def check_data_indexes(self, _filename, disp):
        method used by client code explicitly, because of dynamic nature
        of placement of data columns which have to check at runtime
        to manage a situation when columns are specified by names and
        for different files they are placed in different columns
        message = None
        if not nvl(self.signal_label, self.annotation_label,
                   self.time_label) == None:
            headers_count = nvl(self.headers_count, 1)

            file_headers = DataFileHeader(_filename,
            #get header's lines
            headers = file_headers.getHeadersLines(headers_count)
            if self.signal_label:
                self.signal_index = get_index_of_string(
                    self.signal_label, headers, _separator=self.separator)
            if self.annotation_label:
                self.annotation_index = get_index_of_string(
                    self.annotation_label, headers, _separator=self.separator)
                if self.annotation_index == -1:
                    message = ('There is no annotation index for label %s !' %
            if self.time_label:
                self.time_index = get_index_of_string(
                    self.time_label, headers, _separator=self.separator)
                if self.time_index == -1:
                    message = ('There is no time index for label %s !' %
        if self.signal_index == -1:
            if self.time_label:
                message = ('There is no signal index for label %s !' %
                message = 'The signal index has to be set !'

        if is_positive(self.time_index) and self.time_format == None:
            message = 'For time column a time format parameter is required !'

        if not is_positive(self.time_index) and not is_empty(self.time_format):
            message = 'Time format requires time index column selection !'

        if message and disp:
            print('File: %s \n %s \n' % (_filename, message))
            return False
            return True
    def check_data_indexes(self, _filename, disp):
        method used by client code explicitly, because of dynamic nature
        of placement of data columns which have to check at runtime
        to manage a situation when columns are specified by names and
        for different files they are placed in different columns
        message = None
        if not nvl(self.signal_label, self.annotation_label, self.time_label) == None:
            headers_count = nvl(self.headers_count, 1)

            file_headers = DataFileHeader(_filename, _separator=self.separator, number_of_lines=headers_count)
            # get header's lines
            headers = file_headers.getHeadersLines(headers_count)
            if self.signal_label:
                self.signal_index = get_index_of_string(self.signal_label, headers, _separator=self.separator)
            if self.annotation_label:
                self.annotation_index = get_index_of_string(self.annotation_label, headers, _separator=self.separator)
                if self.annotation_index == -1:
                    message = "There is no annotation index for label %s !" % (self.annotation_label)
            if self.time_label:
                self.time_index = get_index_of_string(self.time_label, headers, _separator=self.separator)
                if self.time_index == -1:
                    message = "There is no time index for label %s !" % (self.time_label)
        if self.signal_index == -1:
            if self.time_label:
                message = "There is no signal index for label %s !" % (self.signal_label)
                message = "The signal index has to be set !"

        if is_positive(self.time_index) and self.time_format == None:
            message = "For time column a time format parameter is required !"

        if not is_positive(self.time_index) and not is_empty(self.time_format):
            message = "Time format requires time index column selection !"

        if message and disp:
            print("File: %s \n %s \n" % (_filename, message))
            return False
            return True
    def __createDataFileHeader__(self, pathFile, _separator):
        dataFileHeader = self.__dataFilesHeaders__.get(pathFile, None)
        if dataFileHeader == None:
            dataFileHeader = DataFileHeader(pathFile)
            self.__dataFilesHeaders__[pathFile] = dataFileHeader

        if _separator == None:
            _separator = dataFileHeader.getSeparator()

        if _separator == None:
            #try to discover a separator based on file data
            _separator = dataFileHeader.getSeparator(generate=True)

        return dataFileHeader