Beispiel #1
def _db_for_path(path=None):
    if path is not_set:
        if os.getenv("HYPOTHESIS_DATABASE_FILE") is not None:  # pragma: no cover
            raise HypothesisException(
                "The $HYPOTHESIS_DATABASE_FILE environment variable no longer has any "
                "effect.  Configure your database location via a settings profile instead.\n"
        # Note: storage_directory attempts to create the dir in question, so
        # if os.access fails there *must* be a fatal permissions issue.
        path = storage_directory("examples")
        if os.access(path, os.R_OK | os.W_OK | os.X_OK):
            return _db_for_path(path)
        else:  # pragma: no cover
                    "The database setting is not configured, and the default "
                    "location is unusable - falling back to an in-memory "
                    "database for this session.  path=%r" % (path,)
            return InMemoryExampleDatabase()
    if path in (None, ":memory:"):
        return InMemoryExampleDatabase()
    return DirectoryBasedExampleDatabase(str(path))
Beispiel #2
def charmap():
    """Return a dict that maps a Unicode category, to a tuple of 2-tuples
    covering the codepoint intervals for characters in that category.

    >>> charmap()['Co']
    ((57344, 63743), (983040, 1048573), (1048576, 1114109))
    global _charmap
    # Best-effort caching in the face of missing files and/or unwritable
    # filesystems is fairly simple: check if loaded, else try loading,
    # else calculate and try writing the cache.
    if _charmap is None:
        f = charmap_file()
            with gzip.GzipFile(f, "rb") as i:
                tmp_charmap = dict(json.loads(i))

        except Exception:
            tmp_charmap = {}
            for i in range(0, sys.maxunicode + 1):
                cat = unicodedata.category(hunichr(i))
                rs = tmp_charmap.setdefault(cat, [])
                if rs and rs[-1][-1] == i - 1:
                    rs[-1][-1] += 1
                    rs.append([i, i])

                # Write the Unicode table atomically
                tmpdir = storage_directory("tmp")
                fd, tmpfile = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=tmpdir)
                # Explicitly set the mtime to get reproducible output
                with gzip.GzipFile(tmpfile, "wb", mtime=1) as o:
                    result = json.dumps(sorted(tmp_charmap.items()))

                os.renames(tmpfile, f)
            except Exception:

        # convert between lists and tuples
        _charmap = {
            k: tuple(tuple(pair) for pair in pairs) for k, pairs in tmp_charmap.items()
        # each value is a tuple of 2-tuples (that is, tuples of length 2)
        # and that both elements of that tuple are integers.
        for vs in _charmap.values():
            ints = list(sum(vs, ()))
            assert all([isinstance(x, int) for x in ints])
            assert ints == sorted(ints)
            assert all([len(tup) == 2 for tup in vs])

    assert _charmap is not None
    return _charmap
Beispiel #3
def _db_for_path(path=None):
    if path is not_set:
        if os.getenv(
                "HYPOTHESIS_DATABASE_FILE") is not None:  # pragma: no cover
            raise HypothesisException(
                "The $HYPOTHESIS_DATABASE_FILE environment variable no longer has any "
                "effect.  Configure your database location via a settings profile instead.\n"

        path = storage_directory("examples")
        if not _usable_dir(path):  # pragma: no cover
                    "The database setting is not configured, and the default "
                    "location is unusable - falling back to an in-memory "
                    f"database for this session.  path={path!r}"))
            return InMemoryExampleDatabase()
    if path in (None, ":memory:"):
        return InMemoryExampleDatabase()
    return DirectoryBasedExampleDatabase(str(path))
Beispiel #4
def _db_for_path(path=None):
    if path is not_set:
        path = os.getenv('HYPOTHESIS_DATABASE_FILE')
        if path is not None:  # pragma: no cover
            # Note: we should retain an explicit deprecation warning for a
            # further period after this is removed, to ease debugging for
            # anyone migrating to a new version.
                'The $HYPOTHESIS_DATABASE_FILE environment variable is '
                'deprecated, and will be ignored by a future version of '
                'Hypothesis.  Configure your database location via a '
                'settings profile instead.'
            return _db_for_path(path)
        # Note: storage_directory attempts to create the dir in question, so
        # if os.access fails there *must* be a fatal permissions issue.
        path = storage_directory('examples')
        if os.access(path, os.R_OK | os.W_OK | os.X_OK):
            return _db_for_path(path)
        else:  # pragma: no cover
                'The database setting is not configured, and the default '
                'location is unusable - falling back to an in-memory '
                'database for this session.  path=%r' % (path,)
            return InMemoryExampleDatabase()
    if path in (None, ':memory:'):
        return InMemoryExampleDatabase()
    path = str(path)
    if os.path.isdir(path):
        return DirectoryBasedExampleDatabase(path)
    if os.path.exists(path):
        return SQLiteExampleDatabase(path)
        return SQLiteExampleDatabase(path)
        return DirectoryBasedExampleDatabase(path)
def charmap_file():
    return os.path.join(
        storage_directory('unicodedata', unicodedata.unidata_version),
def charmap():
    """Return a dict that maps a Unicode category, to a tuple of 2-tuples
    covering the codepoint intervals for characters in that category.

    >>> charmap()['Co']
    ((57344, 63743), (983040, 1048573), (1048576, 1114109))
    global _charmap
    # Best-effort caching in the face of missing files and/or unwritable
    # filesystems is fairly simple: check if loaded, else try loading,
    # else calculate and try writing the cache.
    if _charmap is None:
        f = charmap_file()
            with gzip.GzipFile(f, "rb") as i:
                # When the minimum Python 3 version becomes 3.6, this can be
                # simplified to `json.load(i)` without needing to decode first.
                data =
                tmp_charmap = dict(json.loads(data))

        except Exception:
            # This loop is reduced to using only local variables for performance;
            # indexing and updating containers is a ~3x slowdown.  This doesn't fix
            # but it helps.
            category = unicodedata.category  # Local variable -> ~20% speedup!
            tmp_charmap = {}
            last_cat = category(chr(0))
            last_start = 0
            for i in range(1, sys.maxunicode + 1):
                cat = category(chr(i))
                if cat != last_cat:
                                           []).append([last_start, i - 1])
                    last_cat, last_start = cat, i
                                   []).append([last_start, sys.maxunicode])

                # Write the Unicode table atomically
                tmpdir = storage_directory("tmp")
                fd, tmpfile = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=tmpdir)
                # Explicitly set the mtime to get reproducible output
                with gzip.GzipFile(tmpfile, "wb", mtime=1) as o:
                    result = json.dumps(sorted(tmp_charmap.items()))

                os.renames(tmpfile, f)
            except Exception:

        # convert between lists and tuples
        _charmap = {
            k: tuple(tuple(pair) for pair in pairs)
            for k, pairs in tmp_charmap.items()
        # each value is a tuple of 2-tuples (that is, tuples of length 2)
        # and that both elements of that tuple are integers.
        for vs in _charmap.values():
            ints = list(sum(vs, ()))
            assert all(isinstance(x, int) for x in ints)
            assert ints == sorted(ints)
            assert all(len(tup) == 2 for tup in vs)

    assert _charmap is not None
    return _charmap
def eval_directory():
    return storage_directory('eval_source')
Beispiel #8
def charmap_file():
    return os.path.join(
        storage_directory('unicodedata', unicodedata.unidata_version),
def charmap_file():
    return storage_directory("unicode_data", unicodedata.unidata_version,
Beispiel #10
def eval_directory():
    return storage_directory("eval_source")
def test_storage_directories_are_created_automatically(tmpdir):
    assert os.path.exists(fs.storage_directory(u'badgers'))
def eval_directory():
    return storage_directory('eval_source')
def test_storage_directories_are_created_automatically(tmpdir):
    assert os.path.exists(fs.storage_directory(u'badgers'))
Beispiel #14
def charmap_file():
    return os.path.join(
        storage_directory("unicodedata", unicodedata.unidata_version),
def charmap_file():
    return os.path.join(
        storage_directory("unicodedata", unicodedata.unidata_version), "charmap.json.gz"
Beispiel #16
def test_will_pick_up_location_from_env(monkeypatch, tmpdir):
    tmpdir = str(tmpdir)
    monkeypatch.setattr(os, "environ",
                        {"HYPOTHESIS_STORAGE_DIRECTORY": tmpdir})
    assert fs.storage_directory() == tmpdir
Beispiel #17
def test_can_set_homedir_and_it_will_exist(tmpdir):
    d = fs.storage_directory()
    assert "kittens" in d
    assert os.path.exists(d)
Beispiel #18
def test_defaults_to_the_default():
    assert fs.storage_directory() == fs.__hypothesis_home_directory_default
Beispiel #19
def setup_function(function):
    global previous_home_dir
    previous_home_dir = fs.storage_directory()
def eval_directory():
    return storage_directory("eval_source")