Beispiel #1
async def get_user_feed(account: str,
                        skip: int,
                        limit: int,
                        context: str = None):
    account_id = _get_account_id(account)
    sql = """
      SELECT post_id, string_agg(name, ',') accounts
        FROM hive_feed_cache
        JOIN hive_follows ON account_id = hive_follows.following AND state = 1
        JOIN hive_accounts ON hive_follows.following =
       WHERE hive_follows.follower = :account
    GROUP BY post_id
    ORDER BY MIN(hive_feed_cache.created_at) DESC LIMIT :limit OFFSET :skip
    res = query_all(sql, account=account_id, skip=skip, limit=limit)
    posts = _get_posts([r[0] for r in res], context)

    # Merge reblogged_by data into result set
    accts = dict(res)
    for post in posts:
        rby = set(accts[post['post_id']].split(','))
        if rby:
            post['reblogged_by'] = list(rby)

    return posts
Beispiel #2
def pids_by_feed_with_reblog(account: str,
                             start_author: str = '',
                             start_permlink: str = '',
                             limit: int = 20):
    account_id = get_account_id(account)

    seek = ''
    if start_permlink:
        seek = """
          HAVING MIN(hive_feed_cache.created_at) <= (
            SELECT MIN(created_at) FROM hive_feed_cache WHERE post_id = %d
               AND account_id IN (SELECT following FROM hive_follows
                                  WHERE follower = :account AND state = 1))
        """ % get_post_id(start_author, start_permlink)

    sql = """
        SELECT post_id, string_agg(name, ',') accounts
          FROM hive_feed_cache
          JOIN hive_follows ON account_id = hive_follows.following AND state = 1
          JOIN hive_accounts ON hive_follows.following =
         WHERE hive_follows.follower = :account
      GROUP BY post_id %s
      ORDER BY MIN(hive_feed_cache.created_at) DESC LIMIT :limit
    """ % seek

    return query_all(sql, account=account_id, limit=limit)
Beispiel #3
def load_posts(ids, truncate_body=0):
    """Given an array of post ids, returns full objects in the same order."""
    if not ids:
        return []

    sql = """
    SELECT post_id, author, permlink, title, body, promoted, payout, created_at,
           payout_at, is_paidout, rshares, raw_json, category, depth, json,
           children, votes, author_rep, updated_at,

           preview, img_url, is_nsfw
      FROM hive_posts_cache WHERE post_id IN :ids

    # key by id so we can return sorted by input order
    posts_by_id = {}
    for row in query_all(sql, ids=tuple(ids)):
        row = dict(row)
        post = _condenser_post_object(row, truncate_body=truncate_body)
        posts_by_id[row['post_id']] = post

    # in rare cases of cache inconsistency, recover and warn
    missed = set(ids) - posts_by_id.keys()
    if missed:
        log.warning("get_posts do not exist in cache: %s", repr(missed))
        for _id in missed:
            sql = (
                "SELECT id, author, permlink, depth, created_at, is_deleted "
                "FROM hive_posts WHERE id = :id")
            log.warning("missing: %s", dict(query_row(sql, id=_id)))

    return [posts_by_id[_id] for _id in ids]
Beispiel #4
def _get_posts(ids):
    if not ids:
        raise Exception("no ids provided")

    sql = """
    SELECT post_id, author, permlink, title, body, promoted, payout, created_at,
           payout_at, is_paidout, rshares, raw_json, category, depth, json,
           children, votes, author_rep,

           preview, img_url, is_nsfw
      FROM hive_posts_cache WHERE post_id IN :ids

    # key by id so we can return sorted by input order
    posts_by_id = {}
    for row in query_all(sql, ids=tuple(ids)):
        row = dict(row)
        post = _condenser_post_object(row)
        posts_by_id[row['post_id']] = post

    # in rare cases of cache inconsistency, recover and warn
    missed = set(ids) - posts_by_id.keys()
    if missed:
        print("WARNING: get_posts do not exist in cache: {}".format(missed))
        for _id in missed:

    return [posts_by_id[_id] for _id in ids]
Beispiel #5
def pids_by_feed_with_reblog(account: str, start_author: str = '',
                             start_permlink: str = '', limit: int = 20):
    """Get a list of [post_id, reblogged_by_str] for an account's feed."""
    account_id = _get_account_id(account)

    seek = ''
    if start_permlink:
        start_id = _get_post_id(start_author, start_permlink)
        if not start_id:
            return []

        seek = """
          HAVING MIN(hive_feed_cache.created_at) <= (
            SELECT MIN(created_at) FROM hive_feed_cache WHERE post_id = %d
               AND account_id IN (SELECT following FROM hive_follows
                                  WHERE follower = :account AND state = 1))
        """ % start_id

    sql = """
        SELECT post_id, string_agg(name, ',') accounts
          FROM hive_feed_cache
          JOIN hive_follows ON account_id = hive_follows.following AND state = 1
          JOIN hive_accounts ON hive_follows.following =
         WHERE hive_follows.follower = :account
           AND hive_feed_cache.created_at > :cutoff
      GROUP BY post_id %s
      ORDER BY MIN(hive_feed_cache.created_at) DESC LIMIT :limit
    """ % seek

    return query_all(sql, account=account_id, limit=limit, cutoff=last_month())
Beispiel #6
async def get_trending_tags(start_tag: str = '', limit: int = 250):
    """Get top 250 trending tags among pending posts, with stats."""
    assert start_tag == '', 'tags pagination not supported'
    assert limit == 250, 'only returns exactly 250 tags'
    sql = """
      SELECT category,
             COUNT(*) AS total_posts,
             SUM(CASE WHEN depth = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS top_posts,
             SUM(payout) AS total_payouts
        FROM hive_posts_cache
       WHERE is_paidout = '0'
    GROUP BY category
    ORDER BY SUM(payout) DESC
       LIMIT 250
    out = []
    for row in query_all(sql):
            'comments': row['total_posts'] - row['top_posts'],
            'name': row['category'],
            'top_posts': row['top_posts'],
            'total_payouts': "%.3f SBD" % row['total_payouts']

    return out
Beispiel #7
def load_accounts(names):
    """`get_accounts`-style lookup for `get_state` compat layer."""
    sql = """SELECT id, name, display_name, about, reputation, vote_weight,
                    created_at, post_count, profile_image, location, website,
               FROM hive_accounts WHERE name IN :names"""
    rows = query_all(sql, names=tuple(names))
    return [_condenser_account_object(row) for row in rows]
Beispiel #8
async def get_following(account: str, skip: int, limit: int):
    account_id = _get_account_id(account)
    sql = """
      SELECT name FROM hive_follows hf
        JOIN hive_accounts ON hf.following = id
       WHERE hf.follower = :account_id AND state = 1
    ORDER BY hf.created_at DESC LIMIT :limit OFFSET :skip
    res = query_all(sql,
    return [[r[0], str(r[1])] for r in res]
Beispiel #9
    def register(cls, names, block_date):
        new_names = list(filter(lambda n: not cls.exists(n), set(names)))
        if not new_names:

        # insert new names and add the new ids to our mem map
        for name in new_names:
                "INSERT INTO hive_accounts (name, created_at) "
                "VALUES (:name, :date)",

        sql = "SELECT name, id FROM hive_accounts WHERE name IN :names"
        cls._ids = {**dict(query_all(sql, names=tuple(new_names))), **cls._ids}
Beispiel #10
def _load_accounts(names):
    sql = "SELECT id,name,display_name,about,reputation FROM hive_accounts WHERE name IN :names"
    accounts = []
    for row in query_all(sql, names=tuple(names)):
        account = {}
        account['name'] = row['name']
        account['reputation'] = _rep_to_raw(row['reputation'])
        account['json_metadata'] = json.dumps(
            {'profile': {
                'name': row['display_name'],
                'about': row['about']

    return accounts
Beispiel #11
def _get_posts(ids, context=None):
    sql = """
    SELECT post_id, author, permlink, title, preview, img_url, payout,
           promoted, created_at, payout_at, is_nsfw, rshares, votes, json
      FROM hive_posts_cache WHERE post_id IN :ids

    reblogged_ids = []
    if context:
        reblogged_ids = query_col(
            "SELECT post_id FROM hive_reblogs "
            "WHERE account = :a AND post_id IN :ids",

    # key by id so we can return sorted by input order
    posts_by_id = {}
    for row in query_all(sql, ids=tuple(ids)):
        obj = dict(row)

        if context:
            voters = [csa.split(",")[0] for csa in obj['votes'].split("\n")]
            obj['user_state'] = {
                'reblogged': row['post_id'] in reblogged_ids,
                'voted': context in voters

        # TODO: Object of type 'Decimal' is not JSON serializable
        obj['payout'] = float(obj['payout'])
        obj['promoted'] = float(obj['promoted'])

        # TODO: Object of type 'datetime' is not JSON serializable
        obj['created_at'] = str(obj['created_at'])
        obj['payout_at'] = str(obj['payout_at'])

        obj.pop('votes')  # temp
        obj.pop('json')  # temp
        posts_by_id[row['post_id']] = obj

    # in rare cases of cache inconsistency, recover and warn
    missed = set(ids) - posts_by_id.keys()
    if missed:
        print("WARNING: _get_posts do not exist in cache: {}".format(missed))
        for _id in missed:

    return [posts_by_id[_id] for _id in ids]
Beispiel #12
async def _get_trending_tags():
    sql = """
      SELECT category,
             COUNT(*) AS total_posts,
             SUM(CASE WHEN depth = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS top_posts,
             SUM(payout) AS total_payouts
        FROM hive_posts_cache
       WHERE is_paidout = '0'
    GROUP BY category
    ORDER BY SUM(payout) DESC
       LIMIT 250
    out = []
    for row in query_all(sql):
            'comments': row['total_posts'] - row['top_posts'],
            'name': row['category'],
            'top_posts': row['top_posts'],
            'total_payouts': "%.3f SBD" % row['total_payouts']})

    return out
Beispiel #13
async def get_trending_tags(start_tag: str = '', limit: int = 250):
    """Get top 250 trending tags among pending posts, with stats."""

    limit = valid_limit(limit, ubound=250)
    start_tag = valid_tag(start_tag or '', allow_empty=True)

    if start_tag:
        seek = """
          HAVING SUM(payout) <= (
            SELECT SUM(payout)
              FROM hive_posts_cache
             WHERE is_paidout = '0'
               AND category = :start_tag)
        seek = ''

    sql = """
      SELECT category,
             COUNT(*) AS total_posts,
             SUM(CASE WHEN depth = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS top_posts,
             SUM(payout) AS total_payouts
        FROM hive_posts_cache
       WHERE is_paidout = '0'
    GROUP BY category %s
    ORDER BY SUM(payout) DESC
       LIMIT :limit
    """ % seek

    out = []
    for row in query_all(sql, limit=limit, start_tag=start_tag):
            'name': row['category'],
            'comments': row['total_posts'] - row['top_posts'],
            'top_posts': row['top_posts'],
            'total_payouts': "%.3f SBD" % row['total_payouts']

    return out
Beispiel #14
async def get_discussions_by_feed(tag: str,
                                  start_author: str = '',
                                  start_permlink: str = '',
                                  limit: int = 20):
    limit = _validate_limit(limit, 20)
    account_id = _get_account_id(tag)
    seek = ''

    if start_permlink:
        seek = """
          HAVING MIN(hive_feed_cache.created_at) <= (
            SELECT MIN(created_at) FROM hive_feed_cache WHERE post_id = %d
               AND account_id IN (SELECT following FROM hive_follows
                                  WHERE follower = :account AND state = 1))
        """ % _get_post_id(start_author, start_permlink)

    sql = """
        SELECT post_id, string_agg(name, ',') accounts
          FROM hive_feed_cache
          JOIN hive_follows ON account_id = hive_follows.following AND state = 1
          JOIN hive_accounts ON hive_follows.following =
         WHERE hive_follows.follower = :account
      GROUP BY post_id %s
      ORDER BY MIN(hive_feed_cache.created_at) DESC LIMIT :limit
    """ % seek

    res = query_all(sql, account=account_id, limit=limit)
    posts = _get_posts([r[0] for r in res])

    # Merge reblogged_by data into result set
    accts = dict(res)
    for post in posts:
        rby = set(accts[post['post_id']].split(','))
        if rby:
            post['reblogged_by'] = list(rby)

    return posts
Beispiel #15
    def update_ranks(cls):
        sql = """
        UPDATE hive_accounts
           SET rank = r.rnk
          FROM (SELECT id, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY vote_weight DESC) as rnk FROM hive_accounts) r
         WHERE = AND rank != r.rnk;

        # the following method is 10-20x slower
        id_weight = query_all("SELECT id, vote_weight FROM hive_accounts")
        id_weight = sorted(id_weight, key=lambda el: el[1], reverse=True)

        print("Updating account ranks...")
        lap_0 = time.perf_counter()
        query("START TRANSACTION")
        for (i, (_id, _)) in enumerate(id_weight):
            query("UPDATE hive_accounts SET rank=%d WHERE id=%d" %
                  (i + 1, _id))
        lap_1 = time.perf_counter()
        print("Updated %d ranks in %ds" % (len(id_weight), lap_1 - lap_0))
Beispiel #16
    def register(cls, names, block_date):
        """Block processing: register "candidate" names.

        There are four ops which can result in account creation:
        *account_create*, *account_create_with_delegation*, *pow*,
        and *pow2*. *pow* ops result in account creation only when
        the account they name does not already exist!

        # filter out names which already registered
        new_names = list(filter(lambda n: not cls.exists(n), set(names)))
        if not new_names:

        for name in new_names:
                "INSERT INTO hive_accounts (name, created_at) "
                "VALUES (:name, :date)",

        # pull newly-inserted ids and merge into our map
        sql = "SELECT name, id FROM hive_accounts WHERE name IN :names"
        cls._ids = {**dict(query_all(sql, names=tuple(new_names))), **cls._ids}
Beispiel #17
    def update_ranks(cls):
        sql = """
        UPDATE hive_accounts JOIN (
            SELECT id, @rownum:=@rownum+1 rank
            FROM hive_accounts, (SELECT @rownum:=0) r
            ORDER BY vote_weight DESC
        ) ranks USING(id) SET hive_accounts.rank = ranks.rank

        # the following method is 10-20x slower
        id_weight = query_all("SELECT id, vote_weight FROM hive_accounts")
        id_weight = sorted(id_weight, key=lambda el: el[1], reverse=True)

        print("Updating account ranks...")
        lap_0 = time.perf_counter()
        query("START TRANSACTION")
        for (i, (_id, _)) in enumerate(id_weight):
            query("UPDATE hive_accounts SET rank=%d WHERE id=%d" %
                  (i + 1, _id))
        lap_1 = time.perf_counter()
        print("Updated %d ranks in %ds" % (len(id_weight), lap_1 - lap_0))
Beispiel #18
def _load_accounts(names):
    """`get_accounts`-style lookup for `get_state` compat layer."""
    sql = """SELECT id, name, display_name, about, reputation
               FROM hive_accounts WHERE name IN :names"""
    rows = query_all(sql, names=tuple(names))
    return [_condenser_account(row) for row in rows]
Beispiel #19
def _load_accounts(names):
    sql = """SELECT id, name, display_name, about, reputation
               FROM hive_accounts WHERE name IN :names"""
    rows = query_all(sql, names=tuple(names))
    return [_condenser_account(row) for row in rows]
Beispiel #20
 def load_ids(cls):
     assert not cls._ids, "id map only needs to be loaded once"
     cls._ids = dict(query_all("SELECT name, id FROM hive_accounts"))
Beispiel #21
 def load_ids(cls):
     """Load a full (name: id) dict into memory."""
     assert not cls._ids, "id map already loaded"
     cls._ids = dict(query_all("SELECT name, id FROM hive_accounts"))