def test_max_value():
    time = MockedTime()
    counter = RollingNumber(time, 200, 10)
    # TODO: Change tests to use this aproache for events
    event = RollingNumberEvent.THREAD_MAX_ACTIVE

    # We start out with 0 buckets in the queue
    assert counter.buckets.size == 0

    # Increment
    counter.update_rolling_max(event, 10)

    # Sleep to get to a new bucket

    # Increment
    counter.update_rolling_max(event, 30)

    # Sleep to get to a new bucket

    # Increment
    counter.update_rolling_max(event, 40)

    # Sleep to get to a new bucket

    # Try Decrement
    counter.update_rolling_max(event, 15)

    # The count should be max
    counter.update_rolling_max(event, 40)
def test_max_value():
    _time = MockedTime()
    counter = RollingNumber(200, 10, _time=_time)
    # TODO: Change tests to use this aproache for events
    event = RollingNumberEvent.THREAD_MAX_ACTIVE

    # We start out with 0 buckets in the queue
    assert counter.buckets.size == 0

    # Increment
    counter.update_rolling_max(event, 10)

    # Sleep to get to a new bucket

    # Increment
    counter.update_rolling_max(event, 30)

    # Sleep to get to a new bucket

    # Increment
    counter.update_rolling_max(event, 40)

    # Sleep to get to a new bucket

    # Try Decrement
    counter.update_rolling_max(event, 15)

    # The count should be max
    counter.update_rolling_max(event, 40)
def test_update_max_1():
    time = MockedTime()
    counter = RollingNumber(time, 200, 10)

    # We start out with 0 buckets in the queue
    assert counter.buckets.size == 0

    # Increment
    counter.update_rolling_max(RollingNumberEvent.THREAD_MAX_ACTIVE, 10)

    # We should have 1
    assert counter.buckets.size == 1

    # The count should be 10
    assert counter.buckets.last().max_updater(RollingNumberEvent.THREAD_MAX_ACTIVE).max() == 10
    assert counter.rolling_max(RollingNumberEvent.THREAD_MAX_ACTIVE) == 10

    # Sleep to get to a new bucket
    time.increment(counter.buckets_size_in_milliseconds() * 3)

    # Increment again is latest bucket
    counter.update_rolling_max(RollingNumberEvent.THREAD_MAX_ACTIVE, 20)

    # We should have 4
    assert counter.buckets.size == 4

    # The max
    assert counter.buckets.last().max_updater(RollingNumberEvent.THREAD_MAX_ACTIVE).max() == 20

    # Count per buckets
    values = counter.values(RollingNumberEvent.THREAD_MAX_ACTIVE)
    assert values[0] == 20  # Latest bucket
    assert values[1] == 0
    assert values[2] == 0
    assert values[3] == 10  # Oldest bucket