Beispiel #1
def test_none_with_none_as_default():
    class ProcMan:
        schedule: Union[str, None] = field(default=None)
        children_ids: List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
        node_context: dict = field(default_factory=dict)

    config = {'children_ids': []}
    process_config = howard.from_dict(config, ProcMan)

    # This would cause an error if a default value is actually "none
Beispiel #2
def test_with_advanced_typed_dict():
    class TypedDictTest:
        pair: List[TypedDict('pair', {'drink': Drink, 'card': Card})]

    data = {
        'pair': [{
            'drink': {
                'name': 'milk'
            'card': {
                'rank': 5,
                'suit': 'h'
        }, {
            'drink': {
                'name': 'gin'
            'card': {
                'rank': 12,
                'suit': 's'

    result = howard.from_dict(data, TypedDictTest)
    assert isinstance(result, TypedDictTest)
    assert isinstance(result.pair, list)
    assert isinstance(result.pair[0], dict)
    assert isinstance(result.pair[0]['drink'], Drink)
    assert isinstance(result.pair[0]['card'], Card)

    test_dict = howard.to_dict(result)
    assert isinstance(test_dict, dict)
Beispiel #3
def test_strip_out_internal_fields():
    class Test3:
        a: int
        b: str = field(default='', metadata={'internal': True})

    t = Test3(a=1, b='3')
    result = howard.to_dict(t)
    assert 'b' not in result
Beispiel #4
def test_strip_out_public():
    class Test2:
        a: int
        b: str
        _c: str

    t = Test2(a=1, b='2', _c='3')
    result = howard.to_dict(t, public_only=True)

    assert result.get('a') == 1
    assert result.get('b') == '2'
    assert '_c' not in result
Beispiel #5
def test_with_typed_dict_total_false():
    class TypedDictTest:
        sub: List[TypedDict('sub', {'key1': str, 'key2': int}, total=False)]

    data = {'sub': [{'key1': 'hello'}]}
    result = howard.from_dict(data, TypedDictTest)
    assert isinstance(result, TypedDictTest)
    assert isinstance(result.sub, list)
    assert isinstance(result.sub[0], dict)

    test_dict = howard.to_dict(result)
    assert isinstance(test_dict, dict)
    assert isinstance(test_dict['sub'], list)
Beispiel #6
def test_datetime_to_from_dict():
    class DateTimeTest:
        my_date: datetime

    data = {'my_date': '1994-11-05T13:15:30Z'}
    # marshal into DateTimeTest object
    test_datetime = howard.from_dict(data, DateTimeTest)
    # make sure it is a datetime and the right year (should be right beyond that)
    assert type(test_datetime.my_date) is datetime
    assert test_datetime.my_date.year == 1994

    # Then go back to a dict and make sure we didn't lose any data for the datetime.
    new_dict = howard.to_dict(test_datetime)
    assert '1994-11-05T13:15:30' in new_dict.get('my_date')
Beispiel #7
def test_custom_field_encoding():
    def encode_date(d: date) -> str:
        return d.isoformat()

    class Person:
        name: str
        dob: date = field(metadata=dict(howard=dict(encoder=encode_date)))

    bob = Person(name='Bob', dob=date(2020, 1, 1))

    expected_dob = '2020-01-01'
    data = howard.to_dict(bob)

    assert data['dob'] == expected_dob
Beispiel #8
def test_with_literals():
    class LiteralCard:
        rank: int
        suit: Literal['heart', 'spade', 'diamond', 'club']

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        # suit isn't valid
        howard.from_dict({'rank': 13, 'suit': 'other'}, LiteralCard)

    result = howard.from_dict({'rank': 13, 'suit': 'spade'}, LiteralCard)
    assert isinstance(result, LiteralCard)

    final = howard.to_dict(result)
    assert isinstance(final, dict)
    assert isinstance(final['suit'], str)
Beispiel #9
def test_multipart_field_encoding_decoding():
    def seq_to_date(s: Sequence[int]) -> date:
        year, month, day = s
        return date(year, month, day)

    def date_to_seq(d: date) -> Sequence:
        return (d.year, d.month,

    date_field = field(metadata=dict(
        howard=dict(decoder=seq_to_date, encoder=date_to_seq)))

    class Person:
        name: str
        dob: date = date_field

    data = {'name': 'Alice', 'dob': (2020, 1, 15)}
    expected_dob = date(2020, 1, 15)
    alice = howard.from_dict(data, Person)
    assert alice.dob == expected_dob
    # Test roundtrip:
    assert howard.to_dict(alice) == data
Beispiel #10
def test_dict_is_same_coming_back(d, t):
    obj = howard.from_dict(d, t)
    assert obj
    assert d == howard.to_dict(obj)
Beispiel #11
def test_optional_type_set():
    drink = {'name': 'scotch', 'glass_type': 'lowball'}
    obj = howard.from_dict(drink, Drink)
    assert isinstance(obj, Drink)
    assert 'lowball' == obj.glass_type
    assert {'name': 'scotch', 'glass_type': 'lowball'} == howard.to_dict(obj)