def get_res_id_and_icon(self, only_tradeable=False, only_inventory=False):
		"""Returns a list of all resources and the matching icons.
		@param only_tradeable: return only those you can trade.
		@param only_inventory: return only those displayed in inventories.
		@return: list of tuples: (resource ids, resource icon)"""
		sql = "SELECT id FROM resource WHERE id "
		if only_tradeable:
			sql += " AND tradeable = 1 "
		if only_inventory:
			sql += " AND shown_in_inventory = 1 "
		query = self.cached_query(sql)
		format_data = lambda res: (res, get_res_icon_path(res, 50))
		return [format_data(row[0]) for row in query]
	def __init__(self, player, resource_id, amount, gold, **kwargs):
		super(TradeHistoryItem, self).__init__(**kwargs)
		self.widget = load_uh_widget('trade_history_item.xml')

		self.findChild(name='player_emblem').background_color = player.color
		self.findChild(name='player_name').text =

		gold_amount_label = self.findChild(name='gold_amount')
		gold_amount_label.text = u'{gold:+5d}'.format(gold=gold)

		gold_icon = self.findChild(name='gold_icon')
		gold_icon.image = get_res_icon_path(RES.GOLD_ID, 16)
		gold_icon.helptext = player.session.db.get_res_name(RES.GOLD_ID)

		resource_amount_label = self.findChild(name='resource_amount')
		resource_amount_label.text = u'{amount:+5d}'.format(amount=amount)

		resource_icon = self.findChild(name='resource_icon')
		resource_icon.image = get_res_icon_path(resource_id, 16)
		resource_icon.helptext = player.session.db.get_res_name(resource_id)

		self.size = self.widget.size
	def init_for_res(cls, db, res, amount=0, filled=0, use_inactive_icon=True, uncached=False):
		"""Inites the button to display the icons for res
		@param db: dbreader to get info about res icon.
		@param res: resource id
		@param amount: int amount of res (used to decide inactiveness and as text)
		@param filled: percent of fill status (values are ints in [0, 100])
		@param use_inactive_icon: wheter to use inactive icon if amount == 0
		@param uncached: force no cache. see __init__()
		@return: ImageFillStatusButton instance"""
		icon = get_res_icon_path(res, 50)
		if use_inactive_icon:
			icon_disabled = get_res_icon_path(res, 50, greyscale=True)
			icon_disabled = icon
		helptext = db.get_res_name(res)
		image = icon_disabled if amount == 0 else icon
		return cls(up_image=image, down_image=image, hover_image=image,
		           res_id = res,
		           filled = filled,
		           uncached = uncached,
	def update(self):
		weapons_added = False
		if hasattr(self.instance, 'get_weapon_storage'):
			storage = self.instance.get_weapon_storage()
			for weapon, amount in storage:
				weapons_added = True
				icon_image = get_res_icon_path(weapon, 24)
				icon_tooltip = self.instance.session.db.get_res_name(weapon)+': '+str(amount)
				icon = Icon(image = icon_image, helptext=icon_tooltip)
		if not weapons_added:
			icon_image = "content/gui/icons/resources/none.png"
			icon = Icon(image = icon_image, helptext=_("none"))
	def __init__(self, session):
		from horizons.session import Session
		assert isinstance(session, Session)
		self.session = session

		# special slot because of special properties
		self.gold_gui = load_uh_widget(self.__class__.GOLD_ENTRY_GUI_FILE, style=self.__class__.STYLE)
		self.gold_gui.child_finder = PychanChildFinder(self.gold_gui)
		self.gold_gui.findChild(name="res_icon").image = get_res_icon_path(RES.GOLD_ID, 32)

		self.gui = [] # list of slots
		self.resource_configurations = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
		self.current_instance = weakref.ref(self) # can't weakref to None
		self.construction_mode = False
		self._last_build_costs = None
		self._do_show_dummy = False


		self.session.message_bus.subscribe_globally(NewPlayerSettlementHovered, self._on_different_settlement)
	def add_resource(self, res_id, slot_id, value=None):
		Adds a resource to the specified slot
		@param res_id: int - resource id
		@param slot: int - slot number of the slot that is to be set
		self.log.debug("BuySellTab add_resource() resid: %s; slot_id %s; value: %s", \
		                                          res_id,    slot_id,    value)

		keep_hint = False
		if self.resources is not None: # Hide resource menu
			if res_id != 0: # new res
				self._set_hint( _("Set to buy or sell by clicking on that label, then adjust the amount via the slider to the right.") )
				self._set_hint( u"" )
			keep_hint = True
		slot = self.slots[slot_id]
		slider = slot.findChild(name="slider")

		if value is None: # use current slider value if player provided no input
			value = int(slider.value)
		else: # set slider to value entered by the player
			slider.value = float(value)

		if slot.action is "sell":
			if slot.res is not None: # slot has been in use before, delete old value
			if res_id != 0:
				self.add_sell_to_settlement(res_id, value,
		elif slot.action is "buy":
			if slot.res is not None: # slot has been in use before, delete old value
			if res_id != 0:
				self.add_buy_to_settlement(res_id, value,
			assert False

		button = slot.findChild(name="button")
		fillbar = slot.findChild(name="fillbar")
		# reset slot value for new res
		if res_id == 0:
			button.up_image, button.down_image, button.hover_image = [ self.dummy_icon_path ] * 3
			button.helptext = u""
			slot.findChild(name="amount").text = u""
			slot.findChild(name="slider").value = 0.0
			slot.res = None
			# hide fillbar by setting position
			icon = slot.findChild(name="icon")
			fillbar.position = (icon.width - fillbar.width - 1, icon.height)
			button = slot.findChild(name="buysell")
			button.up_image = None
			button.hover_image = None
			icon = get_res_icon_path(res_id, 50)
			icon_disabled = get_res_icon_path(res_id, 50, greyscale=True)
			button.up_image = icon
			button.down_image = icon
			button.hover_image = icon_disabled
			button.helptext = self.session.db.get_res_name(res_id)
			slot.res = res_id
			# use some python magic to assign a res attribute to the slot to
			# save which res_id it stores
			slider.capture(Callback(self.slider_adjust, res_id,
			slot.findChild(name="amount").text = unicode(value)+"t"
			icon = slot.findChild(name="icon")
			inventory = self.tradepost.get_inventory()
			filled = float(inventory[res_id]) / inventory.get_limit(res_id)
			fillbar.position = (icon.width - fillbar.width - 1,
			                    icon.height - int(icon.height*filled))
			# reuse code from toggle to finish setup (must switch state before, it will reset it)
			slot.action = "sell" if slot.action is "buy" else "buy"
			self.toggle_buysell(slot_id, keep_hint=keep_hint)
	def refresh(self):
		"""This function is called by the TabWidget to redraw the widget."""
		super(BoatbuilderTab, self).refresh()

		main_container = self.widget.findChild(name="BB_main_tab")
		container_active = main_container.findChild(name="container_active")
		container_inactive = main_container.findChild(name="container_inactive")
		progress_container = main_container.findChild(name="BB_progress_container")
		cancel_container = main_container.findChild(name="BB_cancel_container")
		needed_res_container = self.widget.findChild(name="BB_needed_resources_container")

		# a boatbuilder is considered active here if it build sth, no matter if it's paused
		production_lines = self.producer.get_production_lines()

		if production_lines:

			if cancel_container is None:
				cancel_container = main_container.cancel_container

			if needed_res_container is None:
				main_container.insertChildBefore(main_container.needed_res_container, cancel_container)
				needed_res_container = main_container.needed_res_container

			# Set progress
			if progress_container is None:
				main_container.insertChildBefore( main_container.progress_container, self.widget.findChild(name="BB_needed_resources_container"))
				progress_container = main_container.progress_container

			progress = self.producer.get_production_progress()
			self.widget.findChild(name='progress').progress = progress*100
			self.widget.findChild(name='BB_progress_perc').text = unicode(math.floor(progress*100))+u"%"

			# remove other container, but save it
			if container_inactive is not None:
				main_container.container_inactive = container_inactive
				main_container.removeChild( container_inactive )
			if container_active is None:
				main_container.insertChildBefore( main_container.container_active, progress_container)
				container_active = main_container.container_active

			# Update boatbuilder queue
			queue = self.producer.get_unit_production_queue()
			queue_container = container_active.findChild(name="queue_container")
			for i in enumerate(queue):
				place_in_queue, unit_type = i
				image = self.__class__.SHIP_THUMBNAIL.format(type_id=unit_type)
				helptext = _(u"{ship} (place in queue: {place})").format(
				               place=place_in_queue+1 )
				# people don't count properly, always starting at 1..
				icon_name = "queue_elem_"+str(place_in_queue)
				icon = Icon(name=icon_name, image=image, helptext=helptext)
				  Callback(RemoveFromQueue(self.producer, place_in_queue).execute, self.instance.session),
				queue_container.addChild( icon )

			# Set built ship info
			produced_unit_id = self.producer._get_production(production_lines[0]).get_produced_units().keys()[0]
			produced_unit_id = self.producer._get_production(production_lines[0]).get_produced_units().keys()[0]
			(name,) = self.instance.session.db.cached_query("SELECT name FROM unit WHERE id = ?", produced_unit_id)[0]
			container_active.findChild(name="headline_BB_builtship_label").text = _(name)
			container_active.findChild(name="BB_cur_ship_icon").helptext = "Storage: 4 slots, 120t \nHealth: 100"
			container_active.findChild(name="BB_cur_ship_icon").image = "content/gui/images/objects/ships/116/%s.png" % (produced_unit_id)

			button_active = container_active.findChild(name="toggle_active_active")
			button_inactive = container_active.findChild(name="toggle_active_inactive")

			if not self.producer.is_active(): # if production is paused
				# remove active button, if it's there, and save a reference to it
				if button_active is not None:
					container_active.button_active = button_active
					container_active.removeChild( button_active )
				# restore inactive button, if it isn't in the gui
				if button_inactive is None:
					# insert at the end
					container_active.insertChild(container_active.button_inactive, \
				  'toggle_active_inactive' : Callback(self.producer.set_active, active=True)
				# TODO: make this button do sth
				# remove inactive button, if it's there, and save a reference to it
				if button_inactive is not None:
					container_active.button_inactive = button_inactive
					container_active.removeChild( button_inactive )
				# restore active button, if it isn't in the gui
				if button_active is None:
					# insert at the end
					container_active.insertChild(container_active.button_active, \

				  'toggle_active_active' : Callback(self.producer.set_active, active=False)
			upgrades_box = container_active.findChild(name="BB_upgrades_box")
			for child in upgrades_box.children[:]:
#			upgrades_box.addChild( pychan.widgets.Label(text=u"+ love") )
#			upgrades_box.addChild( pychan.widgets.Label(text=u"+ affection") )
# no upgrades in 2010.1 release ---^

			# Update needed resources
			production = self.producer.get_productions()[0]
			still_needed_res = production.get_consumed_resources()
			# Now sort!
			still_needed_res = sorted(still_needed_res.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
			main_container.findChild(name="BB_needed_res_label").text = _('Resources still needed:')
			i = 0
			for res, amount in still_needed_res:
				if amount == 0:
					continue # Don't show res that are not really needed anymore
				assert i <= 3, "Only 3 still needed res for ships are currently supported"

				icon_path = get_res_icon_path(res, 16)
				needed_res_container.findChild(name="BB_needed_res_icon_"+str(i+1)).image = icon_path
				needed_res_container.findChild(name="BB_needed_res_lbl_"+str(i+1)).text = unicode(-1*amount)+u't' # -1 makes them positive
				i += 1
				if i >= 3:
			for j in xrange(i, 3):
				# these are not filled by a resource, so we need to make it invisible
				needed_res_container.findChild(name="BB_needed_res_icon_"+str(j+1)).image = None
				needed_res_container.findChild(name="BB_needed_res_lbl_"+str(j+1)).text = u""

			cancel_button = self.widget.findChild(name="BB_cancel_button")
			  Callback(CancelCurrentProduction(self.producer).execute, self.instance.session),

		else: # display sth when nothing is produced
			# remove other container, but save it
			if container_active is not None:
				main_container.container_active = container_active
				main_container.removeChild( container_active )
			if container_inactive is None:
				main_container.insertChildBefore( main_container.container_inactive, progress_container)
				container_inactive = main_container.container_inactive

			if progress_container is not None:
				main_container.progress_container = progress_container

			if needed_res_container is not None:
				main_container.needed_res_container = needed_res_container

			if cancel_container is not None:
				main_container.cancel_container = cancel_container

	def set_inventory_instance(self, instance, keep_construction_mode=False, force_update=False):
		"""Display different inventory. May change resources that are displayed"""
		if self.current_instance() is instance and not self.construction_mode and not force_update:
			return # caller is drunk yet again
		if self.construction_mode and not keep_construction_mode:
			# stop construction mode, immediately update view, which will be a normal view

		# reconstruct general gui

		# remove old gui (keep entries for reuse)
		for i in self.gui:

		inv = self._get_current_inventory()
		if inv is not None:

		if instance in (None, self): # show nothing instead
			self.current_instance = weakref.ref(self) # can't weakref to None
			self._do_show_dummy = False # don't save dummy value

		self.current_instance = weakref.ref(instance)

		# construct new slots (fill values later)
		load_entry = lambda : load_uh_widget(self.ENTRY_GUI_FILE, style=self.__class__.STYLE)
		initial_offset = 93
		offset = 52
		resources = self._get_current_resources()
		addition = [-1] if self._do_show_dummy or not resources else [] # add dummy at end for adding stuff
		for i, res in enumerate( resources + addition ):
			try: # get old slot
				entry = self.gui[i]
				if res == -1: # can't reuse dummy slot, need default data
					self.gui[i] = entry = load_entry()
			except IndexError: # need new one
				entry = load_entry()

			entry.findChild(name="entry").position = (initial_offset + offset * i, 17)
			background_icon = entry.findChild(name="background_icon")
			background_icon.add_entered_callback( Callback(self._show_resource_selection_dialog, i) )

			if res != -1:
				helptext = self.session.db.get_res_name(res)
				icon = entry.findChild(name="res_icon")
				icon.num = i
				icon.image = get_res_icon_path(res, 24)
				icon.capture(self._on_res_slot_click, event_name = 'mouseClicked')
				helptext = _("Click to add a new slot") # this will not be filled as the other res
			background_icon.helptext = helptext

			# show it just when values are entered, this appeases pychan

		# fill values
		inv = self._get_current_inventory()
		# update on all changes as well as now
		inv.add_change_listener(self._update_resources, call_listener_now=True)