real[i_lower] = F_real[i] - temp_r[0]
                        F_imag[i_lower] = F_imag[i] - temp_i[0]
                        F_real[i] = F_real[i] + temp_r[0]
                        F_imag[i] = F_imag[i] + temp_i[0]

    dicts = {}
    dicts["name"] = name
    tensors = [X_real, X_imag, F_real, F_imag]
    dicts["args"] = [(, _.dtype) for _ in tensors]

    # declare headers and typedef
    dicts["header"] = """
#include \"hls_fft.h\"
#include <complex>
struct config : hls::ip_fft::params_t {
  static const unsigned ordering_opt = hls::ip_fft::natural_order;
  static const unsigned config_width = 16; // FFT_CONFIG_WIDTH
typedef ap_fixed<16,1> data_t;
typedef std::complex<data_t> fxpComplex;
    # extern ip function
    dicts["func"] = """
      hls::ip_fft::config_t<config> fft_config;
      hls::ip_fft::status_t<config> fft_status;
      #pragma HLS INTERFACE ap_fifo port=fft_config
      std::complex<data_t> xn[{}];
      std::complex<data_t> xk[{}];
      #pragma HLS INTERFACE ap_fifo port=xn depth=16
      #pragma HLS INTERFACE ap_fifo port=xk depth=16
      for (int i = 0; i < {}; i++) {{ 
        #pragma HLS pipeline rewind
        xn[i] = fxpComplex({}[i], {}[i]);
      hls::fft<config>(xn, xk, &fft_status, &fft_config); 
      for (int i = 0; i < {}; i++) {{
        #pragma HLS pipeline rewind
        {}[i] = xk[i].real();
        {}[i] = xk[i].imag();
""".format(L, L, L,,, L,,

    create_extern_module(Module, dicts, ip_type="hls")
    if return_tensors: return F_real, F_imag
    def opt_ctrl(self, t, state, spat_deriv):
        For all the notation here, please refer to doc "reachability for relative dynamics"

        :param state:
        :param spat_deriv:

        # uOpt1: beta_r, uOpt2: a_r
        uOpt1 = hcl.scalar(0, "uOpt1")
        uOpt2 = hcl.scalar(0, "uOpt2")

        # # Define some constant
        c1 = hcl.scalar(0, "c1")
        c2 = hcl.scalar(0, "c2")

        # According to doc, c1, c2 are defined as follow
        c1[0] = -spat_deriv[0] * state[3] * hcl.sin(
            state[2]) + spat_deriv[1] * state[3] * hcl.cos(
                state[2]) + spat_deriv[2] * (state[3] / self.l_r)
        c2[0] = spat_deriv[0] * state[3] * hcl.cos(
            state[2]) + spat_deriv[1] * state[3] * hcl.sin(state[2])

        # Define some intermediate variables to store
        tmp1 = hcl.scalar(0, "tmp1")
        tmp2 = hcl.scalar(0, "tmp2")
        # Value these decision variable
        tmp1[0] = -my_atan(c2[0] / c1[0]) + math.pi / 2
        tmp2[0] = -my_atan(c2[0] / c1[0]) - math.pi / 2

        # Store umin and umax
        # uOpt = (uOpt[0], uOpt[1]) = (beta_r, a_r)
        umin1 = hcl.scalar(0, "umin1")
        umin2 = hcl.scalar(0, "umin2")
        umax1 = hcl.scalar(0, "umax1")
        umax2 = hcl.scalar(0, "umax2")
        umin1[0] = self.uMin[0]
        umin2[0] = self.uMin[1]
        umax1[0] = self.uMax[0]
        umax2[0] = self.uMax[1]

        # Just create and pass back, even though they're not used
        in3 = hcl.scalar(0, "in3")
        in4 = hcl.scalar(0, "in4")

        with hcl.if_(self.uMode == "max"):

            # For uOpt1: beta_r
            # TODO: Some logic error fixed here
            with hcl.if_(c1[0] > 0):
                with hcl.if_(tmp1[0] >= umin1[0]):
                    with hcl.if_(tmp1[0] <= umax1[0]):
                        uOpt1[0] = tmp1[0]
                with hcl.if_(tmp1[0] > umax1[0]):
                    uOpt1[0] = umax1[0]
                with hcl.if_(tmp1[0] < umin1[0]):
                    uOpt1[0] = umin1[0]
            with hcl.if_(c1[0] < 0):
                with hcl.if_(tmp2[0] >= umin1[0]):
                    with hcl.if_(tmp2[0] <= umax1[0]):
                        uOpt1[0] = tmp2[0]
                with hcl.if_(tmp2[0] > umax1[0]):
                    uOpt1[0] = umax1[0]
                with hcl.if_(tmp2[0] < umin1[0]):
                    uOpt1[0] = umin1[0]
            with hcl.if_(c1[0] == 0):
                with hcl.if_(c2[0] >= 0):
                    with hcl.if_(0 >= umin1[0]):
                        with hcl.if_(0 <= umax1[0]):
                            uOpt1[0] = 0
                    with hcl.if_(0 < umin1[0]):
                        uOpt1[0] = my_min(my_abs(umin1[0]), my_abs(umax1[0]))
                    with hcl.if_(0 > umax1[0]):
                        uOpt1[0] = my_min(my_abs(umin1[0]), my_abs(umax1[0]))
                with hcl.if_(c2[0] < 0):
                    with hcl.if_(my_abs(umin1[0]) >= my_abs(umax1[0])):
                        uOpt1[0] = my_abs(umin1[0])
                    with hcl.if_(my_abs(umin1[0]) < my_abs(umax1[0])):
                        uOpt1[0] = my_abs(umax1[0])

            # For uOpt2: a_r
            with hcl.if_(spat_deriv[3] > 0):
                uOpt2[0] = umax2[0]
            with hcl.if_(spat_deriv[3] <= 0):
                uOpt2[0] = umin2[0]

        return (uOpt1[0], uOpt2[0], in3[0], in4[0])