Beispiel #1
    def test_replacing(self):
        h = HTTPHeaderMap([
            (b'name', b'value'),
            (b'name2', b'value2'),
            (b'name2', b'value2'),
            (b'name3', b'value3'),

        h.replace('name2', '42')
        h.replace('name4', 'other_value')

        assert list(h.items()) == [
            (b'name', b'value'),
            (b'name2', b'42'),
            (b'name3', b'value3'),
            (b'name4', b'other_value'),
Beispiel #2
class Stream(object):
    A single HTTP/2 stream.

    A stream is an independent, bi-directional sequence of HTTP headers and
    data. Each stream is identified by a single integer. From a HTTP
    perspective, a stream _approximately_ matches a single request-response
    def __init__(self, connection, ip, stream_id, host, task, send_cb,
                 close_cb, header_encoder, header_decoder,
                 receive_window_manager, remote_window_size, max_frame_size):

        self.connection = connection
        self.ip = ip
        self.stream_id = stream_id = host
        self.task = task
        self.state = STATE_IDLE
        self.get_head_time = None

        # There are two flow control windows: one for data we're sending,
        # one for data being sent to us.
        self.receive_window_manager = receive_window_manager
        self.remote_window_size = remote_window_size
        self.max_frame_size = max_frame_size

        # This is the callback handed to the stream by its parent connection.
        # It is called when the stream wants to send data. It expects to
        # receive a list of frames that will be automatically serialized.
        self._send_cb = send_cb

        # This is the callback to be called when the stream is closed.
        self._close_cb = close_cb

        # A reference to the header encoder and decoder objects belonging to
        # the parent connection.
        self._encoder = header_encoder
        self._decoder = header_decoder

        self.request_headers = HTTPHeaderMap()

        # Convert the body to bytes if needed.
        self.request_body = to_bytestring(self.task.body)

        # request body not send blocked by send window
        # the left body will send when send window opened.
        self.request_body_left = len(self.request_body)
        self.request_body_sended = False

        # data list before decode
        self.response_header_datas = []

        # Set to a key-value set of the response headers once their
        # HEADERS..CONTINUATION frame sequence finishes.
        self.response_headers = None

        # Unconsumed response data chunks
        self.response_body = []
        self.response_body_len = 0


    def start_request(self):
        Open the stream. Does this by encoding and sending the headers: no more
        calls to ``add_header`` are allowed after this method is called.
        The `end` flag controls whether this will be the end of the stream, or
        whether data will follow.
        # Strip any headers invalid in H2.
        #headers = h2_safe_headers(self.request_headers)

        self.add_header(":method", self.task.method)
        self.add_header(":scheme", "https")
        self.add_header(":path", self.task.path)

        default_headers = (':method', ':scheme', ':authority', ':path')
        for name, value in self.task.headers.items():
            is_default = to_native_string(name) in default_headers
            self.add_header(name, value, replace=is_default)

        # Encode the headers.
        encoded_headers = self._encoder.encode(self.request_headers)

        # It's possible that there is a substantial amount of data here. The
        # data needs to go into one HEADERS frame, followed by a number of
        # CONTINUATION frames. For now, for ease of implementation, let's just
        # assume that's never going to happen (16kB of headers is lots!).
        # Additionally, since this is so unlikely, there's no point writing a
        # test for this: it's just so simple.
        if len(encoded_headers) > FRAME_MAX_LEN:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ValueError("Header block too large.")

        header_frame = HeadersFrame(self.stream_id) = encoded_headers

        # If no data has been provided, this is the end of the stream. Either
        # way, due to the restriction above it's definitely the end of the
        # headers.

        # Send the header frame.
        self.task.set_state("start send header")

        # Transition the stream state appropriately.
        self.state = STATE_OPEN

        self.task.set_state("start send left body")
        self.task.set_state("end send left body")


    def add_header(self, name, value, replace=False):
        Adds a single HTTP header to the headers to be sent on the request.
        if not replace:
            self.request_headers[name] = value
            self.request_headers.replace(name, value)

    def send_left_body(self):
        while self.remote_window_size and not self.request_body_sended:
            send_size = min(self.remote_window_size, self.request_body_left,

            f = DataFrame(self.stream_id)
            data_start = len(self.request_body) - self.request_body_left
   = self.request_body[data_start:data_start + send_size]

            self.remote_window_size -= send_size
            self.request_body_left -= send_size

            # If the length of the data is less than MAX_CHUNK, we're probably
            # at the end of the file. If this is the end of the data, mark it
            # as END_STREAM.
            if self.request_body_left == 0:

            # Send the frame and decrement the flow control window.

            # If no more data is to be sent on this stream, transition our state.
            if self.request_body_left == 0:
                self.request_body_sended = True

    def receive_frame(self, frame):
        Handle a frame received on this stream.
        called by connection.
        # xlog.debug("stream %d recved frame %r", self.stream_id, frame)
        if frame.type == WindowUpdateFrame.type:
            self.remote_window_size += frame.window_increment
        elif frame.type == HeadersFrame.type:
            # Begin the header block for the response headers.
            self.response_header_datas = []
        elif frame.type == PushPromiseFrame.type:
            xlog.error("%s receive PushPromiseFrame:%d", self.ip,
        elif frame.type == ContinuationFrame.type:
            # Continue a header block begun with either HEADERS or PUSH_PROMISE.
        elif frame.type == DataFrame.type:
            # Append the data to the buffer.
            if not self.task.finished:

            if 'END_STREAM' not in frame.flags:
                # Increase the window size. Only do this if the data frame contains
                # actual data.
                # don't do it if stream is closed.
                size = frame.flow_controlled_length
                increment = self.receive_window_manager._handle_frame(size)
                #if increment:
                #    xlog.debug("stream:%d frame size:%d increase win:%d", self.stream_id, size, increment)

                #content_len = int(self.request_headers.get("Content-Length")[0])
                #xlog.debug("%s get:%d s:%d", self.ip, self.response_body_len, size)

                if increment and not self._remote_closed:
                    w = WindowUpdateFrame(self.stream_id)
                    w.window_increment = increment
        elif frame.type == BlockedFrame.type:
            # If we've been blocked we may want to fixup the window.
            increment = self.receive_window_manager._blocked()
            if increment:
                w = WindowUpdateFrame(self.stream_id)
                w.window_increment = increment
        elif frame.type == RstStreamFrame.type:
            # Rest Frame send from server is not define in RFC
            # but GAE server will not work on this connection anymore
            inactive_time = time.time() - self.connection.last_active_time
                "%s Stream %d Rest by server, inactive:%d. error code:%d",
                self.ip, self.stream_id, inactive_time, frame.error_code)
        elif frame.type in FRAMES:
            # This frame isn't valid at this point.
            #raise ValueError("Unexpected frame %s." % frame)
            xlog.error("%s Unexpected frame %s.", self.ip, frame)
        else:  # pragma: no cover
            # Unknown frames belong to extensions. Just drop it on the
            # floor, but log so that users know that something happened.
            xlog.error("%s Received unknown frame, type %d", self.ip,

        if 'END_HEADERS' in frame.flags:
            # Begin by decoding the header block. If this fails, we need to
            # tear down the entire connection.
            headers = self._decoder.decode(b''.join(

            # We've handled the headers, zero them out.
            self.response_header_datas = None

            self.get_head_time = time.time()

            length = self.response_headers.get("Content-Length", None)
            if isinstance(length, list):
                length = int(length[0])
            if not self.task.finished:
                self.task.content_length = length

        if 'END_STREAM' in frame.flags:
            #xlog.debug("%s Closing remote side of stream:%d", self.ip, self.stream_id)
            time_now = time.time()
            time_cost = time_now - self.get_head_time
            if time_cost > 0 and \
                    isinstance(self.task.content_length, int) and \
                    not self.task.finished:
                speed = self.task.content_length / time_cost
                self.task.set_state("h2_finish[SP:%d]" % speed)


            self.close("end stream")

    def send_response(self):
        if self.task.responsed:
            xlog.error("http2_stream send_response but responsed.%s",
            self.close("h2 stream send_response but sended.")

        self.task.responsed = True
        status = int(self.response_headers[b':status'][0])
        response = BaseResponse(status=status, headers=self.response_headers)
        response.ssl_sock = self.connection.ssl_sock
        response.worker = self.connection
        response.task = self.task
        if status in [400, 403]:
            self.connection.close("status %d" % status)

    def close(self, reason=""):
        self._close_cb(self.stream_id, reason)

        if not self.task.responsed:
            # empty block means fail or closed.

    def _handle_header_block(self, headers):
        Handles the logic for receiving a completed headers block.

        A headers block is an uninterrupted sequence of one HEADERS frame
        followed by zero or more CONTINUATION frames, and is terminated by a
        frame bearing the END_HEADERS flag.

        HTTP/2 allows receipt of up to three such blocks on a stream. The first
        is optional, and contains a 1XX response. The second is mandatory, and
        must contain a final response (200 or higher). The third is optional,
        and may contain 'trailers', headers that are sent after a chunk-encoded
        body is sent.

        Here we only process the simple state: no push, one header frame.

        if self.response_headers is None:
            self.response_headers = HTTPHeaderMap(headers)
            # Received too many headers blocks.
            raise ProtocolError("Too many header blocks.")


    def _local_closed(self):
        return self.state in (STATE_CLOSED, STATE_HALF_CLOSED_LOCAL)

    def _remote_closed(self):
        return self.state in (STATE_CLOSED, STATE_HALF_CLOSED_REMOTE)

    def _local_open(self):
        return self.state in (STATE_OPEN, STATE_HALF_CLOSED_REMOTE)

    def _close_local(self):
        self.state = (STATE_HALF_CLOSED_LOCAL
                      if self.state == STATE_OPEN else STATE_CLOSED)

    def _close_remote(self):
        self.state = (STATE_HALF_CLOSED_REMOTE
                      if self.state == STATE_OPEN else STATE_CLOSED)

    def timeout_response(self):
        start_time = time.time()
        while time.time() - start_time < self.task.timeout:
            if self._remote_closed:

        xlog.warn("h2 timeout %s task_trace:%s worker_trace:%s",
                  self.connection.ssl_sock.ip, self.task.get_trace(),

        if self.task.responsed:
Beispiel #3
class Stream(object):
    A single HTTP/2 stream.

    A stream is an independent, bi-directional sequence of HTTP headers and
    data. Each stream is identified by a single integer. From a HTTP
    perspective, a stream _approximately_ matches a single request-response
    def __init__(self,

        self.logger = logger
        self.config = config
        self.connection = connection
        self.ip = ip
        self.stream_id = stream_id
        self.task = task
        self.state = STATE_IDLE
        self.get_head_time = None

        # There are two flow control windows: one for data we're sending,
        # one for data being sent to us.
        self.receive_window_manager = receive_window_manager
        self.remote_window_size = remote_window_size
        self.max_frame_size = max_frame_size

        # This is the callback handed to the stream by its parent connection.
        # It is called when the stream wants to send data. It expects to
        # receive a list of frames that will be automatically serialized.
        self._send_cb = send_cb

        # This is the callback to be called when the stream is closed.
        self._close_cb = close_cb

        # A reference to the header encoder and decoder objects belonging to
        # the parent connection.
        self._encoder = encoder
        self._decoder = decoder

        self.request_headers = HTTPHeaderMap()

        # Convert the body to bytes if needed.
        self.request_body = to_bytestring(self.task.body)

        # request body not send blocked by send window
        # the left body will send when send window opened.
        self.request_body_left = len(self.request_body)
        self.request_body_sended = False

        # data list before decode
        self.response_header_datas = []

        # Set to a key-value set of the response headers once their
        # HEADERS..CONTINUATION frame sequence finishes.
        self.response_headers = None

        # Unconsumed response data chunks
        self.response_body = []
        self.response_body_len = 0

    def start_request(self):
        Open the stream. Does this by encoding and sending the headers: no more
        calls to ``add_header`` are allowed after this method is called.
        The `end` flag controls whether this will be the end of the stream, or
        whether data will follow.
        # Strip any headers invalid in H2.
        #headers = h2_safe_headers(self.request_headers)

        host = self.connection.get_host(

        self.add_header(":method", self.task.method)
        self.add_header(":scheme", "https")
        self.add_header(":authority", host)
        self.add_header(":path", self.task.path)

        default_headers = (':method', ':scheme', ':authority', ':path')
        #headers = h2_safe_headers(self.task.headers)
        for name, value in self.task.headers.items():
            is_default = to_native_string(name) in default_headers
            self.add_header(name, value, replace=is_default)

        # Encode the headers.
        encoded_headers = self._encoder(self.request_headers)

        # It's possible that there is a substantial amount of data here. The
        # data needs to go into one HEADERS frame, followed by a number of
        # CONTINUATION frames. For now, for ease of implementation, let's just
        # assume that's never going to happen (16kB of headers is lots!).
        # Additionally, since this is so unlikely, there's no point writing a
        # test for this: it's just so simple.
        if len(encoded_headers) > FRAME_MAX_LEN:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ValueError("Header block too large.")

        header_frame = HeadersFrame(self.stream_id) = encoded_headers

        # If no data has been provided, this is the end of the stream. Either
        # way, due to the restriction above it's definitely the end of the
        # headers.
        if self.request_body_left == 0:

        # Send the header frame.
        self.task.set_state("start send header")

        # Transition the stream state appropriately.
        self.state = STATE_OPEN

        self.task.set_state("start send left body")

    def left_work(self):
        if self.request_body_left > 0:


    def add_header(self, name, value, replace=False):
        Adds a single HTTP header to the headers to be sent on the request.
        if not replace:
            self.request_headers[name] = value
            self.request_headers.replace(name, value)

    def send_left_body(self):
        while self.remote_window_size and not self.request_body_sended:
            send_size = min(self.remote_window_size, self.request_body_left, self.max_frame_size)

            f = DataFrame(self.stream_id)
            data_start = len(self.request_body) - self.request_body_left
   = self.request_body[data_start:data_start+send_size]

            self.remote_window_size -= send_size
            self.request_body_left -= send_size

            # If the length of the data is less than MAX_CHUNK, we're probably
            # at the end of the file. If this is the end of the data, mark it
            # as END_STREAM.
            if self.request_body_left == 0:

            # Send the frame and decrement the flow control window.

            # If no more data is to be sent on this stream, transition our state.
            if self.request_body_left == 0:
                self.request_body_sended = True
        self.task.set_state("end send left body")

    def receive_frame(self, frame):
        Handle a frame received on this stream.
        called by connection.
        # self.logger.debug("stream %d recved frame %r", self.stream_id, frame)
        if frame.type == WindowUpdateFrame.type:
            self.remote_window_size += frame.window_increment
        elif frame.type == HeadersFrame.type:
            # Begin the header block for the response headers.
            #self.response_header_datas = []
        elif frame.type == PushPromiseFrame.type:
            self.logger.error("%s receive PushPromiseFrame:%d", self.ip, frame.stream_id)
        elif frame.type == ContinuationFrame.type:
            # Continue a header block begun with either HEADERS or PUSH_PROMISE.
        elif frame.type == DataFrame.type:
            # Append the data to the buffer.
            if not self.task.finished:

            if 'END_STREAM' not in frame.flags:
                # Increase the window size. Only do this if the data frame contains
                # actual data.
                # don't do it if stream is closed.
                size = frame.flow_controlled_length
                increment = self.receive_window_manager._handle_frame(size)
                #if increment:
                #    self.logger.debug("stream:%d frame size:%d increase win:%d", self.stream_id, size, increment)

                #content_len = int(self.request_headers.get("Content-Length")[0])
                #self.logger.debug("%s get:%d s:%d", self.ip, self.response_body_len, size)

                if increment and not self._remote_closed:
                    w = WindowUpdateFrame(self.stream_id)
                    w.window_increment = increment
        elif frame.type == BlockedFrame.type:
            # If we've been blocked we may want to fixup the window.
            increment = self.receive_window_manager._blocked()
            if increment:
                w = WindowUpdateFrame(self.stream_id)
                w.window_increment = increment
        elif frame.type == RstStreamFrame.type:
            # Rest Frame send from server is not define in RFC
            inactive_time = time.time() - self.connection.last_active_time
            self.logger.debug("%s Stream %d Rest by server, inactive:%d. error code:%d",
                       self.ip, self.stream_id, inactive_time, frame.error_code)
        elif frame.type in FRAMES:
            # This frame isn't valid at this point.
            #raise ValueError("Unexpected frame %s." % frame)
            self.logger.error("%s Unexpected frame %s.", self.ip, frame)
        else:  # pragma: no cover
            # Unknown frames belong to extensions. Just drop it on the
            # floor, but log so that users know that something happened.
            self.logger.error("%s Received unknown frame, type %d", self.ip, frame.type)

        if 'END_HEADERS' in frame.flags:
            if self.response_headers is not None:
                raise ProtocolError("Too many header blocks.")

            # Begin by decoding the header block. If this fails, we need to
            # tear down the entire connection.
            if len(self.response_header_datas) == 1:
                header_data = self.response_header_datas[0]
                header_data = b''.join(self.response_header_datas)

                headers = self._decoder.decode(header_data)
            except Exception as e:
                self.logger.exception("decode h2 header %s fail:%r", header_data, e)
                raise e

            self.response_headers = HTTPHeaderMap(headers)

            # We've handled the headers, zero them out.
            self.response_header_datas = None

            self.get_head_time = time.time()

            length = self.response_headers.get("Content-Length", None)
            if isinstance(length, list):
                length = int(length[0])
            if not self.task.finished:
                self.task.content_length = length

        if 'END_STREAM' in frame.flags:
            #self.logger.debug("%s Closing remote side of stream:%d", self.ip, self.stream_id)
            time_now = time.time()
            time_cost = time_now - self.get_head_time
            if time_cost > 0 and \
                    isinstance(self.task.content_length, int) and \
                    not self.task.finished:
                speed = self.task.content_length / time_cost
                self.task.set_state("h2_finish[SP:%d]" % speed)


            self.close("end stream")
            if not self.task.finished:
                self.connection.continue_timeout = 0

    def send_response(self):
        if self.task.responsed:
            self.logger.error("http2_stream send_response but responsed.%s", self.task.url)
            self.close("h2 stream send_response but sended.")

        self.task.responsed = True
        status = int(self.response_headers[b':status'][0])
        response = simple_http_client.BaseResponse(status=status, headers=self.response_headers)
        response.ssl_sock = self.connection.ssl_sock
        response.worker = self.connection
        response.task = self.task
        if status in self.config.http2_status_to_close:
            self.connection.close("status %d" % status)

    def close(self, reason="close"):
        if not self.task.responsed:
            self.connection.retry_task_cb(self.task, reason)
            # empty block means fail or closed.
        self._close_cb(self.stream_id, reason)

    def _local_closed(self):
        return self.state in (STATE_CLOSED, STATE_HALF_CLOSED_LOCAL)

    def _remote_closed(self):
        return self.state in (STATE_CLOSED, STATE_HALF_CLOSED_REMOTE)

    def _local_open(self):
        return self.state in (STATE_OPEN, STATE_HALF_CLOSED_REMOTE)

    def _close_local(self):
        self.state = (
            STATE_HALF_CLOSED_LOCAL if self.state == STATE_OPEN
            else STATE_CLOSED

    def _close_remote(self):
        self.state = (
            STATE_HALF_CLOSED_REMOTE if self.state == STATE_OPEN
            else STATE_CLOSED

    def timeout_response(self):
        start_time = time.time()
        while time.time() - start_time < self.task.timeout:
            if self._remote_closed:

        self.logger.warn("h2 timeout %s task_trace:%s worker_trace:%s",

        if self.task.responsed:

        self.connection.continue_timeout += 1
        if self.connection.continue_timeout >= self.connection.config.http2_max_timeout_tasks and \
                time.time() - self.connection.last_active_time > self.connection.config.http2_timeout_active:
            self.connection.close("down fail")
Beispiel #4
class Stream(object):
    A single HTTP/2 stream.

    A stream is an independent, bi-directional sequence of HTTP headers and
    data. Each stream is identified by a single integer. From a HTTP
    perspective, a stream _approximately_ matches a single request-response
    def __init__(self,

        self.connection = connection
        self.ip = ip
        self.stream_id = stream_id = host
        self.task = task
        self.state = STATE_IDLE

        # There are two flow control windows: one for data we're sending,
        # one for data being sent to us.
        self.receive_window_manager = receive_window_manager
        self.remote_window_size = remote_window_size
        self.max_frame_size = max_frame_size

        # This is the callback handed to the stream by its parent connection.
        # It is called when the stream wants to send data. It expects to
        # receive a list of frames that will be automatically serialized.
        self._send_cb = send_cb

        # This is the callback to be called when the stream is closed.
        self._close_cb = close_cb

        # A reference to the header encoder and decoder objects belonging to
        # the parent connection.
        self._encoder = header_encoder
        self._decoder = header_decoder

        self.request_headers = HTTPHeaderMap()

        # Convert the body to bytes if needed.
        self.request_body = to_bytestring(self.task.body)

        # request body not send blocked by send window
        # the left body will send when send window opened.
        self.request_body_left = len(self.request_body)

        # data list before decode
        self.response_header_datas = []

        # Set to a key-value set of the response headers once their
        # HEADERS..CONTINUATION frame sequence finishes.
        self.response_headers = None

        # Unconsumed response data chunks
        self.response_body = []
        self.response_body_len = 0


    def start_request(self):
        Open the stream. Does this by encoding and sending the headers: no more
        calls to ``add_header`` are allowed after this method is called.
        The `end` flag controls whether this will be the end of the stream, or
        whether data will follow.
        # Strip any headers invalid in H2.
        #headers = h2_safe_headers(self.request_headers)

        self.add_header(":method", "POST")
        self.add_header(":scheme", "https")
        self.add_header(":path", "/_gh/")

        default_headers = (':method', ':scheme', ':authority', ':path')
        for name, value in self.task.headers.items():
            is_default = to_native_string(name) in default_headers
            self.add_header(name, value, replace=is_default)

        # Encode the headers.
        encoded_headers = self._encoder.encode(self.request_headers)

        # It's possible that there is a substantial amount of data here. The
        # data needs to go into one HEADERS frame, followed by a number of
        # CONTINUATION frames. For now, for ease of implementation, let's just
        # assume that's never going to happen (16kB of headers is lots!).
        # Additionally, since this is so unlikely, there's no point writing a
        # test for this: it's just so simple.
        if len(encoded_headers) > FRAME_MAX_LEN:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ValueError("Header block too large.")

        header_frame = HeadersFrame(self.stream_id) = encoded_headers

        # If no data has been provided, this is the end of the stream. Either
        # way, due to the restriction above it's definitely the end of the
        # headers.

        # Send the header frame.

        # Transition the stream state appropriately.
        self.state = STATE_OPEN


    def add_header(self, name, value, replace=False):
        Adds a single HTTP header to the headers to be sent on the request.
        if not replace:
            self.request_headers[name] = value
            self.request_headers.replace(name, value)

    def send_left_body(self):
        while self.remote_window_size and self.request_body_left:
            send_size = min(self.remote_window_size, self.request_body_left, self.max_frame_size)

            f = DataFrame(self.stream_id)
            data_start = len(self.request_body) - self.request_body_left
   = self.request_body[data_start:data_start+send_size]

            self.remote_window_size -= send_size
            self.request_body_left -= send_size

            # If the length of the data is less than MAX_CHUNK, we're probably
            # at the end of the file. If this is the end of the data, mark it
            # as END_STREAM.
            if self.request_body_left == 0:

            # Send the frame and decrement the flow control window.

            # If no more data is to be sent on this stream, transition our state.
            if self.request_body_left == 0:

    def receive_frame(self, frame):
        Handle a frame received on this stream.
        called by connection.

        if frame.type == WindowUpdateFrame.type:
            self.remote_window_size += frame.window_increment
        elif frame.type == HeadersFrame.type:
            # Begin the header block for the response headers.
            self.response_header_datas = []
        elif frame.type == PushPromiseFrame.type:
            xlog.error("%s receive PushPromiseFrame:%d", self.ip, frame.stream_id)
        elif frame.type == ContinuationFrame.type:
            # Continue a header block begun with either HEADERS or PUSH_PROMISE.
        elif frame.type == DataFrame.type:
            # Append the data to the buffer.
            self.response_body_len += len(

            if 'END_STREAM' not in frame.flags:
                # Increase the window size. Only do this if the data frame contains
                # actual data.
                # don't do it if stream is closed.
                size = frame.flow_controlled_length
                increment = self.receive_window_manager._handle_frame(size)
                #if increment:
                #    xlog.debug("stream:%d frame size:%d increase win:%d", self.stream_id, size, increment)

                #content_len = int(self.request_headers.get("Content-Length")[0])
                #xlog.debug("%s get:%d s:%d", self.ip, self.response_body_len, size)

                if increment and not self._remote_closed:
                    w = WindowUpdateFrame(self.stream_id)
                    w.window_increment = increment
        elif frame.type == BlockedFrame.type:
            # If we've been blocked we may want to fixup the window.
            increment = self.receive_window_manager._blocked()
            if increment:
                w = WindowUpdateFrame(self.stream_id)
                w.window_increment = increment
        elif frame.type == RstStreamFrame.type:
            xlog.warn("%s Stream %d forcefully closed.", self.ip, self.stream_id)
        elif frame.type in FRAMES:
            # This frame isn't valid at this point.
            #raise ValueError("Unexpected frame %s." % frame)
            xlog.error("%s Unexpected frame %s.", self.ip, frame)
        else:  # pragma: no cover
            # Unknown frames belong to extensions. Just drop it on the
            # floor, but log so that users know that something happened.
            xlog.error("%s Received unknown frame, type %d", self.ip, frame.type)

        if 'END_HEADERS' in frame.flags:
            # Begin by decoding the header block. If this fails, we need to
            # tear down the entire connection. TODO: actually do that.
            headers = self._decoder.decode(b''.join(self.response_header_datas))

            # We've handled the headers, zero them out.
            self.response_header_datas = None

        if 'END_STREAM' in frame.flags:
            #xlog.debug("%s Closing remote side of stream:%d", self.ip, self.stream_id)


            self.close("end stream")

    def send_response(self):
        status = int(self.response_headers[b':status'][0])
        body = b''.join(self.response_body)
        response = BaseResponse(status=status, headers=self.response_headers, body=body)
        response.ssl_sock = self.connection.ssl_sock
        response.worker = self.connection

    def close(self, reason=""):
        self._close_cb(self.stream_id, reason)

    def _handle_header_block(self, headers):
        Handles the logic for receiving a completed headers block.

        A headers block is an uninterrupted sequence of one HEADERS frame
        followed by zero or more CONTINUATION frames, and is terminated by a
        frame bearing the END_HEADERS flag.

        HTTP/2 allows receipt of up to three such blocks on a stream. The first
        is optional, and contains a 1XX response. The second is mandatory, and
        must contain a final response (200 or higher). The third is optional,
        and may contain 'trailers', headers that are sent after a chunk-encoded
        body is sent.

        Here we only process the simple state: no push, one header frame.

        if self.response_headers is None:
            self.response_headers = HTTPHeaderMap(headers)
            # Received too many headers blocks.
            raise ProtocolError("Too many header blocks.")


    def _local_closed(self):
        return self.state in (STATE_CLOSED, STATE_HALF_CLOSED_LOCAL)

    def _remote_closed(self):
        return self.state in (STATE_CLOSED, STATE_HALF_CLOSED_REMOTE)

    def _local_open(self):
        return self.state in (STATE_OPEN, STATE_HALF_CLOSED_REMOTE)

    def _close_local(self):
        self.state = (
            STATE_HALF_CLOSED_LOCAL if self.state == STATE_OPEN
            else STATE_CLOSED

    def _close_remote(self):
        self.state = (
            STATE_HALF_CLOSED_REMOTE if self.state == STATE_OPEN
            else STATE_CLOSED