def route_dynamic(path): args = dict(request.args) if 'direction' in args: direction = args.pop('direction') else: direction = 'OUTGOING' # should always be outgoing here since we can't specify? if 'format' in args: format_ = args.pop('format') else: format_ = None try: j = sgd.dispatch(path, **args) except rHTTPError as e: log.exception(e) abort(e.response.status_code) # DO NOT PASS ALONG THE MESSAGE except ValueError as e: log.exception(e) abort(404) if j is None or 'edges' not in j or not j['edges']: log.error(pformat(j)) log.debug(sgd._last_url) return abort(400) prov = [ hfn.titletag(f'Dynamic query result for {path}'), f'<meta name="date" content="{UTCNOWISO()}">', f'<link rel="" href="{wgb}">', '<meta name="representation" content="SciGraph">', f'<link rel="" href="{sgd._last_url}">' ] kwargs = {'json': cleanBad(j), 'html_head': prov} tree, extras = creatTree(*Query(None, None, direction, None), **kwargs) #print(extras.hierarhcy) #print(tree) if format_ is not None: if format_ == 'table': #breakpoint() def nowrap(class_, tag=''): return (f'{tag}.{class_}' '{ white-space: nowrap; }') ots = [ OntTerm(n) for n in flatten_tree(extras.hierarchy) if 'CYCLE' not in n ] #rows = [[ot.label, ot.asId().atag(), ot.definition] for ot in ots] rows = [[ot.label, hfn.atag(ot.iri, ot.curie), ot.definition] for ot in ots] return hfn.htmldoc(hfn.render_table(rows, 'label', 'curie', 'definition'), styles=(hfn.table_style, nowrap('col-label', 'td'))) return hfn.htmldoc(extras.html, other=prov, styles=hfn.tree_styles)
def makeProv(pred, root, wgb): return [ hfn.titletag(f'Transitive closure of {root} under {pred}'), f'<meta name="date" content="{UTCNOWISO()}">', f'<link rel="" href="{wgb}">' ]
def sparc_dynamic(data_sgd, data_sgc, path, wgb, process=lambda coll, blob: blob): args = dict(request.args) if 'direction' in args: direction = args.pop('direction') else: direction = 'OUTGOING' # should always be outgoing here since we can't specify? if 'format' in args: format_ = args.pop('format') else: format_ = None if 'apinat' in path: # FIXME bad hardcoded hack _old_get = data_sgd._get try: data_sgd._get = data_sgd._normal_get j = data_sgd.dispatch(path, **args) except ValueError as e: log.exception(e) abort(404) except rHTTPError as e: log.exception(e) abort(e.response.status_code) # DO NOT PASS ALONG THE MESSAGE finally: data_sgd._get = _old_get else: try: j = data_sgd.dispatch(path, **args) except rHTTPError as e: log.exception(e) abort(e.response.status_code) # DO NOT PASS ALONG THE MESSAGE except ValueError as e: log.exception(e) abort(404) j = process(collapse_apinat, j) if j is None or 'edges' not in j: log.error(pformat(j)) return abort(400) elif not j['edges']: return node_list(j['nodes']) # FIXME ... really should error? if path.endswith('housing-lyphs'): # FIXME hack root = 'NLX:154731' #direction = 'INCOMING' else: root = None prov = [ hfn.titletag(f'Dynamic query result for {path}'), f'<meta name="date" content="{UTCNOWISO()}">', f'<link rel="" href="{wgb}">', '<meta name="representation" content="SciGraph">', ('<link rel="" ' f'href="{data_sgd._last_url}">')] kwargs = {'json': cleanBad(j), 'html_head': prov, 'prefixes': data_sgc.getCuries(), # FIXME efficiency } tree, extras = creatTree(*Query(root, None, direction, None), **kwargs) #print(extras.hierarhcy) #print(tree) if format_ is not None: if format_ == 'table': #breakpoint() def nowrap(class_, tag=''): return (f'{tag}.{class_}' '{ white-space: nowrap; }') ots = [OntTerm(n) for n in flatten_tree(extras.hierarchy) if 'CYCLE' not in n] #rows = [[ot.label, ot.asId().atag(), ot.definition] for ot in ots] rows = [[ot.label, hfn.atag(ot.iri, ot.curie), ot.definition] for ot in ots] return hfn.htmldoc(hfn.render_table(rows, 'label', 'curie', 'definition'), styles=(hfn.table_style, nowrap('col-label', 'td'))) return hfn.htmldoc(extras.html, other=prov, styles=hfn.tree_styles)