def Inference(self, x, y): x = x.reshape( 1024, 1024).copy() #make sure memory order is the same as np order y = y.reshape( 1024, 3072).copy() #make sure memory order is the same as np order sizes = [1024 * 1024, 1024 * 3072] input_tensor_list = [] input_tensor_list.append( hiai.NNTensor(x, height=1024, width=1024, channel=1, name='x', data_type=DataType.FLOAT32_T, size=sizes[0])) input_tensor_list.append( hiai.NNTensor(y, height=1024, width=3072, channel=1, name='y', data_type=DataType.FLOAT32_T, size=sizes[1])) nntensorList = hiai.NNTensorList( [input_tensor_list[0], input_tensor_list[1]]) if not nntensorList: print(" matmul nntensorList is null") resultList = self.model.Inference(self.graph, nntensorList) # pdb.set_tracce() result = resultList[0] return result
def main(): inferenceModel = hiai.AIModelDescription('ShadowGAN', omModelName) myGraph = CreateGraph(inferenceModel) if myGraph is None: exit(0) if not osp.exists(outputDir): os.makedirs(outputDir) # Read images and corresponding masks inputImage = ReadImage(osp.join(testDataDir, 'noshadow', 'demo.jpg'), channels=3) if inputImage is None: print("[ERROR] No input image.") DestroyGraph() exit(0) inputMask = ReadImage(osp.join(testDataDir, 'mask', 'demo.jpg'), channels=1) if inputMask is None: print("[ERROR] No input mask.") DestroyGraph() exit(0) # Normalize to [-1.0, 1.0] inputImage = inputImage / 127.5 - 1.0 inputMask = 1.0 - inputMask / 127.5 # Convert HWC format to CHW # Note: hiai.NNTensor() only takes NCHW data as input. # [] inputImage = inputImage.transpose([2, 0, 1]).copy() inputMask = inputMask.transpose([2, 0, 1]).copy() inputImageTensor = hiai.NNTensor(inputImage, inputWidth, inputHeight, 3, 'input_image', DataType.FLOAT32_T, inputWidth * inputHeight * 3) inputMaskTensor = hiai.NNTensor(inputMask, inputWidth, inputHeight, 1, 'input_mask', DataType.FLOAT32_T, inputWidth * inputHeight * 1) nntensorList = hiai.NNTensorList([inputImageTensor, inputMaskTensor]) print("Inference start...") startTime = time.time() resultList = GraphInference(myGraph, nntensorList) if resultList is None: print("[ERROR] Inference failed.") DestroyGraph() exit(0) endTime = time.time() inferenceTime = endTime - startTime SaveResult(resultList, 'demo.jpg') DestroyGraph() print("Inference finished. Inference time: %.3fms" % (inferenceTime * 1000))
def main(): inferenceModel = hiai.AIModelDescription('faster-rcnn', omFileName) print omFileName print inferenceModel # we will resize the jpeg to 896*608 to meet faster-rcnn requirement via opencv, # so DVPP resizing is not needed myGraph = CreateGraphWithoutDVPP(inferenceModel) if myGraph is None: print "CreateGraph failed" return None # in this sample demo, the faster-rcnn model requires 896*608 images dvppInWidth = 896 dvppInHeight = 608 start = time.time() index = 0 pathDir = os.listdir(srcFileDir) for allDir in pathDir: child = os.path.join('%s%s' % (srcFileDir, allDir)) if (not jpegHandler.is_img(child)): print '[info] file : ' + child + ' is not image !' continue # read the jpeg file and resize it to required w&h, than change it to YUV format. input_image = jpegHandler.jpeg2yuv(child, dvppInWidth, dvppInHeight) inputImageTensor = hiai.NNTensor(input_image, dvppInWidth, dvppInHeight, 3, 'testImage', DataType.UINT8_T, dvppInWidth * dvppInHeight * 3 / 2) imageinfo = np.array([896, 608, 3]).astype(np.float32) imageinfo = np.reshape(imageinfo, (1, 3)) infoTensor = hiai.NNTensor(imageinfo, 1, 3, 1, 'testinfo', DataType.FLOAT32_T, imageinfo.size) datalist = [inputImageTensor, infoTensor] nntensorList = hiai.NNTensorList(datalist) if not nntensorList: print "nntensorList is null" break resultList = GraphInference(myGraph, nntensorList) if resultList is None: print "graph inference failed" continue print resultList[1].shape PostProcess(resultList, dstFileDir, child) end = time.time() print 'cost time ' + str((end - start) * 1000) + 'ms' hiai.hiai._global_default_graph_stack.get_default_graph().destroy() print '-------------------end'
def Inference(self,input_image): inputImageTensor = hiai.NNTensor(input_image, self.width, self.height, 3, 'testImage', DataType.UINT8_T,self.width * self.height * 3) imageinfo=np.array([800,600,3]).astype(np.float32) imageinfo=np.reshape(imageinfo,(1,3)) infoTensor = hiai.NNTensor(imageinfo, 1,3,1,'testinfo',DataType.FLOAT32_T, imageinfo.size) #print('inputImageTensor is :', inputImageTensor) datalist=[inputImageTensor, infoTensor] nntensorList = hiai.NNTensorList(datalist) #print('nntensorList', nntensorList) resultList = self.model.Inference(self.graph, nntensorList) #print('inference over') return resultList
def make_input_tensor(wav_features): input_tensor_height = wav_features.shape[2] input_tensor_width = wav_features.shape[3] #wav_features = np.reshape(wav_features, (0,3,1,2)) #print 555 #print wav_features.shape[0] #print wav_features.shape[1] #print wav_features.shape[2] #print wav_features.shape[3] #print wav_features.shape input_tensor = hiai.NNTensor(wav_features, input_tensor_height, input_tensor_width, 1, "wav_features", DataType.FLOAT32_T, wav_features.size) width0 = input_tensor.width height0 = input_tensor.height channel0 = #print str(height0) #print str(width0) #print str(channel0) nntensorList = hiai.NNTensorList(input_tensor) return nntensorList #return wav_features
def Inference(self, input_image): inputImageTensor = hiai.NNTensor(input_image, self.height, self.width, 3, 'testImage', DataType.UINT8_T, self.height * self.width * 3) nntensorList = hiai.NNTensorList(inputImageTensor) resultList = self.model.Inference(self.graph, nntensorList) if not resultList: print("Inference fail") return None #返回推理结果 return resultList
def Inference(self, img, mask): input_tensor_list = [] sizes = [3 * 512 * 512, 512 * 512] input_tensor_list.append( hiai.NNTensor(img, height=512, width=512, channel=3, name='image', data_type=DataType.FLOAT32_T, size=sizes[0])) input_tensor_list.append( hiai.NNTensor(mask, height=512, width=512, channel=1, name='mask', data_type=DataType.FLOAT32_T, size=sizes[1])) nntensorList = hiai.NNTensorList( [input_tensor_list[0], input_tensor_list[1]]) if not nntensorList: print("nntensorList is null") resultList = self.model.Inference(self.graph, nntensorList) inpainted_512 = resultList[0] attention = resultList[1] mask_512_new = resultList[2] # output in memory is NCHW, but in numpy it is displayed as NHWC, need to make numpy consistent with memory inpainted_512.shape = (1, 3, 512, 512) attention.shape = (1, 1024, 32, 32) mask_512_new.shape = (1, 1, 512, 512) # transpose to NHWC inpainted_512 = inpainted_512.transpose(0, 2, 3, 1) attention = attention.transpose(0, 2, 3, 1) mask_512_new = mask_512_new.transpose(0, 2, 3, 1) return inpainted_512, attention, mask_512_new
def CreateNntensorList(self, input_data): ''' Create NNTensorList instance with input_data Args: input_data: a numpy array, the data user wants to process Returns: nntensorList: NNTensorList instance that can be used by graph.proc ''' inputImageTensor = hiai.NNTensor(input_data) nntensorList = hiai.NNTensorList(inputImageTensor) return nntensorList
def Inference(self, input_image): if isinstance(input_image, np.ndarray) is None: return False strattime = time.time() # Image PreProcess resized_image = cv2.resize(input_image, (self.width, self.height)) print('[0] resize cost: ' + str((time.time() - strattime) * 1000) + 'ms') strattime = time.time() inputImageTensor = hiai.NNTensor(resized_image) print('[1] input image cost: ' + str((time.time() - strattime) * 1000) + 'ms') strattime = time.time() nntensorList = hiai.NNTensorList(inputImageTensor) print('[2] get list cost: ' + str((time.time() - strattime) * 1000) + 'ms') strattime = time.time() # 调用推理接口 resultList = self.model.Inference(self.graph, nntensorList) print('[3] get result list cost: ' + str((time.time() - strattime) * 1000) + 'ms') strattime = time.time() if resultList is not None: bboxes = utils.get_result(resultList, self.width, self.height) # 获取检测结果 # print("bboxes:", bboxes) print('[4] get box cost: ' + str((time.time() - strattime) * 1000) + 'ms') strattime = time.time() # Yolov_resnet18 Inference output_image = utils.draw_boxes(resized_image, bboxes) # 在图像上画框 print('[5] draw box cost: ' + str((time.time() - strattime) * 1000) + 'ms') strattime = time.time() output_image = cv2.resize( output_image, (input_image.shape[1], input_image.shape[0])) print('[6] resize cost: ' + str((time.time() - strattime) * 1000) + 'ms') strattime = time.time() img_name ="%Y-%m-%d%H-%M-%S-%f") cv2.imwrite('output_image/' + str(img_name) + '.jpg', output_image) print('[7] write cost: ' + str((time.time() - strattime) * 1000) + 'ms') strattime = time.time() else: print('no person in this frame.') return False return True
def Inference(self, nparryList, boxList): if not (isinstance(nparryList, list) and isinstance(boxList, list)): return False # 将上一帧图片包含每一个人脸的头部姿势描述清空 del (self.resultList[:]) # 将上一帧图片包含每一个人脸的68个关键点清空 del (self.facepointList[:]) for i in range(len(nparryList)): if isinstance(nparryList[i], np.ndarray) is None: print("please check your input format.") return False else: box_width = boxList[i][2] - boxList[i][0] box_height = boxList[i][3] - boxList[i][1] resized_image = cv2.resize(nparryList[i], (self.width, self.height)) inputImageTensor = hiai.NNTensor(resized_image, self.height, self.width, 3, 'testImage', DataType.UINT8_T, self.height * self.width * 3) nntensorList = hiai.NNTensorList(inputImageTensor) # 调用推理接口 resultList = self.model.Inference(self.graph, nntensorList) if resultList is not None: # pitch yaw roll # *50 # 每次循环完后都要保存结果到self.resultList self.resultList.append([ resultList[1][0][0][0][0] * 50, resultList[1][0][0][0][1] * 50, resultList[1][0][0][0][2] * 50 ]) HeadPosePoint = [] for j in range(136): if j % 2 == 0: HeadPosePoint.append( (1 + resultList[0][0][0][0][j]) / 2 * box_width + boxList[i][0]) else: HeadPosePoint.append( (1 + resultList[0][0][0][0][j]) / 2 * box_height + boxList[i][1]) self.facepointList.append(HeadPosePoint) else: print('not inference head pose in this frame.') return False # 判断此时的头部姿势 HeadposeInference.head_status_get(self) return True
def Inference_mult(self, *input_data): ''' Inferece interface, process data with configured model Args: input_data: a numpy array, the data user wants to process Returns: a list, inference result ''' result_list = [] for data in input_data: inputImageTensor = hiai.NNTensor(data) inputNntensorList = hiai.NNTensorList(inputImageTensor) result = self.graph.proc(inputNntensorList) result_list.append(result) return result_list
def main(): inferenceModel = hiai.AIModelDescription('restnet18', resnet18OmFileName) # we will resize the jpeg to 256*224 to meet resnet18 requirement via opencv, # so DVPP resizing is not needed myGraph = CreateGraphWithoutDVPP(inferenceModel) if myGraph is None: print "CreateGraph failed" return None # in this sample demo, the resnet18 model requires 256*224 images dvppInWidth = 42 dvppInHeight = 42 start = time.time() jpegHandler.mkdirown(dstFileDir) pathDir = os.listdir(srcFileDir) for allDir in pathDir: child = os.path.join('%s%s' % (srcFileDir, allDir)) if (not jpegHandler.is_img(child)): print '[info] file : ' + child + ' is not image !' continue # read the jpeg file and resize it to required w&h, than change it to YUV format. input_image = jpegHandler.jpeg2yuv(child, dvppInWidth, dvppInHeight) inputImageTensor = hiai.NNTensor(input_image, dvppInWidth, dvppInHeight, 3, 'testImage', DataType.UINT8_T, dvppInWidth * dvppInHeight) nntensorList = hiai.NNTensorList(inputImageTensor) resultList = GraphInference(myGraph, nntensorList) if resultList is None: print "graph inference failed" continue Resnet18PostProcess(resultList, srcFileDir, dstFileDir, allDir) end = time.time() print 'cost time ' + str((end - start) * 1000) + 'ms' hiai.hiai._global_default_graph_stack.get_default_graph().destroy() print '-------------------end'
def ExcuteInference(self, images): result = [] for i in range(0, len(images)): nArray = Yuv2Array(images[i]) ssd = {"name": "face_detection", "path": self.modelPath} nntensor = hiai.NNTensor(nArray) tensorList = hiai.NNTensorList(nntensor) if self.first == True: self.graph = hiai.Graph(hiai.GraphConfig(graph_id=2001)) with self.graph.as_default(): self.engine_config = hiai.EngineConfig( engine_name="HIAIDvppInferenceEngine", side=hiai.HiaiPythonSide.Device, internal_so_name='/lib/', engine_id=2001) self.engine = hiai.Engine(self.engine_config) self.ai_model_desc = hiai.AIModelDescription( name=ssd['name'], path=ssd['path']) self.ai_config = hiai.AIConfig( hiai.AIConfigItem("Inference", "item_value_2")) final_result = self.engine.inference( input_tensor_list=tensorList, ai_model=self.ai_model_desc, ai_config=self.ai_config) ret = copy.deepcopy(self.graph.create_graph()) if ret != hiai.HiaiPythonStatust.HIAI_PYTHON_OK: print("create graph failed, ret", ret) d_ret = graph.destroy() SetExitFlag(True) return HIAI_APP_ERROR, None self.first = False else: with self.graph.as_default(): final_result = self.engine.inference( input_tensor_list=tensorList, ai_model=self.ai_model_desc, ai_config=self.ai_config) resTensorList = self.graph.proc(input_nntensorlist=tensorList) print("Inference result: ", resTensorList[0].shape) result.append(resTensorList) return HIAI_APP_OK, result
def Inference(self,input_image): if isinstance(input_image,np.ndarray) is None: return False h,w,c = input_image.shape resized_image = cv2.resize(input_image,(self.width,self.height)) inputImageTensor = hiai.NNTensor(resized_image) nntensorList = hiai.NNTensorList(inputImageTensor) # 将上一帧图片推理出的人脸数据清空 del(self.boxList[:]) del(self.nparray[:]) # 调用推理接口 resultList = self.model.Inference(self.graph, nntensorList) # 将推理结果的数据保存到临时列表 # 再从临时列表中去筛选出有效的人脸坐标,保存到self.resultList中 # 从原始图片中crop出的人脸(数据类型为numpy数组),保存到一个列表中self.nparray if resultList is not None: for i in range(200): if (resultList[0][i][0][0][2] > 0.8 and resultList[0][i][0][0][2] <= 1.0): if (resultList[0][i][0][0][3] < 0): resultList[0][i][0][0][3] = 0 if (resultList[0][i][0][0][4] < 0): resultList[0][i][0][0][4] = 0 rect_width = resultList[0][i][0][0][5] - resultList[0][i][0][0][3] rect_height = resultList[0][i][0][0][6] - resultList[0][i][0][0][4] if (resultList[0][i][0][0][3] != 0 and abs(self.M_left * rect_width) <= resultList[0][i][0][0][3]): resultList[0][i][0][0][3] = resultList[0][i][0][0][3] + self.M_left * rect_width if (resultList[0][i][0][0][4] != 0 and abs(self.M_top * rect_height) <= resultList[0][i][0][0][4]): resultList[0][i][0][0][4] = resultList[0][i][0][0][4] + self.M_top * rect_height resultList[0][i][0][0][5] = resultList[0][i][0][0][5] + self.M_right * rect_width resultList[0][i][0][0][6] = resultList[0][i][0][0][6] + self.M_bottom * rect_height # 人脸框的坐标 self.boxList.append([resultList[0][i][0][0][3]*w, resultList[0][i][0][0][4]*h, resultList[0][i][0][0][5]*w, resultList[0][i][0][0][6]*h]) self.nparray.append(input_image[int(self.boxList[i][1]):int(self.boxList[i][3]),int(self.boxList[i][0]):int(self.boxList[i][2])]) else: break else: print ('not inference face in this frame.') return False return True
def main(): inferenceModel = hiai.AIModelDescription('segmentationDes', OmFileName) myGraph = CreateGraph(inferenceModel) if myGraph is None: print("CreateGraph failed") return None start = time.time() jpegHandler.mkdirown(dstFileDir) pathDir = os.listdir(srcFileDir) label_colours = cv.imread(colours, 1).astype(np.uint8) #print label_colours label_colours_bgr = label_colours[..., ::-1] for allDir in pathDir: child = os.path.join('%s%s' % (srcFileDir, allDir)) if (not jpegHandler.is_img(child)): print('[info] file : ' + child + ' is not image !') continue print('[info] file : ' + child + ' begin process !') # read the jpeg file and resize it to required w&h, than change it to YUV format. input_image = jpegHandler.jpeg2yuv(child, InWidth, InHeight) inputImageTensor = hiai.NNTensor(input_image, InWidth, InHeight, 3, 'testImage', DataType.UINT8_T, InWidth * InHeight * 3 / 2) nntensorList = hiai.NNTensorList(inputImageTensor) resultList = GraphInference(myGraph, nntensorList) if resultList is None: print(child + "graph inference failed") continue resultArray = resultList[0] resultArray = resultArray.reshape(19, InWidth, InHeight) prediction = resultArray.argmax(axis=0) #print prediction prediction = np.squeeze(prediction) prediction = np.resize(prediction, (3, InHeight, InWidth)) prediction = prediction.transpose(1, 2, 0).astype(np.uint8) prediction_rgb = np.zeros(prediction.shape, dtype=np.uint8) cv.LUT(prediction, label_colours_bgr, prediction_rgb) input_path_ext = child.split(".")[-1] input_image_name = child.split("/")[-1:][0].replace( '.' + input_path_ext, '') out_path_im = dstFileDir + input_image_name + '_erfnet' + '.' + input_path_ext cv.imwrite(out_path_im, prediction_rgb) # color images for visualization print(input_image_name + ' process end ') end = time.time() print('cost time ' + str((end - start) * 1000) + 'ms') hiai.hiai._global_default_graph_stack.get_default_graph().destroy() print('-------------------end')
def ExcuteInference(self, images): result = [] for i in range(0, len(images)): nArray = Yuv2Array(images[i]) ssd = {"name": "object_detection", "path": self.modelPath} nntensor = hiai.NNTensor(nArray) ''' gray = cv2.cvtColor(nArray, cv2.COLOR_YUV2GRAY_420) blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (5, 5), 0) thresh = cv2.threshold(blurred, 60, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1] cnts = cv2.findContours(thresh.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) cnts=cnts[0] #print("1111111") j=0 for c in cnts: M = cv2.moments(c) c = c.astype("float") c = c.astype("int") shape = detect(c) # cv2.drawContours(cv_image, [c], -1, (0, 255, 0), 2) # image=cv2.cvtColor(cv_image, cv2.COLOR_YUV2RGB_I420) # picpath='~/sample-objectdetection-python/picpath'+str(i)+'.jpg' # cv2.imwrite(picpath,image) # print("111111") #BGR=cv2.cvtColor(nArray,cv2.COLOR_YUV2RGB) #return BGR # print(cv123_image) # img_np = YUVtoRGB(nArray) # cv2.imwrite("text4.jpg",img_np) ''' tensorList = hiai.NNTensorList(nntensor) if self.first == True: self.graph = hiai.Graph(hiai.GraphConfig(graph_id=2001)) with self.graph.as_default(): self.engine_config = hiai.EngineConfig( engine_name="HIAIDvppInferenceEngine", side=hiai.HiaiPythonSide.Device, internal_so_name='/lib/', engine_id=2001) self.engine = hiai.Engine(self.engine_config) self.ai_model_desc = hiai.AIModelDescription( name=ssd['name'], path=ssd['path']) self.ai_config = hiai.AIConfig( hiai.AIConfigItem("Inference", "item_value_2")) final_result = self.engine.inference( input_tensor_list=tensorList, ai_model=self.ai_model_desc, ai_config=self.ai_config) ret = copy.deepcopy(self.graph.create_graph()) if ret != hiai.HiaiPythonStatust.HIAI_PYTHON_OK: print("create graph failed, ret", ret) d_ret = graph.destroy() SetExitFlag(True) return HIAI_APP_ERROR, None self.first = False else: with self.graph.as_default(): final_result = self.engine.inference( input_tensor_list=tensorList, ai_model=self.ai_model_desc, ai_config=self.ai_config) resTensorList = self.graph.proc(input_nntensorlist=tensorList) # print("Inference result: ", resTensorList[0].shape) result.append(resTensorList) return HIAI_APP_OK, result