Beispiel #1
def view_handle_pin_callback(request):
    """View to handle pin callback
    If authentication is succesful:
        - go to a specified 'next' link 
        - or default to the django admin index page
    if request.GET and request.GET.get('next', None) is not None:
        next = request.GET.get('next')
        next = reverse('admin:index', {})

    # How Django handles authentication after pin is verfied.
    # See "authz_pin_login_handler.PinLoginHandler" class handler for more info
    # This allows anyone with a harvard pin to log in
    access_settings = { 'restrict_to_existing_users':True \
                         , 'restrict_to_active_users':True \
                         , 'restrict_to_staff':True \
                         , 'restrict_to_superusers':False}

    authz_validation_info = AuthZProxyValidationInfo(request=request\
                                 , gnupghome=settings.GNUPG_HOME\
                                 , gpg_passphrase=None\

    authz_pin_login_handler = AuthZProxyLoginHandler(authz_validation_info=authz_validation_info\
                                     , **access_settings)

    if authz_pin_login_handler.did_login_succeed():
        login(request, authz_pin_login_handler.get_user())
        return HttpResponseRedirect(next)
        print 'login failed'
        err_dict = authz_pin_login_handler.get_error_dict(
        )  # get error lookup for use in template
        print '-' * 20
        for k, v in err_dict.iteritems():
            print ' %s -> [%s]' % (k, v)
        return render_to_response('view_authz_login_failed.html',
Beispiel #2
def view_handle_pin_callback(request):
    """View to handle pin callback
    If authentication is succesful:
        - go to a specified 'next' link 
        - or default to the django admin index page
    if request.GET and request.GET.get('next', None) is not None:
        next = request.GET.get('next')
        next =  reverse('admin:index', {})

    # How Django handles authentication after pin is verfied. 
    # See "authz_pin_login_handler.PinLoginHandler" class handler for more info
    # This allows anyone with a harvard pin to log in
    access_settings = { 'restrict_to_existing_users':True \
                         , 'restrict_to_active_users':True \
                         , 'restrict_to_staff':True \
                         , 'restrict_to_superusers':False}

    authz_validation_info = AuthZProxyValidationInfo(request=request\
                                 , gnupghome=settings.GNUPG_HOME\
                                 , gpg_passphrase=None\

    authz_pin_login_handler = AuthZProxyLoginHandler(authz_validation_info=authz_validation_info\
                                     , **access_settings)    
    if authz_pin_login_handler.did_login_succeed():
        login(request, authz_pin_login_handler.get_user())
        return HttpResponseRedirect(next)
        print 'login failed'
        err_dict = authz_pin_login_handler.get_error_dict()   # get error lookup for use in template
        print '-' * 20
        for k,v in err_dict.iteritems():
            print ' %s -> [%s]' % (k,v)
        return render_to_response('view_authz_login_failed.html', err_dict, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Beispiel #3
def view_handle_authz_callback(request):
    """View to handle pin callback
    If authentication is succesful:
        - go to a specified 'next' link 
        - or default to the django admin index page

    if request.GET and request.GET.get('next', None) is not None:
        next = request.GET.get('next')
        next =  reverse('admin:index', args={})
        #next =  reverse('admin:index', args={})

    # How Django handles authentication after pin is verfied. 
    # See "pin_login_handler.PinLoginHandler" class handler for more info
    # This allows anyone with a harvard pin to log in
    access_settings = { 'restrict_to_existing_users':True \
                         , 'restrict_to_active_users':True \
                         , 'restrict_to_staff':True \
                         , 'restrict_to_superusers':False}
    authz_validation_info = AuthZProxyValidationInfo(request=request\
                                 , gnupghome=settings.GNUPG_HOME 
                                 , gpg_passphrase=settings.GPG_PASSPHRASE
                                 , is_debug=settings.DEBUG)

    authz_pin_login_handler = AuthZProxyLoginHandler(authz_validation_info\
                                     , **access_settings)

    if authz_pin_login_handler.did_login_succeed():
        login(request, authz_pin_login_handler.get_user())
        return HttpResponseRedirect(next)
    # Errors while logging in!
    # Retrieve error messages from the AuthZProxyLoginHandler
    error_messages = []
    authz_errs = authz_pin_login_handler.get_err_msgs()
    if not authz_errs is None:
        error_messages += authz_errs

    # Retrieve error flags from the AuthZProxyLoginHandler
    err_dict = authz_pin_login_handler.get_error_dict()   # get error lookup for use 
    for k,v in err_dict.iteritems():
        if v is True:
            error_messages.append(' %s -> [%s]' % (k,v))
            print ' %s -> [%s]' % (k,v)
    # add the user IP address
    error_messages.append('user IP address: %s' % request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR', None))

    # send email message to the admins
        admin_emails = map(lambda x: x[1], settings.ADMINS)
        admin_emails = None
    #print admin_emails
    if admin_emails and len(admin_emails) > 0:
        send_mail('Course database log in fail info', 'Here is the message. %s' % ('\n'.join(error_messages)), admin_emails[0], admin_emails,fail_silently=False)
    # send the error flags to the template
    return render_to_response('hu_authz_handler/view_authz_login_failed.html', err_dict, context_instance=RequestContext(request))