Beispiel #1
def safe_mode(environ, start_response):
    Serve up a space in safe mode. Safe mode means that
    non-required plugins are turned off and plugins that
    duplicate those in the core bags (system and tiddlyspace)
    are deleted from the store of the space in question.

    http_host, _ = determine_host(environ)
    space_name = determine_space(environ, http_host)
    recipe_name = determine_space_recipe(environ, space_name)
    if recipe_name != '%s_private' % space_name:
        raise HTTP403('membership required for safe mode')

    if environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET':
        return _send_safe_mode(environ, start_response)

    store = environ['']

    # Get the list of core plugins
    core_plugin_tiddler_titles = _get_core_plugins(store)

    # Delete those plugins in the space's recipes which
    # duplicate the core plugins
    recipe = _delete_duplicates(environ, core_plugin_tiddler_titles,
            recipe_name, space_name)

    # Process the recipe. For those tiddlers which do not have a bag
    # in CORE_RECIPE, remove the systemConfig tag.
        candidate_tiddlers = control.get_tiddlers_from_recipe(recipe, environ)
    except NoBagError, exc:
        raise HTTP404('recipe %s lists an unknown bag: %s' %
                (, exc))
Beispiel #2
def get_identities(environ, start_response):
    Get a list of the identities associated with the named user.
    That named user must match the current user or the current
    user must be an admin.
    store = environ['']
    username = get_route_value(environ, 'username')
    usersign = environ['tiddlyweb.usersign']['name']
    roles = environ['tiddlyweb.usersign']['roles']

    if username != usersign and 'ADMIN' not in roles:
        raise HTTP403('Bad user for action')

    identities = []
        mapped_bag = store.get(Bag('MAPUSER'))
        tiddlers = store.list_bag_tiddlers(mapped_bag)
        matched_tiddlers = control.filter_tiddlers(
            tiddlers, 'select=mapped_user:%s' % username, environ)
        identities = [tiddler.title for tiddler in matched_tiddlers]
    except NoBagError:

    start_response('200 OK',
                   [('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8')])
    return [simplejson.dumps(identities)]
Beispiel #3
 def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
         output = self.application(environ, start_response)
         return output
     except ForbiddenError as exc:
         raise HTTP403(exc)
     except UserRequiredError as exc:
         # We only send to the challenger on a GET
         # request. Otherwise we're in for major confusion
         # on dealing with redirects and the like in
         # scripts and javascript, where follow
         # behavior is inconsistent.
         if environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET':
             url = _challenge_url(environ)
             raise HTTP302(url)
         raise HTTP403(exc)
Beispiel #4
def _same_space_required(environ, space_name):
    Raise 403 unless the current space (http_host) is the same as the
    target space.
    current_space = determine_space(environ, determine_host(environ)[0])
    if current_space != space_name:
        raise HTTP403('space membership changes only allowed from space')
Beispiel #5
    The guts of adding a member to space.
        space = Space(space_name)
    except ValueError, exc:
        raise HTTP404('Space %s invalid: %s' % (space_name, exc))
    private_bag = store.get(Bag(space.private_bag()))

    if current_user:
        private_bag.policy.allows(current_user, 'manage')

    if remove and len(private_bag.policy.manage) == 1:
        raise HTTP403('must not remove the last member from a space')

    # This will throw NoUserError (to be handled by the caller)
    # if the user does not exist.
    if add:

    bags = [store.get(Bag(bag)) for bag in space.list_bags()]
    recipes = [store.get(Recipe(bag)) for bag in space.list_recipes()]
    for entity in bags + recipes:
        new_policy = _update_policy(entity.policy, add=add, subtract=remove)
        entity.policy = new_policy

def confirm_space(environ, start_response):