class HRP2ContactGenerator(AbstractContactGenerator):
    def __init__(self, path_planner):
        self.robustness = 1
        self.robot_node_name = "hrp2_14"

    def load_fullbody(self):
        from hpp.corbaserver.rbprm.hrp2 import Robot
        self.fullbody = Robot()
        self.q_ref = self.fullbody.referenceConfig[::] + [0] * self.path_planner.extra_dof
        self.weight_postural = self.fullbody.postureWeights[::] + [0] * self.path_planner.extra_dof
        self.fullbody.limbs_names=[self.fullbody.rLegId, self.fullbody.lLegId]

    def set_joints_bounds(self):
        # increase min bounds on knee, required to stay in the 'comfort zone' of the stabilizer
        self.fullbody.setJointBounds("LLEG_JOINT3", [0.4, 2.61799])
        self.fullbody.setJointBounds("RLEG_JOINT3", [0.4, 2.61799])

    def init_viewer(self):
        self.v.addLandmark('hrp2_14/base_link', 0.3)
Beispiel #2
from hpp.corbaserver.rbprm.hrp2 import Robot
from hpp.gepetto import Viewer
from tools.display_tools import *
import time

print "Plan guide trajectory ..."
import hrp2_flatGround_path as tp

print "Done."
import time

pId = - 1
fullBody = Robot()

# Set the bounds for the root
fullBody.setJointBounds("root_joint", [-5, 5, -1.5, 1.5, 0.5, 0.8])
    "LLEG_JOINT3", [0.4, 2.61799]
)  # increase min bounds on knee, required to stay in the 'comfort zone' of the stabilizer
fullBody.setJointBounds("RLEG_JOINT3", [0.4, 2.61799])
# TODO : fix rot y legs
# add the 6 extraDof for velocity and acceleration (see * script)
    -tp.vMax, tp.vMax, -tp.vMax, tp.vMax, 0, 0, -tp.aMax, tp.aMax, -tp.aMax,
    tp.aMax, 0, 0
ps = tp.ProblemSolver(fullBody)
ps.setParameter("Kinodynamic/velocityBound", tp.vMax)
ps.setParameter("Kinodynamic/accelerationBound", tp.aMax)
#load the viewer
from hpp.corbaserver.rbprm.hrp2 import Robot
from hpp.gepetto import Viewer
from tools.display_tools import *
import time
print "Plan guide trajectory ..."
import hrp2_plateformes_path as tp
print "Done."
import time

pId = - 1
fullBody = Robot()

# Set the bounds for the root
fullBody.setJointBounds("root_joint", [-5, 5, -1.5, 1.5, 0.65, 0.9])
# add the 6 extraDof for velocity and acceleration (see * script)
    -tp.vMax, tp.vMax, -tp.vMax, tp.vMax, 0, 0, -tp.aMax, tp.aMax, -tp.aMax,
    tp.aMax, 0, 0
ps = tp.ProblemSolver(fullBody)
ps.setParameter("Kinodynamic/velocityBound", tp.vMax)
ps.setParameter("Kinodynamic/accelerationBound", tp.aMax)
#load the viewer
v = tp.Viewer(ps, viewerClient=tp.v.client, displayCoM=True)

# load a reference configuration
q_ref = fullBody.referenceConfig[::] + [0] * 6
from hpp.corbaserver.rbprm.hrp2 import Robot
from hpp.gepetto import Viewer

import stair_bauzil_hrp2_path as tp
import time

fullBody = Robot()
fullBody.setJointBounds("root_joint", [-0.135, 2, -1, 1, 0, 2.2])

ps = tp.ProblemSolver(fullBody)
r = tp.Viewer(ps, viewerClient=tp.r.client)

cType = "_6_DOF"
#~ AFTER loading obstacles

fullBody.addLimb(fullBody.rLegId, fullBody.rLeg, '', fullBody.rLegOffset,
                 fullBody.rLegNormal, fullBody.rLegx, fullBody.rLegy, 10000,
                 "manipulability", 0.2, cType)

fullBody.addLimb(fullBody.lLegId, fullBody.lLeg, '', fullBody.lLegOffset,
                 fullBody.rLegNormal, fullBody.lLegx, fullBody.lLegy, 10000,
                 "manipulability", 0.2, cType)

fullBody.addLimb(fullBody.rarmId, fullBody.rarm, fullBody.rHand,
                 fullBody.rArmOffset, fullBody.rArmNormal, fullBody.rArmx,
                 fullBody.rArmy, 10000, "manipulability", 0.1, "_6_DOF", True)

#~ fullBody.addLimb(larmId,larm,lHand,lArmOffset,lArmNormal, lArmx, lArmy, 10000, "manipulability", 0.05, "_6_DOF", True)

rKneeId = '0RKnee'
rLeg = 'RLEG_JOINT0'
Beispiel #5
from hpp.corbaserver.rbprm.hrp2 import Robot
from hpp.gepetto import Viewer
from tools.display_tools import *
import time
print("Plan guide trajectory ...")
from . import lp_stair_bauzil_hrp2_path_10 as tp
import time

pId = -1
fullBody = Robot ()

# Set the bounds for the root
fullBody.setJointBounds ("root_joint", [-10.135,2, -20, 20, 0, 2.8])
# add the 6 extraDof for velocity and acceleration (see * script)
#~ fullBody.client.robot.setExtraConfigSpaceBounds([-tp.vMax,tp.vMax,-tp.vMax,tp.vMax,0,0,-tp.aMax,tp.aMax,-tp.aMax,tp.aMax,0,0])
ps = tp.ProblemSolver( fullBody )
#~ ps.setParameter("Kinodynamic/velocityBound",tp.vMax)
#~ ps.setParameter("Kinodynamic/accelerationBound",tp.aMax)
#load the viewer
v = tp.Viewer (ps,viewerClient=tp.r.client, displayCoM = True)

# load a reference configuration
#~ q_ref = fullBody.referenceConfig[::]+[0]*6
q_ref = fullBody.referenceConfig[::]
q_init = q_ref[::] 
 def load_fullbody(self):
     from hpp.corbaserver.rbprm.hrp2 import Robot
     self.fullbody = Robot()
     self.q_ref = self.fullbody.referenceConfig[::] + [0] * self.path_planner.extra_dof
     self.weight_postural = self.fullbody.postureWeights[::] + [0] * self.path_planner.extra_dof
     self.fullbody.limbs_names=[self.fullbody.rLegId, self.fullbody.lLegId]