async def test_step_import(hass):
    """Test that the import step works."""
    conf = {
        CONF_LATITUDE: -41.2,
        CONF_LONGITUDE: 174.7,
        CONF_RADIUS: 25,
        CONF_UNIT_SYSTEM: "metric",
        CONF_SCAN_INTERVAL: timedelta(minutes=4),

    flow = config_flow.GeonetnzVolcanoFlowHandler()
    flow.hass = hass

    with patch("homeassistant.components.geonetnz_volcano.async_setup_entry",
               return_value=True), patch(
        result = await flow.async_step_import(import_config=conf)
    assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_CREATE_ENTRY
    assert result["title"] == "-41.2, 174.7"
    assert result["data"] == {
        CONF_LATITUDE: -41.2,
        CONF_LONGITUDE: 174.7,
        CONF_RADIUS: 25,
        CONF_UNIT_SYSTEM: "metric",
        CONF_SCAN_INTERVAL: 240.0,
async def test_show_form(hass):
    """Test that the form is served with no input."""
    flow = config_flow.GeonetnzVolcanoFlowHandler()
    flow.hass = hass

    result = await flow.async_step_user(user_input=None)

    assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_FORM
    assert result["step_id"] == "user"
async def test_duplicate_error(hass, config_entry):
    """Test that errors are shown when duplicates are added."""
    conf = {CONF_LATITUDE: -41.2, CONF_LONGITUDE: 174.7, CONF_RADIUS: 25}

    flow = config_flow.GeonetnzVolcanoFlowHandler()
    flow.hass = hass

    result = await flow.async_step_user(user_input=conf)
    assert result["errors"] == {"base": "already_configured"}
async def test_step_user(hass):
    """Test that the user step works."""
    hass.config.latitude = -41.2
    hass.config.longitude = 174.7
    conf = {CONF_RADIUS: 25}

    flow = config_flow.GeonetnzVolcanoFlowHandler()
    flow.hass = hass

    with patch("homeassistant.components.geonetnz_volcano.async_setup_entry",
               return_value=True), patch(
        result = await flow.async_step_user(user_input=conf)
    assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_CREATE_ENTRY
    assert result["title"] == "-41.2, 174.7"
    assert result["data"] == {
        CONF_LATITUDE: -41.2,
        CONF_LONGITUDE: 174.7,
        CONF_RADIUS: 25,
        CONF_UNIT_SYSTEM: "metric",
        CONF_SCAN_INTERVAL: 300.0,