Beispiel #1
 def _threadDoGETJob( self, request ):
     self._checkBandwidth( request )
     # no permission check as any functional account can get thumbnails
     hash = request.parsed_request_args[ 'hash' ]
     ( valid, mime ) = HG.server_controller.Read( 'service_has_file', self._service_key, hash )
     if not valid:
         raise HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException( 'Thumbnail not found on this service!' )
     if mime not in HC.MIMES_WITH_THUMBNAILS:
         raise HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException( 'That mime should not have a thumbnail!' )
     path = ServerFiles.GetThumbnailPath( hash )
     response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, mime = HC.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM, path = path )
     return response_context
    def _GetInfo(self, share_key):

            info = self._keys_to_infos[share_key]
            raise HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException(
                'Did not find that share on this booru.')

        if info is None:

            info = self._controller.Read('local_booru_share', share_key)

            hashes = info['hashes']

            info['hashes_set'] = set(hashes)

            media_results = self._controller.Read('media_results', hashes)

            info['media_results'] = media_results

            hashes_to_media_results = {
                media_result.GetHash(): media_result
                for media_result in media_results

            info['hashes_to_media_results'] = hashes_to_media_results

            self._keys_to_infos[share_key] = info

        return info
Beispiel #3
def GetThumbnailPath(hash):

    path = GetExpectedThumbnailPath(hash)

    if not os.path.exists(path):

        raise HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException('Thumbnail not found!')

    return path
Beispiel #4
def GetFilePath(hash):

    path = GetExpectedFilePath(hash)

    if not os.path.exists(path):

        raise HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException('File not found!')

    return path
Beispiel #5
 def _CheckFileAuthorised( self, share_key, hash ):
     self._CheckShareAuthorised( share_key )
     info = self._GetInfo( share_key )
     if hash not in info[ 'hashes_set' ]:
         raise HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException( 'That file was not found in that share.' )
    def _CheckShareAuthorised(self, share_key):


        info = self._GetInfo(share_key)

        timeout = info['timeout']

        if timeout is not None and HydrusData.TimeHasPassed(timeout):

            raise HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException('This share has expired.')
Beispiel #7
 def _threadDoGETJob( self, request ):
     self._checkBandwidth( request )
     # no permissions check as any functional account can get updates
     update_hash = request.parsed_request_args[ 'update_hash' ]
     if not self._service.HasUpdateHash( update_hash ):
         raise HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException( 'This update hash does not exist on this service!' )
     path = ServerFiles.GetFilePath( update_hash )
     response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, mime = HC.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM, path = path )
     return response_context
 def _GetServiceKeyToWorkOn( self ):
     if len( self._go_faster ) > 0:
         service_keys_that_need_work = list( self._go_faster )
         service_keys_that_need_work = [ service_key for ( service_key, needs_work ) in self._service_keys_to_needs_work.items() if needs_work ]
         if len( service_keys_that_need_work ) == 0:
             raise HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException( 'No service keys need work!' )
     ( service_key, ) = random.sample( service_keys_that_need_work, 1 )
     return service_key
Beispiel #9
    def _threadDoGETJob(self, request: HydrusServerRequest.HydrusRequest):

        if 'subject_identifier' not in request.parsed_request_args:

            raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException(
                'I was expecting an account identifier for the subject, but did not get one!'

        subject_identifier = request.parsed_request_args['subject_identifier']

        if subject_identifier.HasAccountKey():

            subject_account_key = subject_identifier.GetAccountKey()


                subject_account = HG.server_controller.Read(
                    'account', self._service_key, subject_account_key)

            except HydrusExceptions.InsufficientCredentialsException as e:

                raise HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException(e)

        elif subject_identifier.HasContent():

            subject_content = subject_identifier.GetContent()

            subject_account = HG.server_controller.Read(
                'account_from_content', self._service_key, subject_content)


            raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException(
                'The subject\'s account identifier did not include an account key or content!'

        body = HydrusNetworkVariableHandling.DumpHydrusArgsToNetworkBytes(
            {'account': subject_account})

        response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext(200,

        return response_context
Beispiel #10
 def _threadDoGETJob( self, request ):
     self._checkBandwidth( request )
     # no permission check as any functional account can get files
     hash = request.parsed_request_args[ 'hash' ]
     ( valid, mime ) = HG.server_controller.Read( 'service_has_file', self._service_key, hash )
     if not valid:
         raise HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException( 'File not found on this service!' )
     path = ServerFiles.GetFilePath( hash )
     response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, mime = mime, path = path )
     return response_context