def __init__(self, connection=None): if connection is None: connection = Connection() super().__init__(connection) = None self.location = None self.connected = None self.currentAPVersion = None self.availableAPVersion = None self.timeZoneId = None self.pinAssigned = None self.dutyCycle = None self.updateState = None self.powerMeterUnitPrice = None self.powerMeterCurrency = None self.deviceUpdateStrategy = None self.lastReadyForUpdateTimestamp = None self.apExchangeClientId = None self.apExchangeState = None = None self.carrierSense = None self.__webSocket = None self.__webSocketThread = None self.onEvent = EventHook() self.devices = [] self.clients = [] self.groups = [] self.rules = []
def __init__(self, connection=None): if connection is None: connection = Connection() super().__init__(connection) # List with create handlers. self._on_create = [] self.apExchangeClientId = None self.apExchangeState = ApExchangeState.NONE self.availableAPVersion = None self.carrierSense = None #:bool:displays if the access point is connected to the hmip cloud or # not self.connected = None #:str:the current version of the access point self.currentAPVersion = None self.deviceUpdateStrategy = DeviceUpdateStrategy.MANUALLY self.dutyCycle = None #:str:the SGTIN of the access point = None self.lastReadyForUpdateTimestamp = None #:Location:the location of the AP self.location = None #:bool:determines if a pin is set on this access point self.pinAssigned = None self.powerMeterCurrency = None self.powerMeterUnitPrice = None self.timeZoneId = None self.updateState = HomeUpdateState.UP_TO_DATE #:Weather:the current weather = None self.__webSocket = None self.__webSocketThread = None self.onEvent = EventHook() self.onWsError = EventHook() #:bool:switch to enable/disable automatic reconnection of the websocket (default=True) self.websocket_reconnect_on_error = True #:List[Device]: a collection of all devices in home self.devices = [] #:List[Client]: a collection of all clients in home self.clients = [] #:List[Group]: a collection of all groups in the home self.groups = [] #:List[Rule]: a collection of all rules in the home self.rules = [] #: a collection of all functionalHomes in the home self.functionalHomes = [] #:Map: a map of all access points and their updateStates self.accessPointUpdateStates = {}
class Home(HomeMaticIPObject.HomeMaticIPObject): """this class represents the 'Home' of the homematic ip""" _typeClassMap = TYPE_CLASS_MAP _typeGroupMap = TYPE_GROUP_MAP _typeSecurityEventMap = TYPE_SECURITY_EVENT_MAP _typeRuleMap = TYPE_RULE_MAP def __init__(self, connection=None): if connection is None: connection = Connection() super().__init__(connection) = None self.location = None self.connected = None self.currentAPVersion = None self.availableAPVersion = None self.timeZoneId = None self.pinAssigned = None self.dutyCycle = None self.updateState = None self.powerMeterUnitPrice = None self.powerMeterCurrency = None self.deviceUpdateStrategy = None self.lastReadyForUpdateTimestamp = None self.apExchangeClientId = None self.apExchangeState = None = None self.carrierSense = None self.__webSocket = None self.__webSocketThread = None self.onEvent = EventHook() self.devices = [] self.clients = [] self.groups = [] self.rules = [] def init(self, access_point_id, lookup=True): self._connection.init(access_point_id, lookup) def set_auth_token(self, auth_token): self._connection.set_auth_token(auth_token) def from_json(self, js_home): super().from_json(js_home) = Weather(self._connection)["weather"]) self.location = Location(self._connection) self.location.from_json(js_home["location"]) self.connected = js_home["connected"] self.currentAPVersion = js_home["currentAPVersion"] self.availableAPVersion = js_home["availableAPVersion"] self.timeZoneId = js_home["timeZoneId"] self.pinAssigned = js_home["pinAssigned"] self.dutyCycle = js_home["dutyCycle"] self.updateState = js_home["updateState"] self.powerMeterUnitPrice = js_home["powerMeterUnitPrice"] self.powerMeterCurrency = js_home["powerMeterCurrency"] self.deviceUpdateStrategy = js_home["deviceUpdateStrategy"] self.lastReadyForUpdateTimestamp = js_home["lastReadyForUpdateTimestamp"] self.apExchangeClientId = js_home["apExchangeClientId"] self.apExchangeState = js_home["apExchangeState"] = js_home["id"] self.carrierSense = js_home["carrierSense"] self._get_rules(js_home) def download_configuration(self): return self._restCall('home/getCurrentState', json.dumps(self._connection.clientCharacteristics)) def get_current_state(self): json_state = self.download_configuration() if "errorCode" in json_state: LOGGER.error("Could not get the current configuration. Error: %s", json_state["errorCode"]) return False js_home = json_state["home"] self.from_json(js_home) self._get_devices(json_state) self._get_clients(json_state) self._get_groups(json_state) return True def _get_devices(self, json_state): self.devices = [x for x in self.devices if in json_state["devices"].keys()] for id_, raw in json_state["devices"].items(): _device = self.search_device_by_id(id_) if _device: _device.from_json(raw) else: self.devices.append(self._parse_device(raw)) def _parse_device(self, json_state): deviceType = json_state["type"] if deviceType in self._typeClassMap: d = self._typeClassMap[deviceType](self._connection) d.from_json(json_state) return d else: d = self._typeClassMap[DEVICE](self._connection) d.from_json(json_state) LOGGER.warning("There is no class for %s yet", deviceType) return d def _get_rules(self, json_state): self.rules = [x for x in self.rules if in json_state["ruleMetaDatas"].keys()] for id_, raw in json_state["ruleMetaDatas"].items(): _rule = self.search_rule_by_id(id_) if _rule: _rule.from_json(raw) else: self.rules.append(self._parse_rule(raw)) def _parse_rule(self, json_state): ruleType = json_state["type"] if ruleType in self._typeRuleMap: r = self._typeRuleMap[ruleType](self._connection) r.from_json(json_state) else: r = Rule(self._connection) r.from_json(json_state) LOGGER.warning("There is no class for %s yet", ruleType) return r def _get_clients(self, json_state): self.clients = [x for x in self.clients if in json_state["clients"].keys()] for id_, raw in json_state["clients"].items(): _client = self.search_client_by_id(id_) if _client: _client.from_json(raw) else: c = Client(self._connection) c.from_json(raw) self.clients.append(c) def _parse_group(self, json_state): groupType = json_state["type"] if groupType in self._typeGroupMap: g = self._typeGroupMap[groupType](self._connection) g.from_json(json_state, self.devices) elif groupType == "META": g = MetaGroup(self._connection) g.from_json(json_state, self.devices, self.groups) else: g = Group(self._connection) g.from_json(json_state, self.devices) LOGGER.warning("There is no class for %s yet", groupType) return g def _get_groups(self, json_state): self.groups = [x for x in self.groups if in json_state["groups"].keys()] metaGroups = [] for id_, raw in json_state["groups"].items(): _group = self.search_group_by_id(id_) if _group: if isinstance(_group, MetaGroup): _group.from_json(raw, self.devices, self.groups) else: _group.from_json(raw, self.devices) else: group_type = raw["type"] if group_type == "META": metaGroups.append(raw) else: self.groups.append(self._parse_group(raw)) for mg in metaGroups: self.groups.append(self._parse_group(mg)) def search_device_by_id(self, deviceID) -> Device: """ searches a device by given id :param deviceID the device to search for :return the Device object or None if it couldn't find a device """ for d in self.devices: if == deviceID: return d return None def search_group_by_id(self, groupID) -> Group: """ searches a group by given id :param groupID the device to search for :return the group object or None if it couldn't find a group """ for g in self.groups: if == groupID: return g return None def search_client_by_id(self, clientID) -> Client: """ searches a client by given id :param clientID the device to search for :return the client object or None if it couldn't find a client """ for c in self.clients: if == clientID: return c return None def search_rule_by_id(self, ruleID) -> Rule: """ searches a rule by given id :param ruleID the device to search for :return the rule object or None if it couldn't find a rule """ for r in self.rules: if == ruleID: return r return None def get_security_zones_activation(self): internal_active = False external_active = False for g in self.groups: if isinstance(g, SecurityZoneGroup): if g.label == 'EXTERNAL': external_active = elif g.label == 'INTERNAL': internal_active = return internal_active, external_active def set_security_zones_activation(self, internal=True, external=True): data = {"zonesActivation": {"EXTERNAL": external, "INTERNAL": internal}} return self._restCall("home/security/setZonesActivation", json.dumps(data)) def set_location(self, city, latitude, longitude): data = {"city": city, "latitude": latitude, "longitude": longitude} return self._restCall("home/setLocation", json.dumps(data)) def set_intrusion_alert_through_smoke_detectors(self, activate=True): data = {"intrusionAlertThroughSmokeDetectors": activate} return self._restCall("home/security/setIntrusionAlertThroughSmokeDetectors", json.dumps(data)) def activate_absence_with_period(self, endtime): data = {"endTime": endtime.strftime("%Y_%m_%d %H:%M")} return self._restCall("home/heating/activateAbsenceWithPeriod", json.dumps(data)) def activate_absence_with_duration(self, duration): data = {"duration": duration} return self._restCall("home/heating/activateAbsenceWithDuration", json.dumps(data)) def deactivate_absence(self): return self._restCall("home/heating/deactivateAbsence") def activate_vacation(self, endtime, temperature): data = {"endtime": endtime.strftime("%Y_%m_%d %H:%M"), "temperature": temperature} return self._restCall("home/heating/activateVacation", json.dumps(data)) def deactivate_vacation(self): return self._restCall("home/heating/deactivateVacation") def set_pin(self, newPin, oldPin=None): if newPin == None: newPin = "" data = {"pin": newPin} if oldPin: self._connection.headers["PIN"] = str(oldPin) result = self._restCall('home/setPin', body=json.dumps(data)) if oldPin: del self._connection.headers["PIN"] return result def set_zone_activation_delay(self, delay): data = {"zoneActivationDelay": delay} return self._restCall("home/security/setZoneActivationDelay", body=json.dumps(data)) def get_security_journal(self): journal = self._restCall("home/security/getSecurityJournal") if "errorCode" in journal: LOGGER.error( "Could not get the security journal. Error: %s", journal["errorCode"]) return None ret = [] for entry in journal["entries"]: eventType = entry["eventType"] if eventType in self._typeSecurityEventMap: j = self._typeSecurityEventMap[eventType](self._connection) j.from_json(entry) ret.append(j) else: j = SecurityEvent(self._connection) j.from_json(entry) ret.append(j) LOGGER.warning("There is no class for %s yet", eventType) return ret def delete_group(self, group): data = {"groupId":} return self._restCall("home/group/deleteGroup", body=json.dumps(data)) def get_OAuth_OTK(self): token = OAuthOTK(self._connection) token.from_json(self._restCall("home/getOAuthOTK")) return token def set_timezone(self, timezone): """ sets the timezone for the AP. e.g. "Europe/Berlin" """ data = {"timezoneId": timezone} return self._restCall("home/setTimezone", body=json.dumps(data)) def set_powermeter_unit_price(self, price): data = {"powerMeterUnitPrice": price} return self._restCall("home/setPowerMeterUnitPrice", body=json.dumps(data)) def set_zones_device_assignment(self, internal_devices, external_devices): """ sets the devices for the security zones :param internal_devices the devices which should be used for the internal zone :param external_devices the devices which should be used for the external(hull) zone :return the result of _restCall """ internal = [ for x in internal_devices] external = [ for x in external_devices] data = {"zonesDeviceAssignment": {"INTERNAL": internal, "EXTERNAL": external}} return self._restCall("home/security/setZonesDeviceAssignment", body=json.dumps(data)) def enable_events(self): websocket.enableTrace(True) self.__webSocket = websocket.WebSocketApp( self._connection.urlWebSocket, header=[ 'AUTHTOKEN: {}'.format(self._connection.auth_token), 'CLIENTAUTH: {}'.format(self._connection.clientauth_token) ], on_message=self._ws_on_message, on_error=self._ws_on_error) self.__webSocketThread = threading.Thread( target=self.__webSocket.run_forever) self.__webSocketThread.daemon = True self.__webSocketThread.start() def disable_events(self): self.__webSocket.close() def _ws_on_error(self, ws, message): LOGGER.error("Websocket error: %s", bytes2str(message)) def _ws_on_message(self, ws, message): #json.loads doesn't support bytes as parameter before python 3.6 js = json.loads(bytes2str(message)) # LOGGER.debug(js) eventList = [] try: for event in js["events"].values(): pushEventType = event["pushEventType"] LOGGER.debug(pushEventType) obj = None if pushEventType == EVENT_GROUP_CHANGED: data = event["group"] obj = self.search_group_by_id(data["id"]) if type(obj) is MetaGroup: obj.from_json(data, self.devices, self.groups) else: obj.from_json(data, self.devices) obj.fire_update_event(data, event_type=pushEventType, obj=obj) elif pushEventType == EVENT_HOME_CHANGED: data = event["home"] obj = self obj.from_json(data) obj.fire_update_event(data, event_type=pushEventType, obj=obj) elif pushEventType == EVENT_CLIENT_ADDED: data = event["client"] obj = Client(self._connection) obj.from_json(data) self.clients.append(obj) elif pushEventType == EVENT_CLIENT_CHANGED: data = event["client"] obj = self.search_client_by_id(data["id"]) obj.from_json(data) elif pushEventType == EVENT_CLIENT_REMOVED: obj = self.search_client_by_id(event["id"]) self.clients.remove(obj) elif pushEventType == EVENT_DEVICE_ADDED: data = event["device"] obj = self._parse_device(data) self.devices.append(obj) elif pushEventType == EVENT_DEVICE_CHANGED: data = event["device"] obj = self.search_device_by_id(data["id"]) if obj is None: # no DEVICE_ADDED Event? obj = self._parse_device(data) self.devices.append(obj) else: obj.from_json(data) obj.fire_update_event(data, event_type=pushEventType, obj=obj) elif pushEventType == EVENT_DEVICE_REMOVED: obj = self.search_device_by_id(event["id"]) self.devices.remove(obj) elif pushEventType == EVENT_GROUP_REMOVED: obj = self.search_group_by_id(event["id"]) self.groups.remove(obj) elif pushEventType == EVENT_GROUP_ADDED: group = event["group"] obj = self._parse_group(group) self.groups.append(obj) elif pushEventType == EVENT_SECURITY_JOURNAL_CHANGED: pass # data is just none so nothing to do here # TODO: implement INCLUSION_REQUESTED, NONE else: LOGGER.warning("Uknown EventType '%s' Data: %s", pushEventType, event) eventList.append({"eventType": pushEventType, "data": obj}) except Exception as err: LOGGER.exception(err)
class Home(HomeMaticIPObject.HomeMaticIPObject): """this class represents the 'Home' of the homematic ip""" _typeClassMap = TYPE_CLASS_MAP _typeGroupMap = TYPE_GROUP_MAP _typeSecurityEventMap = TYPE_SECURITY_EVENT_MAP _typeRuleMap = TYPE_RULE_MAP _typeFunctionalHomeMap = TYPE_FUNCTIONALHOME_MAP def __init__(self, connection=None): if connection is None: connection = Connection() super().__init__(connection) self.apExchangeClientId = None self.apExchangeState = ApExchangeState.NONE self.availableAPVersion = None self.carrierSense = None #:bool:displays if the access point is connected to the hmip cloud or not self.connected = None #:str:the current version of the access point self.currentAPVersion = None self.deviceUpdateStrategy = DeviceUpdateStrategy.MANUALLY self.dutyCycle = None #:str:the SGTIN of the access point = None self.lastReadyForUpdateTimestamp = None #:Location:the location of the AP self.location = None #:bool:determines if a pin is set on this access point self.pinAssigned = None self.powerMeterCurrency = None self.powerMeterUnitPrice = None self.timeZoneId = None self.updateState = HomeUpdateState.UP_TO_DATE #:Weather:the current weather = None self.__webSocket = None self.__webSocketThread = None self.onEvent = EventHook() self.onWsError = EventHook() #:List[Device]: a collection of all devices in home self.devices = [] #:List[Client]: a collection of all clients in home self.clients = [] #:List[Group]: a collection of all groups in the home self.groups = [] #:List[Rule]: a collection of all rules in the home self.rules = [] #: a collection of all functionalHomes in the home self.functionalHomes = [] def init(self, access_point_id, lookup=True): self._connection.init(access_point_id, lookup) def set_auth_token(self, auth_token): self._connection.set_auth_token(auth_token) def from_json(self, js_home): super().from_json(js_home) = Weather(self._connection)["weather"]) if js_home["location"] != None: self.location = Location(self._connection) self.location.from_json(js_home["location"]) self.connected = js_home["connected"] self.currentAPVersion = js_home["currentAPVersion"] self.availableAPVersion = js_home["availableAPVersion"] self.timeZoneId = js_home["timeZoneId"] self.pinAssigned = js_home["pinAssigned"] self.dutyCycle = js_home["dutyCycle"] self.updateState = HomeUpdateState.from_str(js_home["updateState"]) self.powerMeterUnitPrice = js_home["powerMeterUnitPrice"] self.powerMeterCurrency = js_home["powerMeterCurrency"] self.deviceUpdateStrategy = DeviceUpdateStrategy.from_str( js_home["deviceUpdateStrategy"]) self.lastReadyForUpdateTimestamp = js_home[ "lastReadyForUpdateTimestamp"] self.apExchangeClientId = js_home["apExchangeClientId"] self.apExchangeState = ApExchangeState.from_str( js_home["apExchangeState"]) = js_home["id"] self.carrierSense = js_home["carrierSense"] self._get_rules(js_home) def download_configuration(self) -> str: """downloads the current configuration from the cloud Returns the downloaded configuration or an errorCode """ return self._restCall( "home/getCurrentState", json.dumps(self._connection.clientCharacteristics)) def get_current_state(self, clearConfig: bool = False): """downloads the current configuration and parses it into self Args: clearConfig(bool): if set to true, this function will remove all old objects from self.devices, self.client, ... to have a fresh config instead of reparsing them """ json_state = self.download_configuration() if "errorCode" in json_state: LOGGER.error( "Could not get the current configuration. Error: %s", json_state["errorCode"], ) return False if clearConfig: self.devices = [] self.clients = [] self.groups = [] self.rules = [] self.functionalHomes = [] js_home = json_state["home"] self.from_json(js_home) self._get_devices(json_state) self._get_clients(json_state) self._get_groups(json_state) self._get_functionalHomes(js_home) self._load_functionalChannels() return True def _get_devices(self, json_state): self.devices = [ x for x in self.devices if in json_state["devices"].keys() ] for id_, raw in json_state["devices"].items(): _device = self.search_device_by_id(id_) if _device: _device.from_json(raw) else: self.devices.append(self._parse_device(raw)) def _parse_device(self, json_state): try: deviceType = DeviceType.from_str(json_state["type"]) d = self._typeClassMap[deviceType](self._connection) d.from_json(json_state) return d except: d = self._typeClassMap[DeviceType.DEVICE](self._connection) d.from_json(json_state) LOGGER.warning("There is no class for device '%s' yet", json_state["type"]) return d def _get_rules(self, json_state): self.rules = [ x for x in self.rules if in json_state["ruleMetaDatas"].keys() ] for id_, raw in json_state["ruleMetaDatas"].items(): _rule = self.search_rule_by_id(id_) if _rule: _rule.from_json(raw) else: self.rules.append(self._parse_rule(raw)) def _parse_rule(self, json_state): try: ruleType = AutomationRuleType.from_str(json_state["type"]) r = self._typeRuleMap[ruleType](self._connection) r.from_json(json_state) return r except: r = Rule(self._connection) r.from_json(json_state) LOGGER.warning("There is no class for rule '%s' yet", json_state["type"]) return r def _get_clients(self, json_state): self.clients = [ x for x in self.clients if in json_state["clients"].keys() ] for id_, raw in json_state["clients"].items(): _client = self.search_client_by_id(id_) if _client: _client.from_json(raw) else: c = Client(self._connection) c.from_json(raw) self.clients.append(c) def _parse_group(self, json_state): g = None if json_state["type"] == "META": g = MetaGroup(self._connection) g.from_json(json_state, self.devices, self.groups) else: try: groupType = GroupType.from_str(json_state["type"]) g = self._typeGroupMap[groupType](self._connection) g.from_json(json_state, self.devices) except: g = self._typeGroupMap[GroupType.GROUP](self._connection) g.from_json(json_state, self.devices) LOGGER.warning("There is no class for group '%s' yet", json_state["type"]) return g def _get_groups(self, json_state): self.groups = [ x for x in self.groups if in json_state["groups"].keys() ] metaGroups = [] for id_, raw in json_state["groups"].items(): _group = self.search_group_by_id(id_) if _group: if isinstance(_group, MetaGroup): _group.from_json(raw, self.devices, self.groups) else: _group.from_json(raw, self.devices) else: group_type = raw["type"] if group_type == "META": metaGroups.append(raw) else: self.groups.append(self._parse_group(raw)) for mg in metaGroups: self.groups.append(self._parse_group(mg)) def _get_functionalHomes(self, json_state): for solution, functionalHome in json_state["functionalHomes"].items(): try: solutionType = FunctionalHomeType.from_str(solution) h = None for fh in self.functionalHomes: if fh.solution == solution: h = fh break if h is None: h = self._typeFunctionalHomeMap[solutionType]( self._connection) self.functionalHomes.append(h) h.from_json(functionalHome, self.groups) except: h = FunctionalHome(self._connection) h.from_json(functionalHome, self.groups) LOGGER.warning("There is no class for functionalHome '%s' yet", solution) self.functionalHomes.append(h) def _load_functionalChannels(self): for d in self.devices: d.load_functionalChannels(self.groups) def get_functionalHome(self, functionalHomeType: type) -> FunctionalHome: """ gets the specified functionalHome Args: functionalHome(type): the type of the functionalHome which should be returned Returns: the FunctionalHome or None if it couldn't be found """ for x in self.functionalHomes: if isinstance(x, functionalHomeType): return x return None def search_device_by_id(self, deviceID) -> Device: """ searches a device by given id Args: deviceID(str): the device to search for Returns the Device object or None if it couldn't find a device """ for d in self.devices: if == deviceID: return d return None def search_group_by_id(self, groupID) -> Group: """ searches a group by given id Args: groupID(str): groupID the group to search for Returns the group object or None if it couldn't find a group """ for g in self.groups: if == groupID: return g return None def search_client_by_id(self, clientID) -> Client: """ searches a client by given id Args: clientID(str): the client to search for Returns the client object or None if it couldn't find a client """ for c in self.clients: if == clientID: return c return None def search_rule_by_id(self, ruleID) -> Rule: """ searches a rule by given id Args: ruleID(str): the rule to search for Returns the rule object or None if it couldn't find a rule """ for r in self.rules: if == ruleID: return r return None def get_security_zones_activation(self) -> (bool, bool): """ returns the value of the security zones if they are armed or not Returns internal True if the internal zone is armed external True if the external zone is armed """ internal_active = False external_active = False for g in self.groups: if isinstance(g, SecurityZoneGroup): if g.label == "EXTERNAL": external_active = elif g.label == "INTERNAL": internal_active = return internal_active, external_active def set_security_zones_activation(self, internal=True, external=True): """ this function will set the alarm system to armed or disable it Args: internal(bool): activates/deactivates the internal zone external(bool): activates/deactivates the external zone Examples: arming while being at home >>> home.set_security_zones_activation(False,True) arming without being at home >>> home.set_security_zones_activation(True,True) disarming the alarm system >>> home.set_security_zones_activation(False,False) """ data = { "zonesActivation": { "EXTERNAL": external, "INTERNAL": internal } } return self._restCall("home/security/setZonesActivation", json.dumps(data)) def set_location(self, city, latitude, longitude): data = {"city": city, "latitude": latitude, "longitude": longitude} return self._restCall("home/setLocation", json.dumps(data)) def set_intrusion_alert_through_smoke_detectors(self, activate: bool = True): """ activate or deactivate if smoke detectors should "ring" during an alarm Args: activate(bool): True will let the smoke detectors "ring" during an alarm """ data = {"intrusionAlertThroughSmokeDetectors": activate} return self._restCall( "home/security/setIntrusionAlertThroughSmokeDetectors", json.dumps(data)) def activate_absence_with_period(self, endtime: datetime): """ activates the absence mode until the given time Args: endtime(datetime): the time when the absence should automatically be disabled """ data = {"endTime": endtime.strftime("%Y_%m_%d %H:%M")} return self._restCall("home/heating/activateAbsenceWithPeriod", json.dumps(data)) def activate_absence_with_duration(self, duration: int): """ activates the absence mode for a given time Args: duration(int): the absence duration in minutes """ data = {"duration": duration} return self._restCall("home/heating/activateAbsenceWithDuration", json.dumps(data)) def deactivate_absence(self): """ deactivates the absence mode immediately""" return self._restCall("home/heating/deactivateAbsence") def activate_vacation(self, endtime: datetime, temperature: float): """ activates the vatation mode until the given time Args: endtime(datetime): the time when the vatation mode should automatically be disabled temperature(float): the settemperature during the vacation mode """ data = { "endtime": endtime.strftime("%Y_%m_%d %H:%M"), "temperature": temperature, } return self._restCall("home/heating/activateVacation", json.dumps(data)) def deactivate_vacation(self): """ deactivates the vacation mode immediately""" return self._restCall("home/heating/deactivateVacation") def set_pin(self, newPin: str, oldPin: str = None) -> dict: """ sets a new pin for the home Args: newPin(str): the new pin oldPin(str): optional, if there is currently a pin active it must be given here. Otherwise it will not be possible to set the new pin Returns: the result of the call """ if newPin == None: newPin = "" data = {"pin": newPin} if oldPin: self._connection.headers["PIN"] = str(oldPin) result = self._restCall("home/setPin", body=json.dumps(data)) if oldPin: del self._connection.headers["PIN"] return result def set_zone_activation_delay(self, delay): data = {"zoneActivationDelay": delay} return self._restCall("home/security/setZoneActivationDelay", body=json.dumps(data)) def get_security_journal(self): journal = self._restCall("home/security/getSecurityJournal") if "errorCode" in journal: LOGGER.error("Could not get the security journal. Error: %s", journal["errorCode"]) return None ret = [] for entry in journal["entries"]: try: eventType = SecurityEventType(entry["eventType"]) if eventType in self._typeSecurityEventMap: j = self._typeSecurityEventMap[eventType](self._connection) except: j = SecurityEvent(self._connection) LOGGER.warning("There is no class for %s yet", entry["eventType"]) j.from_json(entry) ret.append(j) return ret def delete_group(self, group: Group): """deletes the given group from the cloud Args: group(Group):the group to delete """ return group.delete() def get_OAuth_OTK(self): token = OAuthOTK(self._connection) token.from_json(self._restCall("home/getOAuthOTK")) return token def set_timezone(self, timezone: str): """ sets the timezone for the AP. e.g. "Europe/Berlin" Args: timezone(str): the new timezone """ data = {"timezoneId": timezone} return self._restCall("home/setTimezone", body=json.dumps(data)) def set_powermeter_unit_price(self, price): data = {"powerMeterUnitPrice": price} return self._restCall("home/setPowerMeterUnitPrice", body=json.dumps(data)) def set_zones_device_assignment(self, internal_devices, external_devices) -> dict: """ sets the devices for the security zones Args: internal_devices(List[Device]): the devices which should be used for the internal zone external_devices(List[Device]): the devices which should be used for the external(hull) zone Returns: the result of _restCall """ internal = [ for x in internal_devices] external = [ for x in external_devices] data = { "zonesDeviceAssignment": { "INTERNAL": internal, "EXTERNAL": external } } return self._restCall("home/security/setZonesDeviceAssignment", body=json.dumps(data)) def enable_events(self): websocket.enableTrace(True) self.__webSocket = websocket.WebSocketApp( self._connection.urlWebSocket, header=[ "AUTHTOKEN: {}".format(self._connection.auth_token), "CLIENTAUTH: {}".format(self._connection.clientauth_token), ], on_message=self._ws_on_message, on_error=self._ws_on_error, ) self.__webSocketThread = threading.Thread( target=self.__webSocket.run_forever) self.__webSocketThread.daemon = True self.__webSocketThread.start() def disable_events(self): self.__webSocket.close() def _ws_on_error(self, err): LOGGER.exception(err) def _ws_on_message(self, message): # json.loads doesn't support bytes as parameter before python 3.6 js = json.loads(bytes2str(message)) # LOGGER.debug(js) eventList = [] for event in js["events"].values(): try: pushEventType = EventType(event["pushEventType"]) LOGGER.debug(pushEventType) obj = None if pushEventType == EventType.GROUP_CHANGED: data = event["group"] obj = self.search_group_by_id(data["id"]) if type(obj) is MetaGroup: obj.from_json(data, self.devices, self.groups) else: obj.from_json(data, self.devices) obj.fire_update_event(data, event_type=pushEventType, obj=obj) elif pushEventType == EventType.HOME_CHANGED: data = event["home"] obj = self obj.from_json(data) obj.fire_update_event(data, event_type=pushEventType, obj=obj) elif pushEventType == EventType.CLIENT_ADDED: data = event["client"] obj = Client(self._connection) obj.from_json(data) self.clients.append(obj) elif pushEventType == EventType.CLIENT_CHANGED: data = event["client"] obj = self.search_client_by_id(data["id"]) obj.from_json(data) elif pushEventType == EventType.CLIENT_REMOVED: obj = self.search_client_by_id(event["id"]) self.clients.remove(obj) elif pushEventType == EventType.DEVICE_ADDED: data = event["device"] obj = self._parse_device(data) obj.load_functionalChannels(self.groups) self.devices.append(obj) elif pushEventType == EventType.DEVICE_CHANGED: data = event["device"] obj = self.search_device_by_id(data["id"]) if obj is None: # no DEVICE_ADDED Event? obj = self._parse_device(data) self.devices.append(obj) else: obj.from_json(data) obj.load_functionalChannels(self.groups) obj.fire_update_event(data, event_type=pushEventType, obj=obj) elif pushEventType == EventType.DEVICE_REMOVED: obj = self.search_device_by_id(event["id"]) self.devices.remove(obj) elif pushEventType == EventType.GROUP_REMOVED: obj = self.search_group_by_id(event["id"]) self.groups.remove(obj) elif pushEventType == EventType.GROUP_ADDED: group = event["group"] obj = self._parse_group(group) self.groups.append(obj) elif pushEventType == EventType.SECURITY_JOURNAL_CHANGED: pass # data is just none so nothing to do here # TODO: implement INCLUSION_REQUESTED, NONE eventList.append({"eventType": pushEventType, "data": obj}) except ValueError as valerr: LOGGER.warning("Uknown EventType '%s' Data: %s", event["pushEventType"], event) except Exception as err: LOGGER.exception(err)