Beispiel #1
def auto_remove_waitinglist(dbo):
    Finds and automatically marks entries removed that have gone past
    the last contact date + weeks.
    l = dbo.locale
    rows = db.query(dbo, "SELECT a.ID, a.DateOfLastOwnerContact, " \
        "a.AutoRemovePolicy " \
        "FROM animalwaitinglist a WHERE a.DateRemovedFromList Is Null " \
        "AND AutoRemovePolicy > 0 AND DateOfLastOwnerContact Is Not Null")
    updates = []
    for r in rows:
        xdate = add_days(r["DATEOFLASTOWNERCONTACT"], 7 * r["AUTOREMOVEPOLICY"])
        if after(now(dbo.timezone), xdate):
            al.debug("auto removing waitinglist entry %d due to policy" % int(r["ID"]), "waitinglist.auto_remove_waitinglist", dbo)
            updates.append((now(dbo.timezone), _("Auto removed due to lack of owner contact.", l), r["ID"]))
    if len(updates) > 0:
        db.execute_many(dbo, "UPDATE animalwaitinglist SET DateRemovedFromList = %s, " \
            "ReasonForRemoval=%s WHERE ID=%s", updates)
Beispiel #2
def auto_remove_waitinglist(dbo):
    Finds and automatically marks entries removed that have gone past
    the last contact date + weeks.
    l = dbo.locale
    rows = dbo.query("SELECT a.ID, a.DateOfLastOwnerContact, " \
        "a.AutoRemovePolicy " \
        "FROM animalwaitinglist a WHERE a.DateRemovedFromList Is Null " \
        "AND AutoRemovePolicy > 0 AND DateOfLastOwnerContact Is Not Null")
    updates = []
    for r in rows:
        if after(now(dbo.timezone), xdate):
            al.debug("auto removing waitinglist entry %d due to policy" % r.ID,
                     "waitinglist.auto_remove_waitinglist", dbo)
                            _("Auto removed due to lack of owner contact.",
                              l), r.ID))
    if len(updates) > 0:
        dbo.execute_many("UPDATE animalwaitinglist SET DateRemovedFromList = ?, " \
            "ReasonForRemoval=? WHERE ID=?", updates)
Beispiel #3
def get_transactions(dbo, accountid, datefrom, dateto, reconciled):
    Gets a list of transactions for the account given, between
    two python dates. PERSONID and PERSONNAME are returned for
    linked donations.
    accountid: Account ID as integer
    datefrom: Python from date
    dateto: Python to date
    reconciled: one of RECONCILED, NONRECONCILED or BOTH to filter
    It creates extra columns, THISACCOUNT and OTHERACCOUNT
    for use by the UI when displaying transactions. It also adds 
    THISACCOUNTCODE and OTHERACCOUNTCODE for display purposes, 
    the BALANCE column and WITHDRAWAL and DEPOSIT.
    l = dbo.locale
    period = configuration.accounting_period(dbo)
    if not configuration.account_period_totals(dbo):
        period = ""
    # If we have an accounting period set and it's after the from date,
    # use that instead
    if period != "" and i18n.after(i18n.display2python(l, period), datefrom):
        datefrom = i18n.display2python(l, period)
    recfilter = ""
    if reconciled == RECONCILED:
        recfilter = " AND Reconciled = 1"
    elif reconciled == NONRECONCILED:
        recfilter = " AND Reconciled = 0"
    rows = db.query(dbo, "SELECT t.*, srcac.Code AS SrcCode, destac.Code AS DestCode, " \
        "o.OwnerName AS PersonName, o.ID AS PersonID, a.ID AS AnimalID, " \
        "a.AnimalName AS AnimalName, " \
        "CASE " \
        "WHEN 'Yes' = (SELECT ItemValue FROM configuration WHERE ItemName Like 'UseShortShelterCodes') " \
        "THEN a.ShelterCode ELSE a.ShortCode END AS AnimalCode " \
        "FROM accountstrx t " \
        "INNER JOIN accounts srcac ON srcac.ID = t.SourceAccountID " \
        "INNER JOIN accounts destac ON destac.ID = t.DestinationAccountID " \
        "LEFT OUTER JOIN ownerdonation od ON od.ID = t.OwnerDonationID " \
        "LEFT OUTER JOIN owner o ON o.ID = od.OwnerID " \
        "LEFT OUTER JOIN animal a ON a.ID = od.AnimalID " \
        "WHERE t.TrxDate >= %s AND t.TrxDate <= %s%s " \
        "AND (t.SourceAccountID = %d OR t.DestinationAccountID = %d) " \
        "ORDER BY t.TrxDate" % ( db.dd(datefrom), db.dd(dateto), recfilter, int(accountid), int(accountid)))
    balance = 0
    if period != "":
        balance = get_balance_fromto_date(dbo, accountid, i18n.display2python(l, period), datefrom)
        balance = get_balance_to_date(dbo, accountid, datefrom)
    for r in rows:
        # Error scenario - this account is both source and destination
        if r["SOURCEACCOUNTID"] == accountid and r["DESTINATIONACCOUNTID"] == accountid:
            r["WITHDRAWAL"] = 0
            r["DEPOSIT"] = 0
            r["THISACCOUNT"] = accountid
            r["THISACCOUNTCODE"] = r["SRCCODE"]
            r["OTHERACCOUNT"] = accountid
            r["OTHERACCOUNTCODE"] = "<-->"
            r["BALANCE"] = balance
        # This account is the source - it's a withdrawal
        elif r["SOURCEACCOUNTID"] == accountid:
            r["WITHDRAWAL"] = r["AMOUNT"]
            r["DEPOSIT"] = 0
            r["OTHERACCOUNTCODE"] = r["DESTCODE"]
            r["THISACCOUNT"] = accountid
            r["THISACCOUNTCODE"] = r["SRCCODE"]
            balance -= r["AMOUNT"]
            r["BALANCE"] = balance
        # This account is the destination - it's a deposit
            r["WITHDRAWAL"] = 0
            r["DEPOSIT"] = r["AMOUNT"]
            r["OTHERACCOUNTCODE"] = r["SRCCODE"]
            r["THISACCOUNT"] = accountid
            r["THISACCOUNTCODE"] = r["DESTCODE"]
            balance += r["AMOUNT"]
            r["BALANCE"] = balance
    return rows
Beispiel #4
def get_transactions(dbo, accountid, datefrom, dateto, reconciled):
    Gets a list of transactions for the account given, between
    two python dates. PERSONID and PERSONNAME are returned for
    linked donations.
    accountid: Account ID as integer
    datefrom: Python from date
    dateto: Python to date
    reconciled: one of RECONCILED, NONRECONCILED or BOTH to filter
    It creates extra columns, THISACCOUNT and OTHERACCOUNT
    for use by the UI when displaying transactions. It also adds 
    THISACCOUNTCODE and OTHERACCOUNTCODE for display purposes, 
    the BALANCE column and WITHDRAWAL and DEPOSIT.
    l = dbo.locale
    period = configuration.accounting_period(dbo)
    if not configuration.account_period_totals(dbo):
        period = ""
    # If we have an accounting period set and it's after the from date,
    # use that instead
    if period != "" and i18n.after(i18n.display2python(l, period), datefrom):
        datefrom = i18n.display2python(l, period)
    recfilter = ""
    if reconciled == RECONCILED:
        recfilter = " AND Reconciled = 1"
    elif reconciled == NONRECONCILED:
        recfilter = " AND Reconciled = 0"
    rows = db.query(dbo, "SELECT t.*, srcac.Code AS SrcCode, destac.Code AS DestCode, " \
        "o.OwnerName AS PersonName, o.ID AS PersonID, a.ID AS AnimalID, " \
        "a.AnimalName AS AnimalName, " \
        "CASE " \
        "WHEN 'Yes' = (SELECT ItemValue FROM configuration WHERE ItemName Like 'UseShortShelterCodes') " \
        "THEN a.ShelterCode ELSE a.ShortCode END AS AnimalCode " \
        "FROM accountstrx t " \
        "INNER JOIN accounts srcac ON srcac.ID = t.SourceAccountID " \
        "INNER JOIN accounts destac ON destac.ID = t.DestinationAccountID " \
        "LEFT OUTER JOIN ownerdonation od ON od.ID = t.OwnerDonationID " \
        "LEFT OUTER JOIN owner o ON o.ID = od.OwnerID " \
        "LEFT OUTER JOIN animal a ON a.ID = od.AnimalID " \
        "WHERE t.TrxDate >= %s AND t.TrxDate <= %s%s " \
        "AND (t.SourceAccountID = %d OR t.DestinationAccountID = %d) " \
        "ORDER BY t.TrxDate" % ( db.dd(datefrom), db.dd(dateto), recfilter, int(accountid), int(accountid)))
    balance = 0
    if period != "":
        balance = get_balance_fromto_date(dbo, accountid,
                                          i18n.display2python(l, period),
        balance = get_balance_to_date(dbo, accountid, datefrom)
    for r in rows:
        # Error scenario - this account is both source and destination
        if r["SOURCEACCOUNTID"] == accountid and r[
                "DESTINATIONACCOUNTID"] == accountid:
            r["WITHDRAWAL"] = 0
            r["DEPOSIT"] = 0
            r["THISACCOUNT"] = accountid
            r["THISACCOUNTCODE"] = r["SRCCODE"]
            r["OTHERACCOUNT"] = accountid
            r["OTHERACCOUNTCODE"] = "<-->"
            r["BALANCE"] = balance
        # This account is the source - it's a withdrawal
        elif r["SOURCEACCOUNTID"] == accountid:
            r["WITHDRAWAL"] = r["AMOUNT"]
            r["DEPOSIT"] = 0
            r["OTHERACCOUNTCODE"] = r["DESTCODE"]
            r["THISACCOUNT"] = accountid
            r["THISACCOUNTCODE"] = r["SRCCODE"]
            balance -= r["AMOUNT"]
            r["BALANCE"] = balance
        # This account is the destination - it's a deposit
            r["WITHDRAWAL"] = 0
            r["DEPOSIT"] = r["AMOUNT"]
            r["OTHERACCOUNTCODE"] = r["SRCCODE"]
            r["THISACCOUNT"] = accountid
            r["THISACCOUNTCODE"] = r["DESTCODE"]
            balance += r["AMOUNT"]
            r["BALANCE"] = balance
    return rows