def steering_control(self, target_lane_index):
            Steer the vehicle to follow the center of an given lane.

        1. Lateral position is controlled by a proportional controller yielding a lateral velocity command
        2. Lateral velocity command is converted to a heading reference
        3. Heading is controlled by a proportional controller yielding a heading rate command
        4. Heading rate command is converted to a steering angle

        :param target_lane_index: index of the lane to follow
        :return: a steering wheel angle command [rad]

        target_lane =
        lane_coords = target_lane.local_coordinates(self.position)
        lane_next_coords = lane_coords[0] + self.velocity * self.PURSUIT_TAU
        lane_future_heading = target_lane.heading_at(lane_next_coords)

        # Lateral position control
        lateral_velocity_command = -self.KP_LATERAL * lane_coords[1]
        # Lateral velocity to heading
        heading_command = np.arcsin(
            np.clip(lateral_velocity_command / utils.not_zero(self.velocity),
                    -1, 1))
        heading_ref = lane_future_heading + np.clip(heading_command,
                                                    -np.pi / 4, np.pi / 4)
        # Heading control
        heading_rate_command = self.KP_HEADING * utils.wrap_to_pi(heading_ref -
        # Heading rate to steering angle
        steering_angle = np.arctan(
            self.LENGTH / utils.not_zero(self.velocity) * heading_rate_command)
        steering_angle = np.clip(steering_angle, -self.MAX_STEERING_ANGLE,
        return steering_angle
Beispiel #2
    def acceleration(self,
                     ego_vehicle: ControlledVehicle,
                     front_vehicle: Vehicle = None,
                     rear_vehicle: Vehicle = None) -> float:
        Compute an acceleration command with the Intelligent Driver Model.

        The acceleration is chosen so as to:
        - reach a target speed;
        - maintain a minimum safety distance (and safety time) w.r.t the front vehicle.

        :param ego_vehicle: the vehicle whose desired acceleration is to be computed. It does not have to be an
                            IDM vehicle, which is why this method is a class method. This allows an IDM vehicle to
                            reason about other vehicles behaviors even though they may not IDMs.
        :param front_vehicle: the vehicle preceding the ego-vehicle
        :param rear_vehicle: the vehicle following the ego-vehicle
        :return: the acceleration command for the ego-vehicle [m/s2]
        if not ego_vehicle or not isinstance(ego_vehicle, Vehicle):
            return 0
        ego_target_speed = utils.not_zero(
            getattr(ego_vehicle, "target_speed", 0))
        acceleration = self.COMFORT_ACC_MAX * (1 - np.power(
            max(ego_vehicle.speed, 0) / ego_target_speed, self.DELTA))

        if front_vehicle:
            d = ego_vehicle.lane_distance_to(front_vehicle)
            acceleration -= self.COMFORT_ACC_MAX * \
                np.power(self.desired_gap(ego_vehicle, front_vehicle) / utils.not_zero(d), 2)
        return acceleration
Beispiel #3
    def acceleration(cls, ego_vehicle, front_vehicle=None, rear_vehicle=None):
            Compute an acceleration command with the Intelligent Driver Model.

            The acceleration is chosen so as to:
            - reach a target velocity;
            - maintain a minimum safety distance (and safety time) w.r.t the front vehicle.

        :param ego_vehicle: the vehicle whose desired acceleration is to be computed. It does not have to be an
                            IDM vehicle, which is why this method is a class method. This allows an IDM vehicle to
                            reason about other vehicles behaviors even though they may not IDMs.
        :param front_vehicle: the vehicle preceding the ego-vehicle
        :param rear_vehicle: the vehicle following the ego-vehicle
        :return: the acceleration command for the ego-vehicle [m/s2]
        if not ego_vehicle:
            return 0
        acceleration = cls.COMFORT_ACC_MAX * (1 - np.power(
            ego_vehicle.velocity / utils.not_zero(ego_vehicle.target_velocity),
        if front_vehicle:
            d = ego_vehicle.lane_distance_to(front_vehicle)
            acceleration -= cls.COMFORT_ACC_MAX * \
                np.power(cls.desired_gap(ego_vehicle, front_vehicle) / utils.not_zero(d), 2)
        return acceleration
Beispiel #4
    def acceleration(self, ego_vehicle, front_vehicle=None, rear_vehicle=None):
            Compute an acceleration command with the Intelligent Driver Model.

            The acceleration is chosen so as to:
            - reach a target velocity;
            - maintain a minimum safety distance (and safety time) w.r.t the front vehicle.

        :param ego_vehicle: the vehicle whose desired acceleration is to be computed. It does not have to be an
                            IDM vehicle, which is why this method is a class method. This allows an IDM vehicle to
                            reason about other vehicles behaviors even though they may not IDMs.
        :param front_vehicle: the vehicle preceding the ego-vehicle
        :param rear_vehicle: the vehicle following the ego-vehicle
        :return: the acceleration command for the ego-vehicle [m/s2]
        if not ego_vehicle:
            return 0
        ego_target_velocity = utils.not_zero(
            getattr(ego_vehicle, "target_velocity", 0))
        acceleration = self.COMFORT_ACC_MAX * (1 - np.power(
            max(ego_vehicle.velocity, 0) / ego_target_velocity, self.DELTA))

        if front_vehicle:
            d = ego_vehicle.lane_distance_to(front_vehicle)
            acceleration -= self.COMFORT_ACC_MAX * \
                np.power(self.desired_gap(ego_vehicle, front_vehicle) / utils.not_zero(d), 2)
            # print("distance to front vehicle", d, ego_vehicle.LENGTH)
            # if ((front_vehicle.lane == self.lane and d < 1.5*ego_vehicle.LENGTH)):
            #     # print(ego_vehicle.lane, front_vehicle.lane)
            #     acceleration = -self.ACC_MAX
            #     self.target_velocity = 15
        # print("target_velocity", self.target_velocity)
        return acceleration
 def steering_features(self, target_lane_index):
         A collection of features used to follow a lane
     :param target_lane_index: index of the lane to follow
     :return: a array of features
     lane =
     lane_coords = lane.local_coordinates(self.position)
     lane_next_coords = lane_coords[0] + self.velocity * self.PURSUIT_TAU
     lane_future_heading = lane.heading_at(lane_next_coords)
     features = np.array([utils.wrap_to_pi(lane_future_heading - self.heading) *
                          self.LENGTH / utils.not_zero(self.velocity),
                          -lane_coords[1] * self.LENGTH / (utils.not_zero(self.velocity) ** 2)])
     return features
Beispiel #6
def compute_ttc_grid(env, time_quantization, horizon, considered_lanes="all"):
        For each ego-velocity and lane, compute the predicted time-to-collision to each vehicle within the lane and
        store the results in an occupancy grid.
    road_lanes =
    grid = np.zeros((env.vehicle.SPEED_COUNT, len(road_lanes), int(horizon / time_quantization)))
    for velocity_index in range(grid.shape[0]):
        ego_velocity = env.vehicle.index_to_speed(velocity_index)
        for other in env.road.vehicles:
            if (other is env.vehicle) or (ego_velocity == other.velocity):
            margin = other.LENGTH / 2 + env.vehicle.LENGTH / 2
            collision_points = [(0, 1), (-margin, 0.5), (margin, 0.5)]
            for m, cost in collision_points:
                distance = env.vehicle.lane_distance_to(other) + m
                other_projected_velocity = other.velocity
                time_to_collision = distance / utils.not_zero(ego_velocity - other_projected_velocity)
                if time_to_collision < 0:
                if, other.lane_index,
                                                      route=env.vehicle.route, depth=3):
                    # Same road, or connected road with same number of lanes
                    if len( == len(
                        lane = [other.lane_index[2]]
                    # Different road of different number of lanes: uncertainty on future lane, use all
                        lane = range(grid.shape[1])
                    # Quantize time-to-collision to both upper and lower values
                    for time in [int(time_to_collision / time_quantization),
                                 int(np.ceil(time_to_collision / time_quantization))]:
                        if 0 <= time < grid.shape[2]:
                            # TODO: check lane overflow (e.g. vehicle with higher lane id than current road capacity)
                            grid[velocity_index, lane, time] = np.maximum(grid[velocity_index, lane, time], cost)
    return grid
Beispiel #7
def compute_ttc_grid(env, time_quantization, horizon):
        For each ego-velocity and lane, compute the predicted time-to-collision to each vehicle within the lane and
        store the results in an occupancy grid.
    grid = np.zeros((env.vehicle.SPEED_COUNT, len(env.road.lanes),
                     int(horizon / time_quantization)))
    for velocity_index in range(grid.shape[0]):
        ego_velocity = env.vehicle.index_to_speed(velocity_index)
        for other in env.road.vehicles:
            if (other is env.vehicle) or (ego_velocity == other.velocity):
            margin = other.LENGTH / 2 + env.vehicle.LENGTH / 2
            collision_points = [(0, 1), (-margin, 0.5), (margin, 0.5)]
            for m, cost in collision_points:
                distance = env.vehicle.lane_distance_to(other) + m
                time_to_collision = distance / utils.not_zero(ego_velocity -
                if time_to_collision < 0:
                # Quantize time-to-collision to both upper and lower values
                lane = other.lane_index
                for time in [
                        int(time_to_collision / time_quantization),
                        int(np.ceil(time_to_collision / time_quantization))
                    if 0 <= lane < grid.shape[1] and 0 <= time < grid.shape[2]:
                        grid[velocity_index, lane,
                             time] = max(grid[velocity_index, lane, time],
    return grid
Beispiel #8
def compute_ttc_grid(env: 'AbstractEnv',
                     time_quantization: float,
                     horizon: float,
                     vehicle: Optional[Vehicle] = None) -> np.ndarray:
    Compute the grid of predicted time-to-collision to each vehicle within the lane

    For each ego-speed and lane.
    :param env: environment
    :param time_quantization: time step of a grid cell
    :param horizon: time horizon of the grid
    :param vehicle: the observer vehicle
    :return: the time-co-collision grid, with axes SPEED x LANES x TIME
    vehicle = vehicle or env.vehicle
    road_lanes =
    grid = np.zeros((vehicle.SPEED_COUNT, len(road_lanes),
                     int(horizon / time_quantization)))
    for speed_index in range(grid.shape[0]):
        ego_speed = vehicle.index_to_speed(speed_index)
        for other in env.road.vehicles:
            if (other is vehicle) or (ego_speed == other.speed):
            margin = other.LENGTH / 2 + vehicle.LENGTH / 2
            collision_points = [(0, 1), (-margin, 0.5), (margin, 0.5)]
            for m, cost in collision_points:
                distance = vehicle.lane_distance_to(other) + m
                other_projected_speed = other.speed *
                    other.direction, vehicle.direction)
                time_to_collision = distance / utils.not_zero(
                    ego_speed - other_projected_speed)
                if time_to_collision < 0:
                    # Same road, or connected road with same number of lanes
                    if len(
                            other.lane_index)) == len(
                        lane = [other.lane_index[2]]
                    # Different road of different number of lanes: uncertainty on future lane, use all
                        lane = range(grid.shape[1])
                    # Quantize time-to-collision to both upper and lower values
                    for time in [
                            int(time_to_collision / time_quantization),
                            int(np.ceil(time_to_collision / time_quantization))
                        if 0 <= time < grid.shape[2]:
                            # TODO: check lane overflow (e.g. vehicle with higher lane id than current road capacity)
                            grid[speed_index, lane, time] = np.maximum(
                                grid[speed_index, lane, time], cost)
    return grid