Beispiel #1
def rotMatOfExpMap_orig(expMap):
    Original rotMatOfExpMap, used for comparison to optimized version
    if isinstance(expMap, ndarray):
        if expMap.ndim != 2:
            if expMap.ndim == 1 and len(expMap) == 3:
                numObjs = 1
                expMap = expMap.reshape(3, 1)
                raise RuntimeError("input is the wrong dimensionality")
        elif expMap.shape[0] != 3:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "input is the wrong shape along the 0-axis; "
                + "Yours is %d when is should be 3"
                % (expMap.shape[0])
            numObjs = expMap.shape[1]
    elif isinstance(expMap, list) or isinstance(expMap, tuple):
        if len(expMap) != 3:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "for list/tuple input only one exponential map "
                + "vector is allowed"
            if not isscalar(expMap[0]) or not isscalar(expMap[1]) \
              or not isscalar(expMap[2]):
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "for list/tuple input only one exponential map "
                    + "vector is allowed"
                numObjs = 1
                expMap = asarray(expMap).reshape(3, 1)

    phi = columnNorm(expMap)  # angles of rotation from exponential maps
    W = skewMatrixOfVector(expMap)  # skew matrices of exponential maps

    # Find tiny angles to avoid divide-by-zero and apply limits in expressions
    zeroIndex = phi < cnst.epsf
    phi[zeroIndex] = 1

    # first term
    C1 = sin(phi) / phi
    C1[zeroIndex] = 1

    # second term
    C2 = (1 - cos(phi)) / phi**2
    C2[zeroIndex] = 1

    if numObjs == 1:
        rmat = I3 + C1 * W + C2 * dot(W, W)
        rmat = zeros((numObjs, 3, 3))
        for i in range(numObjs):
            rmat[i, :, :] = \
                I3 + C1[i] * W[i, :, :] + C2[i] * dot(W[i, :, :], W[i, :, :])

    return rmat
Beispiel #2
def rotMatOfExpMap_opt(expMap):
    """Optimized version of rotMatOfExpMap
    if expMap.ndim == 1:
        expMap = expMap.reshape(3, 1)

    # angles of rotation from exponential maps
    phi = atleast_1d(columnNorm(expMap))

    # skew matrices of exponential maps
    W = skewMatrixOfVector(expMap)

    # Find tiny angles to avoid divide-by-zero and apply limits in expressions
    zeroIndex = phi < cnst.epsf
    phi[zeroIndex] = 1

    # first term
    C1 = sin(phi) / phi
    C1[zeroIndex] = 1  # is this right?  might be OK since C1 multiplies W

    # second term
    C2 = (1 - cos(phi)) / phi**2
    C2[zeroIndex] = 0.5  # won't matter because W^2 is small

    numObjs = expMap.shape[1]
    if numObjs == 1:  # case of single point
        W = np.reshape(W, [1, 3, 3])

    C1 = np.tile(
        np.reshape(C1, [numObjs, 1]),
        [1, 9]).reshape([numObjs, 3, 3])
    C2 = np.tile(
        np.reshape(C2, [numObjs, 1]),
        [1, 9]).reshape([numObjs, 3, 3])

    W2 = np.zeros([numObjs, 3, 3])

    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            W2[:, i, j] = np.sum(W[:, i, :]*W[:, :, j], 1)

    rmat = C1*W + C2 * W2
    rmat[:, 0, 0] += 1.
    rmat[:, 1, 1] += 1.
    rmat[:, 2, 2] += 1.

    return rmat.squeeze()
Beispiel #3
def rotMatOfExpMap_orig(expMap):
    """Original rotMatOfExpMap, used for comparison to optimized version
    if isinstance(expMap, ndarray):
        if expMap.ndim != 2:
            if expMap.ndim == 1 and len(expMap) == 3:
                numObjs = 1
                expMap = expMap.reshape(3, 1)
                raise RuntimeError, "input is the wrong dimensionality"
        elif expMap.shape[0] != 3:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "input is the wrong shape along the 0-axis.  Yours is %d when is should be 3" % (expMap.shape[0])
            numObjs = expMap.shape[1]
    elif isinstance(expMap, list) or isinstance(expMap, tuple):
        if len(expMap) != 3:
            raise RuntimeError, "for list/tuple input only one exponential map vector is allowed"
            if not isscalar(expMap[0]) or not isscalar(expMap[1]) or not isscalar(expMap[2]):
                raise RuntimeError, "for list/tuple input only one exponential map vector is allowed"
                numObjs = 1
                expMap = asarray(expMap).reshape(3, 1)

    phi = columnNorm(expMap)  # angles of rotation from exponential maps
    W = skewMatrixOfVector(expMap)  # skew matrices of exponential maps

    # Find tiny angles to avoid divide-by-zero and apply limits in expressions
    zeroIndex = phi < tinyRotAng
    phi[zeroIndex] = 1

    # first term
    C1 = sin(phi) / phi
    C1[zeroIndex] = 1

    # second term
    C2 = (1 - cos(phi)) / phi ** 2
    C2[zeroIndex] = 1

    if numObjs == 1:
        rmat = I3 + C1 * W + C2 * dot(W, W)
        rmat = zeros((numObjs, 3, 3))
        for i in range(numObjs):
            rmat[i, :, :] = I3 + C1[i] * W[i, :, :] + C2[i] * dot(W[i, :, :], W[i, :, :])

    return rmat
Beispiel #4
def rotMatOfExpMap_opt(expMap):
    """Optimized version of rotMatOfExpMap
    if expMap.ndim == 1:
        expMap = expMap.reshape(3, 1)
    phi = atleast_1d(columnNorm(expMap)) # angles of rotation from exponential maps
    W   = skewMatrixOfVector(expMap)     # skew matrices of exponential maps

    # Find tiny angles to avoid divide-by-zero and apply limits in expressions
    zeroIndex = phi < tinyRotAng
    phi[zeroIndex] = 1

    # first term
    C1 = sin(phi) / phi
    C1[zeroIndex] = 1  # is this right?  might be OK since C1 multiplies W

    # second term
    C2 = (1 - cos(phi)) / phi**2
    C2[zeroIndex] = 0.5 # won't matter because W^2 is small

    numObjs = expMap.shape[1]
    if numObjs == 1: # case of single point
        W = numpy.reshape(W, [1, 3, 3])

    C1 = numpy.tile(numpy.reshape(C1, [numObjs, 1]), [1, 9]).reshape([numObjs,3,3])
    C2 = numpy.tile(numpy.reshape(C2, [numObjs, 1]), [1, 9]).reshape([numObjs,3,3])

    W2 = numpy.zeros([numObjs, 3, 3])

    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            W2[:, i, j] = numpy.sum(W[:, i, :]*W[:, :, j], 1)

    rmat = C1*W + C2 * W2
    rmat[:, 0, 0] += 1.
    rmat[:, 1, 1] += 1.
    rmat[:, 2, 2] += 1.

    return rmat.squeeze()