Beispiel #1
def minions_per_game(name):
	urls = history.gen_urls(name)
	minions = {}
	for i in range(0,len(urls)):
		data = history.data_gen(urls[i])
		for item in data['games']['games']:
			minions[item['gameId']] = item['participants'][0]['stats']['totalMinionsKilled']
	return minions		
Beispiel #2
def cc_per_game(name):
	urls = history.gen_urls(name)
	cc = {}
	for i in range(0,len(urls)):
		data = history.data_gen(urls[i])
		for item in data['games']['games']:
			cc[item['gameId']] = round(float(item['participants'][0]['stats']['totalTimeCrowdControlDealt'])/60.,2)
	return cc		
Beispiel #3
def duration(name):
	urls = history.gen_urls(name)
	duration = {}
	for i in range(0,len(urls)):
		data = history.data_gen(urls[i])
		for item in data['games']['games']:
			duration[item['gameId']] = round(float(item['gameDuration'])/60.,2)
	return duration		
Beispiel #4
def winloss(name):
	urls = history.gen_urls(name)
	win_loss = {}
	for i in range(0,len(urls)):
		data = history.data_gen(urls[i])
		for item in data['games']['games']:
			win_loss[item['gameId']] = item['participants'][0]['stats']['win']
	return win_loss
Beispiel #5
def gameids(name):
	urls = history.gen_urls(name)
	ids = []
	for i in range(0,len(urls)):
		data = history.data_gen(urls[i])
		for item in data['games']['games']:
	return ids
Beispiel #6
def champions(name):
	ids = pickle.load(open('champions.p','rb'))
	urls = history.gen_urls(name)
	champs = {}
	for i in range(0,len(urls)):
		data = history.data_gen(urls[i])
		for item in data['games']['games']:
			champs[item['gameId']] = ids[str(item['participants'][0]['championId'])]
	return champs		
Beispiel #7
def overall_kda(name):
	urls = history.gen_urls(name)
	KDA = {'kills': 0, 'assists': 0, 'deaths': 0}
	for i in range(0,len(urls)):
		data = history.data_gen(urls[i])
		for item in data['games']['games']:
			KDA['kills'] = KDA['kills'] + item['participants'][0]['stats']['kills']
			KDA['deaths'] = KDA['deaths'] + item['participants'][0]['stats']['deaths']
			KDA['assists'] = KDA['assists'] + item['participants'][0]['stats']['assists']
	return KDA
Beispiel #8
def turrets_inhibitors_per_game(name):
	urls = history.gen_urls(name)
	turrets_inhibitors = {}
	for i in range(0,len(urls)):
		data = history.data_gen(urls[i])
		for item in data['games']['games']:
			per_game = {}
			per_game['turrets'] = item['participants'][0]['stats']['turretKills']
			per_game['inhibitors'] = item['participants'][0]['stats']['inhibitorKills']
			turrets_inhibitors[item['gameId']] = per_game
	return turrets_inhibitors		
Beispiel #9
def vision_per_game(name):
	urls = history.gen_urls(name)
	vision = {}
	for i in range(0,len(urls)):
		data = history.data_gen(urls[i])
		for item in data['games']['games']:
			vision_game = {}
			vision_game['placed'] = item['participants'][0]['stats']['wardsPlaced']
			vision_game['killed'] = item['participants'][0]['stats']['wardsKilled']
			vision[item['gameId']] = vision_game
	return vision
Beispiel #10
def gold_per_game(name):
	urls = history.gen_urls(name)
	gold = {}
	for i in range(0,len(urls)):
		data = history.data_gen(urls[i])
		for item in data['games']['games']:
			game_gold = {}
			game_gold['goldEarned'] = item['participants'][0]['stats']['goldEarned']
			game_gold['goldSpent'] = item['participants'][0]['stats']['goldSpent']
			gold[item['gameId']] = game_gold
	return gold		
Beispiel #11
def role_and_lane(name):
	urls = history.gen_urls(name)
	rolelane = {}
	for i in range(0,len(urls)):
		data = history.data_gen(urls[i])
		for item in data['games']['games']:
			game = {}
			game['role'] = item['participants'][0]['timeline']['role']
			game['lane'] = item['participants'][0]['timeline']['lane']
			rolelane[item['gameId']] = game
	return rolelane
Beispiel #12
def neutrals_per_game(name):
	urls = history.gen_urls(name)
	neutrals = {}
	for i in range(0,len(urls)):
		data = history.data_gen(urls[i])
		for item in data['games']['games']:
			per_game = {}
			# blue side - baron, red side - dragon
			per_game['total'] = item['participants'][0]['stats']['neutralMinionsKilled']
			per_game['team jungle']	= item['participants'][0]['stats']['neutralMinionsKilledTeamJungle']
			per_game['enemy jungle'] = item['participants'][0]['stats']['neutralMinionsKilledEnemyJungle']
			neutrals[item['gameId']] = per_game
	return neutrals
Beispiel #13
def damage_taken_per_game(name):
	urls = history.gen_urls(name)
	damage = {}
	for i in range(0,len(urls)):
		data = history.data_gen(urls[i])
		for item in data['games']['games']:
			per_game = {}
			per_game['total'] = item['participants'][0]['stats']['totalDamageTaken']
			per_game['magic'] = item['participants'][0]['stats']['magicalDamageTaken']
			per_game['physical'] = item['participants'][0]['stats']['physicalDamageTaken']
			per_game['true'] = item['participants'][0]['stats']['trueDamageTaken']
			damage[item['gameId']] = per_game
	return damage
Beispiel #14
def perten_per_game(name):
	urls = history.gen_urls(name)
	diffs = {}
	for i in range(0,len(urls)):
		data = history.data_gen(urls[i])
		for item in data['games']['games']:
			per_game = {}
			per_game['cs per 10'] = item['participants'][0]['timeline']['creepsPerMinDeltas']
			if 'csDiffPerMinDeltas' in item['participants'][0]['timeline'].keys():
				per_game['cs diff per 10'] = item['participants'][0]['timeline']['csDiffPerMinDeltas']
				per_game['cs diff per 10'] = "No enemy laner"
			diffs[item['gameId']] = per_game
	return diffs
Beispiel #15
def kda_per_game(name):
	urls = history.gen_urls(name)
	KDA = {}
	for i in range(0,len(urls)):
		data = history.data_gen(urls[i])
		for item in data['games']['games']:
			game_kda = {}
			game_kda['assists'] = item['participants'][0]['stats']['assists']
			game_kda['deaths'] = item['participants'][0]['stats']['deaths']
			game_kda['kills'] = item['participants'][0]['stats']['kills']
			if game_kda['deaths'] != 0:
				game_kda['kda'] = round(float(game_kda['kills'] + game_kda['assists'])/float(game_kda['deaths']),2)
				# need to tweek this
				game_kda['kda']	= round(float(game_kda['kills'] + game_kda['assists']),2)
			KDA[item['gameId']] = game_kda
	return KDA	
Beispiel #16
def kills_per_game(name):
	urls = history.gen_urls(name)
	kills = {}
	for i in range(0,len(urls)):
		data = history.data_gen(urls[i])
		for item in data['games']['games']:
			kills_game = {}
			# consecutive kills before death
			kills_game['largest spree'] = item['participants'][0]['stats']['largestKillingSpree']
			# largest number of kills in a period of time
			kills_game['largest multikill'] = item['participants'][0]['stats']['largestMultiKill']
			kills_game['killingsprees'] = item['participants'][0]['stats']['killingSprees']
			kills_game['double'] = item['participants'][0]['stats']['doubleKills']
			kills_game['triple'] = item['participants'][0]['stats']['tripleKills']
			kills_game['quadra'] = item['participants'][0]['stats']['quadraKills']
			kills_game['penta'] = item['participants'][0]['stats']['pentaKills']
			kills[item['gameId']] = kills_game
	return kills		
Beispiel #17
def firsts(name):
	urls = history.gen_urls(name)
	first = {}
	for i in range(0,len(urls)):
		data = history.data_gen(urls[i])
		for item in data['games']['games']:
			per_game = {}
			per_game['first kill'] = item['participants'][0]['stats']['firstBloodKill']
			# i think the API is broken. no one ever has first blood assist
			# per_game['first kill assist'] = item['participants'][0]['stats']['firstBloodAssist']
			per_game['first turret'] = item['participants'][0]['stats']['firstTowerKill']
			per_game['first turret assist']= item['participants'][0]['stats']['firstTowerAssist']
			# for some reason, firstinhibitorkill/assist disappear when you put the data in a for loop. idk why. 
			# if you manually do data[0], data[1], etc. it shows up, but not in a for loop
			# per_game['first inhibitor'] = item['participants'][0]['stats']['firstInhibitorKill']
			# per_game['first inhibitor assist'] = item['participants'][0]['stats']['firstInhibitorAssist']
			first[item['gameId']] = per_game
	return first