Beispiel #1
    def test_collect_dependencies(self):
        # Test collecting build dependencies.
        from hqc_meas.pulses.base_sequences import RootSequence, Sequence
        from hqc_meas.pulses.pulse import Pulse
        from hqc_meas.pulses.shapes.base_shapes import SquareShape
        from hqc_meas.pulses.contexts.awg_context import AWGContext
        root = RootSequence(context=AWGContext())

        pulse1 = Pulse(def_1='1.0', def_2='{7_start} - 1.0')
        pulse2 = Pulse(def_1='{a} + 1.0', def_2='{6_start} + 1.0')
        pulse3 = Pulse(def_1='{3_stop} + 0.5', def_2='10.0')
        pulse4 = Pulse(def_1='2.0', def_2='0.5', def_mode='Start/Duration')
        pulse5 = Pulse(def_1='{1_stop}', def_2='0.5',
        pulse5.shape = SquareShape(amplitude='0.5')
        pulse5.kind = 'Analogical'

        pulse5.modulation.frequency = '1.0**'
        pulse5.modulation.phase = '1.0'
        pulse5.modulation.activated = True

        sequence2 = Sequence(items=[pulse3])
        sequence1 = Sequence(items=[pulse2, sequence2, pulse4])

        root.items = [pulse1, sequence1, pulse5]

        core = self.workbench.get_plugin(u'enaml.workbench.core')
        com = u'hqc_meas.dependencies.collect_dependencies'
        res, build, run = core.invoke_command(com, {'obj': root}, core)
        assert_in('pulses', build)
        assert_items_equal(['Sequence', 'Pulse', 'RootSequence', 'shapes',
                            'contexts', 'templates', 'sequences'],
        assert_equal(['SquareShape'], build['pulses']['shapes'].keys())
        assert_equal(['AWGContext'], build['pulses']['contexts'].keys())
Beispiel #2
 def setup(self):
     self.pulse = Pulse(root=RootSequence(context=TestContext()))
Beispiel #3
def test_sequence_indexing2():
    # Test adding, moving, deleting a sequence in a sequence.
    root = RootSequence()
    context = TestContext()
    root.context = context

    pulse1 = Pulse()
    pulse2 = Pulse()
    pulse3 = Pulse()
    pulse4 = Pulse()

    sequence1 = Sequence()
    sequence2 = Sequence()


    assert_is(sequence1.parent, root)
    assert_is(sequence1.root, root)


    assert_is(sequence2.parent, sequence1)
    assert_is(sequence2.root, root)
    assert_equal(pulse1.index, 1)
    assert_equal(pulse2.index, 4)
    assert_items_equal(root.linkable_vars, ['1_start', '1_stop', '1_duration',
                                            '4_start', '4_stop', '4_duration'])

    pulse1.index = 200

    assert_is(pulse3.parent, sequence2)
    assert_is(pulse3.root, root)
    assert_equal(pulse2.index, 5)
    assert_equal(pulse3.index, 4)
    assert_items_equal(root.linkable_vars, ['1_start', '1_stop', '1_duration',
                                            '4_start', '4_stop', '4_duration',
                                            '5_start', '5_stop', '5_duration'])
    # Check that only the pulse below the modified sequence are updated.
    assert_equal(pulse1.index, 200)
    pulse1.index = 1

    sequence1.items.insert(0, pulse4)

    assert_equal(pulse4.index, 3)
    assert_equal(sequence2.index, 4)
    assert_equal(pulse3.index, 5)
    assert_equal(pulse2.index, 6)
    assert_items_equal(root.linkable_vars, ['1_start', '1_stop', '1_duration',
                                            '3_start', '3_stop', '3_duration',
                                            '5_start', '5_stop', '5_duration',
                                            '6_start', '6_stop', '6_duration'])

    sequence1.items = [pulse4]

    assert_is(sequence2.parent, None)
    assert_equal(sequence2.index, 0)
    assert_equal(pulse2.index, 4)
    assert_items_equal(root.linkable_vars, ['1_start', '1_stop', '1_duration',
                                            '3_start', '3_stop', '3_duration',
                                            '4_start', '4_stop', '4_duration'])

    sequence1.index = 200
    root2 = RootSequence()
    sequence2.root = root2
    sequence2.items = []

    # Check the observer was properly removed
    assert_equal(sequence1.index, 200)
Beispiel #4
class TestPulse(object):

    def setup(self):
        self.pulse = Pulse(root=RootSequence(context=TestContext()))

    def test_eval_pulse1(self):
        # Test evaluating the entries of a pulse when everything is ok.
        # Start/Stop mode, meaningful values.
        self.pulse.def_1 = '1.0*2.0'
        self.pulse.def_2 = '5.0*{a}/{b} + {c}'

        root_vars = {'a': 2.0, 'b': 5.0, 'c': 1.0}
        missing = set()
        errors = {}

        seq_locals = root_vars.copy()
        assert_true(self.pulse.eval_entries(root_vars, seq_locals,
                                            missing, errors))

        assert_equal(missing, set())
        assert_equal(errors, {})
        assert_equal(root_vars['0_start'], 2.0)
        assert_equal(root_vars['0_stop'], 3.0)
        assert_equal(root_vars['0_duration'], 1.0)
        assert_equal(seq_locals['0_start'], 2.0)
        assert_equal(seq_locals['0_stop'], 3.0)
        assert_equal(seq_locals['0_duration'], 1.0)
        assert_equal(self.pulse.start, 2.0)
        assert_equal(self.pulse.stop, 3.0)
        assert_equal(self.pulse.duration, 1.0)
        assert_array_equal(self.pulse.waveform, np.ones(1))

    def test_eval_pulse2(self):
        # Test evaluating the entries of a pulse when everything is ok.
        # Start/Stop mode, meaningless start.
        self.pulse.def_1 = '-1.0*2.0'
        self.pulse.def_2 = '5.0*{a}/{b} + {c}'

        root_vars = {'a': 2.0, 'b': 10.0, 'c': 1.0}
        missing = set()
        errors = {}

        seq_locals = root_vars.copy()
        assert_false(self.pulse.eval_entries(root_vars, seq_locals,
                                             missing, errors))

        assert_equal(missing, set())
        assert_in('0_start', errors)
        assert_not_in('0_start', root_vars)
        assert_not_in('0_duration', root_vars)
        assert_not_in('0_start', seq_locals)
        assert_not_in('0_duration', seq_locals)

    def test_eval_pulse3(self):
        # Test evaluating the entries of a pulse when everything is ok.
        # Start/Stop mode, meaningless stop (0).
        self.pulse.def_1 = '1.0*2.0'
        self.pulse.def_2 = '5.0*{a}/{b} + {c}'

        root_vars = {'a': 0.0, 'b': 10.0, 'c': 0.0}
        missing = set()
        errors = {}

        seq_locals = root_vars.copy()
        assert_false(self.pulse.eval_entries(root_vars, seq_locals,
                                             missing, errors))

        assert_equal(missing, set())
        assert_in('0_stop', errors)
        assert_not_in('0_stop', root_vars)
        assert_not_in('0_duration', root_vars)
        assert_not_in('0_stop', seq_locals)
        assert_not_in('0_duration', seq_locals)

    def test_eval_pulse4(self):
        # Test evaluating the entries of a pulse when everything is ok.
        # Start/Stop mode, meaningless stop < start.
        self.pulse.def_1 = '1.0*2.0'
        self.pulse.def_2 = '5.0*{a}/{b} + {c}'

        root_vars = {'a': 0.0, 'b': 10.0, 'c': 1.0}
        missing = set()
        errors = {}

        seq_locals = root_vars.copy()
        assert_false(self.pulse.eval_entries(root_vars, seq_locals,
                                             missing, errors))

        assert_equal(missing, set())
        assert_in('0_stop', errors)
        assert_not_in('0_stop', root_vars)
        assert_not_in('0_duration', root_vars)
        assert_not_in('0_stop', seq_locals)
        assert_not_in('0_duration', seq_locals)

    def test_eval_pulse5(self):
        # Test evaluating the entries of a pulse when everything is ok.
        # Start/Duration mode, meaningful values.
        self.pulse.def_mode = 'Start/Duration'
        self.pulse.def_1 = '1.0*2.0'
        self.pulse.def_2 = '5.0*{a}/{b} + {c}'

        root_vars = {'a': 2.0, 'b': 5.0, 'c': 1.0}
        missing = set()
        errors = {}

        seq_locals = root_vars.copy()
        assert_true(self.pulse.eval_entries(root_vars, seq_locals,
                                            missing, errors))

        assert_equal(missing, set())
        assert_equal(errors, {})
        assert_equal(root_vars['0_start'], 2.0)
        assert_equal(root_vars['0_stop'], 5.0)
        assert_equal(root_vars['0_duration'], 3.0)
        assert_equal(seq_locals['0_start'], 2.0)
        assert_equal(seq_locals['0_stop'], 5.0)
        assert_equal(seq_locals['0_duration'], 3.0)
        assert_equal(self.pulse.start, 2.0)
        assert_equal(self.pulse.stop, 5.0)
        assert_equal(self.pulse.duration, 3.0)
        assert_array_equal(self.pulse.waveform, np.ones(3))

    def test_eval_pulse6(self):
        # Test evaluating the entries of a pulse when everything is ok.
        # Start/Duration mode, meaningless start.
        self.pulse.def_mode = 'Start/Duration'
        self.pulse.def_1 = '-1.0*2.0'
        self.pulse.def_2 = '5.0*{a}/{b} + {c}'

        root_vars = {'a': 0.0, 'b': 10.0, 'c': 1.0}
        missing = set()
        errors = {}

        seq_locals = root_vars.copy()
        assert_false(self.pulse.eval_entries(root_vars, seq_locals,
                                             missing, errors))

        assert_equal(missing, set())
        assert_in('0_start', errors)
        assert_not_in('0_start', root_vars)
        assert_not_in('0_stop', root_vars)
        assert_not_in('0_start', seq_locals)
        assert_not_in('0_stop', seq_locals)

    def test_eval_pulse7(self):
        # Test evaluating the entries of a pulse when everything is ok.
        # Start/Duration mode, meaningless duration.
        self.pulse.def_mode = 'Start/Duration'
        self.pulse.def_1 = '1.0*2.0'
        self.pulse.def_2 = '5.0*{a}/{b} + {c}'

        root_vars = {'a': 0.0, 'b': 10.0, 'c': 0.0}
        missing = set()
        errors = {}

        seq_locals = root_vars.copy()
        assert_false(self.pulse.eval_entries(root_vars, seq_locals,
                                             missing, errors))

        assert_equal(missing, set())
        assert_in('0_duration', errors)
        assert_not_in('0_duration', root_vars)
        assert_not_in('0_stop', root_vars)
        assert_not_in('0_duration', seq_locals)
        assert_not_in('0_stop', seq_locals)

    def test_eval_pulse8(self):
        # Test evaluating the entries of a pulse when everything is ok.
        # Duration/Stop mode, meaningful values.
        self.pulse.def_mode = 'Duration/Stop'
        self.pulse.def_1 = '1.0*2.0'
        self.pulse.def_2 = '5.0*{a}/{b} + {c}'

        root_vars = {'a': 2.0, 'b': 5.0, 'c': 1.0}
        missing = set()
        errors = {}

        seq_locals = root_vars.copy()
        assert_true(self.pulse.eval_entries(root_vars, seq_locals,
                                            missing, errors))

        assert_equal(missing, set())
        assert_equal(errors, {})
        assert_equal(root_vars['0_start'], 1.0)
        assert_equal(root_vars['0_stop'], 3.0)
        assert_equal(root_vars['0_duration'], 2.0)
        assert_equal(seq_locals['0_start'], 1.0)
        assert_equal(seq_locals['0_stop'], 3.0)
        assert_equal(seq_locals['0_duration'], 2.0)
        assert_equal(self.pulse.start, 1.0)
        assert_equal(self.pulse.stop, 3.0)
        assert_equal(self.pulse.duration, 2.0)
        assert_array_equal(self.pulse.waveform, np.ones(2))

    def test_eval_pulse9(self):
        # Test evaluating the entries of a pulse Duration/Stop mode,
        # meaningless duration.
        self.pulse.def_mode = 'Duration/Stop'
        self.pulse.def_1 = '-1.0*2.0'
        self.pulse.def_2 = '5.0*{a}/{b} + {c}'

        root_vars = {'a': 0.0, 'b': 10.0, 'c': 1.0}
        missing = set()
        errors = {}

        seq_locals = root_vars.copy()
        assert_false(self.pulse.eval_entries(root_vars, seq_locals,
                                             missing, errors))

        assert_equal(missing, set())
        assert_in('0_duration', errors)
        assert_not_in('0_duration', root_vars)
        assert_not_in('0_start', root_vars)
        assert_not_in('0_duration', seq_locals)
        assert_not_in('0_start', seq_locals)

    def test_eval_pulse10(self):
        # Test evaluating the entries of a pulse Duration/Stop mode,
        # meaningless stop.
        self.pulse.def_mode = 'Duration/Stop'
        self.pulse.def_1 = '1.0*2.0'
        self.pulse.def_2 = '5.0*{a}/{b} + {c}'

        root_vars = {'a': 0.0, 'b': 10.0, 'c': 0.0}
        missing = set()
        errors = {}

        seq_locals = root_vars.copy()
        assert_false(self.pulse.eval_entries(root_vars, seq_locals,
                                             missing, errors))

        assert_equal(missing, set())
        assert_in('0_stop', errors)
        assert_not_in('0_stop', root_vars)
        assert_not_in('0_start', root_vars)
        assert_not_in('0_stop', seq_locals)
        assert_not_in('0_start', seq_locals)

    def test_eval_pulse11(self):
        # Test evaluating the entries of a pulse Duration/Stop mode, duration
        # larger than stop.
        self.pulse.def_mode = 'Duration/Stop'
        self.pulse.def_1 = '1.0*2.0'
        self.pulse.def_2 = '5.0*{a}/{b} + {c}'

        root_vars = {'a': 0.0, 'b': 10.0, 'c': 1.0}
        missing = set()
        errors = {}

        seq_locals = root_vars.copy()
        assert_false(self.pulse.eval_entries(root_vars, seq_locals,
                                             missing, errors))

        assert_equal(missing, set())
        assert_in('0_stop', errors)
        assert_not_in('0_start', root_vars)
        assert_not_in('0_start', seq_locals)

    def test_eval_pulse12(self):
        # Test evaluating the entries of a pulse when some vars are missing.
        # Issue in def_1
        self.pulse.def_1 = '1.0*2.0*{d}'
        self.pulse.def_2 = '5.0*{a}/{b} + {c}'

        root_vars = {'a': 2.0, 'b': 10.0, 'c': 1.0}
        missing = set()
        errors = {}

        seq_locals = root_vars.copy()
        assert_false(self.pulse.eval_entries(root_vars, seq_locals,
                                             missing, errors))

        assert_equal(missing, set('d'))
        assert_not_in('0_start', errors)
        assert_not_in('0_start', root_vars)
        assert_in('0_stop', root_vars)
        assert_not_in('0_start', seq_locals)
        assert_in('0_stop', seq_locals)

    def test_eval_pulse13(self):
        # Test evaluating the entries of a pulse when some vars are missing.
        # Issue in def_2
        self.pulse.def_1 = '1.0*2.0'
        self.pulse.def_2 = '5.0*{a}/{b} + {c}'

        root_vars = {'a': 2.0, 'b': 10.0}
        missing = set()
        errors = {}

        seq_locals = root_vars.copy()
        assert_false(self.pulse.eval_entries(root_vars, seq_locals,
                                             missing, errors))

        assert_equal(missing, set('c'))
        assert_not_in('0_stop', errors)
        assert_not_in('0_stop', root_vars)
        assert_in('0_start', root_vars)
        assert_not_in('0_stop', seq_locals)
        assert_in('0_start', seq_locals)

    def test_eval_pulse14(self):
        # Test evaluating the entries of a pulse when some entries are
        # incorrect.
        # Issue def_1
        self.pulse.def_1 = '1.0*2.0*zeffer'
        self.pulse.def_2 = '5.0*{a}/{b} + {c}'

        root_vars = {'a': 2.0, 'b': 10.0, 'c': 1.0}
        missing = set()
        errors = {}

        seq_locals = root_vars.copy()
        assert_false(self.pulse.eval_entries(root_vars, seq_locals,
                                             missing, errors))

        assert_equal(missing, set())
        assert_in('0_start', errors)
        assert_not_in('0_start', root_vars)
        assert_in('0_stop', root_vars)
        assert_not_in('0_start', seq_locals)
        assert_in('0_stop', seq_locals)

    def test_eval_pulse15(self):
        # Test evaluating the entries of a pulse when some entries are
        # incorrect.
        # Issue in def_2
        self.pulse.def_1 = '1.0*2.0'
        self.pulse.def_2 = '5.0*{a}/{b} + {c} + zeffer'

        root_vars = {'a': 2.0, 'b': 10.0, 'c': 1.0}
        missing = set()
        errors = {}

        seq_locals = root_vars.copy()
        assert_false(self.pulse.eval_entries(root_vars, seq_locals,
                                             missing, errors))

        assert_equal(missing, set())
        assert_in('0_stop', errors)
        assert_not_in('0_stop', root_vars)
        assert_in('0_start', root_vars)
        assert_not_in('0_stop', seq_locals)
        assert_in('0_start', seq_locals)

    def test_eval_pulse16(self):
        # Test evaluating the entries of an analogical pulse.
        self.pulse.def_1 = '1.0*2.0'
        self.pulse.def_2 = '5.0*{a}/{b} + {c}'

        self.pulse.shape = SquareShape(amplitude='0.5')
        self.pulse.kind = 'Analogical'

        root_vars = {'a': 2.0, 'b': 5.0, 'c': 1.0}
        missing = set()
        errors = {}

        assert_true(self.pulse.eval_entries(root_vars, root_vars,
                                            missing, errors))

        assert_equal(missing, set())
        assert_equal(errors, {})
        assert_array_equal(self.pulse.waveform, 0.5*np.ones(1))

    def test_eval_pulse17(self):
        # Test evaluating the entries of an analogical pulse whose modulation
        # evaluation fails.
        self.pulse.def_1 = '1.0*2.0'
        self.pulse.def_2 = '5.0*{a}/{b} + {c}'

        self.pulse.shape = SquareShape(amplitude='0.5')
        self.pulse.kind = 'Analogical'

        self.pulse.modulation.frequency = '1.0**'
        self.pulse.modulation.phase = '1.0'
        self.pulse.modulation.activated = True

        root_vars = {'a': 2.0, 'b': 5.0, 'c': 1.0}
        missing = set()
        errors = {}

        assert_false(self.pulse.eval_entries(root_vars, root_vars,
                                             missing, errors))

        assert_equal(missing, set())
        assert_in('0_mod_frequency', errors)

    def test_eval_pulse18(self):
        # Test evaluating the entries of an analogical pulse whose shape
        # evaluation fails.
        self.pulse.def_1 = '1.0*2.0'
        self.pulse.def_2 = '5.0*{a}/{b} + {c}'

        self.pulse.shape = SquareShape(amplitude='0.5*')
        self.pulse.kind = 'Analogical'

        self.pulse.modulation.frequency = '1.0'
        self.pulse.modulation.phase = '1.0'
        self.pulse.modulation.activated = True

        root_vars = {'a': 2.0, 'b': 5.0, 'c': 1.0}
        missing = set()
        errors = {}

        assert_false(self.pulse.eval_entries(root_vars, root_vars,
                                             missing, errors))

        assert_equal(missing, set())
        assert_in('0_shape_amplitude', errors)