def plot_AGonia_boxes(data_path, Score, box_idx): '''Function used as input for the dynamic map in function boxes_exploration(): holoviews based plot to see Agonia boxes on top of median projection and mean trace for selected boxes. Parameters ---------- data_path : string path to folder containing the data Score : float threshold for detection confidence for each box box_idx : int index of box to plot trace Returns ------- Holoviews image to feed to dynamic map, selected cell is indicated with green square''' data_name, median_projection, boxes_path = get_files_names(data_path) #Yr, dims, T = cm.load_memmap(fname_new) #images = np.reshape(Yr.T, [T] + list(dims), order='F') images = io.imread(os.path.join(data_path, data_name[0])) with open(boxes_path, 'rb') as f: boxes = pickle.load(f) f.close() boxes = boxes[boxes[:, 4] > Score].astype('int') roi_bounds = hv.Path([ hv.Bounds( tuple([ roi[0], median_projection.shape[0] - roi[1], roi[2], median_projection.shape[0] - roi[3] ])) for roi in boxes[:, :4] ]).options(color='red') img = hv.Image(median_projection, bounds=(0, 0, median_projection.shape[1], median_projection.shape[0])).options(cmap='gray') #box_trace = images[:,boxes[box_idx,1]:boxes[box_idx,3],boxes[box_idx,0]:boxes[box_idx,2]].mean(axis=(1,2)) ola = Extractor() for frame in images: ola.extract(frame, [boxes[box_idx]]) box_trace = ola.get_traces().squeeze() box_square = hv.Path([ hv.Bounds( tuple([ boxes[box_idx, 0], median_projection.shape[0] - boxes[box_idx, 1], boxes[box_idx, 2], median_projection.shape[0] - boxes[box_idx, 3] ])) ]).options(color='lime') return ((img * roi_bounds * box_square).opts(width=600, height=600) + hv.Curve( (np.linspace(0, len(box_trace) - 1, len(box_trace)), box_trace), 'Frame', 'Mean box Fluorescence').opts(width=600, framewise=True)).cols(1)
def hv_paths(a, b, c, d): diag_1 = hv.Path([np.c_[loop.values[a, :], loop.values[c, :]].T]).options(opts_path_1) diag_2 = hv.Path([np.c_[loop.values[b, :], loop.values[d, :]].T]).options(opts_path_2) point_1 = ((loop.values[a, :] + loop.values[c, :]) / 2) point_2 = ((loop.values[b, :] + loop.values[d, :]) / 2) diag_1_point = hv.Points((point_1[0], point_1[1])).options(opts_point_1) diag_2_point = hv.Points((point_2[0], point_2[1])).options(opts_point_2) return diag_1 * diag_2 * diag_1_point * diag_2_point
def plot(self): import holoviews as hv if not return hv.Scatter([]) * hv.Path([]) if not self.vdim > 1: return hv.Scatter( * hv.Path([]) else: xs = list( ys = list( return hv.Path((xs, ys)) * hv.Scatter([])
def coastlines(resolution='110m', lon_360=False): """ A custom method to plot in cylyndrical equi projection, most useful for native projections, geoviews currently supports only Web Mercator in bokeh mode. Other resolutions can be 50m lon_360 flag specifies if longitudes are from -180 to 180 (default) or 0 to 360 TODO: if hv.Polygons is used instead of overlay it is way faster but something is wrong there. """ try: import as shapereader from import natural_earth import shapefile filename = natural_earth(resolution=resolution, category='physical', name='coastline') sf = shapefile.Reader(filename) fields = [x[0] for x in sf.fields][1:] records = sf.records() shps = [s.points for s in sf.shapes()] pls = [] for shp in shps: lons = [lo for lo, _ in shp] lats = [la for _, la in shp] if lon_360: lats_patch1 = [lat for lon, lat in zip(lons, lats) if lon < 0] lons_patch1 = [lon + 360.0 for lon in lons if lon < 0] if any(lons_patch1): pls.append( hv.Path((lons_patch1, lats_patch1))(style={ 'color': 'Black' })) lats_patch2 = [ lat if lon >= 0 else None for lon, lat in zip(lons, lats) ] lons_patch2 = [lon if lon >= 0 else None for lon in lons] if any(lons_patch2): pls.append( hv.Path((lons_patch2, lats_patch2))(style={ 'color': 'Black' })) else: pls.append(hv.Path((lons, lats))(style={'color': 'Black'})) return hv.Overlay(pls) except Exception as err: print( 'Overlaying Coastlines not available from holoviews because: {0}'. format(err))
def make_circle(radius=DEFAULT_RADIUS): def circle(t): return (radius * np.sin(t), radius * np.cos(t), t) lin = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 200) return hv.Path([circle(lin)]).opts(img_opts).opts(line_width=2, color='red')
def histogram_plot(self, xtrack=None, atrack=None, x=None, y=None): """plot histogram at xtrack, atrack""" if x is not None: xtrack = x if y is not None: atrack = y # atrack and xtrack are from mouse or user. get the nearest where histogram is defined xtrack, atrack = self._get_xatrack(xtrack=xtrack, atrack=atrack) # get histogram hist_at = self.gradients_hist.sel(atrack=atrack, xtrack=xtrack, method='nearest', tolerance=500) hp_list = [] for sel_one2D in self.combine_all: hist2D_at = hist_at.sel(sel_one2D) hist2D360 = circ_hist(hist2D_at['weight']) style = self._get_style(hist2D_at) hp_list.append( hv.Path(hist2D360, kdims=['xtrack_g', 'atrack_g']).opts(axiswise=False, framewise=False, aspect='equal', **style)) return hv.Overlay(hp_list).opts(xlabel='xtrack %d' % xtrack, ylabel='atrack %d' % atrack, width=200, height=200)
def U_plt(current_dataset,ssha_dataset,title,bounds=(-166,13.5,-154, 25)): """ plot current velocities magntiudes averaged from 2008 to 2016 and Jason-2 tracks from dataset """ # plot coastline coast = gf.coastline.geoms('50m', bounds=bounds).opts(color='black', xticks=5, yticks=5, yformatter='%f °N', xformatter = '%f °E') # plot surface velocity magnitudes lats = current_dataset['lat'].reshape(len(current_dataset['lat'])) _lons = current_dataset['lon'].reshape(len(current_dataset['lon'])) lons = (_lons % 180) - (_lons >= 180) * 180 u = np.mean(current_dataset['u'],axis=0) v = np.mean(current_dataset['v'],axis=0) magnitude = np.sqrt(u ** 2 + v ** 2) vel = hv.Image((lons,lats,magnitude)).opts(colorbar=True, cmap ='viridis', clabel='m/s', projection=ccrs.PlateCarree(), tools=['hover']) # plot tracks lon_range = (np.array(ssha_dataset['lon range']) % 180) - (np.array(ssha_dataset['lon range']) >= 180) * 180 lat_range = ssha_dataset['lat range'] track = hv.Path((lon_range ,lat_range)).opts(color = 'black') return (coast * vel * track).opts(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree(), title = title, height=300, width=500)
def ngon_ring(x=0, y=0, specs=[(1, 1), (.9, .9)], arc=(0, 2 * np.pi), orientation=0, npoints=40, line_color='k', line_alpha=1, fill_color='k', fill_alpha=0., label=''): ''' an ngon outline with finite width ''' l = ngon_data(x, y, specs=specs, arc=arc, orientation=orientation, npoints=npoints) d = (np.hstack([l[0][:, 0], l[1][::-1, 0]]), np.hstack([l[0][:, 1], l[1][::-1, 1]])) o_b = { 'Polygons': dict(color=fill_color, alpha=fill_alpha, line_alpha=0), 'Path': dict(line_color=line_color, line_alpha=line_alpha) } o_m = { 'Polygons': dict(color=fill_color, alpha=fill_alpha), 'Path': dict(color=line_color, alpha=line_alpha) } return (hv.Polygons([d], label=label) * hv.Path([l[0], l[1]])).opts( o_b, backend='bokeh') #.opts( o_m, backend='matplotlib ')
def execute(csvfilepath): #df = pd.read_csv('Dataset/desktop_tracks.csv') df = pd.read_csv(csvfilepath) print(max(df['Mean'])) tracks = [ df.loc[df['Mean'] == x, ['Slice', 'X', 'Y', 'Mean']] for x in range(1, int(max(df['Mean']))) ] print("Number of Tracks:", len(tracks)) tracklists = [ list(zip(tracks[x]['X'], tracks[x]['Y'], tracks[x]['Slice'])) for x in range(len(tracks)) ] tracklists[0:3] trackplot = hv.Path(tracklists, vdims='time') trackplot.opts(cmap='Inferno', color='time', line_width=2) outfilename = "trackplot.html", outfilename, fmt='html') #file_name = "hello_world.txt" #copyfile(input, file_name) #f = open(file_name, "w") #f.write("Hello, World!") #f.close() return {'Output': outfilename}
def tunes(bet_x, bet_y): bet_x -= math.floor(bet_x) bet_y -= math.floor(bet_y) color = '#30d5c8' path = hv.Path([[(bet_x - 0.05, bet_y), (bet_x + 0.05, bet_y)], [(bet_x, bet_y - 0.05), (bet_x, bet_y + 0.05)]]) path.opts(color=color, line_width=4) return path
def plot_surface(obj, **args): region = args.get('region', None) idx = obj.tag2idx(region) tags = args.get('tags', False) coord = args.get('coord', None) locator = args.get('locator', False) fill = args.get('fill', None) amin = np.min(obj.bbox_min[idx], axis=0) amax = np.max(obj.bbox_max[idx], axis=0) wh = amax - amin if np.min(wh) < 250: wh = wh / np.min(wh) * 250 hvobj = hv.Path([obj.boundary[i] for i in idx]).opts(style=dict(color='k'), plot=dict(yaxis=None, xaxis=None, aspect='equal', width=int(ceil(wh[0])), height=int(ceil(wh[1])))) if fill is not None: vals = np.nan * np.zeros((obj.num, )) for k in fill.keys(): _idx = obj.tag2idx(k) for i in _idx: vals[i] = fill[k] imin = np.min(obj.bbox_min[idx], axis=0).astype(int) imax = np.max(obj.bbox_max[idx], axis=0).astype(int) im = np.nan * np.zeros(tuple((imax - imin + 1)[::-1].tolist())) for i in idx: im[obj._coords[i][:, 1] - imin[1], obj._coords[i][:, 0] - imin[0]] = vals[i] hvobj = hv.Image(np.flipud(im), bounds=(imin[0], imin[1], imax[0], imax[1])).opts( plot=dict(yaxis=None, xaxis=None)) if coord is not None: hvobj *= hv.Curve([obj.hand2pixel((0,0)),obj.hand2pixel((coord,0))]) *\ hv.Curve([obj.hand2pixel((0,0)),obj.hand2pixel((0,coord))]) if tags: hvobj *= hv.Labels({ 'x': [obj._centers[i][0] for i in idx], 'y': [obj._centers[i][1] for i in idx], 'Label': [str(i) + ' ' + ''.join(obj.tags[i]) for i in idx] }) # show cursor position in hand coordinates (works only in bokeh) if locator: pointer = hv.streams.PointerXY(x=0, y=0) dm = hv.DynamicMap(lambda x, y: hvobj * hv.Text( x, y + 5, '(%d,%d)' % tuple(obj.pixel2hand(np.array([x, y])))), streams=[pointer]) return dm return hvobj
def _update_insert_plot(self): plot_data = DATA_A.loc[self.tool] data = [(plot_data["Xo"], plot_data["Yo"], plot_data[self.variable])] self.insert_plot_pane.object = hv.Path(data, vdims=self.variable).opts( cmap=self.color_map, color=self.variable, line_width=4, colorbar=True, responsive=True)
def _boundary(self, data, index): "Callback drawing Path element defining boundary" self._selected_edge_index = index xs, ys = data['x'], data['y'] lines = [] for i in range(len(xs)-1): s, e = i, (i+1) lines.append([(xs[s], ys[s]), (xs[e], ys[e])]) self.ready = self._ready() return hv.Path(lines).opts(**self.edge_style)
def stem(data, curve=True, marker=True): '''stem plot: data=(x,y,e)''' x, y, e = data vlines = [np.array([[x[i], y[i]], [x[i], e[i]]]) for i in range(len(x))] hs = hv.Path(vlines).opts(show_legend=True, muted_alpha=0.) if marker: hs = hs * hv.Scatter((x, e)).opts(size=4) if curve: hs = hs * hv.Curve((x, y)).opts(line_width=0.8) return hs
def plot_AGonia_boxes_interactive(data_path, Score, x, y): '''Function used as input for the dynamic map in function boxes_exploration_interactive(): Same as plot_AGonia_boxes but now instead of having as input the index of the box the user can click on a box and it will use the (x,y) coordinates of the click to find the related box. The output now is only the boxes (all in red, selected in green)''' data_name, median_projection, fnames, fname_new, results_caiman_path, boxes_path = get_files_names( data_path) Yr, dims, T = cm.load_memmap(fname_new) images = np.reshape(Yr.T, [T] + list(dims), order='F') with open(boxes_path, 'rb') as f: boxes = pickle.load(f) f.close() boxes = boxes[boxes[:, 4] > Score].astype('int') roi_bounds = hv.Path([ hv.Bounds( tuple([ roi[0], median_projection.shape[0] - roi[3], roi[2], median_projection.shape[0] - roi[1] ])) for roi in boxes[:, :4] ]).options(color='red') if None not in [x, y]: try: box_idx = [ i for i, box in enumerate(boxes) if x < box[2] and x > box[0] and y < (median_projection.shape[0] - box[1]) and y > (median_projection.shape[0] - box[3]) ][0] except: pass else: box_idx = 0 #box_trace = images[:,boxes[box_idx,1]:boxes[box_idx,3],boxes[box_idx,0]:boxes[box_idx,2]].mean(axis=(1,2)) box_square = hv.Path([ hv.Bounds( tuple([ boxes[box_idx, 0], median_projection.shape[0] - boxes[box_idx, 3], boxes[box_idx, 2], median_projection.shape[0] - boxes[box_idx, 1] ])) ]).options(color='lime') return (roi_bounds * box_square).opts(width=600, height=600)
def plot_sample(sample: np.ndarray): """ Plots the gene counts for the given sample array as a bar-plot like single-path element. :param np.ndarray sample: An array containing the count values. :return: """ paths = _create_paths(sample) plot = hv.Path(paths) return plot.opts(width=400, height=400, padding=0.05)
def plot_count_sum_mass(counts: np.ndarray, lengths: np.ndarray): """ Plots the sum of the gene masses (along the sample axis) for the given count array. :param counts: :param lengths: :return: """ sample_counts_sum = counts.sum(axis=0) mass_sums = sample_counts_sum * lengths paths = _create_paths(mass_sums) plot = hv.Path(paths) return plot.opts(width=400, height=400, padding=0.05)
def plot_sample_mass(sample: np.ndarray, lengths: np.ndarray): """ Plots gene masses (counts * lengths) for the given sample array. :param np.ndarray sample: An array containing the count values. :param np.ndarray lengths: An array containing the length values. :return: """ masses = sample * lengths paths = _create_paths(masses) plot = hv.Path(paths) return plot.opts(width=400, height=400, padding=0.05)
def plot_path(self, data): # at this stage, plot is rendered and size known if not self.zoom_initialized: self.monitor_zoom_level() self.zoom_initialized = True path = hv.Path(data) path.opts( opts.Path(line_width=self.tool_width * self.zoom_level + 1, color=self.cmap[self.dataset.drawing_label], line_cap='round', line_join='round')) return path
def mle_path_plot(bs_reps, param_1 = 'α*', param_2 = 'b*', conf = 0.95): # plot bootstrap samples, from BE/Bi103a lesson exercises points = hv.Points(data=bs_reps, kdims=[param_1, param_2]).opts( size=1, alpha=0.5, padding=0.1 ) # Get contour line xs, ys = bebi103.viz.contour_lines_from_samples( bs_reps[:, 0], bs_reps[:, 1], levels=conf ) # Overlay with sample out = points * hv.Path(data=(xs[0], ys[0])).opts(color="black") return out
def track_plt(dataset,title, bounds=(-166,13.5,-154, 25)): """ plot Jason-2 tracks from dataset with coordinates: N = [-90, 90], E = [-180, 180] """ lon_range = (np.array(dataset['lon range']) % 180) - (np.array(dataset['lon range']) >= 180) * 180 lat_range = np.array(dataset['lat range']) coast = gf.coastline.geoms('50m', bounds=bounds).opts(color='black', xticks=5, yticks=5, yformatter='%f °N', xformatter = '%f °E') track = hv.Path((lon_range,lat_range)).opts(color = 'black') return (coast * track ).opts(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree(), title = title, height=200, width=200)
def spikes(data, y_base=0, dims=["Time", "x"], label="Signal", curve=True): '''plot stems and a curve''' if isinstance(data, tuple): t, s = data else: t = np.arange(0, len(data), 1) s = data vlines = [np.array([[t[i], y_base], [t[i], s[i]]]) for i in range(len(s))] hs = hv.Path(vlines, kdims=dims, label=label).opts(show_legend=True, muted_alpha=0., color='black') if curve: hs = hs * hv.Curve( (t, s), dims[0], dims[1], label=label).opts(line_width=0.8) return hs
def _make_progress(self): import holoviews as hv import holoviews.plotting.bokeh # noqa stages = len(self._stages) line = hv.Path([[(0, 0), (stages - 1, 0)]]).options(line_width=10, color='black', backend='bokeh') vals = np.arange(stages) active = [1 if v == self._stage else 0 for v in vals] points = hv.Points((vals, np.zeros(stages), active), vdims=['active']).options(color_index='active', line_color='black', cmap={ 0: 'white', 1: 'gray' }, show_legend=False, size=20, default_tools=[], tools=['tap'], nonselection_alpha=1, backend='bokeh') point_labels = points.add_dimension('text', 0, [n for n, _ in self._stages], vdim=True) labels = hv.Labels(point_labels).options(yoffset=-2.5, backend='bokeh') self._progress_sel.source = points hv_plot = (line * points * labels).options(xaxis=None, yaxis=None, width=800, show_frame=False, toolbar=None, height=80, xlim=(-0.5, stages - 0.5), ylim=(-4, 1.5), clone=False, backend='bokeh') return HoloViews(hv_plot, backend='bokeh')
def _get_windows(self, xtrack=None, atrack=None, x=None, y=None): if x is not None: xtrack = x if y is not None: atrack = y # atrack and xtrack are from mouse or user. get the nearest where histogram is defined xtrack, atrack = self._get_xatrack(xtrack=xtrack, atrack=atrack) windows_list = [] try: ws_list = self.gradients_hist['window_size'] except KeyError: # no 'window_size'. compute it from axtrack neighbors ws_list = [ np.diff( np.array([[ self.gradients_hist[ax].isel({ ax: i }).item() for i in [0, 1] ] for ax in ['atrack', 'xtrack']])).mean() ] for ws in ws_list: # window as a hv.Path object corresponding to window_size amin, amax, xmin, xmax = (atrack - ws / 2, atrack + ws / 2, xtrack - ws / 2, xtrack + ws / 2) try: style = self._get_style( self.gradients_hist.sel(window_size=ws)) except (IndexError, KeyError): style = {} windows_list.append( hv.Path([[(xmin, amin), (xmin, amax), (xmax, amax), (xmax, amin), (xmin, amin)]]).opts(**style)) return hv.Overlay(windows_list)
from random import randint import holoviews as hv import panel as pn from holoviews import opts, streams LINE = "red" FILL1 = "green" FILL2 = "fulvous" FILL3 = "blue" hv.extension("bokeh") path = hv.Path([[(1, 5), (9, 5)]]) poly = hv.Polygons([[(2, 2), (5, 8), (8, 2)]]) path_stream = streams.PolyDraw(source=path, drag=True, show_vertices=True) poly_stream = streams.PolyDraw( source=poly, drag=True, num_objects=4, show_vertices=True, styles={"fill_color": [FILL1, FILL2, FILL3]}, ) def get_plot(path, poly): return (path * poly).opts( opts.Polygons(fill_alpha=0.3, active_tools=["poly_draw"]), opts.Path(color=LINE, height=400, line_width=5, width=400), )
def analysis_gate(self, df): # global curr_savgol_plot, maxsavgol gate_files.append(df) # append to a list containing all the gate diode files # Remove initial kink from the data start_value = np.mean([df]["data"]["Current"][10:20]) CurrentCopy =[df]["data"]["Current"].copy() for x in range(int(len([df]["data"]["Current"]) / 2)): if CurrentCopy[x] < start_value: CurrentCopy[x] = start_value # Generate curve plot_not_kink = self.add_single_plots([df]["data"][self.xaxis], CurrentCopy, "Current" ) # Try savgol filter ##try: ## i = 0 ## while i < 2: ## curr_savgol = scipy.signal.savgol_filter([df]['data']['Current'], 31, 3) # window size 51, polynomial order 3 ## i += 1 ## maxsavgol = max(curr_savgol) ## curr_savgol_plot = self.add_single_plots([df]['data']['Voltage'], curr_savgol, "SavgolCurrent") ##except Exception: ## self.log.warning("No savgol plot possible... Error: {}") # Interpolation current curve xnew, ynew = self.interpolated_axis( df,[df]["data"][self.xaxis], CurrentCopy ) curr_interp_plot = self.add_single_plots(xnew, ynew, "InterpolatedCurrent") # Build the first derivatives firstderi_interp = self.build_first_derivative(xnew, ynew) dif_intep_plot = self.add_single_plots( xnew, firstderi_interp, "FirstDerivativeCurrent" ) # Second derivative second_deriv_interp = self.build_second_derivative(xnew, ynew) dif2_intep_plot = self.add_single_plots( xnew, second_deriv_interp, "SecondDerivativeCurrent" ) # Not interpolated first derivative firstdev_not_interp = self.build_first_derivative([df]["data"]["Current"],[df]["data"]["Voltage"] ) self.insert_in_df(df, 3, "firstderivative_gate", firstdev_not_interp) # Try to find the start and ending indices of the points where you want to average, used to handle the problematic files max1_index = list(firstderi_interp).index(max(firstderi_interp)) min1_index = list(firstderi_interp).index(min(firstderi_interp)) if min1_index < max1_index: min1_index = max1_index + 1 max1_index = min1_index - 2 median_index = int(len(xnew) / 2) if median_index < max1_index: median_index = max1_index + 1 if min1_index < median_index: min1_index = median_index + 1 max1_index = median_index - 1 # Find the segment where you want to average using the second derivative interesting_section = sorted( list(second_deriv_interp[max1_index:median_index]), reverse=True ) firstminimum = interesting_section[0] interesting_section2 = sorted( list(second_deriv_interp[median_index:min1_index]), reverse=True ) second_minimum = interesting_section2[0] # Find average start_average = list(second_deriv_interp).index(firstminimum) end_average = list(second_deriv_interp).index(second_minimum) I_surf_maxima_average = np.mean(list(ynew[start_average:end_average])) # Compute the surface current with the average method mxx = max(ynew) # find maximum value of the current-voltage curve miny = np.mean( list(ynew[-1000:]) ) # find the minimum of the current-voltage curve by averaging 20 points values in the curve tail I_surf_average = ( I_surf_maxima_average - miny ) # compute the surface current by computing the difference between the maximum and minimum value I_surf_average_table = "{:.2e}".format(I_surf_average) Surface_current_average.append(I_surf_average_table) # Compute surface current with the maximum method Isurf_max = ( mxx - miny ) # compute the surface current by computing the difference between the maximum and minimum value Isurf_table = "{:.2e}".format(Isurf_max) Surface_current.append(Isurf_table) # Compute Surface_recombination_velocity with the maximum method S_null_max = Isurf_max / ( self.config["IV_PQC_parameter"]["q"] * self.config["IV_PQC_parameter"]["n_i_intrinsic_carrier_concentration"] * (float([df]["header"][0].split(":")[1]) * (1e-8)) ) Surface_recombination_velocity.append(S_null_max) # Compute Surface_recombination_velocity with the average method S_null_average = I_surf_average / ( self.config["IV_PQC_parameter"]["q"] * self.config["IV_PQC_parameter"]["n_i_intrinsic_carrier_concentration"] * (float([df]["header"][0].split(":")[1]) * (1e-8)) ) Surface_recombination_velocity_average.append(S_null_average) # Add text to the plot text = hv.Text( 3, 9 * (1e-11), "Isurf_max: {} A\n" "Isurf_average: {} A\n" "Surface recombination velocity_max: {} cm/s\n" "Surface recombination velocity_average: {} cm/s".format( np.round(Isurf_max, 15), np.round(I_surf_average, 15), np.round(S_null_max, 4), np.round(S_null_average, 4), ), ).opts(style=dict(text_font_size="20pt")) # Do this if the analysis is of just one file. if len(gate_files) == 1: # Add overlaid lines on the plot Path_min = hv.Path([(-2, miny), (6, miny)]).opts(line_width=2.0) Path_mxx = hv.Path([(-2, mxx), (6, mxx)]).opts(line_width=2.0) ##Path_savgolmax = hv.Path([(-2, maxsavgol), (6, maxsavgol)]).opts(line_width=2.0) Path_average = hv.Path( [(-2, I_surf_maxima_average), (6, I_surf_maxima_average)] ).opts(line_width=2.0) Path_Isurf = hv.Arrow(-1, mxx, "max", "^") Path_Isurf_average = hv.Arrow(0, I_surf_maxima_average, "average", "^") # Plot all Measurements self.donts_gatediode = [ "timestamp", "voltage", "Voltage", "Current", "Stepsize", "Wait", "Stepsize", "Frequency", "x", "N", ] # don't plot these. self.PlotDict["BasePlots_gate"] = plot_not_kink self.PlotDict["BasePlots_gate"] += dif_intep_plot self.PlotDict["BasePlots_gate"] += dif2_intep_plot self.PlotDict["BasePlots_gate"] += curr_interp_plot try: self.PlotDict["BasePlots_gate"] += curr_savgol_plot self.PlotDict["BasePlots_gate"] += curr_savgol_plot * plot_not_kink except Exception: self.log.warning("No savgol plot possible... Error: {}") self.PlotDict["BasePlots_gate"] += ( text * plot_not_kink * Path_min * Path_mxx * Path_average * Path_Isurf * Path_Isurf_average ) # * Path_savgolmax self.PlotDict["BasePlots_gate"] += ( curr_interp_plot * dif_intep_plot * dif2_intep_plot * plot_not_kink ) # Add table that shows resulting parameters of the analysis df4 = pd.DataFrame( { "Name": gate_files, "Surface current_max (A)": Surface_current, "Surface current_average (A)": Surface_current_average, "Surface recombination velocity_max (cm/s)": Surface_recombination_velocity, "Surface recombination velocity_average (cm/s)": Surface_recombination_velocity_average, } ) table3 = hv.Table((df4), label="Gate analysis") table3.opts(width=1300, height=800) self.PlotDict["BasePlots_gate"] += table3 # Do this if the analysis is of more than one file elif len(gate_files) > 1: self.donts = [ "timestamp", "voltage", "Voltage", "Stepsize", "Wait", "Stepsize", "Frequency", "firstderivative_gate", "x", "N", ] # do not plot this data self.basePlots3 = plot_all_measurements(, self.config, self.xaxis,, do_not_plot=self.donts, keys=gate_files, ) self.PlotDict["BasePlots_gate"] = self.basePlots3 # Add table that shows resulting parameters of the analysis df4 = pd.DataFrame( { "Name": gate_files, "Surface current_max (A)": Surface_current, "Surface current_average (A)": Surface_current_average, "Surface recombination velocity_max (cm/s)": Surface_recombination_velocity, "Surface recombination velocity_average (cm/s)": Surface_recombination_velocity_average, } ) table3 = hv.Table((df4), label="Gate analysis") table3.opts(width=1300, height=800) self.PlotDict["BasePlots_gate"] += table3 return self.PlotDict["BasePlots_gate"]
def create_plot( data, x, y, plot_type="scatter", selected=None, show_selected=True, slow_render=False, legend=True, colours=True, smaller_axes_limits=False, bounds=None, legend_position=None, ): assert x in list( data.columns), f"Column {x} is not a column in your dataframe." assert y in list( data.columns), f"Column {y} is not a column in your dataframe." if bounds is not None: data = data[data[x] >= bounds[0]] data = data[data[y] <= bounds[1]] data = data[data[x] <= bounds[2]] data = data[data[y] >= bounds[3]] if plot_type == "scatter": p = hv.Points( data, [x, y], ).opts(active_tools=["pan", "wheel_zoom"]) elif plot_type == "line": p = hv.Path( data, [x, y], ).opts(active_tools=["pan", "wheel_zoom"]) if show_selected: if selected is not None: cols = list(data.columns) if len([cols[0]]) == 1: selected = pd.DataFrame(, columns=cols, index=[0]) if bounds is not None: if ((selected[x][0] < bounds[0]) or (selected[y][0] > bounds[1]) or (selected[x][0] > bounds[2]) or (selected[y][0] < bounds[3])): selected = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols) else: selected = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols) selected_plot = hv.Scatter( selected, x, y, ).opts( fill_color="black", marker="circle", size=10, active_tools=["pan", "wheel_zoom"], ) if colours: color_key = config.settings["label_colours"] color_points = hv.NdOverlay({ config.settings["labels_to_strings"][f"{n}"]: hv.Points([0, 0], label=config.settings["labels_to_strings"][f"{n}"]).opts( style=dict(color=color_key[n], size=0)) for n in color_key }) if smaller_axes_limits: max_x = np.max(data[x]) min_x = np.min(data[x]) max_y = np.max(data[y]) min_y = np.min(data[y]) x_sd = np.std(data[x]) x_mu = np.mean(data[x]) y_sd = np.std(data[y]) y_mu = np.mean(data[y]) max_x = np.min([x_mu + 4 * x_sd, max_x]) min_x = np.max([x_mu - 4 * x_sd, min_x]) max_y = np.min([y_mu + 4 * y_sd, max_y]) min_y = np.max([y_mu - 4 * y_sd, min_y]) if show_selected: if selected is not None: if selected.shape[0] > 0: max_x = np.max([max_x, np.max(selected[x])]) min_x = np.min([min_x, np.min(selected[x])]) max_y = np.max([max_y, np.max(selected[y])]) min_y = np.min([min_y, np.min(selected[y])]) if colours: if smaller_axes_limits: plot = dynspread( datashade( p, color_key=color_key,["label_col"], ds.count()), ).opts(xlim=(min_x, max_x), ylim=(min_y, max_y), responsive=True), threshold=0.75, how="saturate", ) else: plot = dynspread( datashade( p, color_key=color_key,["label_col"], ds.count()), ).opts(responsive=True), threshold=0.75, how="saturate", ) else: if smaller_axes_limits: plot = dynspread( datashade(p, ).opts(xlim=(min_x, max_x), ylim=(min_y, max_y), responsive=True), threshold=0.75, how="saturate", ).redim.range(xdim=(min_x, max_x), ydim=(min_y, max_y)) else: plot = dynspread( datashade(p, ).opts(responsive=True), threshold=0.75, how="saturate", ) if slow_render: plot = p if show_selected and (selected is not None): plot = plot * selected_plot if legend and colours: plot = plot * color_points if legend_position is not None: plot = plot.opts(legend_position=legend_position) return plot
def make_plot(t): spring = hv.Scatter(([q(t)], [0])).opts(xlabel='q', size=6, show_grid=True, title="Spring") phase_space = hv.Scatter(([q(t)], [p(t)])).opts(xlabel="q", ylabel='p', size=6, show_grid=True, title="Phase Space") trajectory = hv.Path(([q(_t) for _t in np.linspace(0, 30, 200)], [p(_t) for _t in np.linspace(0, 30, 200)])).opts(xlabel="q", ylabel='p(x)', line_width=2, color="orange") return (spring+ (phase_space * trajectory)).opts(shared_axes=False)
def make_rect(bounds=DEFAULT_BOUNDS, color='blue'): minX, minY, maxX, maxY = bounds return hv.Path([(minX, minY), (maxX, minY), (maxX, maxY), (minX, maxY), (minX, minY)]).opts(img_opts).opts(line_width=2, color='blue')
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import bokeh import holoviews as hv import datashader as ds from holoviews.operation.datashader import aggregate, shade, datashade, dynspread from holoviews.operation import decimate SOURCE = '../data_preprocessed/TEs_CHR1.hdf' HEIGHT = 350 WIDTH = 800 reads = pd.read_hdf(SOURCE, key='tes') plot = dynspread( datashade(hv.Path([reads]), min_alpha=100, aggregator=ds.count_cat('family'))).options(width=WIDTH, height=HEIGHT, bgcolor="black") #renderer = hv.renderer('bokeh'), '/Users/cfltxm/Docs/talks/QRWbioinformatics2018/talk/fig/plot_4_te_reads') doc = hv.renderer('bokeh').server_doc(plot)