Beispiel #1
def post_payout(post):
    """Get current vote/payout data and recalculate trend/hot score."""
    # total payout (completed and/or pending)
    payout = sum([

    # `active_votes` was temporarily missing in dev -- ensure this condition
    # is caught ASAP. if no active_votes then rshares MUST be 0. ref: steem#2568
    assert post['active_votes'] or int(post['net_rshares']) == 0

    # get total rshares, and create comma-separated vote data blob
    rshares = sum(int(v['rshares']) for v in post['active_votes'])
    csvotes = "\n".join(map(_vote_csv_row, post['active_votes']))

    # trending scores
    _timestamp = utc_timestamp(parse_time(post['created']))
    sc_trend = _score(rshares, _timestamp, 480000)
    sc_hot = _score(rshares, _timestamp, 10000)

    return {
        'payout': payout,
        'rshares': rshares,
        'csvotes': csvotes,
        'sc_trend': sc_trend,
        'sc_hot': sc_hot
Beispiel #2
def post_payout(post):
    """Get current vote/payout data and recalculate trend/hot score."""
    # total payout (completed and/or pending)
    payout = sum([

    # get total rshares, and create comma-separated vote data blob
    rshares = sum(int(v['rshares']) for v in post['active_votes'])
    csvotes = "\n".join(map(_vote_csv_row, post['active_votes']))

    # trending scores
    _timestamp = parse_time(post['created']).timestamp()
    sc_trend = score(rshares, _timestamp, 480000)
    sc_hot = score(rshares, _timestamp, 10000)

    return {
        'payout': payout,
        'rshares': rshares,
        'csvotes': csvotes,
        'sc_trend': sc_trend,
        'sc_hot': sc_hot
Beispiel #3
def post_stats(post):
    """Get post statistics and derived properties.

    Source: contentStats -
    neg_rshares = 0
    total_votes = 0
    up_votes = 0
    for vote in post['active_votes']:
        rshares = int(vote['rshares'])

        if rshares == 0:

        total_votes += 1
        if rshares > 0: up_votes += 1
        if rshares < 0: neg_rshares += rshares

    # take negative rshares, divide by 2, truncate 10 digits (plus neg sign),
    #   and count digits. creates a cheap log10, stake-based flag weight.
    #   result: 1 = approx $400 of downvoting stake; 2 = $4,000; etc
    flag_weight = max((len(str(int(neg_rshares / 2))) - 11, 0))

    author_rep = rep_log10(post['author_reputation'])
    has_pending_payout = sbd_amount(post['pending_payout_value']) >= 0.02

    return {
        'hide': author_rep < 0 and not has_pending_payout,
        'gray': author_rep < 1,
        'author_rep': author_rep,
        'flag_weight': flag_weight,
        'total_votes': total_votes,
        'up_votes': up_votes
Beispiel #4
def database_post_object(row, truncate_body=0):
    """Given a hive_posts row, create a legacy-style post object."""

    paid = row['is_paidout']

    post = {}
    post['author_rewards'] = row['author_rewards']
    post['id'] = row['id']
    post['author'] = row['author']
    post['permlink'] = row['permlink']
    post['category'] = row['category'] if 'category' in row else 'undefined'

    post['title'] = row['title']
    post['body'] = row['body'][0:truncate_body] if truncate_body else row['body']
    post['json_metadata'] = row['json']

    post['created'] = json_date(row['created_at'])
    post['last_update'] = json_date(row['updated_at'])
    post['depth'] = row['depth']
    post['children'] = row['children']

    post['last_payout'] = json_date(row['last_payout_at'])
    post['cashout_time'] = json_date(row['cashout_time'])
    post['max_cashout_time'] = json_date(None) # ABW: only relevant up to HF17, timestamp::max for all posts later (and also all paid)

    curator_payout = sbd_amount(row['curator_payout_value'])
    post['curator_payout_value'] = to_nai(_amount(curator_payout))
    post['total_payout_value'] = to_nai(_amount(row['payout'] - curator_payout))

    post['reward_weight'] = 10000 # ABW: only relevant between HF12 and HF17 and we don't have access to correct value

    post['root_author'] = row['root_author']
    post['root_permlink'] = row['root_permlink']

    post['allow_replies'] = row['allow_replies']
    post['allow_votes'] = row['allow_votes']
    post['allow_curation_rewards'] = row['allow_curation_rewards']

    post['parent_author'] = row['parent_author']
    post['parent_permlink'] = row['parent_permlink_or_category']

    post['beneficiaries'] = row['beneficiaries']
    post['max_accepted_payout'] = to_nai(row['max_accepted_payout'])
    post['percent_hbd'] = row['percent_hbd']
    post['net_votes'] = row['net_votes']

    if paid:
        post['total_vote_weight'] = 0
        post['vote_rshares'] = 0
        post['net_rshares'] = 0 # if row['rshares'] > 0 else row['rshares'] ABW: used to be like this but after HF19 cashouts disappear and all give 0
        post['abs_rshares'] = 0
        post['children_abs_rshares'] = 0
        post['total_vote_weight'] = row['total_vote_weight']
        post['vote_rshares'] = ( row['rshares'] + row['abs_rshares'] ) // 2 # effectively sum of all positive rshares
        post['net_rshares'] = row['rshares']
        post['abs_rshares'] = row['abs_rshares']
        post['children_abs_rshares'] = 0 # TODO - ABW: I'm not sure about that, it is costly and useless (used to be part of mechanism to determine cashout time)

    return post
Beispiel #5
def post_stats(post):
    """Get post statistics and derived properties.

    Source: contentStats -
    net_rshares_adj = 0
    neg_rshares = 0
    total_votes = 0
    up_votes = 0
    for vote in post['active_votes']:
        if vote['percent'] == 0:

        total_votes += 1
        rshares = int(vote['rshares'])
        sign = 1 if vote['percent'] > 0 else -1
        if sign > 0:
            up_votes += 1
        if sign < 0:
            neg_rshares += rshares

        # For graying: sum rshares, but ignore neg rep users and dust downvotes
        neg_rep = str(vote['reputation'])[0] == '-'
        if not (neg_rep and sign < 0 and len(str(rshares)) < 11):
            net_rshares_adj += rshares

    # take negative rshares, divide by 2, truncate 10 digits (plus neg sign),
    #   and count digits. creates a cheap log10, stake-based flag weight.
    #   result: 1 = approx $400 of downvoting stake; 2 = $4,000; etc
    flag_weight = max((len(str(neg_rshares / 2)) - 11, 0))

    author_rep = rep_log10(post['author_reputation'])
    is_low_value = net_rshares_adj < -9999999999
    has_pending_payout = sbd_amount(post['pending_payout_value']) >= 0.02

    return {
        'hide': not has_pending_payout and (author_rep < 0),
        'gray': not has_pending_payout and (author_rep < 1 or is_low_value),
        'author_rep': author_rep,
        'flag_weight': flag_weight,
        'total_votes': total_votes,
        'up_votes': up_votes
Beispiel #6
def _bridge_post_object(row, truncate_body=0):
    """Given a hive_posts row, create a legacy-style post object."""
    paid = row['is_paidout']

    post = {}
    post['post_id'] = row['id']
    post['author'] = row['author']
    post['permlink'] = row['permlink']
    post['category'] = row.get('category', 'undefined')

    post['title'] = row['title']
    post['body'] = row['body'][0:truncate_body] if truncate_body else row[
        post['json_metadata'] = json.loads(row['json'])
    except Exception:
        post['json_metadata'] = {}

    post['created'] = json_date(row['created_at'])
    post['updated'] = json_date(row['updated_at'])
    post['depth'] = row['depth']
    post['children'] = row['children']
    post['net_rshares'] = row['rshares']

    post['is_paidout'] = row['is_paidout']
    post['payout_at'] = json_date(row['payout_at'])
    post['payout'] = float(row['payout'] + row['pending_payout'])
    post['pending_payout_value'] = _amount(0 if paid else post['payout'])
    post['author_payout_value'] = _amount(0)  # supplemented below
    post['curator_payout_value'] = _amount(0)  # supplemented below
    post['promoted'] = _amount(row['promoted'])

    post['replies'] = []
    post['author_reputation'] = rep_log10(row['author_rep'])

    neg_rshares = (row['rshares'] - row['abs_rshares']
                   ) // 2  # effectively sum of all negative rshares
    # take negative rshares, divide by 2, truncate 10 digits (plus neg sign),
    #   and count digits. creates a cheap log10, stake-based flag weight.
    #   result: 1 = approx $400 of downvoting stake; 2 = $4,000; etc
    flag_weight = max((len(str(int(neg_rshares / 2))) - 11, 0))

    post['stats'] = {
        'hide': row['is_hidden'],
        'gray': row['is_grayed'],
        'total_votes': row['total_votes'],
        'flag_weight': float(flag_weight)
    }  # TODO: down_weight

    #post['author_reputation'] = rep_to_raw(row['author_rep'])

    post['url'] = row['url']
    post['beneficiaries'] = row['beneficiaries']
    post['max_accepted_payout'] = row['max_accepted_payout']
    post['percent_hbd'] = row['percent_hbd']

    if paid:
        curator_payout = sbd_amount(row['curator_payout_value'])
        post['author_payout_value'] = _amount(row['payout'] - curator_payout)
        post['curator_payout_value'] = _amount(curator_payout)

    # TODO: re-evaluate
    if row['depth'] > 0:
        post['parent_author'] = row['parent_author']
        post['parent_permlink'] = row['parent_permlink_or_category']
        post['title'] = 'RE: ' + row[
            'root_title']  # PostSummary & comment context

    return post
def test_sbd_amount():
    assert sbd_amount('1.001 SBD') == Decimal('1.001')
Beispiel #8
def post_basic(post):
    """Basic post normalization: json-md, tags, and flags."""
    md = {}
        md = json.loads(post['json_metadata'])
        if not isinstance(md, dict):
            md = {}
    except Exception:

    thumb_url = ''
    if md and 'image' in md and md['image']:
        thumb_url = safe_img_url(first(md['image'])) or ''
        if thumb_url:
            md['image'] = [thumb_url]
            del md['image']

    # clean up tags, check if nsfw
    tags = [post['category']]
    if md and 'tags' in md and isinstance(md['tags'], list):
        tags = tags + md['tags']
    tags = set(
        list(map(lambda tag: (str(tag) or '').strip('# ').lower()[:32],
    is_nsfw = 'nsfw' in tags

    body = post['body']
    if body.find('\x00') > -1:
        #url = post['author'] + '/' + post['permlink']
        body = body.replace('\x00', '[NUL]')

    # payout date is last_payout if paid, and cashout_time if pending.
    is_paidout = (post['cashout_time'][0:4] == '1969')
    payout_at = post['last_payout'] if is_paidout else post['cashout_time']

    # payout is declined if max_payout = 0, or if 100% is burned
    is_payout_declined = False
    if sbd_amount(post['max_accepted_payout']) == 0:
        is_payout_declined = True
    elif len(post['beneficiaries']) == 1:
        benny = first(post['beneficiaries'])
        if benny['account'] == 'null' and int(benny['weight']) == 10000:
            is_payout_declined = True

    # payout entirely in SP
    is_full_power = int(post['percent_steem_dollars']) == 0

    return {
        'json_metadata': md,
        'image': thumb_url,
        'tags': tags,
        'is_nsfw': is_nsfw,
        'body': body,
        'preview': body[0:1024],
        'payout_at': payout_at,
        'is_paidout': is_paidout,
        'is_payout_declined': is_payout_declined,
        'is_full_power': is_full_power,
Beispiel #9
def _condenser_post_object(row, truncate_body=0):
    """Given a hive_posts_cache row, create a legacy-style post object."""
    paid = row['is_paidout']

    # condenser#3424 mitigation
    if not row['category']:
        row['category'] = 'undefined'

    post = {}
    post['post_id'] = row['post_id']
    post['author'] = row['author']
    post['permlink'] = row['permlink']
    post['category'] = row['category']

    post['title'] = row['title']
    post['body'] = row['body'][0:truncate_body] if truncate_body else row[
    post['json_metadata'] = json.loads(row['json'])

    post['created'] = json_date(row['created_at'])
    post['updated'] = json_date(row['updated_at'])
    post['depth'] = row['depth']
    post['children'] = row['children']
    post['net_rshares'] = row['rshares']

    post['is_paidout'] = row['is_paidout']
    post['payout_at'] = json_date(row['payout_at'])
    post['payout'] = float(row['payout'])
    post['pending_payout_value'] = _amount(0 if paid else row['payout'])
    post['author_payout_value'] = _amount(row['payout'] if paid else 0)
    post['curator_payout_value'] = _amount(0)
    post['promoted'] = _amount(row['promoted'])

    post['replies'] = []
    post['active_votes'] = _hydrate_active_votes(row['votes'])
    post['author_reputation'] = row['author_rep']

    post['stats'] = {
        'hide': row['is_hidden'],
        'gray': row['is_grayed'],
        'total_votes': row['total_votes'],
        'flag_weight': row['flag_weight']

    # import fields from legacy object
    assert row['raw_json']
    assert len(row['raw_json']) > 32
    raw_json = json.loads(row['raw_json'])

    # TODO: move to core, or payout_details
    post['beneficiaries'] = raw_json['beneficiaries']
    post['max_accepted_payout'] = raw_json['max_accepted_payout']
    post['percent_steem_dollars'] = raw_json[
        'percent_steem_dollars']  # TODO: systag?
    if paid:
        curator_payout = sbd_amount(raw_json['curator_payout_value'])
        post['author_payout_value'] = _amount(row['payout'] - curator_payout)
        post['curator_payout_value'] = _amount(curator_payout)

    # TODO: re-evaluate
    if row['depth'] > 0:
        post['parent_author'] = raw_json['parent_author']
        post['parent_permlink'] = raw_json['parent_permlink']
        post['title'] = 'RE: ' + raw_json[
            'root_title']  # PostSummary & comment context
    #    post['parent_author'] = ''
    #    post['parent_permlink'] = ''
    post['url'] = raw_json['url']

    return post
Beispiel #10
def post_basic(post):
    """Basic post normalization: json-md, tags, and flags."""
    md = {}
    # At least one case where jsonMetadata was double-encoded: condenser#895
    # jsonMetadata = JSON.parse(jsonMetadata);
        md = json.loads(post['json_metadata'])
        if not isinstance(md, dict):
            md = {}
    except Exception:

    thumb_url = ''
    if md and 'image' in md:
        if md['image']:
            if not isinstance(md['image'], list):
                md['image'] = [md['image']]
            md['image'] = list(filter(None, map(safe_img_url, md['image'])))
        if md['image']:
            thumb_url = md['image'][0]
            del md['image']

    # clean up tags, check if nsfw
    tags = [post['category']]
    # if (typeof tags == 'string') tags = tags.split(' '); # legacy condenser compat
    if md and 'tags' in md and isinstance(md['tags'], list):
        tags = tags + md['tags']
    tags = map(lambda tag: (str(tag) or '').strip('# ').lower()[:32], tags)
    tags = filter(None, tags)
    tags = list(distinct(tags))[:5]
    is_nsfw = 'nsfw' in tags

    body = post['body']
    if body.find('\x00') > -1:
        #url = post['author'] + '/' + post['permlink']
        body = body.replace('\x00', '[NUL]')

    # payout date is last_payout if paid, and cashout_time if pending.
    is_paidout = (post['cashout_time'][0:4] == '1969')
    payout_at = post['last_payout'] if is_paidout else post['cashout_time']

    # payout is declined if max_payout = 0, or if 100% is burned
    is_payout_declined = False
    if sbd_amount(post['max_accepted_payout']) == 0:
        is_payout_declined = True
    elif len(post['beneficiaries']) == 1:
        benny = first(post['beneficiaries'])
        if benny['account'] == 'null' and int(benny['weight']) == 10000:
            is_payout_declined = True

    # payout entirely in SP
    is_full_power = int(post['percent_steem_dollars']) == 0

    return {
        'json_metadata': md,
        'image': thumb_url,
        'tags': tags,
        'is_nsfw': is_nsfw,
        'body': body,
        'preview': body[0:1024],
        'payout_at': payout_at,
        'is_paidout': is_paidout,
        'is_payout_declined': is_payout_declined,
        'is_full_power': is_full_power,
Beispiel #11
def _condenser_post_object(row, truncate_body=0):
    """Given a hive_posts_cache row, create a legacy-style post object."""
    paid = row['is_paidout']

    post = {}
    post['post_id'] = row['post_id']
    post['author'] = row['author']
    post['permlink'] = row['permlink']
    post['category'] = row['category']

    post['title'] = row['title']
    post['body'] = row['body'][0:truncate_body] if truncate_body else row[
    post['json_metadata'] = row['json']

    post['created'] = _json_date(row['created_at'])
    post['last_update'] = _json_date(row['updated_at'])
    post['depth'] = row['depth']
    post['children'] = row['children']
    post['net_rshares'] = row['rshares']

    post['last_payout'] = _json_date(row['payout_at'] if paid else None)
    post['cashout_time'] = _json_date(None if paid else row['payout_at'])
    post['total_payout_value'] = _amount(row['payout'] if paid else 0)
    post['curator_payout_value'] = _amount(0)
    post['pending_payout_value'] = _amount(0 if paid else row['payout'])
    post['promoted'] = "%.3f SBD" % row['promoted']

    post['replies'] = []
    post['body_length'] = len(row['body'])
    post['active_votes'] = _hydrate_active_votes(row['votes'])
    post['author_reputation'] = rep_to_raw(row['author_rep'])

    # import fields from legacy object
    assert row['raw_json']
    assert len(row['raw_json']) > 32
    raw_json = json.loads(row['raw_json'])

    if row['depth'] > 0:
        post['parent_author'] = raw_json['parent_author']
        post['parent_permlink'] = raw_json['parent_permlink']
        post['parent_author'] = ''
        post['parent_permlink'] = row['category']

    post['url'] = raw_json['url']
    post['root_title'] = raw_json['root_title']
    post['beneficiaries'] = raw_json['beneficiaries']
    post['max_accepted_payout'] = raw_json['max_accepted_payout']
    post['percent_steem_dollars'] = raw_json['percent_steem_dollars']

    if paid:
        curator_payout = sbd_amount(raw_json['curator_payout_value'])
        post['curator_payout_value'] = _amount(curator_payout)
        post['total_payout_value'] = _amount(row['payout'] - curator_payout)

    # not used by condenser, but may be useful
    #post['net_votes'] = post['total_votes'] - row['up_votes']
    #post['allow_replies'] = raw_json['allow_replies']
    #post['allow_votes'] = raw_json['allow_votes']
    #post['allow_curation_rewards'] = raw_json['allow_curation_rewards']

    return post
Beispiel #12
def _condenser_post_object(row, truncate_body=0, get_content_additions=False):
    """Given a hive_posts row, create a legacy-style post object."""
    paid = row['is_paidout']

    full_payout = row['pending_payout'] + row['payout']
    post = {}
    post['author'] = row['author']
    post['permlink'] = row['permlink']

    if not row['category']:
        post['category'] = 'undefined'  # condenser#3424 mitigation
        post['category'] = row['category']

    post['title'] = row['title']
    post['body'] = row['body'][0:truncate_body] if truncate_body else row[
    post['json_metadata'] = row['json']

    post['created'] = json_date(row['created_at'])
    post['last_update'] = json_date(row['updated_at'])
    post['depth'] = row['depth']
    post['children'] = row['children']

    post['last_payout'] = json_date(row['payout_at'] if paid else None)
    post['cashout_time'] = json_date(None if paid else row['payout_at'])

    post['total_payout_value'] = _amount(row['payout'] if paid else 0)
    post['curator_payout_value'] = _amount(0)

    post['pending_payout_value'] = _amount(0 if paid else full_payout)
    post['promoted'] = _amount(row['promoted'])

    post['replies'] = []
    post['body_length'] = len(row['body'])
    post['author_reputation'] = row['author_rep']

    post['parent_author'] = row['parent_author']
    post['parent_permlink'] = row['parent_permlink_or_category']

    post['url'] = row['url']
    post['root_title'] = row['root_title']
    post['beneficiaries'] = row['beneficiaries']
    post['max_accepted_payout'] = row['max_accepted_payout']
    post['percent_hbd'] = row['percent_hbd']

    if get_content_additions:
        post['id'] = row[
            'id']  # let's be compatible with old code until this API is supported.
        post['author_rewards'] = row['author_rewards']
        post['max_cashout_time'] = json_date(
        )  # ABW: only relevant up to HF17, timestamp::max for all posts later (and also all paid)
        curator_payout = sbd_amount(row['curator_payout_value'])
        post['curator_payout_value'] = _amount(curator_payout)
        post['total_payout_value'] = _amount(row['payout'] - curator_payout)

        post['reward_weight'] = 10000

        post['root_author'] = row['root_author']
        post['root_permlink'] = row['root_permlink']

        post['allow_replies'] = row['allow_replies']
        post['allow_votes'] = row['allow_votes']
        post['allow_curation_rewards'] = row['allow_curation_rewards']
        post['reblogged_by'] = []
        post['net_votes'] = row['net_votes']

            'children_abs_rshares'] = 0  # see: hive/server/database_api/
        post['total_pending_payout_value'] = '0.000 HBD'  # no data

        if paid:
            post['total_vote_weight'] = 0
            post['vote_rshares'] = 0
            post['net_rshares'] = 0
            post['abs_rshares'] = 0
            post['total_vote_weight'] = row['total_vote_weight']
            post['vote_rshares'] = (row['rshares'] + row['abs_rshares']) // 2
            post['net_rshares'] = row['rshares']
            post['abs_rshares'] = row['abs_rshares']
        post['post_id'] = row['id']
        post['net_rshares'] = row['rshares']
        if paid:
            curator_payout = sbd_amount(row['curator_payout_value'])
            post['curator_payout_value'] = _amount(curator_payout)
            post['total_payout_value'] = _amount(row['payout'] -

    return post
Beispiel #13
    def comment_payout_op(cls):
        values_limit = 1000
        """ Process comment payment operations """
        for k, v in cls.comment_payout_ops.items():
            author = None
            permlink = None

            # author payouts
            author_rewards = 0
            author_rewards_hive = None
            author_rewards_hbd = None
            author_rewards_vests = None

            # total payout for comment
            #comment_author_reward     = None
            #curators_vesting_payout   = None
            total_payout_value = None
            curator_payout_value = None
            #beneficiary_payout_value  = None;

            payout = None
            pending_payout = None

            payout_at = None
            last_payout_at = None
            cashout_time = None

            is_paidout = None

            total_vote_weight = None

            # [final] payout indicator - by default all rewards are zero, but might be overwritten by other operations
            # ABW: prior to some early HF that was not necessarily final payout since those were discussion driven so new comment/vote could trigger new cashout window, see f.e.
            # soulsistashakti/re-emily-cook-let-me-introduce-myself-my-name-is-emily-cook-and-i-m-the-producer-and-presenter-of-a-monthly-film-show-film-focus-20160701t012330329z
            # it emits that "final" operation at blocks: 2889020, 3053237, 3172559 and 4028469
            if v[VirtualOperationType.CommentPayoutUpdate] is not None:
                value, date = v[VirtualOperationType.CommentPayoutUpdate]
                if author is None:
                    author = value['author']
                    permlink = value['permlink']
                is_paidout = True
                payout_at = date
                last_payout_at = date
                cashout_time = "infinity"

                pending_payout = 0
                total_vote_weight = 0

            # author rewards in current (final or nonfinal) payout (always comes with comment_reward_operation)
            if v[VirtualOperationType.AuthorReward] is not None:
                value, date = v[VirtualOperationType.AuthorReward]
                if author is None:
                    author = value['author']
                    permlink = value['permlink']
                author_rewards_hive = value['hive_payout']['amount']
                author_rewards_hbd = value['hbd_payout']['amount']
                author_rewards_vests = value['vesting_payout']['amount']
                #curators_vesting_payout = value['curators_vesting_payout']['amount']

            # summary of comment rewards in current (final or nonfinal) payout (always comes with author_reward_operation)
            if v[VirtualOperationType.CommentReward] is not None:
                value, date = v[VirtualOperationType.CommentReward]
                if author is None:
                    author = value['author']
                    permlink = value['permlink']
                #comment_author_reward   = value['payout']
                author_rewards = value['author_rewards']
                total_payout_value = value['total_payout_value']
                curator_payout_value = value['curator_payout_value']
                #beneficiary_payout_value = value['beneficiary_payout_value']

                payout = sum([
                pending_payout = 0
                last_payout_at = date

            # estimated pending_payout from vote (if exists with actual payout the value comes from vote cast after payout)
            if v[VirtualOperationType.EffectiveCommentVote] is not None:
                value, date = v[VirtualOperationType.EffectiveCommentVote]
                if author is None:
                    author = value['author']
                    permlink = value['permlink']
                pending_payout = sbd_amount(value['pending_payout'])
                total_vote_weight = value['total_vote_weight']

                "('{}', {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})"
                    author, escape_characters(permlink), "NULL" if
                    (total_payout_value is None) else
                    "NULL" if (curator_payout_value is None) else
                    author_rewards, "NULL" if
                    (author_rewards_hive is None) else author_rewards_hive,
                    "NULL" if
                    (author_rewards_hbd is None) else author_rewards_hbd,
                    "NULL" if
                    (author_rewards_vests is None) else author_rewards_vests,
                    "NULL" if (payout is None) else payout, "NULL" if
                    (pending_payout is None) else pending_payout, "NULL" if
                    (payout_at is None) else
                    ("'{}'::timestamp".format(payout_at)), "NULL" if
                    (last_payout_at is None) else
                    ("'{}'::timestamp".format(last_payout_at)), "NULL" if
                    (cashout_time is None) else
                    ("'{}'::timestamp".format(cashout_time)), "NULL" if
                    (is_paidout is None) else is_paidout, "NULL" if
                    (total_vote_weight is None) else total_vote_weight))

        n = len(cls.comment_payout_ops)
        return n
Beispiel #14
async def normalize_post(context, post):
    """Takes a steemd post object and outputs bridge-api normalized version."""
    db = context['db']

    # load core md
    sql = """SELECT id, category, community_id, is_muted, is_valid
               FROM hive_posts
              WHERE author = :author AND permlink = :permlink"""
    core = await db.query_row(sql,
    if not core:
        core = dict(id=None,

    # load author
    sql = """SELECT id, reputation FROM hive_accounts WHERE name = :name"""
    author = await db.query_row(sql, name=post['author'])

    # append core md
    post['category'] = core['category']
    post['community_id'] = core['community_id']
    post['gray'] = core['is_muted']
    post['hide'] = not core['is_valid']

    promoted = sbd_amount(
        post['promoted']) if post['promoted'] != '0.000 STEEM' else None

    # convert to internal object
    row = None
        row = post_to_internal(post, core['id'], 'insert', promoted=promoted)
        row = dict(row)
    except Exception as e:
        log.error("post_to_internal: %s %s", repr(e), traceback.format_exc())
        raise e

    # normalized response
    ret = None
        if 'promoted' not in row: row['promoted'] = 0
        row['author_rep'] = author['reputation']
        ret = _condenser_post_object(row)
    except Exception as e:
        log.error("post_to_internal: %s %s", repr(e), traceback.format_exc())
        raise e

    # decorate
    if core['community_id']:
        sql = """SELECT title FROM hive_communities WHERE id = :id"""
        title = await db.query_one(sql, id=core['community_id'])

        sql = """SELECT role_id, title
                   FROM hive_roles
                  WHERE community_id = :cid
                    AND account_id = :aid"""
        role = await db.query_row(sql,

        ret['community_title'] = title
        ret['author_role'] = ROLES[role[0] if role else 0]
        ret['author_title'] = role[1] if role else ''

    return ret