Beispiel #1
def get_chipscores(hsA, hsB, count2rr_AB):
    Input: Two database handles and queries from A to B
    Output: Matrix of chip scores. As well as 
    num_results = -1  # ensure there are N top results 
    num_queries = len(count2rr_AB)
    # Get top scores of result
    chipscore_list = [[] for _ in xrange(num_queries)]
    # Indicator as to if chipscore was a true positive
    isscoreTP_list = [[] for _ in xrange(num_queries)]
    for count in xrange(num_queries):
        rr = count2rr_AB[count]
        res = QueryResult(hsB, rr, hsA)
        top_scores = res.top_scores()
        gtpos_full = res.get_groundtruth_ranks()
        gtpos_full = [] if gtpos_full is None else gtpos_full
        gtpos_list = []
        for gt_pos in gtpos_full:
            if num_results == -1 or gt_pos < num_results:
        isscoreTP_list[count] = gtpos_list
        chipscore_list[count] = top_scores

    num_results = len(chipscore_list[0])
    assert np.all(num_results == np.array([len(_) for _ in chipscore_list])), \
            'There must be the same number of results'
    chipscore_data = np.array(chipscore_list)
    ischipscore_TP = np.zeros((num_queries, num_results), dtype=np.bool)
    for count in xrange(num_queries):
        gtpos_list = [isscoreTP_list[count]]
        ischipscore_TP[count][gtpos_list] = 1
    return chipscore_data, ischipscore_TP
Beispiel #2
def viz_threshold_matchings(hsA, hsB, count2rr_AB, thresh_out_dir):
    'returns database, cx, database cx'
    import numpy as np
    valid_cxsB =
    num_matching = 0

    MATCH_THRESHOLD = __method_2_matchthresh__.get(__METHOD__, 10)
    results_name = get_results_name(hsA, hsB)
    print('  * Visualizing threshold matchings ' + results_name +
          ' give it some time to plot...')
    threshdb_out_dir = join_mkdir(thresh_out_dir, results_name)
    # For each query run in hsA vs hsB
    for count in xrange(len(count2rr_AB)):
        rr = count2rr_AB[count]
        qcx = rr.qcx
        res = QueryResult(hsB, rr, hsA)
        qname =
        # Set matching threshold
        res.top_thresh = MATCH_THRESHOLD
        res.num_top_min = 0
        res.num_top_max = 5
        res.num_extra_return = 0
        # Check to see if any matched over the threshold
        top_cxs = res.top_cx()
        top_names =
        top_scores = res.scores()[top_cxs]
        if len(top_cxs) > 0:
            # Visualize the result
            # Stupid segfaults #if qcx == 113: #41: #import IPython #IPython.embed() # Get the scores
            num_matching += 1
            # Create a filename showing dataset, score, cx, match names
            matchname_set = \
                    set([name.replace('Lionfish','') for name in (top_names+[qname])])
            matchnames = '-'.join(list(matchname_set))
            scorestr = str(int(round(top_scores[0])))

            fig_fname = '-'.join([
                results_name, 'score' + scorestr, 'cx' + str(qcx),
                'MATCHES' + matchnames
            ]) + '.jpg'

            fig = myfigure(0)
            fig_fpath = join(threshdb_out_dir, fig_fname)
            safe_savefig(fig, fig_fpath)
    print('  * Visualized %d above thresh: %f from expt: %s ' %
          (num_matching, MATCH_THRESHOLD, results_name))
Beispiel #3
def write_all_chipscore_results(hsA, hsB, count2rr_AB, txt_output_fpath):
    txt_header = '''#<COMMENTED_XML_HEADER>
#  <filename>
#    ''' + txt_output_fpath + '''
#  </filename>
#  <description> 
#    Sorted Query Results. The results are stored in the format:
#    The first line gives the query image name, the next lines are 
#    a sorted list of result image names and scores. Queries are 
#    separated by two new lines. 
#  </description>
#  <data_format>
#    queryA
#    resultA1 scoreA1
#    resultA2 scoreA2
#    resultA3 scoreA3
#    ...
#    queryB-gname
#    resultB1 scoreB1
#    resultB2 scoreB2
#    resultB3 scoreB3
#    ...
#    ...
#  </data_format>

    txt_body = ''
    for count in range(len(count2rr_AB)):
        rr = count2rr_AB[count]
        res = QueryResult(hsB, rr, hsA)
        txt_body += + '\n'
        top_cxs = res.cx_sort()
        scores = res.scores()
        output_tup_list = []
        for cx in top_cxs:
            output_tup_list.append((, scores[cx]))
        output_tup_list.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[1])
        output_tup_list = output_tup_list[::-1]
        for tup in output_tup_list:
            txt_body += tup[0] + ' ' + str(tup[1]) + '\n'
        txt_body += '\n'
    with open(txt_output_fpath, 'w') as file:
Beispiel #4
def write_all_chipscore_results(hsA, hsB, count2rr_AB, txt_output_fpath):
    txt_header = '''#<COMMENTED_XML_HEADER>
#  <filename>
#    '''+txt_output_fpath+'''
#  </filename>
#  <description> 
#    Sorted Query Results. The results are stored in the format:
#    The first line gives the query image name, the next lines are 
#    a sorted list of result image names and scores. Queries are 
#    separated by two new lines. 
#  </description>
#  <data_format>
#    queryA
#    resultA1 scoreA1
#    resultA2 scoreA2
#    resultA3 scoreA3
#    ...
#    queryB-gname
#    resultB1 scoreB1
#    resultB2 scoreB2
#    resultB3 scoreB3
#    ...
#    ...
#  </data_format>

    txt_body = ''
    for count in range(len(count2rr_AB)):
        rr = count2rr_AB[count]
        res = QueryResult(hsB, rr, hsA)
        txt_body +='\n'
        top_cxs = res.cx_sort()
        scores = res.scores()
        output_tup_list = []
        for cx in top_cxs:
            output_tup_list.append((, scores[cx]))
        output_tup_list.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[1]) 
        output_tup_list = output_tup_list[::-1]
        for tup in output_tup_list:
            txt_body += tup[0]+' '+str(tup[1])+'\n'
    with open(txt_output_fpath,'w') as file:
Beispiel #5
 def run_all_queries(em):
     cm, vm = em.hs.get_managers('cm', 'vm')
     all_cxs = cm.get_valid_cxs()
     cx2_rr = em.batch_query(force_recomp=em.recompute_bit,
     em.cx2_res = np.array([  [] if rr == [] else\
                        QueryResult(em.hs,rr) for rr in cx2_rr])
Beispiel #6
 def query(hs, qcid, qhs=None):
     Runs query against this database with cid. 
     If hsother is specified uses the chip from that database
     qhs = hs if qhs is None else qhs
     qcx =
     rawres = hs.qm.cx2_rr(qcx, qhs)
     return QueryResult(hs, rawres, qhs)
Beispiel #7
def viz_threshold_matchings(hsA, hsB, count2rr_AB, thresh_out_dir):
    'returns database, cx, database cx'
    import numpy as np
    valid_cxsB =
    num_matching = 0
    MATCH_THRESHOLD = __method_2_matchthresh__.get(__METHOD__, 10)
    results_name = get_results_name(hsA, hsB)
    print('  * Visualizing threshold matchings '+results_name+' give it some time to plot...')
    threshdb_out_dir = join_mkdir(thresh_out_dir, results_name)
    # For each query run in hsA vs hsB
    for count in xrange(len(count2rr_AB)):
        rr    = count2rr_AB[count]
        qcx   = rr.qcx
        res   = QueryResult(hsB, rr, hsA)
        qname =
        # Set matching threshold
        res.top_thresh       = MATCH_THRESHOLD
        res.num_top_min      = 0
        res.num_top_max      = 5
        res.num_extra_return = 0
        # Check to see if any matched over the threshold
        top_cxs    = res.top_cx()
        top_names  =
        top_scores = res.scores()[top_cxs]
        if len(top_cxs) > 0:
            # Visualize the result
            # Stupid segfaults #if qcx == 113: #41: #import IPython #IPython.embed() # Get the scores
            num_matching += 1
            # Create a filename showing dataset, score, cx, match names
            matchname_set = \
                    set([name.replace('Lionfish','') for name in (top_names+[qname])])
            matchnames = '-'.join(list(matchname_set))
            scorestr = str(int(round(top_scores[0])))

            fig_fname = '-'.join([results_name,

            fig = myfigure(0)
            fig_fpath = join(threshdb_out_dir, fig_fname)
            safe_savefig(fig, fig_fpath)
    print('  * Visualized %d above thresh: %f from expt: %s ' % (num_matching,
Beispiel #8
def get_chipscores(hsA, hsB, count2rr_AB):
    Input: Two database handles and queries from A to B
    Output: Matrix of chip scores. As well as 
    num_results = -1  # ensure there are N top results
    num_queries = len(count2rr_AB)
    # Get top scores of result
    chipscore_list = [[] for _ in xrange(num_queries)]
    # Indicator as to if chipscore was a true positive
    isscoreTP_list = [[] for _ in xrange(num_queries)]
    for count in xrange(num_queries):
        rr = count2rr_AB[count]
        res = QueryResult(hsB, rr, hsA)
        top_scores = res.top_scores()
        gtpos_full = res.get_groundtruth_ranks()
        gtpos_full = [] if gtpos_full is None else gtpos_full
        gtpos_list = []
        for gt_pos in gtpos_full:
            if num_results == -1 or gt_pos < num_results:
        isscoreTP_list[count] = gtpos_list
        chipscore_list[count] = top_scores

    num_results = len(chipscore_list[0])
    assert np.all(num_results == np.array([len(_) for _ in chipscore_list])), \
            'There must be the same number of results'
    chipscore_data = np.array(chipscore_list)
    ischipscore_TP = np.zeros((num_queries, num_results), dtype=np.bool)
    for count in xrange(num_queries):
        gtpos_list = [isscoreTP_list[count]]
        ischipscore_TP[count][gtpos_list] = 1
    return chipscore_data, ischipscore_TP
Beispiel #9
 def run_singleton_queries(em):
     '''Quick experiment:
        Query each chip with a duplicate against whole database
        Do not remove anyone from ANN matching'''
     cm, vm = em.hs.get_managers('cm', 'vm')
     valid_cx = cm.get_valid_cxs()
     cx2_num_other = cm.cx2_num_other_chips(valid_cx)
     singleton_cx = valid_cx[cx2_num_other == 1]  # find singletons
     duplicate_cx = valid_cx[cx2_num_other > 1]  # find matchables
     cx2_rr = em.batch_query(force_recomp=em.recompute_bit,
     em.cx2_res = np.array([  [] if rr == [] else\
                        QueryResult(em.hs,rr) for rr in cx2_rr])
Beispiel #10
    def run_matching_experiment(em,
        '''Quick experiment:
           Query each chip with a duplicate against whole database
           Do not remove anyone from ANN matching'''
        import os
        logmsg('Running Quick Experiment: ' + expt_name)
        hs = em.hs
        am, cm, vm, qm, iom, dm = hs.get_managers('am', 'cm', 'vm', 'qm',
                                                  'iom', 'dm')
        with_ellipses = True
        with_points = False
        with_full_results = False
        with_ellipse_and_points = False
        # Create an Experiment Directory in .hs_internals/computed
        timestamp = iom.get_timestamp()
        expt_dpath = iom.ensure_directory(
            iom.get_user_fpath('_'.join(['expt', expt_name, timestamp])))
        expt_img_dpath = iom.ensure_directory(
            os.path.join(expt_dpath, 'result_images'))
        expt_rr_dpath = iom.ensure_directory(
            os.path.join(expt_dpath, 'raw_results'))

        # Write Algorithm Settings to the file
        algo_prefs_text = am.get_algo_name('all')
        algo_prefs_fpath = os.path.join(expt_dpath, 'algo_prefs.txt')
        iom.write(algo_prefs_fpath, algo_prefs_text)

        vm.build_model()  # Defaults to building model of all

        prev_ell = dm.draw_prefs.ellipse_bit
        prev_pts = dm.draw_prefs.points_bit

        dm.fignum = 1

        # Create Matches File To Append to
        with open(os.path.join(expt_dpath, 'matches.txt'), 'a') as file:
            for cx in iter(cm.get_valid_cxs()):
                # Preform Query
                res = QueryResult(qm.hs, qm.cx2_rr(cx))
                # Get Query Info
                qcid, gname = cm.cx2_(res.rr.qcx, 'cid', 'gname')
                # Get Result Info
                (tcid, tgname, tscore) = res.tcid2_('cid', 'gname', 'score')
                # Print Query Info
                outstr = 'QUERY,    gname=%s, cid=%4d' % (gname, qcid)
                print outstr
                file.write(outstr + '\n')
                # Print Result Info
                if len(tscore) == 0:
                    maxsim = 0  # Best Score
                if len(tscore) > 0:
                    maxsim = tscore[0]  # Best Score
                for (rank, tup) in enumerate(
                        zip(*[x.tolist() for x in (tgname, tcid, tscore)])):
                    outstr = '  rank=%d, gname=%s, cid=%4d, score=%7.2f' % tuple(
                        [rank + 1] + list(tup))
                    print outstr
                    file.write(outstr + '\n')
                print ''
                # Output Images
                query_name = 'sim=%07.2f-qcid=%d.png' % (maxsim, qcid)
                if with_full_results:
                    #import shelve
          , 'rr_'+query_name+'.shelf')
                    #import cPickle
                    #rr = res.rr
                    #cPickle.dump(, rr)
                if with_images:
                    dm.draw_prefs.ellipse_bit = False
                    dm.draw_prefs.points_bit = False
                    dm.draw_prefs.bbox_bit = False
                        os.path.join(expt_img_dpath, 'img_' + query_name))
                    if with_ellipses:
                        dm.draw_prefs.ellipse_bit = True
                        dm.draw_prefs.points_bit = False
                                         'ellipse_' + query_name))
                    if with_points:
                        dm.draw_prefs.ellipse_bit = False
                        dm.draw_prefs.points_bit = True
                                         'point_' + query_name))
                    if with_ellipse_and_points:
                        dm.draw_prefs.ellipse_bit = True
                        dm.draw_prefs.points_bit = True
                            os.path.join(expt_img_dpath, 'both_' + query_name))
        logmsg('Finished Matching Experiment: ' + expt_name)
        timestamp = iom.get_timestamp()
        iom.write(os.path.join(expt_dpath, 'Finished_' + str(timestamp)),
                  timestamp + '\n' + em.hs.get_database_stat_str())
        prev_ell = dm.draw_prefs.ellipse_bit
        prev_pts = dm.draw_prefs.points_bit
Beispiel #11
    def run_matching_experiment(em, expt_name='MatchingExperiment',
        '''Quick experiment:
           Query each chip with a duplicate against whole database
           Do not remove anyone from ANN matching'''
        import os
        logmsg('Running Quick Experiment: '+expt_name)
        hs = em.hs
        am, cm, vm, qm, iom, dm = hs.get_managers('am', 'cm','vm', 'qm', 'iom', 'dm')
        with_ellipses = True
        with_points   = False
        with_full_results = False
        with_ellipse_and_points  = False
        # Create an Experiment Directory in .hs_internals/computed
        timestamp  = iom.get_timestamp()
        expt_dpath = iom.ensure_directory(iom.get_user_fpath('_'.join(['expt',expt_name,timestamp])))
        expt_img_dpath = iom.ensure_directory(os.path.join(expt_dpath, 'result_images'))
        expt_rr_dpath  = iom.ensure_directory(os.path.join(expt_dpath, 'raw_results'))

        # Write Algorithm Settings to the file
        algo_prefs_text = am.get_algo_name('all')
        algo_prefs_fpath = os.path.join(expt_dpath, 'algo_prefs.txt')
        iom.write(algo_prefs_fpath, algo_prefs_text)
        vm.build_model() # Defaults to building model of all

        prev_ell = dm.draw_prefs.ellipse_bit
        prev_pts = dm.draw_prefs.points_bit

        dm.fignum = 1

        # Create Matches File To Append to
        with open(os.path.join(expt_dpath,'matches.txt'), 'a') as file:
            for cx in iter(cm.get_valid_cxs()):
                # Preform Query
                res = QueryResult(qm.hs, qm.cx2_rr(cx))
                # Get Query Info
                qcid, gname = cm.cx2_(res.rr.qcx, 'cid', 'gname')
                # Get Result Info
                (tcid , tgname  , tscore ) = res.tcid2_('cid','gname','score')
                # Print Query Info
                outstr = 'QUERY,    gname=%s, cid=%4d' % (gname, qcid)
                print outstr 
                # Print Result Info
                if len(tscore) == 0:
                    maxsim = 0 # Best Score
                if len(tscore) > 0:
                    maxsim = tscore[0] # Best Score
                for (rank, tup) in enumerate(zip(*[x.tolist() for x in (tgname, tcid, tscore )])):
                    outstr = '  rank=%d, gname=%s, cid=%4d, score=%7.2f' % tuple([rank+1]+list(tup))
                    print outstr 
                print ''
                # Output Images
                query_name = 'sim=%07.2f-qcid=%d.png' % (maxsim, qcid)
                if with_full_results:
                    #import shelve
          , 'rr_'+query_name+'.shelf')
                    #import cPickle
                    #rr = res.rr
                    #cPickle.dump(, rr)
                if with_images:
                    dm.draw_prefs.ellipse_bit = False
                    dm.draw_prefs.points_bit  = False
                    dm.draw_prefs.bbox_bit = False
                    dm.save_fig(os.path.join(expt_img_dpath, 'img_'+query_name))
                    if with_ellipses:
                        dm.draw_prefs.ellipse_bit = True
                        dm.draw_prefs.points_bit  = False
                        dm.save_fig(os.path.join(expt_img_dpath, 'ellipse_'+query_name))
                    if with_points:
                        dm.draw_prefs.ellipse_bit = False
                        dm.draw_prefs.points_bit  = True
                        dm.save_fig(os.path.join(expt_img_dpath, 'point_'+query_name))
                    if with_ellipse_and_points:
                        dm.draw_prefs.ellipse_bit = True
                        dm.draw_prefs.points_bit  = True
                        dm.save_fig(os.path.join(expt_img_dpath, 'both_'+query_name))
        logmsg('Finished Matching Experiment: '+expt_name)
        timestamp  = iom.get_timestamp()
        iom.write(os.path.join(expt_dpath, 'Finished_'+str(timestamp)), timestamp+'\n'+em.hs.get_database_stat_str())
        prev_ell = dm.draw_prefs.ellipse_bit
        prev_pts = dm.draw_prefs.points_bit