Beispiel #1
def find_r(r_initial, dane, pstwa, p, threshold=1e-3):
    r = r_initial.copy()
    r_not_found = True
    counter = 0
    delta = np.zeros(shape=r.shape)
    stop = np.zeros(r.shape, dtype=bool)
    while r_not_found:
        derivative = calculate_derivative(pstwa, dane, copy.deepcopy(r), p)
        if np.any(np.isnan(derivative)):
            print("Derivative is nan, stop this madness")
            print("That's the r, p and derivative:")
        if np.all((abs(derivative) < threshold) + stop):
            r_not_found = False
        stop[abs(derivative) < threshold] = True
        r, delta, stop = update_r(copy.deepcopy(r), derivative, delta, stop)
        counter += 1
        #if counter % 10 == 0:
        #    print("%i iterations" % counter)
        #    print(derivative)
        #    print(r)
        if counter == 2000:
            # jesli idzie tak dlugo to pewnie i tak cos jest nie tak.
            # to niech juz beda te estymacje ktore sa.
    #print("r estimated:")
    return r
Beispiel #2
    def _initialize_sufficient_statistics(self):
        """Initializes sufficient statistics required for M-step.

        The method is *pure*, meaning that it doesn't change the state of
        the instance.  For extensibility computed statistics are stored
        in a dictionary.

        nobs : int
            Number of samples in the data.

        start : array, shape (n_components, )
            An array where the i-th element corresponds to the posterior
            probability of the first sample being generated by the i-th

        trans : array, shape (n_components, n_components)
            An array where the (i, j)-th element corresponds to the
            posterior probability of transitioning between the i-th to j-th
        stats = {
            'nobs': 0,
            'start': np.zeros(self.n_components),
            'trans': np.zeros((self.n_components, self.n_components))
        return stats
Beispiel #3
 def _do_forward_pass(self, framelogprob):
     n_samples, n_components = framelogprob.shape
     fwdlattice = np.zeros((n_samples, n_components))
     _hmmc._forward(n_samples, n_components, log_mask_zero(self.startprob_),
                    log_mask_zero(self.transmat_), framelogprob, fwdlattice)
     with np.errstate(under="ignore"):
         return logsumexp(fwdlattice[-1]), fwdlattice
Beispiel #4
 def _do_backward_pass(self, framelogprob):
     n_samples, n_components = framelogprob.shape
     bwdlattice = np.zeros((n_samples, n_components))
     _hmmc._backward(n_samples, n_components,
                     log_mask_zero(self.transmat_), framelogprob,
     return bwdlattice
Beispiel #5
def calculate_derivative(posteriors, data, r, p):
    def _digamma(array):
        return digamma(array.astype("float64")).astype("float128")

    n_comp, n_var = r.shape
    n_obs, _ = data.shape

    derivative = np.zeros(r.shape)

    for state in range(n_comp):
        r_j, p_j = r[state], p[state]
        posteriors_j = posteriors[:, state][:, np.newaxis]
        in_brackets = _digamma(data + r_j) - _digamma(r_j) + np.log(p_j)
        derivative[state] = np.sum(posteriors_j * in_brackets, axis=0)

    return derivative

    # it's the same, just different implementation
    n_comp, n_var = r.shape
    n_obs, _ = data.shape
    desired_shape = (n_comp, n_obs, n_var)
    data_repeated = np.concatenate([data] * n_comp).reshape(desired_shape)
    r_repeated = np.repeat([r], n_obs, axis=1).reshape(desired_shape)
    digamma_of_sum = _digamma(data_repeated + r_repeated)
    digamma_of_r = _digamma(r_repeated)
    log_p = np.log(p)
    log_p_repeated = np.repeat([log_p], n_obs, axis=1).reshape(desired_shape)
    sum_ = digamma_of_sum - digamma_of_r + log_p_repeated
    posteriors_repeated = np.repeat(posteriors.T, n_var).reshape(desired_shape)
    product = posteriors_repeated * sum_
    derivative = np.sum(product, axis=1)
    return derivative

    # another implementation
    r_conc = np.concatenate([r] * n_obs, axis=0)
    r_conc = r_conc.reshape(n_obs, n_comp, n_var)
    X_repeat = np.repeat(data, n_comp, axis=0)
    X_repeat = X_repeat.reshape(n_obs, n_comp, n_var)
    suma = X_repeat + r_conc
    suma = suma.reshape(n_obs, n_comp, n_var)
    pstwa_repeat = np.repeat(posteriors, n_var)
    pstwa_repeat = pstwa_repeat.reshape(n_obs, n_comp, n_var)
    a = np.sum(pstwa_repeat * _digamma(suma), axis=0)
    a = a.reshape(n_comp, n_var)
    b = np.sum(pstwa_repeat * _digamma(r_conc), axis=0)
    b = b.reshape(n_comp, n_var)
    p_conc = np.concatenate([p] * n_obs, axis=0)
    p_conc = p_conc.reshape(n_obs, n_comp, n_var)
    c = np.sum(pstwa_repeat * np.log(p_conc), axis=0)
    c = c.reshape(n_comp, n_var)
    derivative = a - b + c
    return derivative
Beispiel #6
    def score_samples(self, X, lengths=None):
        """Compute the log probability under the model and compute posteriors.

        X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
            Feature matrix of individual samples.

        lengths : array-like of integers, shape (n_sequences, ), optional
            Lengths of the individual sequences in ``X``. The sum of
            these should be ``n_samples``.

        logprob : float
            Log likelihood of ``X``.

        posteriors : array, shape (n_samples, n_components)
            State-membership probabilities for each sample in ``X``.

        See Also
        score : Compute the log probability under the model.
        decode : Find most likely state sequence corresponding to ``X``.
        check_is_fitted(self, "startprob_")

        X = check_array(X)
        n_samples = X.shape[0]
        logprob = 0
        posteriors = np.zeros((n_samples, self.n_components))
        for i, j in iter_from_X_lengths(X, lengths):
            framelogprob = self._compute_log_likelihood(X[i:j])
            logprobij, fwdlattice = self._do_forward_pass(framelogprob)
            logprob += logprobij

            bwdlattice = self._do_backward_pass(framelogprob)
            posteriors[i:j] = self._compute_posteriors(fwdlattice, bwdlattice)
        return logprob, posteriors