def _mainloopUpdate(self, dt):
        app.App._mainloopUpdate(self, dt)

        for w in self._windows:
            h3d.setNodeTransform(, self._x, self._y, self._z, self._rx, self._ry, 0, 1, 1, 1)

            if self._debugViewMode:
                h3d.setOption(h3d.Options.DebugViewMode, 1.0)
                h3d.setOption(h3d.Options.DebugViewMode, 0.0)

            if self._wireframeMode:
                h3d.setOption(h3d.Options.WireframeMode, 1.0)
                h3d.setOption(h3d.Options.WireframeMode, 0.0)

            key = pyglet.window.key
            curVel = self._velocity * dt
            if w.keyboard[key.LSHIFT]:
                curVel *= 5
            if w.keyboard[key.W]:
                self._x -= sin(radians(self._ry)) * cos(-radians(self._rx)) * curVel
                self._y -= sin(-radians(self._rx)) * curVel
                self._z -= cos(radians(self._ry)) * cos(-radians(self._rx)) * curVel
            if w.keyboard[key.S]:
                self._x += sin(radians(self._ry)) * cos(-radians(self._rx)) * curVel
                self._y += sin(-radians(self._rx)) * curVel
                self._z += cos(radians(self._ry)) * cos(-radians(self._rx)) * curVel
            if w.keyboard[key.A]:
                self._x += sin(radians(self._ry - 90)) * curVel
                self._z += cos(radians(self._ry - 90)) * curVel
            if w.keyboard[key.D]:
                self._x += sin(radians(self._ry + 90)) * curVel
                self._z += cos(radians(self._ry + 90)) * curVel
            if w.keyboard[key._1]:
                self._weight += 2 * dt
                if self._weight > 1.0:
                    self._weight = 1.0
            if w.keyboard[key._2]:
                self._weight -= 2 * dt
                if self._weight < 0.0:
                    self._weight = 0.0

            break # we use only exactly ONE window

        if not self._freeze:
            self._animTime += dt

            h3d.setModelAnimParams(self._knight, 0, self._animTime * 24.0, self._weight)
            h3d.setModelAnimParams(self._knight, 1, self._animTime * 24.0, 1.0 - self._weight)

            count = h3d.findNodes(self._particleSystem, '', h3d.NodeTypes.Emitter)
            for i in range(count):
                h3d.advanceEmitterTime(h3d.getNodeFindResult(i), dt)
Beispiel #2
    def graphic_update(self, cur_fps, ani_time, weight):

        if (PIWIO.key_clicked() and PIWIO.clicked_key() == Qt.Key_F5):
            self.__mode += 1

        if PIWIO.key_clicked() and PIWIO.clicked_key() == Qt.Key_F3:
            self.change_render_mode(self.__render_mode + 1)

        if self.__mode > 0:
            name, _ = self.__rmode_dict[self.__render_mode]
            h3d.utils.showText("Pipeline: {}".format(name), 0.03, 0.24, 0.026,
                               1, 1, 1, self._h3dres.fontMat)

        if self.__mode == 3: self.__mode = 0

        h3d.setModelAnimParams(self._knight, 0, ani_time, weight)
        h3d.setModelAnimParams(self._knight, 1, ani_time, 1.0 - weight)
            h3d.ModelUpdateFlags.Animation | h3d.ModelUpdateFlags.Geometry)

        count = h3d.findNodes(self._particleSystem, '', h3d.NodeTypes.Emitter)
        for i in range(count):
            h3d.updateEmitter(h3d.getNodeFindResult(i), 1.0 / cur_fps)
Beispiel #3
    def update(self, dt):
        # Calculate distance to destination
        x = self.dx - self.px
        z = - self.pz
        d = sqrt(x * x + z * z)

        # On arrival choose a new destination for the next step
        if d <= 3.0:
            x = self.dx - self.px
            z = - self.pz
            d = sqrt(x * x + z * z)

        # Calculate normalized attraction force to destination
        self.fx = x * 0.035 / d
        self.fz = z * 0.035 / d

        # Repulsion forces from other nearby particles
        for p in self.near:
            if p == self:
            x = self.px - p.px
            z = self.pz - p.pz
            d = x * x + z * z
            if d > dms:
            d = sqrt(d)
            # Use three zones with different repulsion strengths
            if d <= d1:
                s = m1 + t1 / d
            elif d <= d2:
                s = m2 + t2 / d
                s = m3 + t3 / d
            self.fx += x * s 
            self.fz += z * s
        # Make movement frame rate independent
        dt *= 30
        self.fx *= dt
        self.fz *= dt
        # Set new position
        self.px += self.fx 
        self.pz += self.fz
        # Calculate orientation
        self.ox = (self.ox + self.fx) / 2
        self.oz = (self.oz + self.fz) / 2

        # Get rotation from orientation
        if self.oz == 0:
            ry = 0
            ry = degrees(atan2(self.ox, self.oz))
        # Update character scene node position
        h3d.setNodeTransform(self.node, self.px, 0.02, self.pz, 0, ry, 0, 1, 1, 1)
        # Update animation
        vel = sqrt(self.fx * self.fx + self.fz * self.fz)
        self.animTime += vel * 35.0
        h3d.setModelAnimParams(self.node, 0, self.animTime, 1.0)
        h3d.updateModel( self.node, h3d.ModelUpdateFlags.Animation | h3d.ModelUpdateFlags.Geometry );
Beispiel #4
    def update(self, dt):
        # Calculate distance to destination
        x = self.dx - self.px
        z = - self.pz
        d = sqrt(x * x + z * z)

        # On arrival choose a new destination for the next step
        if d <= 3.0:
            x = self.dx - self.px
            z = - self.pz
            d = sqrt(x * x + z * z)

        # Calculate normalized attraction force to destination
        self.fx = x * 0.035 / d
        self.fz = z * 0.035 / d

        # Repulsion forces from other nearby particles
        for p in self.near:
            if p == self:
            x = self.px - p.px
            z = self.pz - p.pz
            d = x * x + z * z
            if d > dms:
            d = sqrt(d)
            # Use three zones with different repulsion strengths
            if d <= d1:
                s = m1 + t1 / d
            elif d <= d2:
                s = m2 + t2 / d
                s = m3 + t3 / d
            self.fx += x * s
            self.fz += z * s

        # Make movement frame rate independent
        dt *= 30
        self.fx *= dt
        self.fz *= dt

        # Set new position
        self.px += self.fx
        self.pz += self.fz

        # Calculate orientation
        self.ox = (self.ox + self.fx) / 2
        self.oz = (self.oz + self.fz) / 2

        # Get rotation from orientation
        if self.oz == 0:
            ry = 0
            ry = degrees(atan2(self.ox, self.oz))

        # Update character scene node position
        h3d.setNodeTransform(self.node, self.px, 0.02, self.pz, 0, ry, 0, 1, 1,

        # Update animation
        vel = sqrt(self.fx * self.fx + self.fz * self.fz)
        self.animTime += vel * 35.0
        h3d.setModelAnimParams(self.node, 0, self.animTime, 1.0)
            h3d.ModelUpdateFlags.Animation | h3d.ModelUpdateFlags.Geometry)