def main(): logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.NOTSET) import argparse from hydroffice.bag import BAGFile, is_bag, __version__ app_name = "bag_metadata" app_info = "Extraction of XML metadata from an OpenNS BAG file, using hydroffice.bag r%s" % __version__ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=app_name, description=app_info) parser.add_argument("bag_file", type=str, help="a valid BAG file from which to extract metadata") parser.add_argument("-x", "--xml_file", help="the output XML metadata file", type=str) parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="increase output verbosity", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() if args.verbose: print("> verbosity: ON") ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # change to WARNING to reduce verbosity, DEBUG for high verbosity ch_formatter = logging.Formatter('%(levelname)-9s %(name)s.%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d > %(message)s') ch.setFormatter(ch_formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) if args.verbose: print("> input: %s" % args.bag_file) if args.xml_file: args.xml_file = os.path.abspath(args.xml_file) print("> output: %s" % args.xml_file) else: args.xml_file = os.path.abspath(BAGFile.default_metadata_file) print("> output: %s [default]" % args.xml_file) if not os.path.exists(args.bag_file): parser.exit(1, "ERROR: the input valid does not exist: %s" % args.bag_file) if not is_bag(args.bag_file): parser.exit(1, "ERROR: the input valid does not seem a BAG file: %s" % args.bag_file) bf = BAGFile(args.bag_file) try: bf.extract_metadata(args.xml_file) except Exception as e: parser.exit(1, "ERROR: %s" % e) if args.verbose: print("> DONE")
def main(): logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.NOTSET) import argparse from hydroffice.bag import BAGFile, is_bag, __version__ app_name = "bag_bbox" app_info = "Extraction of bounding box from an OpenNS BAG file, using hydroffice.bag r%s" % __version__ formats = ['gjs', 'gml', 'kml', 'shp'] parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=app_name, description=app_info) parser.add_argument("bag_file", type=str, help="a valid BAG file from which to extract metadata") parser.add_argument("-f", "--format", help="one of the available file format: " + ", ".join(formats), choices=formats, default="kml", metavar='') parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", help="the output file", type=str) parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="increase output verbosity", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() if args.verbose: print("> verbosity: ON") ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # change to WARNING to reduce verbosity, DEBUG for high verbosity ch_formatter = logging.Formatter('%(levelname)-9s %(name)s.%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d > %(message)s') ch.setFormatter(ch_formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) if args.verbose: print("> input: %s" % args.bag_file) if args.output: args.output = os.path.abspath(args.output) print("> output: %s" % args.output) else: args.output = None print("> output: [default]") print("> format: %s" % args.format) if not os.path.exists(args.bag_file): parser.exit(1, "ERROR: the input valid does not exist: %s" % args.bag_file) if not is_bag(args.bag_file): parser.exit(1, "ERROR: the input valid does not seem a BAG file: %s" % args.bag_file) bf = BAGFile(args.bag_file) try: bag_meta = bf.populate_metadata() except Exception as e: parser.exit(1, "ERROR: issue in metadata population: %s" % e) try: from hydroffice.bag.bbox import Bbox2Gdal Bbox2Gdal(bag_meta, fmt=args.format, title=os.path.basename(args.bag_file), out_file=args.output) except Exception as e: parser.exit(1, "ERROR: issue in output creation: %s" % e) if args.verbose: print("> DONE")
logger.setLevel(logging.NOTSET) ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # change to WARNING to reduce verbosity, DEBUG for high verbosity ch_formatter = logging.Formatter('%(levelname)-9s %(name)s.%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d > %(message)s') ch.setFormatter(ch_formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) from hydroffice.bag import BAGFile from hydroffice.bag import BAGError from hydroffice.bag.helper import Helper bag_file = os.path.join(Helper.samples_folder(), "bdb_00.bag") if os.path.exists(bag_file): print("- file_bag_0: %s" % bag_file) bag = BAGFile(bag_file) bag_meta = bag.populate_metadata() print(bag_meta) bag_uncertainty = bag.uncertainty(mask_nan=True) print(type(bag.elevation(mask_nan=True)), bag.elevation(mask_nan=True).shape, bag.elevation(mask_nan=True).dtype) from hydroffice.bag.uncertainty import Uncertainty2Gdal Uncertainty2Gdal(bag_uncertainty=bag_uncertainty, bag_meta=bag_meta, fmt="ascii", epsg=4326) Uncertainty2Gdal(bag_uncertainty=bag_uncertainty, bag_meta=bag_meta, fmt="geotiff", epsg=4326) Uncertainty2Gdal(bag_uncertainty=bag_uncertainty, bag_meta=bag_meta, fmt="xyz", epsg=4326)
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals import os import logging from matplotlib import pyplot as plt logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.NOTSET) ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # change to WARNING to reduce verbosity, DEBUG for high verbosity ch_formatter = logging.Formatter('%(levelname)-9s %(name)s.%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d > %(message)s') ch.setFormatter(ch_formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) from hydroffice.bag import BAGFile from hydroffice.bag import BAGError from hydroffice.bag.helper import Helper from hydroffice.bag.tracklist import TrackList2Csv bag_file = os.path.join(Helper.samples_folder(), "bdb_00.bag") bag = BAGFile(bag_file) tl = bag.tracking_list() tl2csv = TrackList2Csv(tl) bag_file = os.path.join(Helper.samples_folder(), "bdb_02.bag") bag = BAGFile(bag_file) tl = bag.tracking_list() tl_fields = bag.tracking_list_fields() print(tl_fields) tl2csv = TrackList2Csv(track_list=tl, header=tl_fields)
logger.setLevel(logging.NOTSET) ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # change to WARNING to reduce verbosity, DEBUG for high verbosity ch_formatter = logging.Formatter('%(levelname)-9s %(name)s.%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d > %(message)s') ch.setFormatter(ch_formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) from hydroffice.bag import BAGFile from hydroffice.bag import BAGError from hydroffice.bag.helper import Helper bag_file = os.path.join(Helper.samples_folder(), "bdb_00.bag") if os.path.exists(bag_file): print("- file_bag_0: %s" % bag_file) bag = BAGFile(bag_file) bag_meta = bag.populate_metadata() print(bag_meta) print("has elevation? %s" % bag.has_elevation()) bag_elevation = bag.elevation(mask_nan=False) print(type(bag.elevation()), bag.elevation().shape, bag.elevation().dtype) from hydroffice.bag.elevation import Elevation2Gdal Elevation2Gdal(bag_elevation=bag_elevation, bag_meta=bag_meta, fmt="ascii") Elevation2Gdal(bag_elevation=bag_elevation, bag_meta=bag_meta, fmt="geotiff") Elevation2Gdal(bag_elevation=bag_elevation, bag_meta=bag_meta, fmt="xyz")
ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # change to WARNING to reduce verbosity, DEBUG for high verbosity ch_formatter = logging.Formatter("%(levelname)-9s %(name)s.%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d > %(message)s") ch.setFormatter(ch_formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) from hydroffice.bag import BAGFile from hydroffice.bag import BAGError from hydroffice.bag.helper import Helper # bag_file = os.path.join(Helper.samples_folder(), "bdb_00.bag") # bag_file = "C:/Users/gmasetti/Google Drive/QC Tools/test data/H12730/H12730_MB_1m_MLLW.bag" bag_file = "C:/Users/gmasetti/Google Drive/QC Tools/test data/H12657/H12657_MB_2m_MLLW.bag" if os.path.exists(bag_file): print("- file_bag_0: %s" % bag_file) bag = BAGFile(bag_file) bag_meta = bag.populate_metadata() print(bag_meta) print("has density? %s" % bag.has_density()) bag_density = bag.density(mask_nan=True) print(type(bag.density(mask_nan=True)), bag.density(mask_nan=True).shape, bag.density(mask_nan=True).dtype) print("min: %s" % np.nanmin(bag_density)) print("max: %s" % np.nanmax(bag_density)) # from hydroffice.bag.density import Density2Gdal # Density2Gdal(bag_density=bag_density, bag_meta=bag_meta, fmt="ascii") # Density2Gdal(bag_density=bag_density, bag_meta=bag_meta, fmt="geotiff")
from hydroffice.bag import BAGFile from hydroffice.bag import BAGError from hydroffice.bag.helper import Helper # Example that use bag.BAGFile to: # - open a BAG file # - read the whole elevation and uncertainty layers # - read a selected range of rows for the elevation and uncertainty layers file_bag_0 = os.path.join(Helper.samples_folder(), "bdb_00.bag") if os.path.exists(file_bag_0): logger.debug("- file_bag_0: %s" % file_bag_0) # - open a file bag_0 = BAGFile(file_bag_0) logger.debug("\n%s\n" % bag_0) # - get elevation shape"elevation shape: %s" % (bag_0.elevation_shape(), )) # - read the full elevation full_elevation = bag_0.elevation(mask_nan=True)"elevation array:\n type: %s\n shape: %s\n dtype: %s" % (type(full_elevation), full_elevation.shape, full_elevation.dtype)) ax = plt.contourf(full_elevation) plt.colorbar(ax) # - read the first 10 rows of the elevation layers selection_slice = slice(0, 10) sliced_elevation = bag_0.elevation(mask_nan=True, row_range=selection_slice)"sliced elevation array:\n type: %s\n shape: %s\n dtype: %s"
def __init__(self, url): if not self.can_handle(url): raise ValueError(url) self._url = url path = url2path(url) self.f = BAGFile(path, 'r')
class BAGStore(compass_model.Store): """ Data store implementation using a BAG file (closely mimicking HDF5Store). Keys are the full names of objects in the file. """ @staticmethod def plugin_name(): return "BAG" @staticmethod def plugin_description(): return """A plugin used to browse Open Navigation Surface BAG files. It provides additional features that are not available with the general HDF5 plugin: - View of metadata information as XML (+ content validation). - Plot of elevation and uncertainty using their geographic extent/ The plugin is developed and maintained by G.Masetti [[email protected]]. """ file_extensions = {'BAG File': ['*.bag']} def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.f @property def url(self): return self._url @property def display_name(self): return op.basename(self.f.filename) @property def root(self): return self['/'] @property def valid(self): return bool(self.f) @staticmethod def can_handle(url): if not url.startswith('file://'): log.debug("able to handle %s? no, invalid url" % url) return False path = url2path(url) if not is_bag(path): log.debug("able to handle %s? no, not a BAG" % url) return False log.debug("able to handle %s? yes" % url) return True def __init__(self, url): if not self.can_handle(url): raise ValueError(url) self._url = url path = url2path(url) self.f = BAGFile(path, 'r') def close(self): self.f.close() def get_parent(self, key): # HDFCompass requires the parent of the root container be None if key == "" or key == "/": return None p_key = pp.dirname(key) if p_key == "": p_key = "/" return self[p_key]
def main(): logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.NOTSET) import argparse from hydroffice.bag import BAGFile, is_bag, __version__ app_name = "bag_tracklist" app_info = "Extraction the tracklist from an OpenNS BAG file, using hydroffice.bag r%s" % __version__ formats = ['csv'] parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=app_name, description=app_info) parser.add_argument("bag_file", type=str, help="a valid BAG file from which to extract metadata") parser.add_argument("-f", "--format", help="one of the available file format: " + ", ".join(formats), choices=formats, default="csv", metavar='') parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", help="the output file", type=str) parser.add_argument("-hd", "--header", help="add an header", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="increase output verbosity", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() if args.verbose: print("> verbosity: ON") ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # change to WARNING to reduce verbosity, DEBUG for high verbosity ch_formatter = logging.Formatter('%(levelname)-9s %(name)s.%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d > %(message)s') ch.setFormatter(ch_formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) if args.verbose: print("> input: %s" % args.bag_file) if args.output: args.output = os.path.abspath(args.output) print("> output: %s" % args.output) else: args.output = None print("> output: [default]") print("> format: %s" % args.format) print("> header: %s" % args.header) if not os.path.exists(args.bag_file): parser.exit(1, "ERROR: the input valid does not exist: %s" % args.bag_file) if not is_bag(args.bag_file): parser.exit(1, "ERROR: the input valid does not seem a BAG file: %s" % args.bag_file) bf = BAGFile(args.bag_file) tl = None try: tl = bf.tracking_list() except Exception as e: parser.exit(1, "ERROR: issue in tracking-list recovery: %s" % e) tlf = "" if args.header: try: tlf = bf.tracking_list_fields() except Exception as e: parser.exit(1, "ERROR: issue in tracking-list fields recovery: %s" % e) try: from hydroffice.bag.tracklist import TrackList2Csv TrackList2Csv(track_list=tl, csv_file=args.output, header=tlf) except Exception as e: parser.exit(1, "ERROR: issue in output creation: %s" % e) if args.verbose: print("> DONE")
logger.setLevel(logging.NOTSET) ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # change to WARNING to reduce verbosity, DEBUG for high verbosity ch_formatter = logging.Formatter("%(levelname)-9s %(name)s.%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d > %(message)s") ch.setFormatter(ch_formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) from hydroffice.bag import BAGFile from hydroffice.bag import BAGError from hydroffice.bag.helper import Helper bag_file = os.path.join(Helper.samples_folder(), "bdb_00.bag") if os.path.exists(bag_file): print("- file_bag_0: %s" % bag_file) bag = BAGFile(bag_file) bag_meta = bag.populate_metadata() print(bag_meta) print("has uncertainty? %s" % bag.has_uncertainty()) print("has product uncertainty? %s" % bag.has_product_uncertainty()) bag_uncertainty = bag.uncertainty(mask_nan=True) print(type(bag.elevation(mask_nan=True)), bag.elevation(mask_nan=True).shape, bag.elevation(mask_nan=True).dtype) from hydroffice.bag.uncertainty import Uncertainty2Gdal Uncertainty2Gdal(bag_uncertainty, bag_meta, fmt="ascii") Uncertainty2Gdal(bag_uncertainty, bag_meta, fmt="geotiff") Uncertainty2Gdal(bag_uncertainty, bag_meta, fmt="xyz")
logger.setLevel(logging.NOTSET) ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # change to WARNING to reduce verbosity, DEBUG for high verbosity ch_formatter = logging.Formatter('%(levelname)-9s %(name)s.%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d > %(message)s') ch.setFormatter(ch_formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) from hydroffice.bag import BAGFile from hydroffice.bag import BAGError from hydroffice.bag.helper import Helper file_bag_0 = os.path.join(Helper.samples_folder(), "bdb_00.bag") if os.path.exists(file_bag_0): print("- file_bag_0: %s" % file_bag_0) bag_0 = BAGFile(file_bag_0) print(bag_0) print(type(bag_0.elevation(mask_nan=True)), bag_0.elevation(mask_nan=True).shape, bag_0.elevation(mask_nan=True).dtype) # ax =plt.contourf(bag_0.elevation(mask_nan=True)) # plt.colorbar(ax) # bag_meta = bag_0.populate_metadata() print(bag_meta) from hydroffice.bag.bbox import Bbox2Gdal Bbox2Gdal(bag_meta, fmt="gjs", title=os.path.basename(file_bag_0)) Bbox2Gdal(bag_meta, fmt="gml", title=os.path.basename(file_bag_0)) Bbox2Gdal(bag_meta, fmt="kml", title=os.path.basename(file_bag_0)) Bbox2Gdal(bag_meta, fmt="shp", title=os.path.basename(file_bag_0))