Beispiel #1
def rotMatrixFromCrystalVectors(cvs1=None, cvs2=None, cvs3=None):
    Make a rotation matrix in the RotationParameterization convention
    from components of crystal vectors that are along given sample directions
    mat = zeros([3,3], dtype='float64')
    if cvs1 == None:
        if ((cvs2 == None) or (cvs3 == None)):
            print >> sys.stderr, "need more inputs"
            raise RuntimeError, "unrecoverable error"
        cvs1 = cross(cvs2,cvs3)
        cvs1 = normalized(cvs1)
    if cvs2 == None:
        if ((cvs1 == None) or (cvs3 == None)):
            print >> sys.stderr, "need more inputs"
            raise RuntimeError, "unrecoverable error"
        cvs2 = cross(cvs1,cvs3)
        cvs2 = normalized(cvs2)
    if cvs3 == None:
        if ((cvs1 == None) or (cvs2 == None)):
            print >> sys.stderr, "need more inputs"
            raise RuntimeError, "unrecoverable error"
        cvs3 = cross(cvs1,cvs2)
        cvs3 = normalized(cvs3)
    mat[0,:] = cvs1[:]
    mat[1,:] = cvs2[:]
    mat[2,:] = cvs3[:]
    det = determinant3(mat)
    if (abs(det-1.0) < 1e-12):
        return mat
    elif (abs(det+1.0) < 1e-12):
        mat = -mat
        return mat
        print >> sys.stderr, "vectors not close enough to orthonormal"
        raise RuntimeError, "unrecoverable error"
Beispiel #2
 def __init__(self, *args):
     if isinstance(args[0], str):
         a = args[0]
         if a == 'rand':
             if len(args) > 1:
                 if hasattr(args[1], '__len__'):
                     thetaScale = args[1]
                     if len(thetaScale) == 3:
                         self.n    = zeros(3, dtype='float64')
                         self.n[0] = RotInv.__rvNorm() * thetaScale[0]
                         self.n[1] = RotInv.__rvNorm() * thetaScale[1]
                         self.n[2] = RotInv.__rvNorm() * thetaScale[2]
                         mag = normvec3(self.n)
                         if mag > 0.:
                             self.n[:] = self.n[:] / mag
                             self.theta = mag
                             newInv = Quat('rand').toInv()
                             self.n[:] = newInv.n[:]
                             self.theta = mag
                         raise RuntimeError, "unrecoverable error: bad thetaScale length"
                     newInv = Quat('rand').toInv()
                     self.n     = newInv.n
                     thetaScale = float(args[1])
                     self.theta = RotInv.__rvNorm() * thetaScale
                 newInv = Quat('rand').toInv()
                 self.n     = newInv.n
                 self.theta = newInv.theta
         elif a == 'align':
             # align given crystal vector with given sample vector
             vl = num.array(args[1])
             vs = num.array(args[2])
             # normalize
             mag = normvec3(vl)
             vl /= mag
             mag = normvec3(vs)
             vs /= mag
             self.theta = math.acos(,vl)) # arccosine
             w = cross(vl,vs)
             mag = normvec3(w)
             if mag > 1e-14:
                 self.n = w / mag
                 sqr3i = 1./sqrt(3.)
                 self.n = num.array([sqr3i, sqr3i, sqr3i])
             print >> sys.stderr, "bad string"
             raise RuntimeError, "unrecoverable error"
     elif len(args) == 1:
         a = args[0]
         if (hasattr(a,"toInv")): 
             "use direct conversion, assuming it is more efficient"
             newInv = a.toInv()
             self.theta = newInv.theta
             self.n     = newInv.n
         elif isinstance(a,RotationParameterization):
             "from 3x3 matrix of components"
             (self.theta, self.n) = matToThetaN(a.toMatrix())
             a = num.atleast_1d(args[0])
             if size(shape(a)) == 2:
                 "from 3x3 matrix of components"
                 assert a.shape[0] == 3 and a.shape[1] == 3, 'wrong shape for matrix'
                 (self.theta, self.n) = matToThetaN(a)
             elif size(shape(a)) == 1:
                 "exponential map parameters"
                 assert a.shape[0] == 3, 'wrong shape for exp map parameters'
                 self.n     = a
                 self.theta = sqrt(sum(self.n[:] * self.n[:]))
                 if self.theta > 0.:
                     self.n     = self.n / self.theta
                     self.n     = num.array([1.,0.,0.]) # n not really well defined
                 print >> sys.stderr, "wrong shape of args[0]", shape(a)
                 raise RuntimeError, "unrecoverable error"
     elif len(args) == 2:
         "from theta and normal vector (not necessarily normalized)"
         self.theta = float(args[0])
         self.n     = zeros(3, dtype='float64')
         self.n[:]  = args[1]
         mag = sqrt(sum(self.n[:] * self.n[:]))
         self.n[:] = self.n[:] / mag
     elif len(args) == 4:
         "from theta and normal vector (not necessarily normalized)"
         self.theta = float(args[0])
         self.n     = zeros(3, dtype='float64')
         self.n[:]  = args[1:4]
         mag = sqrt(sum(self.n[:] * self.n[:]))
         self.n[:] = self.n[:] / mag
         print >> sys.stderr, "wrong number of args %g" % len(args)
         raise RuntimeError, "unrecoverable error"