Beispiel #1
    def test_stabilizes_theta(self):
        """Verify that the hopper stabilizes both hopping and theta"""
        from hopper_2d import Simulate2dHopper

        x0 = np.zeros(10)
        x0[1] = 2.  # in air
        x0[2] = -0.1  # start tilted a bit
        x0[4] = 0.5  # feasible leg length
        x0[5] = 0.1  # small lateral velocity
        x0[7] = -0.1  # Base running away

        T = 10

        hopper, controller, state_log = \
            Simulate2dHopper(x0 = x0,
                             duration = T,
                             desired_lateral_velocity = 0.0)

        # Three seconds used as that's safely longer than the
        # typical bouncing period of this system
        # with the default spring / bouncing controller
        index_of_last_three_seconds = \
            np.argmax(state_log.sample_times() > T-3)
        body_z_history =[1, index_of_last_three_seconds:]

        # Look at theta history across all time -- good tracking means
        # this should *never* deviate too wildly
        body_theta_history =[2, :]

        theta_lim = 0.5
        theta_was_stable = \
            np.all(body_theta_history > -theta_lim) and \
            np.all(body_theta_history < theta_lim)

        # Full leg extension is 1.5 off the ground
        theta_max_stance_height = 1.5
        z_indicates_a_bounce = \
            np.any(body_z_history > theta_max_stance_height) and \
            np.any(body_z_history <= theta_max_stance_height)

            theta_was_stable, "Theta was outside of [-%f, %f] during the "
            "last three seconds of a %f second simulation from "
            "x0 = %s, indicating your hopper didn't stabilize theta." %
            (theta_lim, theta_lim, T, np.array_str(x0)))

            "Bouncing appears to have stopped by the last three seconds "
            "of a %f second simulation from x0 = %s, as indicated by "
            "z being either always above, or always below, z=%f." %
            (T, np.array_str(x0), theta_max_stance_height))
Beispiel #2
    def test_continues_hopping(self):
        """Verify that the hopper keeps hopping for 10s"""
        from hopper_2d import Simulate2dHopper

        x0 = np.zeros(10)
        x0[1] = 2.  # in air
        x0[4] = 0.5  # feasible leg length
        x0[5] = 0.1  # initial speed

        T = 10

        hopper, controller, state_log = \
            Simulate2dHopper(x0 = x0,
                             duration = T,
                             desired_lateral_velocity = 0.0)

        # Three seconds used as that's safely longer than the
        # typical bouncing period of this system
        # with the default spring / bouncing controller
        index_of_last_three_seconds = \
            np.argmax(state_log.sample_times() > T-3)

        body_z_history =[1, index_of_last_three_seconds:]
        body_theta_history =[2, index_of_last_three_seconds]

        # Full leg extension is 1.5 off the ground
        theta_max_stance_height = 1.5
        z_indicates_a_bounce = \
            np.any(body_z_history > theta_max_stance_height) and \
            np.any(body_z_history <= theta_max_stance_height)

            "Bouncing appears to have stopped by the last three seconds "
            "of a %f second simulation from x0 = %s, as indicated by "
            "z being either always above, or always below, z=%f." %
            (T, np.array_str(x0), theta_max_stance_height))
Beispiel #3
    def test_lateral_velocity(self):
        """Verify that the hopper tracks a desired lateral velocity
           while stabilizing theta and hopping"""
        from hopper_2d import Simulate2dHopper

        x0 = np.zeros(10)
        x0[1] = 2.  # in air
        x0[4] = 0.5  # feasible leg length
        x0[5] = 0.1  # initial speed

        T = 10

        desired_lateral_velocity = 0.5

        hopper, controller, state_log = \
            Simulate2dHopper(x0 = x0,
                             duration = T,
                             desired_lateral_velocity = desired_lateral_velocity)

        # Three seconds used as that's safely longer than the
        # typical bouncing period of this system
        # with the default spring / bouncing controller
        index_of_last_three_seconds = \
            np.argmax(state_log.sample_times() > T-3)
        body_z_history =[1, index_of_last_three_seconds:]
        body_xd_history =[5, index_of_last_three_seconds:]

        # Look at theta history across all time -- good tracking means
        # this should *never* deviate too wildly
        body_theta_history =[2, :]

        theta_lim = 0.5
        theta_was_stable = \
            np.all(body_theta_history > -theta_lim) and \
            np.all(body_theta_history < theta_lim)

        # Full leg extension is 1.5 off the ground
        theta_max_stance_height = 1.5
        z_indicates_a_bounce = \
            np.any(body_z_history > theta_max_stance_height) and \
            np.any(body_z_history <= theta_max_stance_height)

        # Really liberal window on desired velocity
        min_desired_velocity = desired_lateral_velocity * 0.25
        xd_indicates_velocity_tracking = \
            np.all(body_xd_history > min_desired_velocity)

            theta_was_stable, "Theta was outside of [-%f, %f] during the "
            "last three seconds of a %f second simulation from "
            "x0 = %s, indicating your hopper didn't stabilize theta "
            "with desired lateral velocity %f." %
            (theta_lim, theta_lim, T, np.array_str(x0),

            "Bouncing appears to have stopped by the last three seconds "
            "of a %f second simulation from x0 = %s, as indicated by "
            "z being either always above, or always below, z=%f, with "
            "desired lateral velocity of %f." %
            (T, np.array_str(x0), theta_max_stance_height,

            "Velocity was not always > %f during the last three seconds "
            "of a %f second simulation from x0 = %s with desired lateral "
            "velocity %f." % (min_desired_velocity, T, np.array_str(x0),