Beispiel #1
def update_project(principal: User, project: Project):
    """Projects can be updated:
    - Within team projects, by the members of the team owning the project
    - Within personal projects, by their owner
    return (principal.is_member_of(project.owner) if isinstance(
        project.owner, Team) else principal == project.owner)
Beispiel #2
def update_fileset(principal: User, fileset: Fileset):
    """Filesets can be updated:
    - Within team projects, by the members of the team owning the project
    - Within personal projects, by their owner

    return (principal.is_member_of(fileset.owner) if isinstance(
        fileset.owner, Team) else principal == fileset.owner)
Beispiel #3
def delete_analysis(principal: User, analysis: Analysis):
    """Filesets can be deleted:
    - Within team projects, by the members of the team owning the project
    - Within personal projects, by their owner

    return (principal.is_member_of(analysis.owner) if isinstance(
        analysis.owner, Team) else principal == analysis.owner)
Beispiel #4
def create_project_permission(
    principal: User,
    project_user_and_team: typing.Optional[typing.Tuple[
        Project, typing.Optional[User], typing.Optional[Team]]] = None,
    """Project permissions can be created:
    - Within team projects, by the admins of the team owning the project
    - Within personal projects, by their owner
    - For projects that haven't any permission yet, by the author

    project, user, team = project_user_and_team

    if (user is None) == (team is None):
        raise ValueError("Please provider either a user or a team - not both")

    owns_project = (principal.is_admin_of(project.owner) if isinstance(
        project.owner, Team) else principal == project.owner)
    is_or_belong_to_new_grantee = (principal.is_member_of(team)
                                   if team is not None else principal == user)

    return (owns_project and is_or_belong_to_new_grantee) or (
        project.projectpermission_set.count() == 0
        and principal ==