Beispiel #1
    def read_annotation_performance(self,
        """ version_stype is the code version, while input_stype is the input data version, i.e. 'ref', 'new' is the reference code version (last commit) run on the then-new simulation and parameters"""
        ptest = 'annotate-' + input_stype + '-simu'
        if args.quick and ptest not in self.quick_tests:
        if debug:
            print '  version %s input %s annotation' % (version_stype,

        def read_performance_file(fname, column, only_ibin=None):
            values = []
            with open(fname) as csvfile:
                reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
                ibin = 0
                for line in reader:
                    if only_ibin is not None and ibin != only_ibin:
                        ibin += 1
                    ibin += 1
            if len(values) == 1:
                return values[0]
                return values

        perfdir = self.dirs[version_stype] + '/' + self.perfdirs[input_stype]
        for method in ['sw', 'hmm']:
            if debug:
                print '   ', method

            # fraction of genes correct
            for region in utils.regions:
                fraction_correct = read_performance_file(
                    perfdir + '/' + method + '/gene-call/' + region +
                if debug:
                    print '      %s %.3f' % (region, fraction_correct)
                    input_stype + '-' + method + '-' + region +
                    '_gene_correct'] = fraction_correct

            # hamming fraction
            hamming_hist = Hist(fname=perfdir + '/' + method +
            if debug:
                print '      mean hamming %.2f' % hamming_hist.get_mean()
                input_stype + '-' + method +
                '-mean_hamming'] = hamming_hist.get_mean()
Beispiel #2
    def read_mute_freqs(self, mute_freq_dir):
        # NOTE these are mute freqs, not branch lengths, but it's ok for now
        for mtype in ['all',] + utils.regions:
            infname = mute_freq_dir + '/' + mtype + '-mean-mute-freqs.csv'
            self.branch_lengths[mtype] = {}
            self.branch_lengths[mtype]['lengths'], self.branch_lengths[mtype]['probs'] = [], []
            mutehist = Hist(fname=infname)
            self.branch_lengths[mtype]['mean'] = mutehist.get_mean()

            # if mutehist.GetBinContent(0) > 0.0 or mutehist.GetBinContent(mutehist.GetNbinsX()+1) > 0.0:
            #     print 'WARNING nonzero under/overflow bins read from %s' % infname
            mutehist.normalize(include_overflows=False, overflow_eps_to_ignore=1e-2)  # if it was written with overflows included, it'll need to be renormalized
            check_sum = 0.0
            for ibin in range(1, mutehist.n_bins + 1):  # ignore under/overflow bins
                freq = mutehist.get_bin_centers()[ibin]
                branch_length = self.convert_observed_changes_to_branch_length(float(freq))
                prob = mutehist.bin_contents[ibin]
                check_sum += self.branch_lengths[mtype]['probs'][-1]
            if not utils.is_normed(check_sum):
                raise Exception('not normalized %f' % check_sum)

        if self.args.debug:
            print '  mean branch lengths'
            for mtype in ['all',] + utils.regions:
                print '     %4s %7.3f (ratio %7.3f)' % (mtype, self.branch_lengths[mtype]['mean'], self.branch_lengths[mtype]['mean'] / self.branch_lengths['all']['mean'])
Beispiel #3
def peruse_naive_seqs():
    from hist import Hist
    # hall = Hist(n_set_list[-1], n_set_list[0] - 0.5, n_set_list[-1] + 0.5)
    means = []
    for n_set in n_set_list:
        plotdir = baseplotdir + '/' + str(n_set)
        hist = Hist(fname=plotdir + '/hmm/hamming_to_true_naive.csv')
        print '%2d   %.2f' % (n_set, hist.get_mean()),
        # hall.set_ibin(hall.find_bin(n_set), hist.get_mean())
    import plotting
    fig, ax = plotting.mpl_init()
    # hall.mpl_plot(ax)
    ax.plot(n_set_list, means, marker='.')
    plotting.mpl_finish(ax, baseplotdir, 'means', xlabel='N simultaneous seqs', ylabel='mean hamming to true naive', ybounds=(0, None))
Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self, base_indir, outdir, gene_name, naivety, glfo, args):
        self.region = utils.get_region(gene_name)
        self.raw_name = gene_name  # i.e. unsanitized
        self.germline_seqs = glfo['seqs']  # all germline alleles
        self.germline_seq = self.germline_seqs[self.region][gene_name]  # germline sequence for this hmm
        self.indir = base_indir
        self.args = args
        self.cyst_positions = glfo['cyst-positions']
        self.tryp_positions = glfo['tryp-positions']

        # parameters with values that I more or less made up
        self.precision = '16'  # number of digits after the decimal for probabilities
        self.eps = 1e-6  # NOTE I also have an eps defined in utils, and they should in principle be combined
        self.n_max_to_interpolate = 20
        self.min_mean_unphysical_insertion_length = {'fv' : 1.5, 'jf' : 25}  # jf has to be quite a bit bigger, since besides account for the variation in J length from the tryp position to the end, it has to account for the difference in cdr3 lengths

        self.erosion_pseudocount_length = 10  # if we're closer to the end of the gene than this, make sure erosion probability isn't zero

        # self.insert_mute_prob = 0.0
        # self.mean_mute_freq = 0.0

        self.outdir = outdir
        self.naivety = naivety
        self.smallest_entry_index = -1  # keeps track of the first state that has a chance of being entered from init -- we want to start writing (with add_internal_state) from there

        # self.insertions = [ insert for insert in utils.index_keys if re.match(self.region + '._insertion', insert) or re.match('.' + self.region + '_insertion', insert)]  OOPS that's not what I want to do
        self.insertions = []
        if self.region == 'v':
        elif self.region == 'd':
        elif self.region == 'j':

        self.erosion_probs = {}
        self.insertion_probs = {}
        self.insertion_content_probs = {}

        self.n_occurences = utils.read_overall_gene_probs(self.indir, only_gene=gene_name, normalize=False)  # how many times did we observe this gene in data?
        replacement_genes = None
        if self.n_occurences < self.args.min_observations_to_write:  # if we didn't see it enough, average over all the genes that find_replacement_genes() gives us
            if self.args.debug:
                print '    only saw it %d times, use info from other genes' % self.n_occurences
            replacement_genes = utils.find_replacement_genes(self.indir, self.args.min_observations_to_write, gene_name, single_gene=False, debug=self.args.debug)

        self.read_erosion_info(gene_name, replacement_genes)  # try this exact gene, but...

        self.read_insertion_info(gene_name, replacement_genes)

        if self.naivety == 'M':  # mutate if not naive
            self.mute_freqs, self.mute_obs = paramutils.read_mute_info(self.indir, this_gene=gene_name, approved_genes=replacement_genes)

        self.track = Track('nukes', utils.nukes)
        self.saniname = utils.sanitize_name(gene_name)
        self.hmm = HMM(self.saniname, self.track.getdict())  # pass the track as a dict rather than a Track object to keep the yaml file a bit more readable
        self.hmm.extras['gene_prob'] = max(self.eps, utils.read_overall_gene_probs(self.indir, only_gene=gene_name))  # if we really didn't see this gene at all, take pity on it and kick it an eps
        mean_freq_hist = Hist(fname=self.indir + '/all-mean-mute-freqs.csv')
        self.hmm.extras['overall_mute_freq'] = mean_freq_hist.get_mean()
Beispiel #5
def peruse_naive_seqs():
    from hist import Hist
    # hall = Hist(n_set_list[-1], n_set_list[0] - 0.5, n_set_list[-1] + 0.5)
    means = []
    for n_set in n_set_list:
        plotdir = baseplotdir + '/' + str(n_set)
        hist = Hist(fname=plotdir + '/hmm/hamming_to_true_naive.csv')
        print '%2d   %.2f' % (n_set, hist.get_mean()),
        # hall.set_ibin(hall.find_bin(n_set), hist.get_mean())

    import plotting
    fig, ax = plotting.mpl_init()
    # hall.mpl_plot(ax)
    ax.plot(n_set_list, means, marker='.')
                        xlabel='N simultaneous seqs',
                        ylabel='mean hamming to true naive',
                        ybounds=(0, None))
Beispiel #6
    def __init__(self, base_indir, outdir, gene_name, glfo, args, debug=False):
        self.region = utils.get_region(gene_name)
        self.raw_name = gene_name  # i.e. unsanitized
        self.germline_seqs = glfo['seqs']  # all germline alleles
        self.germline_seq = self.germline_seqs[self.region][gene_name]  # germline sequence for this hmm
        self.indir = base_indir
        self.args = args
        self.debug = debug
        self.codon_positions = {r : glfo[c + '-positions'] for r, c in utils.conserved_codons[].items()}

        # parameters with values that I more or less made up
        self.precision = '16'  # number of digits after the decimal for probabilities
        self.eps = 1e-6  # NOTE I also have an eps defined in utils, and they should in principle be combined
        self.n_max_to_interpolate = args.min_observations_to_write
        self.min_mean_unphysical_insertion_length = {'fv' : 1.5, 'jf' : 25}  # jf has to be quite a bit bigger, since besides account for the variation in J length from the tryp position to the end, it has to account for the difference in cdr3 lengths

        self.erosion_pseudocount_length = 10  # if we're closer to the end of the gene than this, make sure erosion probability isn't zero

        self.outdir = outdir
        self.smallest_entry_index = -1  # keeps track of the first state that has a chance of being entered from init -- we want to start writing (with add_internal_state) from there

        self.insertions = []
        if self.region == 'v':
        elif self.region == 'd':
        elif self.region == 'j':

        assert len(utils.ambiguous_bases) == 1 and utils.ambiguous_bases[0] == 'N'  # maybe need to update some stuff below if this changes

        if self.debug:
            print '%s' % utils.color_gene(gene_name)

        self.n_occurences = utils.read_single_gene_count(self.indir, gene_name, debug=self.debug)  # how many times did we observe this gene in data?
        replacement_genes = None
        if self.n_occurences < self.args.min_observations_to_write:  # if we didn't see it enough, average over all the genes that find_replacement_genes() gives us
            if self.debug:
                print '      only saw it %d times (wanted %d), so use info from all other genes' % (self.n_occurences, self.args.min_observations_to_write)
            replacement_genes = utils.find_replacement_genes(self.indir, self.args.min_observations_to_write, gene_name, debug=self.debug)

        self.erosion_probs = self.read_erosion_info(gene_name, replacement_genes)
        self.insertion_probs, self.insertion_content_probs = self.read_insertion_info(gene_name, replacement_genes)
        self.mute_freqs, self.mute_obs = paramutils.read_mute_info(self.indir, this_gene=gene_name,, approved_genes=replacement_genes)  # actual info in <self.mute_obs> isn't actually used a.t.m.

        self.track = Track('nukes', utils.nukes)
        self.saniname = utils.sanitize_name(gene_name)
        self.hmm = HMM(self.saniname, self.track.getdict())  # pass the track as a dict rather than a Track object to keep the yaml file a bit more readable
        self.hmm.extras['gene_prob'] = max(self.eps, utils.read_overall_gene_probs(self.indir, only_gene=gene_name))  # if we really didn't see this gene at all, take pity on it and kick it an eps
        tmp_mean_freq_hist = Hist(fname=self.indir + '/all-mean-mute-freqs.csv')
        self.hmm.extras['overall_mute_freq'] = tmp_mean_freq_hist.get_mean()
Beispiel #7
    def __init__(self, base_indir, outdir, gene_name, glfo, args, debug=False):
        self.region = utils.get_region(gene_name)
        self.raw_name = gene_name  # i.e. unsanitized
        self.germline_seqs = glfo['seqs']  # all germline alleles
        self.germline_seq = self.germline_seqs[self.region][gene_name]  # germline sequence for this hmm
        self.indir = base_indir
        self.args = args
        self.debug = debug
        self.codon_positions = {r : glfo[c + '-positions'] for r, c in utils.conserved_codons[args.chain].items()}

        # parameters with values that I more or less made up
        self.precision = '16'  # number of digits after the decimal for probabilities
        self.eps = 1e-6  # NOTE I also have an eps defined in utils, and they should in principle be combined
        self.n_max_to_interpolate = args.min_observations_to_write
        self.min_mean_unphysical_insertion_length = {'fv' : 1.5, 'jf' : 25}  # jf has to be quite a bit bigger, since besides account for the variation in J length from the tryp position to the end, it has to account for the difference in cdr3 lengths

        self.erosion_pseudocount_length = 10  # if we're closer to the end of the gene than this, make sure erosion probability isn't zero

        self.outdir = outdir
        self.smallest_entry_index = -1  # keeps track of the first state that has a chance of being entered from init -- we want to start writing (with add_internal_state) from there

        self.insertions = []
        if self.region == 'v':
        elif self.region == 'd':
        elif self.region == 'j':

        assert len(utils.ambiguous_bases) == 1 and utils.ambiguous_bases[0] == 'N'  # maybe need to update some stuff below if this changes

        if self.debug:
            print '%s' % utils.color_gene(gene_name)

        self.n_occurences = utils.read_single_gene_count(self.indir, gene_name, debug=self.debug)  # how many times did we observe this gene in data?
        replacement_genes = None
        if self.n_occurences < self.args.min_observations_to_write:  # if we didn't see it enough, average over all the genes that find_replacement_genes() gives us
            if self.debug:
                print '      only saw it %d times (wanted %d), so use info from all other genes' % (self.n_occurences, self.args.min_observations_to_write)
            replacement_genes = utils.find_replacement_genes(self.indir, self.args.min_observations_to_write, gene_name, debug=self.debug)

        self.erosion_probs = self.read_erosion_info(gene_name, replacement_genes)
        self.insertion_probs, self.insertion_content_probs = self.read_insertion_info(gene_name, replacement_genes)
        self.mute_freqs, self.mute_obs = paramutils.read_mute_info(self.indir, this_gene=gene_name, chain=self.args.chain, approved_genes=replacement_genes)  # actual info in <self.mute_obs> isn't actually used a.t.m.

        self.track = Track('nukes', utils.nukes)
        self.saniname = utils.sanitize_name(gene_name)
        self.hmm = HMM(self.saniname, self.track.getdict())  # pass the track as a dict rather than a Track object to keep the yaml file a bit more readable
        self.hmm.extras['gene_prob'] = max(self.eps, utils.read_overall_gene_probs(self.indir, only_gene=gene_name))  # if we really didn't see this gene at all, take pity on it and kick it an eps
        tmp_mean_freq_hist = Hist(fname=self.indir + '/all-mean-mute-freqs.csv')
        self.hmm.extras['overall_mute_freq'] = tmp_mean_freq_hist.get_mean()
Beispiel #8
    def read_annotation_performance(self, version_stype, input_stype, debug=False):
        """ version_stype is the code version, while input_stype is the input data version, i.e. 'ref', 'new' is the reference code version (last commit) run on the then-new simulation and parameters"""
        ptest = "annotate-" + input_stype + "-simu"
        if args.quick and ptest not in self.quick_tests:
        if debug:
            print "  version %s input %s annotation" % (version_stype, input_stype)

        def read_performance_file(fname, column, only_ibin=None):
            values = []
            with open(fname) as csvfile:
                reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
                ibin = 0
                for line in reader:
                    if only_ibin is not None and ibin != only_ibin:
                        ibin += 1
                    ibin += 1
            if len(values) == 1:
                return values[0]
                return values

        perfdir = self.dirs[version_stype] + "/" + self.perfdirs[input_stype]
        for method in ["sw", "hmm"]:
            if debug:
                print "   ", method

            # fraction of genes correct
            for region in utils.regions:
                fraction_correct = read_performance_file(
                    perfdir + "/" + method + "/plots/" + region + "_gene.csv", "contents", only_ibin=1
                if debug:
                    print "      %s %.3f" % (region, fraction_correct)
                    input_stype + "-" + method + "-" + region + "_gene_correct"
                ] = fraction_correct

            # hamming fraction
            hamming_hist = Hist(fname=perfdir + "/" + method + "/plots/hamming_to_true_naive.csv")
            if debug:
                print "      mean hamming %.2f" % hamming_hist.get_mean()
            self.perf_info[version_stype][input_stype + "-" + method + "-mean_hamming"] = hamming_hist.get_mean()
Beispiel #9
    def read_annotation_performance(self, version_stype, input_stype, debug=False):
        """ version_stype is the code version, while input_stype is the input data version, i.e. 'ref', 'new' is the reference code version (last commit) run on the then-new simulation and parameters"""
        ptest = 'annotate-' + input_stype + '-simu'
        if args.quick and ptest not in self.quick_tests:
        if debug:
            print '  version %s input %s annotation' % (version_stype, input_stype)

        def read_performance_file(fname, column, only_ibin=None):
            values = []
            with open(fname) as csvfile:
                reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
                ibin = 0
                for line in reader:
                    if only_ibin is not None and ibin != only_ibin:
                        ibin += 1
                    ibin += 1
            if len(values) == 1:
                return values[0]
                return values

        perfdir = self.dirs[version_stype] + '/' + self.perfdirs[input_stype]
        for method in ['sw', 'hmm']:
            if debug:
                print '   ', method

            # fraction of genes correct
            for region in utils.regions:
                fraction_correct = read_performance_file(perfdir + '/' + method + '/gene-call/' + region + '_gene.csv', 'contents', only_ibin=1)
                if debug:
                    print '      %s %.3f' % (region, fraction_correct)
                self.perf_info[version_stype][input_stype + '-' + method + '-' + region + '_gene_correct'] = fraction_correct

            # hamming fraction
            hamming_hist = Hist(fname=perfdir + '/' + method + '/mutation/hamming_to_true_naive.csv')
            if debug:
                print '      mean hamming %.2f' % hamming_hist.get_mean()
            self.perf_info[version_stype][input_stype + '-' + method + '-mean_hamming'] = hamming_hist.get_mean()
Beispiel #10
    def __init__(self, base_indir, outdir, gene_name, glfo, args, debug=False):
        self.region = utils.get_region(gene_name)
        self.raw_name = gene_name  # i.e. unsanitized
        self.germline_seqs = glfo['seqs']  # all germline alleles
        self.germline_seq = self.germline_seqs[self.region][
            gene_name]  # germline sequence for this hmm
        self.indir = base_indir
        self.args = args
        self.debug = debug
        self.codon_positions = {
            r: glfo[c + '-positions']
            for r, c in utils.conserved_codons[].items()

        # parameters with values that I more or less made up
        self.precision = '16'  # number of digits after the decimal for probabilities
        self.eps = 1e-6  # NOTE I also have an eps defined in utils, and they should in principle be combined
        self.n_max_to_interpolate = args.min_observations_to_write
        self.min_mean_unphysical_insertion_length = {
            'fv': 1.5,
            'jf': 25
        }  # jf has to be quite a bit bigger, since besides account for the variation in J length from the tryp position to the end, it has to account for the difference in cdr3 lengths
        self.mute_freq_bounds = {
            'lo': 0.01,
            'hi': 0.5
        }  # don't let any position mutate less frequently than 1% of the time, or more frequently than half the time
        self.enforced_flat_mfreq_length = {  # i.e. distance over which the mute freqs are typically screwed up. I'm not really sure why these vary so much, but it's probably to do with how the s-w step works
            'v_3p' : 9,
            'd_5p' : 9,
            'd_3p' : 9,
            'j_5p' : 20,

        self.erosion_pseudocount_length = 10  # if we're closer to the end of the gene than this, make sure erosion probability isn't zero

        self.outdir = outdir
        self.smallest_entry_index = -1  # keeps track of the first state that has a chance of being entered from init -- we want to start writing (with add_internal_state) from there

        self.insertions = []
        if self.region == 'v':
        elif self.region == 'd':
        elif self.region == 'j':

        assert len(utils.ambiguous_bases) == 1 and utils.ambiguous_bases[
            0] == 'N'  # maybe need to update some stuff below if this changes

        if self.debug:
            print '%s' % utils.color_gene(gene_name)

        self.n_occurences = utils.read_single_gene_count(
            self.indir, gene_name, debug=self.debug
        )  # how many times did we observe this gene in data?
        approved_genes = [gene_name]
        # NOTE this never happens any more, since partitiondriver.cache_parameters() resets <args.min_observations_to_write> if it's arger than 10*(number of sequences)
        if self.n_occurences < self.args.min_observations_to_write:  # if we didn't see it enough, average also over all the genes that find_replacement_genes() gives us
            if self.debug:
                print '      only saw it %d times (wanted %d), so use info from all other genes' % (
                    self.n_occurences, self.args.min_observations_to_write)
            approved_genes += utils.find_replacement_genes(

        self.erosion_probs = self.read_erosion_info(approved_genes)
        self.insertion_probs, self.insertion_content_probs = self.read_insertion_info(
        self.mute_freqs = paramutils.read_mute_freqs_with_weights(
            self.indir, approved_genes)  # weighted averages over genes
        self.mute_counts = paramutils.read_mute_counts(
            self.indir, gene_name,  # raw per-{ACGT} counts
        )  # smooth/interpolation/whatnot for <self.mute_freqs> and <self.mute_counts>
        # NOTE i'm using a hybrid approach with mute_freqs and mute_counts -- the only thing I get from mute_counts is the ratios of the different bases, whereas the actual freq comes from mute_freqs (which has all the corrections/smooth/bullshit)

        self.track = Track('nukes', utils.nukes)
        self.saniname = utils.sanitize_name(gene_name)
        self.hmm = HMM(
            self.saniname, self.track.getdict()
        )  # pass the track as a dict rather than a Track object to keep the yaml file a bit more readable
        self.hmm.extras['gene_prob'] = max(
            utils.read_overall_gene_probs(self.indir, only_gene=gene_name)
        )  # if we really didn't see this gene at all, take pity on it and kick it an eps
        tmp_mean_freq_hist = Hist(fname=self.indir +
        self.hmm.extras['overall_mute_freq'] = tmp_mean_freq_hist.get_mean()
        self.hmm.extras['per_gene_mute_freq'] = self.mute_freqs[
            'unweighted_overall_mean']  # the other (weighted) one might be technically more accurate, depending on what you want, but it's probably not what anyone is expecting, so we write the unweighted one