Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, member):
        self.experiments = []
        self.__experiment_set = set()
        self.normalizer = IntegerNormalizer()

        self.__member_cache = {}
        self.__member = member
        self.__generation = 0

        # A list of all state objects that correspond to strings we have
        # seen and can demonstrate map to unique states.
        self.__states = [
                experiments={b"": self.member(b"")},

        # When we're trying to figure out what state a string leads to we will
        # end up searching to find a suitable candidate. By putting states in
        # a self-organisating list we ideally minimise the number of lookups.
        self.__self_organising_states = SelfOrganisingList(self.__states)

        self.start = 0

Beispiel #2
def test_self_organising_list_moves_to_front():
    count = [0]

    def zero(n):
        count[0] += 1
        return n == 0

    x = SelfOrganisingList(range(20))

    assert x.find(zero) == 0
    assert count[0] == 20

    assert x.find(zero) == 0
    assert count[0] == 21
Beispiel #3
def test_self_organising_list_raises_not_found_when_none_satisfy():
    with pytest.raises(NotFound):
        SelfOrganisingList(range(20)).find(lambda x: False)
Beispiel #4
class LStar:
    """This class holds the state for learning a DFA. The current DFA can be
    accessed as the ``dfa`` member of this class. Such a DFA becomes invalid
    as soon as ``learn`` has been called, and should only be used until the
    next call to ``learn``.

    Note that many of the DFA methods are on this class, but it is not itself
    a DFA. The reason for this is that it stores mutable state which can cause
    the structure of the learned DFA to change in potentially arbitrary ways,
    making all cached properties become nonsense.
    def __init__(self, member):
        self.experiments = []
        self.__experiment_set = set()
        self.normalizer = IntegerNormalizer()

        self.__member_cache = {}
        self.__member = member
        self.__generation = 0

        # A list of all state objects that correspond to strings we have
        # seen and can demonstrate map to unique states.
        self.__states = [
                experiments={b"": self.member(b"")},

        # When we're trying to figure out what state a string leads to we will
        # end up searching to find a suitable candidate. By putting states in
        # a self-organisating list we ideally minimise the number of lookups.
        self.__self_organising_states = SelfOrganisingList(self.__states)

        self.start = 0


    def __dfa_changed(self):
        """Note that something has changed, updating the generation
        and resetting any cached state."""
        self.__generation += 1
        self.dfa = LearnedDFA(self)

    def is_accepting(self, i):
        """Equivalent to ``self.dfa.is_accepting(i)``"""
        return self.__states[i].accepting

    def label(self, i):
        """Returns the string label for state ``i``."""
        return self.__states[i].label

    def transition(self, i, c):
        """Equivalent to ``self.dfa.transition(i, c)```"""
        c = self.normalizer.normalize(c)
        state = self.__states[i]
            return state.transitions[c]
        except KeyError:

        # The state that we transition to when reading ``c`` is reached by
        # this string, because this state is reached by state.label. We thus
        # want our candidate for the transition to be some state with a label
        # equivalent to this string.
        # We find such a state by looking for one such that all of its listed
        # experiments agree on the result for its state label and this string.
        string = state.label + bytes([c])

        # We keep track of some useful experiments for distinguishing this
        # string from other states, as this both allows us to more accurately
        # select the state to map to and, if necessary, create the new state
        # that this string corresponds to with a decent set of starting
        # experiments.
        accumulated = {}
        counts = Counter()

        def equivalent(t):
            """Checks if ``string`` could possibly lead to state ``t``."""
            for e, expected in accumulated.items():
                if self.member(t.label + e) != expected:
                    counts[e] += 1
                    return False

            for e, expected in t.experiments.items():
                result = self.member(string + e)
                if result != expected:
                    # We expect most experiments to return False so if we add
                    # only True ones to our collection of essential experiments
                    # we keep the size way down and select only ones that are
                    # likely to provide useful information in future.
                    if result:
                        accumulated[e] = result
                    return False
            return True

            destination = self.__self_organising_states.find(equivalent)
        except NotFound:
            i = len(self.__states)
            destination = DistinguishedState(
        state.transitions[c] = destination.index
        return destination.index

    def member(self, s):
        """Check whether this string is a member of the language
        to be learned."""
            return self.__member_cache[s]
        except KeyError:
            result = self.__member(s)
            self.__member_cache[s] = result
            return result

    def generation(self):
        """Return an integer value that will be incremented
        every time the DFA we predict changes."""
        return self.__generation

    def learn(self, string):
        """Learn to give the correct answer on this string.
        That is, after this method completes we will have
        ``self.dfa.matches(s) == self.member(s)``.

        Note that we do not guarantee that this will remain
        true in the event that learn is called again with
        a different string. It is in principle possible that
        future learning will cause us to make a mistake on
        this string. However, repeatedly calling learn on
        each of a set of strings until the generation stops
        changing is guaranteed to terminate.
        string = bytes(string)
        correct_outcome = self.member(string)

        # We don't want to check this inside the loop because it potentially
        # causes us to evaluate more of the states than we actually need to,
        # but if our model is mostly correct then this will be faster because
        # we only need to evaluate strings that are of the form
        # ``state + experiment``, which will generally be cached and/or needed
        # later.
        if self.dfa.matches(string) == correct_outcome:

        # In the papers they assume that we only run this process
        # once, but this is silly - often when you've got a messy
        # string it will be wrong for many different reasons.
        # Thus we iterate this to a fixed point where we repair
        # the DFA by repeatedly adding experiments until the DFA
        # agrees with the membership function on this string.

        # First we make sure that normalization is not the source of the
        # failure to match.
        while True:
            normalized = bytes(self.normalizer.normalize(c) for c in string)
            # We can correctly replace the string with its normalized version
            # so normalization is not the problem here.
            if self.member(normalized) == correct_outcome:
                string = normalized
            alphabet = sorted(set(string), reverse=True)
            target = string
            for a in alphabet:

                def replace(b):
                    if a == b:
                        return target
                    return bytes(b if c == a else c for c in target)

                                            lambda x: self.member(replace(x)))
                target = replace(self.normalizer.normalize(a))
                assert self.member(target) == correct_outcome
            assert target != normalized

        if self.dfa.matches(string) == correct_outcome:

        # Now we know normalization is correct we can attempt to determine if
        # any of our transitions are wrong.
        while True:
            dfa = self.dfa

            states = [dfa.start]

            def seems_right(n):
                """After reading n characters from s, do we seem to be
                in the right state?

                We determine this by replacing the first n characters
                of s with the label of the state we expect to be in.
                If we are in the right state, that will replace a substring
                with an equivalent one so must produce the same answer.
                if n > len(string):
                    return False

                # Populate enough of the states list to know where we are.
                while n >= len(states):
                        dfa.transition(states[-1], string[len(states) - 1]))

                return self.member(dfa.label(states[n]) +
                                   string[n:]) == correct_outcome

            assert seems_right(0)

            n = find_integer(seems_right)

            # We got to the end without ever finding ourself in a bad
            # state, so we must correctly match this string.
            if n == len(string):
                assert dfa.matches(string) == correct_outcome

            # Reading n characters does not put us in a bad state but
            # reading n + 1 does. This means that the remainder of
            # the string that we have not read yet is an experiment
            # that allows us to distinguish the state that we ended
            # up in from the state that we should have ended up in.

            source = states[n]
            character = string[n]
            wrong_destination = states[n + 1]

            # We've made an error in transitioning from ``source`` to
            # ``wrong_destination`` via ``character``. We now need to update
            # the DFA so that this transition no longer occurs. Note that we
            # do not guarantee that the transition is *correct* after this,
            # only that we don't make this particular error.
            assert self.transition(source, character) == wrong_destination

            labels_wrong_destination = self.dfa.label(wrong_destination)
            labels_correct_destination = self.dfa.label(source) + bytes(

            ex = string[n + 1:]

            assert self.member(labels_wrong_destination +
                               ex) != self.member(labels_correct_destination +

            # Adding this experiment causes us to distinguish the wrong
            # destination from the correct one.
            self.__states[wrong_destination].experiments[ex] = self.member(
                labels_wrong_destination + ex)

            # We now clear the cached details that caused us to make this error
            # so that when we recalculate this transition we get to a
            # (hopefully now correct) different state.
            del self.__states[source].transitions[character]

            # We immediately recalculate the transition so that we can check
            # that it has changed as we expect it to have.
            new_destination = self.transition(source, string[n])
            assert new_destination != wrong_destination