Beispiel #1
    def it_can_resample_itself(self, tmpdir, resampled_dims_):
        tmp_path_ = tmpdir.mkdir("myslide")
        image = PILIMG.RGBA_COLOR_500X500_155_249_240, "mywsi.png"), "PNG")
        slide_path = os.path.join(tmp_path_, "mywsi.png")
        slide = Slide(slide_path, "processed")
        resampled_dims_.return_value = (100, 200, 300, 400)

        _resample = slide._resample(32)

        # image array assertions
        assert type(_resample[1]) == np.ndarray
        # ---The np array shape should be (new_h X new_w X channels),---
        # ---in this case (look at resampled_dims mock) the new_h is 400---
        # ---the new_w is 300 and the color channels of the image are 3---
        assert _resample[1].shape == (400, 300, 3)
        # ---Here we prove that the 3 channels are compliant with the color---
        # ---definition and that each channel is a np.array (400x300) filled---
        # ---with the related color expressed during the image creation---
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(_resample[1][:, :, 0],
                                       np.full((400, 300), 155))
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(_resample[1][:, :, 1],
                                       np.full((400, 300), 249))
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(_resample[1][:, :, 2],
                                       np.full((400, 300), 240))
        # PIL image assertions
        assert type(_resample[0]) == PIL.Image.Image
        assert _resample[0].size == (300, 400)
        assert _resample[0].width == 300
        assert _resample[0].height == 400
        assert _resample[0].mode == "RGB"
Beispiel #2
    def it_resamples_with_the_correct_scale_factor(self, tmpdir,
        tmp_path_ = tmpdir.mkdir("myslide")
        image = PILIMG.RGBA_COLOR_500X500_155_249_240, "mywsi.png"), "PNG")
        slide_path = os.path.join(tmp_path_, "mywsi.png")
        slide = Slide(slide_path, "processed")
        resampled_dims_.return_value = (500, 500, 15, 15)

        _resample = slide._resample(32)

        assert _resample[1].shape == (math.floor(500 / 32),
                                      math.floor(500 / 32), 3)