Beispiel #1
 def test_cumulative_value(self):
     Tests the calculation of the cumulative rate M > Mref
     Data and tests taken from Bungum (2007). Current parameters should 
     reproduce Model 4 line in Figure 1 of Bungum (2007)
     self.model = YoungsCoppersmithExponential() 
     self.config = {'MFD_spacing': 0.1,
                    'Maximum_Magnitude': 8.0,
                    'Maximum_Magnitude_Uncertainty': None,
                    'Minimum_Magnitude': 5.0,
                    'Model_Weight': 1.0,
                    'b_value': [1.0, 0.1]}
     # Test case 1 - Fault of 120 km length and 60 km width (7200 km ** 2 area)
     # b-value 1, slip = 1 mm/yr
     self.model.get_mmax(self.config, self.msr, 0., 7200.)
     moment_rate = (30. * 1E9) * (7200. * 1E6) * (1.0 / 1000.)
     momax = _scale_moment(self.model.mmax, in_nm=True)
     beta = log(10.)
     expected_result = YC_EXP_DATA[:, 1]
     mags = np.arange(5.0, 8.1, 0.1)
     for iloc, mag in enumerate(mags):
             self.model.cumulative_value(mag, moment_rate, beta, momax))
    def test_cumulative_value(self):
        Tests the calculation of the cumulative rate M > Mref
        Data and tests taken from Bungum (2007). Current parameters should
        reproduce Model 4 line in Figure 1 of Bungum (2007)
        self.model = YoungsCoppersmithExponential()
        self.config = {'MFD_spacing': 0.1,
                       'Maximum_Magnitude': 8.0,
                       'Maximum_Magnitude_Uncertainty': None,
                       'Minimum_Magnitude': 5.0,
                       'Model_Weight': 1.0,
                       'b_value': [1.0, 0.1]}

        # Test case 1 - Fault of 120 km length and 60 km width (7200 km ** 2 area)
        # b-value 1, slip = 1 mm/yr
        self.model.get_mmax(self.config, self.msr, 0., 7200.)
        moment_rate = (30. * 1E9) * (7200. * 1E6) * (1.0 / 1000.)
        momax = _scale_moment(self.model.mmax, in_nm=True)
        beta = log(10.)
        expected_result = YC_EXP_DATA[:, 1]
        mags = np.arange(5.0, 8.1, 0.1)
        for iloc, mag in enumerate(mags):
                self.model.cumulative_value(mag, moment_rate, beta, momax))
Beispiel #3
    def get_mfd(self, slip, area, shear_modulus=30.0):
        Calculates activity rate on the fault

        :param float slip:
            Slip rate in mm/yr

        :param fault_width:
            Width of the fault (km)

        :param float disp_length_ratio:
            Displacement to length ratio (dimensionless)

        :param float shear_modulus:
            Shear modulus of the fault (GPa)

            * Minimum Magnitude (float)
            * Bin width (float)
            * Occurrence Rates (numpy.ndarray)
        # Working in Nm so convert:  shear_modulus - GPa -> Nm
        # area - km ** 2. -> m ** 2.
        # slip - mm/yr -> m/yr
        moment_rate = (shear_modulus * 1.E9) * (area * 1.E6) * (slip / 1000.)
        moment_mag = _scale_moment(self.mmax, in_nm=True)
        characteristic_rate = moment_rate / moment_mag
        if self.sigma and (fabs(self.sigma) > 1E-5):
            self.mmin = self.mmax + (self.lower_bound * self.sigma)
            mag_upper = self.mmax + (self.upper_bound * self.sigma)
            mag_range = np.arange(self.mmin, mag_upper + self.bin_width,
            self.occurrence_rate = characteristic_rate * (truncnorm.cdf(
                mag_range + (self.bin_width / 2.),
                scale=self.sigma) - truncnorm.cdf(mag_range -
                                                  (self.bin_width / 2.),
            # Returns only a single rate
            self.mmin = self.mmax
            self.occurrence_rate = np.array([characteristic_rate], dtype=float)

        return self.mmin, self.bin_width, self.occurrence_rate
Beispiel #4
    def get_mfd(self, slip, area, shear_modulus=30.0):
        Calculates activity rate on the fault

        :param float slip:
            Slip rate in mm/yr

        :param fault_width:
            Width of the fault (km)

        :param float disp_length_ratio:
            Displacement to length ratio (dimensionless)

        :param float shear_modulus:
            Shear modulus of the fault (GPa)

            * Minimum Magnitude (float)
            * Bin width (float)
            * Occurrence Rates (numpy.ndarray)
        # Working in Nm so convert:  shear_modulus - GPa -> Nm
        # area - km ** 2. -> m ** 2.
        # slip - mm/yr -> m/yr
        moment_rate = (shear_modulus * 1.E9) * (area * 1.E6) * (slip / 1000.)
        moment_mag = _scale_moment(self.mmax, in_nm=True)
        characteristic_rate = moment_rate / moment_mag
        if self.sigma and (fabs(self.sigma) > 1E-5):
            self.mmin = self.mmax + (self.lower_bound * self.sigma)
            mag_upper = self.mmax + (self.upper_bound * self.sigma)
            mag_range = np.arange(self.mmin,
                                  mag_upper + self.bin_width,
            self.occurrence_rate = characteristic_rate * (
                truncnorm.cdf(mag_range + (self.bin_width / 2.),
                              self.lower_bound, self.upper_bound,
                              loc=self.mmax, scale=self.sigma) -
                truncnorm.cdf(mag_range - (self.bin_width / 2.),
                              self.lower_bound, self.upper_bound,
                              loc=self.mmax, scale=self.sigma))
            # Returns only a single rate
            self.mmin = self.mmax
            self.occurrence_rate = np.array([characteristic_rate], dtype=float)

        return self.mmin, self.bin_width, self.occurrence_rate
    def cumulative_value(self, slip_moment, mmax, mag_value, bbar, dbar):
        Returns the rate of events with M > mag_value

        :param float slip_moment:
        :param float slip_moment:
            Product of slip (cm/yr) * Area (cm ^ 2) * shear_modulus (dyne-cm)
        :param float mmax:
            Maximum magnitude
        :param float mag_value:
            Magnitude value
        :param float bbar:
            \bar{b} parameter (effectively = b * log(10.))
        :param float dbar:
            \bar{d} parameter
        moment_ratio = slip_moment / _scale_moment(mmax)
        delta_m = mmax - mag_value
        return ((dbar - bbar) / dbar) * moment_ratio * np.exp(bbar * (delta_m))
Beispiel #6
 def cumulative_value(self, slip_moment, mmax, mag_value, bbar, dbar):
     Returns the rate of events with M > mag_value
     :param float slip_moment:
     :param float slip_moment:
         Product of slip (cm/yr) * Area (cm ^ 2) * shear_modulus (dyne-cm)
     :param float mmax:
         Maximum magnitude        
     :param float mag_value:
         Magnitude value
     :param float bbar:
         \bar{b} parameter (effectively = b * log(10.))
     :param float dbar:
         \bar{d} parameter
     moment_ratio = slip_moment / _scale_moment(mmax)
     delta_m = mmax - mag_value
     return ((dbar - bbar) / dbar) * moment_ratio * np.exp(bbar * (delta_m))
Beispiel #7
    def get_mfd(self, slip, area, shear_modulus=30.0):
        Calculates activity rate on the fault

        :param float slip:
            Slip rate in mm/yr

        :param area:
            Width of the fault (km)

        :param float shear_modulus:
            Shear modulus of the fault (GPa)

            * Minimum Magnitude (float)
            * Bin width (float)
            * Occurrence Rates (numpy.ndarray)
        # Working in Nm so convert:  shear_modulus - GPa -> Nm
        # area - km ** 2. -> m ** 2.
        # slip - mm/yr -> m/yr
        moment_rate = (shear_modulus * 1.E9) * (area * 1.E6) * (slip / 1000.)
        moment_mag = _scale_moment(self.mmax, in_nm=True)
        beta = self.b_value * log(10.)
        mag = np.arange(self.mmin - (self.bin_width / 2.),
                        self.mmax + self.bin_width,
        if self.b_value > 1.5:
            print ('b-value larger than 1.5 will produce invalid results in '
                   'Anderson & Luco models')
            self.occurrence_rate = np.nan * np.ones(len(mag) - 1)
            return self.mmin, self.bin_width, self.occurrence_rate

        self.occurrence_rate = np.zeros(len(mag) - 1, dtype=float)
        for ival in range(0, len(mag) - 1):
            self.occurrence_rate[ival] = (
                self.cumulative_value(mag[ival], moment_rate, beta, moment_mag)
                - self.cumulative_value(
                    mag[ival + 1], moment_rate, beta, moment_mag))

        return self.mmin, self.bin_width, self.occurrence_rate
 def _get_a3(bbar, dbar, slip_moment, mmax):
     Returns the A3 term (III.4 in Table  4)
     return ((dbar * (dbar - bbar)) /
             (bbar**2.)) * (slip_moment / _scale_moment(mmax))
 def _get_a2(bbar, dbar, slip_moment, mmax):
     Returns the A2 value defined in II.4 of Table 2
     return ((dbar - bbar) / bbar) * (slip_moment / _scale_moment(mmax))
 def _get_a1(bbar, dbar, slip_moment, mmax):
     Returns the A1 term (I.4 of Table 2 in Anderson & Luco)
     return ((dbar - bbar) / dbar) * (slip_moment / _scale_moment(mmax))
 def _get_a3(bbar, dbar, slip_moment, mmax):
     Returns the A3 term (III.4 in Table  4)
     return ((dbar * (dbar - bbar)) / (bbar ** 2.)) * (slip_moment /
 def _get_a2(bbar, dbar, slip_moment, mmax):
     Returns the A2 value defined in II.4 of Table 2
     return ((dbar - bbar) / bbar) * (slip_moment / _scale_moment(mmax))
 def _get_a1(bbar, dbar, slip_moment, mmax):
     Returns the A1 term (I.4 of Table 2 in Anderson & Luco)
     return ((dbar - bbar) / dbar) * (slip_moment / _scale_moment(mmax))