Beispiel #1
def chown(vendorid, productid):

    # remove the 0x from the vendor and product id
    devid = vendorid[2:] + ':' + productid[2:]
    command = ['lsusb', '-d', devid]
    retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, raw=True)
    if retcode != 0:
        sys.stderr.write('hostusb: cannot find usb device: %s\n' % devid)

    devpath = '/dev/bus/usb/' + out[4:7] + '/' + out[15:18]

    uid, gid = get_owner(devpath)
    if uid == -1:
        sys.stderr.write('hostusb after_vm_destroy: cannot find devpath: %s '
                         'in file: %s\n' % (devpath, HOOK_HOSTUSB_PATH))

    # we don't use os.chown because we need sudo
    owner = str(uid) + ':' + str(gid)
    command = ['/bin/chown', owner, devpath]
    retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
    if retcode != 0:
        sys.stderr.write('hostusb after_vm_destroy: error chown %s to %s, '
                         'err = %s\n' % (devpath, owner, err))
Beispiel #2
def removeMirrorNetwork(networkName):
    this commands will remove our monitored network (bridge) from the queue:

    tc qdisc del dev networkName root
    tc qdisc del dev networkName ingress

    command = ['/sbin/tc', 'qdisc', 'del', 'dev', networkName, 'root']
    retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
    if retcode != 0:
        sys.stderr.write('promisc: error executing command "%s" error: %s' %
                         (command, err))

    command = ['/sbin/tc', 'qdisc', 'del', 'dev', networkName, 'ingress']
    retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
    if retcode != 0:
        sys.stderr.write('promisc: error executing command "%s" error: %s' %
                         (command, err))

    # remove promisc mode flag from the bridge
    command = ['/sbin/ifconfig', networkName, '-promisc']
    retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
    if retcode != 0:
        sys.stderr.write('promisc: error executing command "%s" error: %s' %
                         (command, err))
Beispiel #3
def chown(vendorid, productid):

    # remove the 0x from the vendor and product id
    devid = vendorid[2:] + ':' + productid[2:]
    command = ['lsusb', '-d', devid]
    retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, raw=True)
    if retcode != 0:
        sys.stderr.write('hostusb: cannot find usb device: %s\n' % devid)

    # find the device path:
    # /dev/bus/usb/xxx/xxx
    devpath = '/dev/bus/usb/' + out[4:7] + '/' + out[15:18]
    stat = os.stat(devpath)

    group = grp.getgrnam('qemu')
    gid = group.gr_gid
    user = pwd.getpwnam('qemu')
    uid = user.pw_uid

    # we don't use os.chown because we need sudo
    owner = str(uid) + ':' + str(gid)
    command = ['/bin/chown', owner, devpath]
    retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
    if retcode != 0:
        sys.stderr.write('hostusb: error chown %s to %s, err = %s\n' %
                         (devpath, owner, err))

    log_dev_owner(devpath, stat.st_uid, stat.st_gid)
Beispiel #4
def _process_network(network, attrs):
    """Applies extra ipv4 addresses to the network if necessary"""
    options = attrs['custom'].get('ipv4_addrs')
    if options is not None:
        top_dev = _top_dev(network, attrs)
        for cmd in _generate_commands(options, top_dev):
            hooking.execCmd(cmd, sudo=True)
Beispiel #5
def checkImage(path, timeout):
    Check qcow2 image using qemu-img QEMU utility

    cmd = ['/usr/bin/qemu-img', 'check', '-f', 'qcow2', path]

    # Check the image using qemu-img. Enforce check termination
    # on timeout expiration
    p = hooking.execCmd(cmd, sudo=False, raw=True, sync=False)

    if not p.wait(timeout):
        sys.stderr.write('checkimages: %s image check operation timed out.' %
        sys.stderr.write('Increate timeout or check image availability.')

    ((out, err), rc) = (p.communicate(), p.returncode)

    if rc == 0:
        sys.stderr.write('checkimages: %s image check returned: %s\n' %
                         (path, out))
        sys.stderr.write('checkimages: Error running %s command: %s\n' %
                         (' '.join(cmd), err))
Beispiel #6
def disconnectVnic(portId):
    tapName = ('tap' + portId)[:DEV_MAX_LENGTH]
    command = [EXT_BRCTL, 'delif', DUMMY_BRIDGE, tapName]
    retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)

    if retcode != 0:
        hooking.exit_hook("Can't disconnect %s from %s, due to: %s"
                          % (tapName, DUMMY_BRIDGE, err))
Beispiel #7
def _set_ethtool_opts(network, options):
    """Takes an iterable of the tokenized ethtool command line arguments and
    applies them to the network devices"""
    command = [ETHTOOL_BINARY.cmd] + options
    rc, _, err = hooking.execCmd(command)
    if rc != 0:
        raise EthtoolError('Failed to set ethtool opts (%s) for network %s. '
                           'Err: %s' % (' '.join(options), network, err))
Beispiel #8
def removeDeviceNode(devpath):

    # we don't use os.unlink because we need sudo
    command = ['/bin/rm', '-f', devpath]
    retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
    if retcode != 0:
        sys.stderr.write('directlun after_vm_destroy: error rm -f %s, '
                         'err = %s\n' % (devpath, err))
Beispiel #9
def ovs_bridge_exists(bridge):
    commands = [EXT_OVS_VSCTL, 'br-exists', bridge]
    rc, _, err = execCmd(commands)
    if rc == 0:
        return True
    elif rc == 2:
        return False
        raise Exception('\n'.join(err))
Beispiel #10
def create_image(path, size):
    Create image file
    command = ["/usr/bin/qemu-img", "create", "-f", "raw", path, size]
    retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, raw=True)
    if retcode != 0:
        sys.stderr.write("scratchpad: error running command %s, err = %s\n" % (" ".join(command), err))
    os.chmod(path, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IWGRP)
Beispiel #11
def create_image(path, size):
    Create image file
    command = ['/usr/bin/qemu-img', 'create', '-f', 'raw', path, size]
    retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, raw=True)
    if retcode != 0:
        sys.stderr.write('scratchpad: error running command %s, err = %s\n' %
                         (' '.join(command), err))
Beispiel #12
def _is_ovs_service_running():
        rc, _, _ = hooking.execCmd([OVS_CTL, 'status'])
    except OSError as err:
        # Silently ignore the missing file and consider the service as down.
        if err.errno == errno.ENOENT:
            rc = errno.ENOENT
    return rc == 0
def _run_commands(commands):
    """ If there are any needed changes in OVS network listed in commands,
    apply them. Otherwise do nothing.
    if commands:
        commands = [EXT_OVS_VSCTL, '--', '--may-exist', 'add-br',
                    BRIDGE_NAME] + commands
        log('Executing commands: %s' % ' '.join(commands))
        rc, _, err = hooking.execCmd(commands)
        if rc != 0:
            raise Exception('Executing commands failed: %s' % '\n'.join(err))
Beispiel #14
def restoreDevicePermissions(devpath):
    owner = 'root:root'
    for f in os.listdir(devpath):
        if f.startswith('resource') or f in ('rom', 'reset'):
            dev = os.path.join(devpath, f)
            command = ['/bin/chown', owner, dev]
            retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
            if retcode != 0:
                sys.stderr.write('sriov after_vm_destroy: error chown %s to '
                                 '%s, err = %s\n' % (dev, owner, err))
Beispiel #15
def _get_stp(iface):
    if iface != BRIDGE_NAME:
        return "off"

    rc, out, err = execCmd([EXT_OVS_VSCTL, "get", "Bridge", BRIDGE_NAME, "stp_enable"], sudo=True)
    if rc != 0:
    if out[0] == "true":
        return "on"
        return "off"
Beispiel #16
def _get_ovs_external_id(key):
    cmd_line = [
    return hooking.execCmd(cmd_line, sudo=True, raw=False)
Beispiel #17
def chown(nic, devpath):
    '''Uses sudo and chown to change the sriov ownership.'''
    owner = ''.join([str(pwd.getpwnam('qemu').pw_uid), ':',
    for f in os.listdir(devpath):
        if f.startswith('resource') or f in ('rom', 'reset'):
            command = ['/bin/chown', owner, os.path.join(devpath, f)]
            retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
            if retcode != 0:
                sys.stderr.write('sriov: Error %s changing ownership of %s to'
                                 'owner %s. Aborting.\n' % (err, nic, owner))
def _execCmd(cmd, exit=True):
    print('> ' + ' '.join(cmd))
    rc, out, err = execCmd(cmd)
    if rc == 0:
        for l in out:
        print('error %d' % rc)
        for l in err:
        if exit:
            raise RuntimeError()
Beispiel #19
def _get_stp(iface):
    if iface != BRIDGE_NAME:
        return 'off'

    rc, out, err = execCmd([EXT_OVS_VSCTL, 'get', 'Bridge', BRIDGE_NAME,
                            'stp_enable'], sudo=True)
    if rc != 0:
    if out[0] == 'true':
        return 'on'
        return 'off'
Beispiel #20
def freeSysHugepages(pages):
    with open(NUMBER_OF_HUGETPAGES, 'r') as f:
        currPages = int(

    if pages > 0:
        # command: sysctl vm.nr_hugepages=0
        command = ['sysctl', 'vm.nr_hugepages=%d' % (currPages - pages)]
        retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
        if retcode != 0:
            sys.stderr.write('hugepages: error in command: %s, err = %s\n' %
                             (' '.join(command), err))
def cloneDeviceNode(srcpath, devpath):
    '''Clone a device node into a temporary private location.'''

    # we don't use os.remove/mknod/chmod/chown because we need sudo
    command = ['/bin/rm', '-f', devpath]
    retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
    if retcode != 0:
        sys.stderr.write('directlun: error rm -f %s, err = %s\n' %
                         (devpath, err))

    stat = os.stat(srcpath)
    major = os.major(stat.st_rdev)
    minor = os.minor(stat.st_rdev)
    command = ['/bin/mknod', devpath, 'b', str(major), str(minor)]
    retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
    if retcode != 0:
        sys.stderr.write('directlun: error mknod %s, err = %s\n' %
                         (devpath, err))

    mode = '660'
    command = ['/bin/chmod', mode, devpath]
    retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
    if retcode != 0:
        sys.stderr.write('directlun: error chmod %s to %s, err = %s\n' %
                         (devpath, mode, err))

    group = grp.getgrnam('qemu')
    gid = group.gr_gid
    user = pwd.getpwnam('qemu')
    uid = user.pw_uid
    owner = str(uid) + ':' + str(gid)
    command = ['/bin/chown', owner, devpath]
    retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
    if retcode != 0:
        sys.stderr.write('directlun: error chown %s to %s, err = %s\n' %
                         (devpath, owner, err))
def createFloppy(filename, path, content):

    if os.path.exists(path):

    # create floppy file system
    command = ['/sbin/mkfs.msdos', '-C', path, '1440']
    retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
    if retcode != 0:
        sys.stderr.write('floppyinject-before-dest-migration: error /sbin/mkfs.msdos fs: %s\n' % err)

    owner = '36:36'
    command = ['/bin/chown', owner, path]
    retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
    if retcode != 0:
        sys.stderr.write('floppyinject-before-dest-migration: error /bin/chown: %s' % err)

    # create floppy file system
    command = ['/bin/chmod', '0770', path]
    retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
    if retcode != 0:
        sys.stderr.write('floppyinject-before-dest-migration: error /bin/chmod: %s' % err)

    # mount the floppy file
    mntpoint = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    command = ['/bin/mount', '-o', 'loop,uid=36,gid=36' , path, mntpoint]
    sys.stderr.write('shahar: %s\n' % ' '.join(command))
    retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
    if retcode != 0:
        sys.stderr.write('floppyinject-before-dest-migration: error /bin/mount: %s' % err)

    # write the file content
    contentpath = os.path.join(mntpoint, filename)
    f = open(contentpath, 'w')

    # unmounting
    command = ['/bin/umount', mntpoint]
    retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
    if retcode != 0:
        sys.stderr.write('floppyinject-before-dest-migration: error /bin/umount: %s' % err)

    # remove tempdir
    command = ['/bin/rmdir',  mntpoint]
    retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
    if retcode != 0:
        sys.stderr.write('floppyinject-before-dest-migration: error /bin/rmdir: %s' % err)
Beispiel #23
def main():
    Create lists of running networks
    and networks to be (un)configured as FCoE or removed.
    existing_fcoe_networks = _all_configured_fcoe_networks()

    changed_fcoe = {}
    changed_non_fcoe = {}
    removed_networks = {}
    custom_parameters = {}

    setup_nets_config = hooking.read_json()
    changed_all = setup_nets_config['request']['networks']

    for net, net_attr in six.iteritems(changed_all):
        custom_parameters_string = net_attr.get('custom', {}).get('fcoe', '')
        custom_parameters[net] = _parse_custom(custom_parameters_string)
        if _has_fcoe(net_attr):
            changed_fcoe[net] = net_attr.get('nic')
        elif hooking.tobool(net_attr.get('remove')):
            removed_networks[net] = net_attr.get('nic')
            changed_non_fcoe[net] = net_attr.get('nic')

    _unconfigure_removed(existing_fcoe_networks, removed_networks)
    _unconfigure_non_fcoe(existing_fcoe_networks, changed_non_fcoe)
    _reconfigure_fcoe(existing_fcoe_networks, changed_fcoe, custom_parameters)

    # TODO If services are failed to start restore previous configuration
    # and notify user
    ret, _, err = hooking.execCmd(['/bin/systemctl', 'restart', 'lldpad'])
    if ret:
        hooking.log('Failed to restart lldpad service. err = %s' % (err))

    ret, _, err = hooking.execCmd(['/bin/systemctl', 'restart', 'fcoe'])
    if ret:
        hooking.log('Failed to restart fcoe service. err = %s' % (err))
def freeSysHugepages(pages):
    with open(NUMBER_OF_HUGETPAGES, "r") as f:
        currPages = int(

    if pages > 0:
        # command: sysctl vm.nr_hugepages=0
        command = ["sysctl", "vm.nr_hugepages=%d" % (currPages - pages)]
        retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
        if retcode != 0:
                "hugepages before_vm_migraton_destination: error "
                "in command: %s, err = %s\n" % (" ".join(command), err)
def freeSysHugepages(pages):
    f = file(NUMBER_OF_HUGETPAGES, 'r')
    currPages = int(

    if pages > 0:
        # command: sysctl vm.nr_hugepages=0
        command = ['sysctl', 'vm.nr_hugepages=%d' % (currPages - pages)]
        retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
        if retcode != 0:
            sys.stderr.write('hugepages before_vm_migraton_destination: error '
                             'in command: %s, err = %s\n' %
                             (' '.join(command), err))
Beispiel #26
def _get_active_slave(bonding):
    """ Get OVS bond's active slave if there is any. Match:
    slave iface_name: enabled
        active slave

    TODO: since openvswitch 2.3.1, active slave is also listed in header of
    command output.
    rc, out, err = execCmd([EXT_OVS_APPCTL, "bond/show", bonding], sudo=True)
    if rc != 0:
    active_slave_regex = re.compile("\nslave (.*):.*\n.*active slave\n")
    active_slaves = active_slave_regex.findall("\n".join(out))
    active_slave = active_slaves[0] if len(active_slaves) > 0 else ""
    return active_slave
def createDirectory(dirpath):

    # we don't use os.mkdir/chown because we need sudo
    command = ['/bin/mkdir', '-p', dirpath]
    retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
    if retcode != 0:
        sys.stderr.write('directlun: error mkdir %s, err = %s\n' %
                         (dirpath, err))

    mode = '755'
    command = ['/bin/chmod', mode, dirpath]
    if retcode != 0:
        sys.stderr.write('directlun: error chmod %s %s, err = %s\n' %
                         (dirpath, mode, err))
Beispiel #28
def addSysHugepages(pages):
    with open(NUMBER_OF_HUGETPAGES, 'r') as f:
        currPages = int(

    totalPages = pages + currPages
    # command: sysctl vm.nr_hugepages=256
    command = ['sysctl', 'vm.nr_hugepages=%d' % totalPages]
    retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
    if retcode != 0:
        sys.stderr.write('hugepages: error in command: %s, err = %s\n' %
                         (' '.join(command), err))

    with open(NUMBER_OF_HUGETPAGES, 'r') as f:
        newCurrPages = int(

    return (newCurrPages - currPages)
def addSysHugepages(pages):
    with open(NUMBER_OF_HUGETPAGES, "r") as f:
        currPages = int(

    totalPages = pages + currPages
    # command: sysctl vm.nr_hugepages=256
    command = ["sysctl", "vm.nr_hugepages=%d" % totalPages]
    retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
    if retcode != 0:
            "hugepages before_vm_migraton_destination: error in " "command: %s, err = %s\n" % (" ".join(command), err)

    with open(NUMBER_OF_HUGETPAGES, "r") as f:
        newCurrPages = int(

    return newCurrPages - currPages
def createFloppy(filename, path, content):

    # create floppy file system
    command = ['/sbin/mkfs.msdos', '-C', path, '1440']
    retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
    if retcode != 0:
        log(format_error(command, err))
        raise Exception(format_error(command, err))

    owner = '36:36'
    command = ['/bin/chown', owner, path]
    retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
    if retcode != 0:
        raise Exception(format_error(command, err))

    command = ['/bin/chmod', '0770', path]
    retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
    if retcode != 0:
        raise Exception(format_error(command, err))

        # mount the floppy device in a tmpdir as a loopback
        mntpoint = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        command = ['/bin/mount', '-o', 'loop,uid=36,gid=36' , path, mntpoint]
        log('shahar: %s\n' % ' '.join(command))
        retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
        if retcode != 0:
            raise Exception(format_error(command, err))

        # base64 decode the content
        content = base64.decodestring(content)

        # write the file content
        contentpath = os.path.join(mntpoint, filename)
        f = open(contentpath, 'w')
        # unmount the loopback
        command = ['/bin/umount', mntpoint]
        retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
        if retcode != 0:
            # record the error, but don't die ... still need to rm tmpdir
            log("floppyinject error: %s (%s)" % (command.join(" "), err))

        # remove tempdir
        command = ['/bin/rmdir',  mntpoint]
        retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
        if retcode != 0:
            # record the error, but don't die
            log("floppyinject error: %s (%s)" % (command.join(" "), err))
Beispiel #31
def destroy_ovs_bridge():
    commands = [EXT_OVS_VSCTL, '--if-exists', 'del-br', BRIDGE_NAME]
    rc, _, err = execCmd(commands)
    if rc != 0:
        raise Exception('\n'.join(err))
Beispiel #32
def captureNetwork(networkName, ifaceName, mode):
    this commands mirror all networkName traffic to ifaceName:

    $ tc qdisc add dev networkName ingress
    $ tc filter add dev networkName parent ffff: protocol ip \
            u32 match u8 0 0 action mirred egress mirror dev ifaceName
    $ tc qdisc replace dev networkName parent root prio

    get the id and set it as the parent id of the next command
    id=`tc qdisc show dev networkName | grep prio | awk '{print $3}'`

    # set the parent id
    tc filter add dev networkName parent $id protocol ip \
            u32 match u8 0 0 action mirred egress mirror dev ifaceName

    in in-line mode we don't filter a network
    the network parameter here is a tap device for the
    security vm

    command = ['/sbin/tc', 'qdisc', 'add', 'dev', networkName, 'ingress']
    retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
    if retcode != 0:
        sys.stderr.write('promisc: error executing command "%s" error: %s' %
                         (command, err))

    command = [
        '/sbin/tc', 'filter', 'add', 'dev', networkName, 'parent', 'ffff:',
        'protocol', 'ip', 'u32', 'match', 'u8', '0', '0', 'action', 'mirred',
        'egress', mode, 'dev', ifaceName
    retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
    if retcode != 0:
        sys.stderr.write('promisc: error executing command "%s" error: %s' %
                         (command, err))

    command = [
        '/sbin/tc', 'qdisc', 'replace', 'dev', networkName, 'parent', 'root',
    retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
    if retcode != 0:
        sys.stderr.write('promisc: error executing command "%s" error: %s' %
                         (command, err))

    command = ['/sbin/tc', 'qdisc', 'show', 'dev', networkName]
    retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
    if retcode != 0:
        sys.stderr.write('promisc: error executing command "%s" error: %s' %
                         (command, err))

    # TODO: change string slicing to regex
    devId = out[11:16]
    sys.stderr.write('promisc: filtering devId=%s\n' % devId)

    command = [
        '/sbin/tc', 'filter', 'add', 'dev', networkName, 'parent', devId,
        'protocol', 'ip', 'u32', 'match', 'u8', '0', '0', 'action', 'mirred',
        'egress', mode, 'dev', ifaceName
    retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
    if retcode != 0:
        sys.stderr.write('promisc: error executing command "%s" error: %s' %
                         (command, err))

    # add promisc mode to the bridge
    command = ['/sbin/ifconfig', networkName, 'promisc']
    retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
    if retcode != 0:
        sys.stderr.write('promisc: error executing command "%s" error: %s' %
                         (command, err))
def executeOrExit(command):
    retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, sudo=True, raw=True)
    if retcode != 0:
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to execute %s, due to: %s" % (command, err))
def deviceExists(dev):
    command = [EXT_IP, 'link', 'show', 'dev', dev]
    retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(command, raw=True)
    return retcode == 0
Beispiel #35
def _get_ovs_external_id(key):
    cmd_line = [
        OVS_VSCTL, '--no-wait', '--verbose=db_ctl_base:syslog:off', 'get',
        'Open_vSwitch', '.', 'external_ids:{}'.format(key)
    return hooking.execCmd(cmd_line, sudo=True, raw=False)
Beispiel #36
def _list_ports(bridge):
    rc, out, err = execCmd([EXT_OVS_VSCTL, 'list-ports', bridge], sudo=True)
    if rc != 0:
    return out