Beispiel #1
    def _getCellsWithFewestSegments(self, connections, columns):
        For each column, get the cell that has the fewest total basal segments.
        Break ties randomly.

        @param connections (SparseMatrixConnections)
        @param rng (Random)
        @param columns (numpy array) Columns to check

        @return (numpy array)
        One cell for each of the provided columns
        candidateCells = np2.getAllCellsInColumns(columns, self.cellsPerColumn)

        # Arrange the segment counts into one row per minicolumn.
        segmentCounts = np.reshape(connections.getSegmentCounts(candidateCells), newshape=(len(columns), self.cellsPerColumn))

        # Filter to just the cells that are tied for fewest in their minicolumn.
        minSegmentCounts = np.amin(segmentCounts, axis=1, keepdims=True)
        candidateCells = candidateCells[np.flatnonzero(segmentCounts == minSegmentCounts)]

        # Filter to one cell per column, choosing randomly from the minimums.
        # To do the random choice, add a random offset to each index in-place, using
        # casting to floor the result.
        _, onePerColumnFilter, numCandidatesInColumns = np.unique(candidateCells // self.cellsPerColumn, return_index=True, return_counts=True)

        offsetPercents = np.empty(len(columns), dtype="float64")

        np.add(onePerColumnFilter, offsetPercents*numCandidatesInColumns, out=onePerColumnFilter, casting="unsafe")

        return candidateCells[onePerColumnFilter]
Beispiel #2
    def activateCells(self,
        Activate cells in the specified columns, using the result of the previous
        'depolarizeCells' as predictions. Then learn.

        @param activeColumns (numpy array)
        List of active columns

        @param basalReinforceCandidates SDR
        List of bits that the active cells may reinforce basal synapses to.

        @param apicalReinforceCandidates SDR
        List of bits that the active cells may reinforce apical synapses to.

        @param basalGrowthCandidates (numpy array)
        List of bits that the active cells may grow new basal synapses to.

        @param apicalGrowthCandidates (numpy array)
        List of bits that the active cells may grow new apical synapses to

        @param learn (bool)
        Whether to grow / reinforce / punish synapses

        # Calculate active cells
        correctPredictedCells, burstingColumns = np2.setCompare(self.predictedCells, activeColumns, self.predictedCells // self.cellsPerColumn, rightMinusLeft=True)
        newActiveCells = np.concatenate((correctPredictedCells, np2.getAllCellsInColumns(burstingColumns, self.cellsPerColumn)))

        # Calculate learning
         learningCells) = self._calculateBasalLearning(activeColumns, burstingColumns, correctPredictedCells)

         newApicalSegmentCells) = self._calculateApicalLearning(learningCells, activeColumns)

        # Learn
        if learn:
            # Learn on existing segments
            for learningSegments in (learningActiveBasalSegments, learningMatchingBasalSegments):
                self._learn(self.basalConnections, learningSegments, basalReinforceCandidates, basalGrowthCandidates, self.basalPotentialOverlaps)

            for learningSegments in (learningActiveApicalSegments, learningMatchingApicalSegments):
                self._learn(self.apicalConnections, learningSegments, apicalReinforceCandidates, apicalGrowthCandidates, self.apicalPotentialOverlaps)

            # Punish incorrect predictions
            if self.basalPredictedSegmentDecrement != 0.0:
                for segment in basalSegmentsToPunish:
                    self.basalConnections.adaptSegment(segment, basalReinforceCandidates, -self.basalPredictedSegmentDecrement, 0.0, False)

            if self.apicalPredictedSegmentDecrement != 0.0:
                for segment in apicalSegmentsToPunish:
                    self.apicalConnections.adaptSegment(segment, apicalReinforceCandidates, -self.apicalPredictedSegmentDecrement, 0.0, False)

            # Grow new segments
            if len(basalGrowthCandidates) > 0:
                self._learnOnNewSegments(self.basalConnections, newBasalSegmentCells, basalGrowthCandidates)

            if len(apicalGrowthCandidates) > 0:
                self._learnOnNewSegments(self.apicalConnections, newApicalSegmentCells, apicalGrowthCandidates)

        # Save the results
        self.activeCells = newActiveCells
        self.winnerCells = learningCells
        self.predictedActiveCells = correctPredictedCells